Friday, November 26, 2010
My paranoia'I am NOT gonna die from holding my breath'. And so I breathe. Because it's stupid to die because you hold your breath. But ironically, you ARE not going to die from holding your breath. Essentially, because physiologically you just can't. Part of the respiratory control is not under the conscious mind. Even if you will yourself not to breathe to commit suicide, you WILL breathe eventually -against your will- because your body simply just kicked breathing back into gear.That's why NOBODY ever dies from holding their breath. It's not a matter of want. I knew this. And I thought like that anyway and breathe. Ah. It is like reflex fear. Like when a finger got too close to your eye too fast, even if you know with 100% certainty that he is not going to poke your eye with his finger (even if say, he signed this contract that if he poked your eyes he will give you a million dollar), you just BLINK. Against all logic and rational thought. Grinning Goat at 11/26/2010 12:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, November 25, 2010
=,=Read this for background info (I forgot the html for a hyperlink LOL) Look at this idiotic comment "We wish them well and hope that they will do Singapore proud tomorrow. Our national flag is rectangular shape while the trunk is not, btw our country didn't copyright the cresent and the five stars, did we?" THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT EH ANY IDIOT WOULD KNOW THAT'S THE FLAG REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT'S ON A SQUARE OR NOT Stupid is as stupid does. Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 06:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
LIESPlant vs Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 05:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Original colorL: (referring to me) eh your original skin color is paler than PC's huh R: tsk LIESSSSSSSS L: yeahhh reallyyy reallyyy.... R: you know why? PC's blouse is always so translucent light can pass through so her original color isn't so original anymore L: hahahahaa But it's trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee even if you don't want to know the color of her bra you can ALMOST ALWAYS TELL =,= LOL Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 04:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Unsuitably apt and aptly unsuitable LOLI was trying to write a paper. And when I first started out I thought damn how lame and amateurish it sounded so I labelled my word document 'Let's try not to be such a NOOB' and the subsequent version 'Let's try not to be such a NOOB2' and so on. LOL That reminded me. Back in my undergraduate years, we had this homework which the lot of us didn't really get. So the lot of us who were lost arranged to meet a teaching assistant (TA) to seek well, some assistance. The TA happened to stand nearer to me during the consultation so my laptop was the closest to him. So then naturally everyone gathered near my laptop. And I opened this document -to the consternation of the TA- called 'TROUBLESOME SHIT' (and yes, in capitals just like that =,=) right in front of him. LOLLLL Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 03:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
All the nonsenseThey can really bring what should have been a simple short conversation into an entirely new level with emphasis on irrelavance, distorting things completely out of proportion =,= LOL not to mention it is very not in touch with reality LOLLL PC: eh so Ross you're not gonna have your wedding in Indo, you're gonna have it here right? R: (caught off guard by the totally out of nowhere question) huhh? PC: I don't wanna travel so far lahh L: so when is it gonna be? is it 5 years from now? if it's any longer my kebaya won't fit already lahhh PC: yeahhh my cheongsam alsooo and maybe our figure won't be so nice anymore R: are you self-inviting yourselves to my wedding? NOT THAT THERE'S GONNA BE ONE IN THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. AND THEY KNEW IT. LOL They're really hilarious Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 03:28:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, November 04, 2010
MotivationG: TODAY is yr friday=D R: UHUHHH lol I'm sleepyyyyyyyy G: I am bored!!! haha having lesson R: lol pay attention!! G: this one not important. The module is called mind quest lol R: what do they teach you? G: motivation in life; how to motivate yourself R: waaa =,= lol tell me how to motivate myself to stay awake lol G: every behaviour has a positive intention R: what's my positive intention lol G: you stay awake to do more work =D Even if the behaviour isn't positive, separate the behaviour from the intention R: so my intention is to do more work but my behaviour is facebooking how abt that LOLOL G: -_- i wait for next slide see what the teacher say R: LOL G: The positive intenstion of facebook is to know more about yr friend, in other words kaypo. So every bahaviour has a positive intention R: hahahaha how is being kaypo positive isn't it negative G: you wanna know more about yr friend cos u are concerned R: HAHAHAHAHA that sounds SO JIA JIA EHH G: =D with a positive mind, yr life will be different R: omg this class sounds irritating, go sleep LOL G: lol that's why i am bored i am just typing what's on the slide Grinning Goat at 11/04/2010 02:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos