Thursday, May 27, 2010
HehStop fishing for compliments la bloody hell Grinning Goat at 5/27/2010 10:52:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 24, 2010
SupposeI suppose you can apply what you learn about politics at the state level on a personal level. That bothers me. Grinning Goat at 5/24/2010 06:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
DeathI visited a friend's house the other day. His mom just passed away. I'm no good with goodbyes and condolences. I couldn't offer any comforting words. But I guess the point isn't to comfort. Because surely there is no comforting THAT. Actually I'm not sure what the point is. Just being there I guess. Grinning Goat at 5/24/2010 04:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Euphemism"Your guitar plucking is not regular regularly" LOL Trying to brainwash you with the double REGULAR when really, you're irregular hahaha Grinning Goat at 5/24/2010 03:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, May 21, 2010
You're hired lolGrinning Goat at 5/21/2010 11:01:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 20, 2010
Cuz sometimes the reasons don't matterGoon: Pin is very happy you're coming R: Why? This reminds me. Once my neighbour from hall gave me chocolate and I asked her "why?" And when I told my friend this, she said "can't you just say thank you and please give me another one next time?" LOL Old habits die hard. I really don't mean to sound so unappreciative but I guess my mouth is faster than my brain =,= Grinning Goat at 5/20/2010 08:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
LOLA saddistic one liner tampered with good humour did it. What if I fail? That's not an option so don't even think about it Grinning Goat at 5/20/2010 06:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Wenlock and Mandeville![]() R: lol omg kiwi did you go see the mascot for Olympics 2012 in london? Kiwi: nope what is it R: it's as someone so aptly put it "so freaking ugly" lol (give link to the above picture) :: Kiwi: WHAT THE. YES freaking ugly R: HAHAHAHAHAHA Kiwi: One eyed weirdo oh crap it's damn ugly the beijing one is so much better R: loll ANYTHING ELSE IS BETTER THAN THAT hell even merly and lio LOL or was it lyo?one of those lol Kiwi: it looks damn ridiculous didn't they do some survey before deciding on it R: apparently they did. Interview some kid. Look what good did it do LOL Kiwi: How abt the ADULTS man :: R: dex, why is the London mascots for Olympics 2012 so UGLYYYYYYYYYY LOLLLL Dex: Because they're retarded And I love how the new york times put it: "Like other Olympic mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville are meant to evoke the spirit of the Games and the host country, but also connect children with sports. At first glance, these non-mammalian characters seem far from achieving those goals" LOL Grinning Goat at 5/20/2010 05:49:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
My time scheduleLOL ![]() Grinning Goat at 5/20/2010 05:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Students- the second class citizensYes well around here students are treated like second class citizens. That is as opposed to staff (and surprisingly it doesn't matter staff of what level; even low level staff trumps students). Which to me is ridiculous. I had a teacher once who told me, "what do you think I'm smarter than you just because I'm the teacher? I'm not; I'm just here earlier and I learnt things earlier" So what I don't understand is this perceived superiority 'bestowed' to a staff. Being a staff doesn't automatically imply you're more intelligent. They just enter the workforce earlier. No offense but ESPECIALLY administrative staff; you don't need rocket science to be one. (Offense intended in this one: especially if you're one who does nothing for the most part but plays puzzle on your PC and gets paid every month!) The way I see it, being a student means you're moving forward. That you are still exploring your potential and once you're done you will be a step above those who remains stationary. Because, admit it: Higher accreditation will give you higher position. A higher position that will automatically trump these very staff that remains stationary (never mind that they have been there for ages). It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when. I'm not saying old staff don't have their own merit. They have experience of course, which would be useful for a lot of things (unless you play puzzle and gossip all day, in which case all you accumulate is not useful experience but bad karma). But it is by no means any measuring bar for superiority. I refuse to acknowledge this perceived superiority. I will play the game but I won't bow down to it. Grinning Goat at 5/12/2010 10:34:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Of apologies, divorce and annulmentTo annul a marriage is to take it as never happening before To divorce is to actually get married first before parting ways My apology today it's like a divorce, not an annulment. Irrespective of my sincerity, having to apologise means I did say those things to her. That at one point I've made my point. That at one point I didn't let it go and let her have her ways. That I stood my ground. I apologise not because I'm the least bit apologetic. This apology is proof that I said those things to her I'm not at all sorry about. This apology isn't like an annulment. This apology isn't meant to take back whatever I said and let it be forgotten. I meant every single word, right down to the last snap and tone (if not more). This apology is to ease my passage. This apology has nothing to do with my repentance. This apology is to ease my passage. This apology is to ease my passage. I have to write all these down before the insanity killed me. And it will- I'm sure- kill me. Part of my sense of self. Grinning Goat at 5/11/2010 12:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 10, 2010
A sore point with meIt's appalling how everything you despise is supposed to stand for someone you ought to respect. It's so appalling it makes me sick. Grinning Goat at 5/10/2010 08:35:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, May 07, 2010
CoolnessShe's doing this when everybody else is playing it the other way. Coolness. Grinning Goat at 5/07/2010 04:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 06, 2010
The problemHmmm I'm not quite sure how to put this but let me try an analogy (I've been told my analogy sucks but let me hazard it) As a parent, I guess you would be the person who knows your kid best. And so theoretically you'd be the best person to decide things for the kid (and not just theoretically, sometimes you just HAVE to make decision for him simply because of your association to him). And yet you won't necessarily make the best decisions in the world in the grand scheme of things. Someone else who thinks differently from you (a stranger for example) may make a better decision for your kid, given that he knows your kid as well as you (except that he doesn't, because he isn't even acquainted with your kid). A decision that allows your kid to reach greater heights than if you were to make the decision for him. So we're all stuck with these 'next bests', the 'best' being unattainable because of our own limitation; the only way to attain it being either to achieve perfection ourselves (which is impossible) or to somehow spot that other perspective we're missing from someone else by chance (which is also rather unlikely). Grinning Goat at 5/06/2010 05:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Quote of the daySome idiot told me this today, "don't worry everybody here likes you" LOL What a stupid (and insulting, actually because does she really expect me to believe it? I'm not that delusional) thing to say. Obviously NOT everybody here likes me. In fact, some people probably hate me. But that's fine because really, the feeling is mutual. She knows it. I know it. Everybody here likes me my ass. I might as well say you're diligent, intelligent and HAVE MORAL INTEGRITY. Grinning Goat at 5/04/2010 03:24:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
95I see they've upgraded 95 into one of those environmentally more friendly natural, gas powered, newer (and hence better smelling) buses with a design so stupid it is LESS space efficient than the old buses. Why upgrade the bus? I'd say upgrade the drivers Grinning Goat at 5/04/2010 10:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 03, 2010
GOLDGotta love Gold! It's very uh UVERworld. I like Grinning Goat at 5/03/2010 04:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
$@#)@^%&@%O&@^@*&()@#I guess I'm still angry after all. And it doesn't help that some things I want to say I (quite obviously) can't. Like for example: 1) YOU LAZY FUCK 2) DON'T DECIDE ON THINGS THAT'S GOING TO AFFECT ME ESPECIALLY IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON(AND DON'T PRETEND THAT YOU DO BECAUSE YOU DON'T AND I CAN SEE THROUGH IT EVERYTIME) 3) DON'T CONVENIENTLY FORGET THE TIME YOU WERE BEING SO BLATANTLY UNETHICAL AND DUMP IT ON ME 4) STOP CLAIMING CREDIT FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ESPECIALLY IF YOU BARELY CONTRIBUTE 5) STUPID STUPID SHIT 6) YOU LAZY FUCK7) STUPIDSTUPIDSHITAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I guess I better stop listening to this song. Or it'll turn into one of those annoying songs lugged with bad impressions or more precisely in this case, has STUPIDSHIT written all over it. Grinning Goat at 5/03/2010 11:39:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Telephone I hate sunday night. And I hate monday even more. So I'm grouchy and should really sleep now. Came across this thing though lemme post it =,= Theoriginal And the ripoff Grinning Goat at 5/03/2010 12:06:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos