Sunday, January 31, 2010
And the bus crosses the seaIt feels like a school excursion, but with no report at the end of it. And some people have an icky head. And they put their head on the window and left a trail of grease worthy of Mc.Donald fries =,= Yes well my seat on the bus didn't have such a glamorous scenery. Grinning Goat at 1/31/2010 02:15:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, January 28, 2010
GahThe tea made me pee myself dry. Bloody diuretics Grinning Goat at 1/28/2010 06:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Hahahahaha damn youOk so I've been distracted a lot today. =,= I say: 回忆过去 痛苦的相思忘不了 I say: 为何你还来 拨动我心跳 I say: 爱你怎么能了 I say: 今夜的你应该明了 I say: whats jin ye? I say: 缘难了 情难了 Kiwi says: tonight Kiwi says: did u copy it from somewhere huh I say: LOL so smart huh kiwi huh I say: and so little faith in my chinese I say: lol Kiwi says: none at all Kiwi says: r u sure u din copy it from somewhere I say: LOL I DID copy didn't I just admitttt =,= I say: my compliment to you was my admission I say: sheeesshhh Kiwi says: hahahahahaha Kiwi says: i knew it man Kiwi says: u shld have changed some words Kiwi says: then it would look more believable Grinning Goat at 1/28/2010 06:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Jessica Alba obsession breeds insanityI say: kiwi I say: do you know abt this idiot china woman I say: who wants to have plastic surgery to look like jessica alba so she can get back together with her boyfriend????? the boyfriend hangs jessica alba's posters in his room and HE MADE HER WEAR BLONDE WIG just so she can look like jessica alba Kiwi says: i read abt it I say: OMG JUST DUMP THE STUPID BOYFRIEND I say: and she's CHINESE I say: she'll NEVER BE a jessica alba Kiwi says: apparently e surgery is gonna b free eh I say: THATS NOT EVEN THE POINT =,= LOL Kiwi says: but she's still hoping to get back with e bf after e surgery Kiwi says: cant believe her Neither can I actually =,= Grinning Goat at 1/28/2010 05:30:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
The sour stuffI'm too lazy to edit so this is copied and pasted directly from stupid ebuddy (and therefore the stupid "I say I say" i.e. not because I'm having some megalomania disorder) I say: kiwiiii I say: im so sleepy I say: damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Kiwi says: haha Kiwi says: what's new I say: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kiwi says: did u just take a nap Kiwi says: tts y ur reply's so laggy I say: no I was tryin to do some work I say: read some shit I say: =,= I say: lol Kiwi says: reading will make it worse man I say: but thats my job for today =,= I say: doing work = reading n writing I say: im eating sour stuff now I say: hope it works Kiwi says: hahaha I say: kiwi I say: help I say: I cant stop eating this sour thing Kiwi says: is it some preserved stuff Kiwi says: STOP EATING I say: yeah it iss I say: lol I say: but but but its tasty I say: n it keeps me awake I say: im reading now I say: and I can actually concentrate I say: lol Kiwi says: do u know how much salt it contains Kiwi says: hmmmm I say: but its not salty Kiwi says: then maybe u shldnt stop after all I say: just sour I say: LOLLLLLLLLL Kiwi says: how much chemicals they put to make it sour n preserve it Kiwi says: wat is it ah I say: ehem... Kiwi says: then maybe u shldnt stop after all I say: what about that huh I say: lol Kiwi says: hahaha Kiwi says: since tt can keep u awake Kiwi says: continue eating it? I say: what abt the preservatives huh I say: lol Kiwi says: dont give a shit abt e preservatives Grinning Goat at 1/28/2010 04:26:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Drinking teaI have faith in placebo effects. That's why I'm drinking tea. Grinning Goat at 1/28/2010 02:52:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, January 26, 2010
BlurbTo protect the identity of the characters I'll leave them anonymous. LOL And in the spirit of algebra I shall call them X and Y. X: (reading 怎样面对一切 i.e. zen yang mian dui yi qie) So this means How to face the problem? Y: Noooooo it's how to face all this X: Yi qie isn't the problem? Y: Noooooo X: Then what's a problem? Y: Wen ti X: Huh? But that's uncool, what's another one? Y: Kun nan X: Huhhhhh but that's also uncool, what's another one? Y: Cuo zhi X: Ohhhhh ok that sounds cool I have never heard it before Y: (Having this expression: =,=) See the problem with you is your vocabulary is too limited. I can just say anything. Problem is muo ru X: LIESSSSSSSSSSSS Grinning Goat at 1/26/2010 09:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, January 25, 2010
RAWRThere are people with license, who essentially just cannot drive. Driving is supposed to be an art. Well I for one wouldn't know anything about it being an art but when my dad taught us how to drive that's the one philosophy that got stuck to mind (besides the 'don't call papa papa, I can't save you just hold the BREAK') And if driving is all about feeling (this being the philosophy of my driving instructor) then this guy must be a heartless bastard. Rather accurate actually, because WHAT IF THERE ARE GRANDMAS on board huh? (Unlikely actually considering it's the 95 bus but EVEN SO). Grinning Goat at 1/25/2010 08:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, January 20, 2010
WhywhywhywhyhwywhyR: Can you explain to me about the behavior of this phone huh? Wedy: It's being lazy like its owner =,= Grinning Goat at 1/20/2010 11:01:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, January 18, 2010
I'm stuckI think and I think and I think. Maybe my brain just doesn't have enough folds. Grinning Goat at 1/18/2010 07:00:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, January 17, 2010
Self explanatory![]() Grinning Goat at 1/17/2010 10:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Gaspar Llamarez vs Bin LadenThis is Gaspar Llamarez ![]() And this is FBI's recent digitally enhanced picture of Bin Laden ![]() Grinning Goat at 1/17/2010 09:35:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, January 16, 2010
A piece of walking carbonI remember my chemistry teacher, perhaps driven by her undying devotion to the subject matter she teaches, saying once that 'after all, we all are just a piece of walking carbon' The very same materials that make diamonds. And yet also the very same materials that make much cheaper stuff. Plastic. Maybe such a statement would have distorted my view of the world a little had I heard it just a tad bit younger. Or maybe the damage has already been done because it certainly put things in a different perspective for me, thinking of ourselves as pieces of walking carbon, minding our own business in the universe, breathing in oxygen. Today I went to get myself a portable hard drive. In the shelves there were rows and rows of them with different prices. There was this particular one 1 Terrabyte drive that the guy there said was sold out. I have lived through floppy disks and 100GB drives and now the biggest drive you can find is 20 fold higher in capacity. All that in the span of what, 2 decades? Such are people's hunger for information. But now that I think about it (taking into account the alteration to perception that I received from a certain chemistry teacher), aren't we all but a piece of walking information? A continuous stream of brain wave patterns. A jumble of electrical pulses. A piece of walking information but one whose information only gets recorded periodically at best. As a PET scan. As an MRI scan. As an X-ray. As a thumb print. As a genetic code. As a signature. As a voice recording. As a picture. And when we die, what is left of us would be fragments of memories in somebody else's brain. No information is permanent; some change, some are lost. Hard drive fails. Picture fades. And by virtue of age, even these memories get corrupted. We become, not simply a recollection of the things we really are or did in our lifetime that is perceived by this person but an entirely new entity in combination with this person's imagination. And eventually even these memories would disappear. How often do your parents talk about your great great grandparents anyway? The question is, is this enough? This existence in the impermanence, would this do? Grinning Goat at 1/16/2010 08:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, January 15, 2010
LOLI was reading this in some forum somewhere. "I'd like to add that I've only seen 2 hard drives fail in my entire life, one was a samsung and the other was a Seagate, but I don't count the seagate as failing because it was after it survived a fire that leveled the house to the ground, it happened to a friend o mine and he still could get his data back (mostly porn I might add)." Grinning Goat at 1/15/2010 10:00:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
StupidassAlway dying on me huh Is this how it's going to be from now on? You stupid phone Grinning Goat at 1/15/2010 07:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Well this needs a lot of patience =,=They sell the BEST coconut I've ever drank. What would you say if not hubba hubba hubba ![]() An old design probably but hey I'm just a kid so I loveeee boats even if they're inside a mall and don't really float for real ![]() We went to this place. These fellas are copying some building design from Dubai apparently but seriously, I can tell you right now that this place is going to sink in the next 5 years. The sea level rose so horribly fast and most of the buildings here are built so horribly close to the coastline. ![]() Some tasty curly wurly noodles ![]() Jellyfish tastes like fish-flavoured jelly doncha know? LOL ![]() Patrick Starr - my sister's husband ![]() Having an affair with my sister's husband ![]() Ooooooooooohh I just love his guilty look ![]() I saw this right outside someone's house. Cuteness! LOL ![]() Wedy leaving a trail of destruction huahahaha ![]() Stuck in a train. ![]() ![]() Well if you can read, it actually says please don't sit on it so I'm just gonna steal them coconuts STEAL THEM ALLLLLLLL ![]() 2 figures in the dark ![]() Fake chinatown. I like it though for all its fakeness. After all Ikea is fun only because them living rooms aren't real living rooms. ![]() ![]() More boats. I like em so just bear with me ok. ![]() Snack time ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I kind of like these flowers although they tickle a lot. ![]() Everybody got one. They must have the whole plantation of em. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I especially like this one cuz the water just looks so blue. Makes me wanna drink it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have more but the waiting is killing me. I'll do it when I'm in a better mood. Grinning Goat at 1/13/2010 09:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
MonkeysI'm feeling rather uninspired nowadays which means I probably shouldn't write because even I can bore myself to tears sometimes. So I'm posting these up. We took these when we were trying to find the perfect pose to scare our dad because we were going to secretly change his phone's wallpaper to this. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Grinning Goat at 1/13/2010 09:32:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, January 07, 2010
Juicy fruit bubblegumR: Stupid dex R: Stop feeding your inner demon R: It's already fat Dex - feeding my inner demon with juicy fruit bubblegum: lol sure is R: Can you at least change the menu? Grinning Goat at 1/07/2010 06:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos