Friday, May 29, 2009
Family dayKiwi: rossssssssss R: ayeeeeeeeeeee Kiwi: do u get to go off at 5 today too R: YEAAAAAAAAAAA MHUAHAHAHAHA FAMELEH DAE EH Kiwi:why is there only 1 family day in a year R: HAHAHA. Because, if they have more than 1, it's like encouraging polygamy Kiwi: ah damnit. I do absolutely love to spend alot more time with my family though esp during weekDAYs R: LOL WHY THE EMPHASIS ON WEEKDAYS HUH Kiwi: we need to get off earlier on weekdays, if not we cant rush back for family dinners aye? They shld make it a monthly thing. Better still a weekly thing R: why not just daily lol Grinning Goat at 5/29/2009 03:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 20, 2009
NahhhhhOk so I started playing farm town. At the beginning before I could start playing, I must create a character. Sheegoon made her character looking just like her it was rather freaky. So to add on a touch of realism, I picked the smallest eye they had. And the most pissed-off looking mouth they had. And a ponytail. And then I made her blond. Sheegoon: so your secret desire is to be blond huh? And then they came up with this poem: Rosses are red. There are blond ones too. Grinning Goat at 5/20/2009 10:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, May 15, 2009
GaynessSo Adam Lambert is gay. Better Lambert than Clay Aiken I'd say. So an NMP candidate is gay. But what does sexual orientation have anything to do with it? As long as she doesn't impose her opinion -about gay's place in society- on the public and forces her personal agenda forward and is an intelligent and perfectly competent individual, why the hell not I'd say? Danny Gokey was sent packing last night. Somebody asked me what's wrong with America? Nothing is wrong with it, America is perfectly fine I'd say. While the dude can sing, he gives these vibes of arrogance that's bigger than his talent (rather unlike Fantasia Barrino's lips). But not unlike this fella at my workplace. And while America is perfectly fine, this place isn't. Not really. Grinning Goat at 5/15/2009 12:07:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Of foot and shoesPardon the hiatus, I've been busy getting pissed. The cause is a combination of both having PMS and being surrounded by annoying people. I was staying back late the other day and somebody joked with me, don't get raped. Even if that was meant as a joke, that was done in such BAD TASTE. I even thought, why the hell am I even associating myself with such an idiot with half an ass for a brain? And then there's this episode. Ok imagine this: a HUGE HUGE WOMAN. She eats her bread with LAYERS of butter AND LAYERS of peanut butter. Well, as I was eating chips one day, she walked in, saw me and said, that can make you put on weight. Well, yes that can, BUT SO CAN EATING BREAD WITH LAYERS OF BUTTER AND PEANUT BUTTER?! I mean, she should be the last person to tell me that. And besides, WHY DO YOU EVEN NEED BUTTER IF YOU HAVE PEANUT BUTTER? A matter of personal taste I guess. JUST LIKE HOW A FONDNESS FOR CHIPS IS A MATTER OF PERSONAL TASTE. So live with it. And I hate people declaring to me that they're nice. If you're really nice I'm sure people can tell without you having to tell them. Having to listen to people talk about how nice they are is like reading a bad composition. It gives you a big headache and at the end of the day you'll still say the composition is bad anyway. And of course YOU'd say you are nice. That's a given. I for one would say I'm great. AWESOME, even (Not NICE, because I just hate the word). I just don't blab about it. Or advertise it. Or try to convince people of it even when they think I'm just this walking hobo. All these mofos around me. The higher powers don't seem to want me to grow up to be very straight. It must have wanted me to grow up to be pretty crooked in the ways of the world. Anyway, I sidetracked. I was on the train today from Buona Vista to Changi airport to fetch my mom. My phone battery was flat so I couldn't even plug in. The scenery from the train window would've been entertaining to look at. Except that there was all these bodies blocking it. So, being short of any form of entertainment I looked at the floor. This woman in polka dots. Her toes were long. It must've been the longest toes I've seen on a foot before. The toes gripped onto the base of her sandals, sort of hanging into the floor. Which brings to point just how awful women's shoes are designed. And there were all these other women with their toes spilling over their sandals. If you think about it, that means most of these women's toes were perpetually in danger of slipping into the grime that laces the earth. Male feet look considerably uglier. Bigger, sloppier and more dirty looking. Which is somewhat ironic considering how most of the times these feet are pampered in comfortably sized and shaped (although not necessarily pretty lookin) shoes with PLENTY of space unlike those awful torture devices that plague women feet. Look at this guy's shoes. It's big, with a fat front part and excellent breathing space for toes. Most comfortable! Then I got a sore neck from looking down all the time so I looked up. Its owner was a she. Not a shemale either. Just a she. Grinning Goat at 5/12/2009 10:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 06, 2009
LOLR: you have test tomorrow eh? I BETTER NOT SEE YOU IN GB Ken: LOL I have a test and an interview tomorrow and I'm supposed to finish making this website R: you have your own website? I WANNA SEE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ken: yea I have to do this for the interview. It's not done yet. And when he's done, he sent me the link to it. It was kind of like a blog, with a lot of other stuff like music and freebies (don't really know what this one is for) and on the blog section, it says that xvallin says Ross you owe me Gcoins LOL Grinning Goat at 5/06/2009 11:13:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 04, 2009
Soul soul soulThis is Soul. He's handsome. But short. But handsome. But short. But handsome so. ![]() Grinning Goat at 5/04/2009 12:21:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 03, 2009
BadassThis is a badass song. Bakusou Yumeuta by Diggy Mo. Well, the guy is weird sure and that goatee..... and the way he shook his shoulders.... But nevertheless. This is a great song. I love how the beats are so fluid, changing every now and then to make a cohesive whole. Grinning Goat at 5/03/2009 10:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
TruthDeath the kid: anyone that deviates from the right path must be stopped Stein: hmmph? who lays out the right path? And how would you know if they have deviated? Death the kid: no matter who they are, they would be able to recognize the truth Stein: The truth, huh? You're really naive Death the kid: what? Stein: Then I ask you this: about this truth, who on earth bestowed it upon you? From the start, the world relies on the reason created by the filthy adults to keep rotating. The truth always contains the thoughts and principles of the authority. From where should we start to talk about the actual original condition? In this case the truth that you speak of has long ago been wrecked to a mere skeleton of a concept. That kind of thrash like thinking. Even if it just happens so it fits the truth of what you are seeking, that's still no different from a puzzle one cannot control You know that a story isn't a trash when it tries to decoct the essence of a subject authors spend chapters arguing about. Grinning Goat at 5/03/2009 10:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 02, 2009
Turning into a monsterLast thursday, she said her hand shook so can you please do the artery for me? So I did. This entry isn't about whose fault it was so I'll skip the details. The bottom line is, when I nicked the artery the blood squirted out. Onto the walls. Onto the equipments. Onto my forehead. There is a gazillion droplets in a squirt of blood, do you know that? I know that when I cleaned the place up. It makes you thankful that blood is colored and that if it were transparent like water you'll never be sure that you've cleaned every single droplet there is. Instead of worrying about the rat, what I thought about was fuck this rat probably has Theiler's murine encephalomylitis virus and its blood is on my forehead. We're all -for the most part- selfish people. I've always known I'm a selfish person. It's only natural (and JUSTIFIED, since they really WERE potentially infected with murine encephalomylitis virus) that I worried about that blood on my forehead. But what I'm trying to say is that I used to feel more for these rats. My nancypoop. My poopsietart. (Yea they all have poop on their names because all of them are such poopers, pooping all over the place. And the 'Nancy' was there initially because I was of the opinion -and hope- that I could differentiate one from the other but no, turned out I couldn't. If I named one Nancy, it was as good as naming EVERYONE Nancy. They all look the same. Which is good. And bad). As a mitigating factor for my current lack of compassion, I guess is that it istiring to feel shitty every time I kill a rat and so after a while I just switch off. And if it were to come down to it, am I gonna quit just so I don't have to kill a rat? The answer is I'm not. Which means that I care, but not enough. And for now, that will have to do. Grinning Goat at 5/02/2009 01:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, May 01, 2009
BahI hate hypocrites. When things are happening right under your nose and you don't report it. Sure, whistle blower is annoying for an entirely different reason. And sure it's annoying to be careful in front of the person not to make a mistake he can report you on. But it depends on WHY you need to whistle blow in the first place doesn't it? Seeing your friend cheat on a test and seeing somebody kill another person - the two works on a totally different scale doesn't it? I'm not saying that not reporting yr friend cheating is in any way morally upright but just that sometimes between moral integrity and loyalty, loyalty takes precedence especially if it's something minor that doesn't harm anyone. And yet having said that, most things aren't usually on such level of extremities that it's easy to distinguish whether you should be loyal or upright. And like I said, while whistle blowers may be annoying for an entirely different reason, they also possess the courage that 'loyal' non whistle blowers do not. Standing up for your principles, I think that is worthy of its own merit. Even though you look bad because of it. ESPECIALLY because you look bad because of it. I'm also not saying that it's a 'smart' thing to do. Because the 'smart' thing to do obviously would be to keep mum first as long as whistle blowing may end your career right there and then because saving your own ass is priority. And it's PRECISELY because you need to RISK YOUR OWN ASS looking bad in front of other people, becoming the DISLOYAL TELL-TALER that whistle blowing takes an enormity of courage not everybody has. People who keep quiet trying to look good sickens me. And besides if people are scared of being found out, they probably know there's something wrong with what they're doing and since they know why the hell are they doing it anyway. Grinning Goat at 5/01/2009 08:41:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos