Friday, October 31, 2008
Obama vs McCainWho do you put your money on? We'll know in 4 days. I'M BETTING MY MONEY. Grinning Goat at 10/31/2008 11:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoesOnly Mraz can turn such a dirty song into a classy one. I absolutely love this one. SASSY! Grinning Goat at 10/31/2008 02:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out}
RONDO RONDO RONDOThis has got to be one of my favourite songs. It's just too bad that On/Off made such a STUPID VIDEO. It's too cheesy for my taste? But the song's still terrific and I'm giving them credit for that. shiroi bara no hanabira hitotsu futatsu hirakeba ano hi no kioku yomigaeru deshou yasuragi ni terasarete hana wo sakaseta yoru wa amaku setsunaku irozuiteiku hikaru ito wo tadoru you ni toki wa shizuka ni nagarete michi hiku yure ni soi nagara hito wa umarekawaru anata no hohoemi wa mune wo tokasunu kumori dokoka de mita amai yume no you shizumu yuuhi ni ima wo kiritorarete mo futari no kage wa kasanatteiku hateshinaku tooku kagirinaku fukaku majiwatta unmei no you ni nandomo tsukande nandomo ushinatte yatto meguri aeta koto sora ga chi wo motome hana ga ame wo machi yoru ga ashita wo kou you ni futatsu no kokoro ga hitotsu datta koto konnani mo motometeta no nagai nemuri hodoite koyoi meguri aetara futari no rondo saa odorimashou sugita hibi wo nagasu you ni tsuki wa yasashiku urunde kioku no sakini mouichido itoshisa ga afureta anata no nengetsu wo futae ni ayumeru nara kage tonatte mamotteitai fuki mayou kaze futari wo toozaketemo shinjiru koto wo wasurenaide atenai kirameki hakanai yurameki tadayou maborishi no you ni samayoi nagaramo kawaranai basho e yatto tadoritsuita koto yami ga hi wo ubai uso ga tsumi ni naki kako ga mirai wo saite mo meguriyuku you ni kitto kono basho wo watashi wa erandeita no hateshinaku tooku kagirinaku fukaku majiwatta unmei no you ni nandomo tsukande nandomo ushinatte yatto meguri aeta koto sora ga chi wo motome hana ga ame wo machi yoru ga ashita wo kou you ni futatsu no kokoro ga hitotsu datta koto konnani mo motometeta no shiroi bara no hanabira hitotsu futatsu chiru toki yasashii asa ni somerareru deshou soshite umarekawatte anata no mune ni sakeba futari no ai wa eien ni naru Grinning Goat at 10/31/2008 02:20:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The story continues.. AGAIN (unbelievable -,-)Student: I have a mosquito bite on my breast. Do you wanna see it? R: No. Why would I? Student: Because if I scratch in front of you very unglam mah R: Huahahahaha since when have you ever been glamorous in front of me? CAN. PEOPLE. JUST. NOT. TALK. ABOUT. THEIR. BREASTS. IN. FRONT. OF. ME. :: Student: muahhh muahhh... R: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Student: I'm a hypocrite, you know me. R: Yeah, I know you. Too much; until it disgusts me HUAHAHAHAHHAA :: On a different note, do you know that it feels HELLA GOOD to be APPRECIATED? HELLA GOOD (Chikun said it's HELLUVA good, ross not HELLA GOOD. I guess I'm influenced by dex. He always says HELLA GOOD) Grinning Goat at 10/29/2008 01:03:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 27, 2008
DroolI made a question for this kid. R: ok do this one Student: it doesn't make sense R: oh but it does...on a different brain it does Huahahahaha Anyway I was reading this trilogy. What I love about trilogies is the fact that the books come as a PACKAGE. When you're done with one, you're not done yet and I like that. Because I'm greedy that way. The ending of the trilogy though, it hangs a little. Leaving it to the reader's imagination, I presume. Readers may damn well have very fertile imagination and come up with a nice ending but the problem- I guess- is that no matter what kind of ending readers come up with, they're always left wondering about it. Is it too good? Is it not good enough? I see it as a verbal contract. In the end it doesn't bind, because it's not written in black and white. You can say whatever you want, say it as pretty as you like but it won't be it. Not the same thing, anyway. Grinning Goat at 10/27/2008 07:49:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 24, 2008
All because of a tongue twister!JT gets to become Rhim Jung Tchul actually. BUT. Because Wedgie couldn't pronounce Tchul, she went aiyaaaa just Rhim Jung Tcha laaa... So Rim Jung Tcha it was. Just like that. I pity the poor man. Rhim Jung Tcha. Who wants to be named after a tea? By the way I am a firm believer of PMS now. It is NO MYTH. Because yesterday I was in a foul foul mood. But then Dexie got gcoins and we were riding maya (UGLY SHIET --> it looks like a little indian man with snot --> he even picks on his nose) and phoenix the whole night long with Jheng and Jose. And my mood improved. Nothing like a good game. Grinning Goat at 10/24/2008 02:33:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Forum BlurpMak is out sleeping. Jheng is out having dinner and then probably a stroll in the beach. Jose hasn't even woken up yet (oh I'm supposed to wake him up right about now). Dexie is out buying his duck rice. So that left me reading the forum. And it's really hillarious. Ok Ijji just recently did a major updates for GB including 2 new bots 4 new maps and SMILEYS (some with accompanying narration) and additional sound effects that sounds suspiciously pornographic. Anyway. The updates divides the gb cult following into two. The supporters and the would be quitter who are highly DISPLEASED about the new updates. Mainly because: 1. You gotta pay REAL MONEY to use the 2 new bots (you can get it by randomising yr bot but it'll take AGES before you can get one, as proven by Mak and me. Jheng got both -.- and Dexie got Phoenix) 2. The update brings about stupid sound effects that sound suspiciously pornographic although the new sound effects is really such an EGO BOOSTER 3. The update makes the whole world lags/ gets disconnected a gazillion times and makes the website and game GLITCHY. 4. The update seems to create new problems like the gb not recognising an account you make so that when you try to login it says UNREGISTERED ID. Anyway. Going back to the forum post. This is what people post: Dhan206 says: I just logged on GB and i got diconnected and now its just messed up... I hate that there are 2 bots reserved for people who PAY for it and the ranking system is stupid! i used to paly back when Softnyx owned it and they didnt try to upgrade like this! So this is one sucky UPGRADE! GB PLZ CHANGE IT BACK! ASAP SentimentGX4 says: I find nothing wrong with the new upgrades but I might still quit nonetheless. The upgrades brought nothing to non-cash users but glitches so it didn't really change my mind of GB too much. I'll just kick everyone from my room that's on maya or phoenix. I might quit though due to the lack of activity. It looks like we're not going to have a Halloween event and that will be the last straw for me. Yotsuba says: The fact that you can be this dense really makes me lose faith in humanity. You make vaguely stupid comments about how Softnyx didn't do any "stupid updates like this" when this update was taken directly from Softnyx. You then cry about the new mobiles being for cash users only when cash users are the only reason why GB is around in the first place. Please don't just quit Gunbound, go that extra step and just quit life. PoopiePancakes says: Yotsuba:You deserve a pat on the head. I would hug you, but I don't no how you look. xO I'll post more later but Dexie is back and I gotta help him do tutorial so. Grinning Goat at 10/22/2008 09:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, October 21, 2008
HmppffRyou Young says: Jeun Hee ah. When are you going back to our hometown Seoul? Wedgie says: yes, yee woh?? HUAHAHAH!! Ryou Young says: it's YOUNG WEE. You got the wrong person Wedgie says: eh you gotta learn how to live with the "wee" part of your name..HUAHHAHA!! young WEE!! Young wee (wee dry diapers)! Ryou Young says: RYOU YOUNG full stop Wedgie says: ryou YOUNG WEE. Hi wee wee Ryou Young says: noo its RYOU YOUNG wee Ryou Young says: no fairrrr Ryou Young says: JEUN HEE SOUNDS SO GRAND Ryou Young says: RUBBISH Grinning Goat at 10/21/2008 02:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
What's yer pick?Candidate number 1: Joshua Hutcherson ![]() Candidate number 2: Elijah Wood ![]() Candidate number 3: Daniel Radcliffe ![]() Grinning Goat at 10/21/2008 12:41:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 20, 2008
A Zap swap!I thought for a while there that only Dexie is deranged. As a matter of fact, almost all of us are. Like I always so fondly say, in a world where everybody is abnormal everybody is normal. CK in one of her brilliant (crazed and perhaps rather bored) moments, came up with KOREAN NAMES for ALL OF US. Lemme reiterate that this naming is neither random nor effortless because she was actually looking up korean sur name list. HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Can you just sense how boring the workplace can be sometimes?!) Wedgie gets to be: Rin Jeun Hee Well, I get to be: Ryou Young Wee Min gets to be: Ahn Min Mee (sounds grand; he even gets to keep the MIN intact huahahahaa) CK gets to be: Lee Shee Goon (HUAHAHAHAA I still can't get over the way it sounds) Damn wedgie gets the good one. But well compared to SHEE GOON, I guess I should be happy that I can still pass as a Ryou Young (a kick ass punk rock daddy name! huahahahaa) CHAPTER I Cramping my style says: Rin Jeun Hee sounds SO GRANDDDDDD C. Kuen says: HAHAHAHA Cramping my style says: lemme change my msn name C. Kuen says: u still harping abt yr horrible koreanized name??? C. Kuen says: so waht do u want? C. Kuen says: hmmm? Ryou Young Wee says: wait Ryou Young Wee says: chikuennn Ryou Young Wee says: my sister wants a korean name too C. Kuen says: waht C. Kuen says: HAHAHAHAHA Ryou Young Wee says: can you give her some CHAPTER II C. Kuen says: wat is yr sister's name C. Kuen says: it has gotta start with a Ryou I guess I then told her my sister's name. CHAPTER III C. Kuen says: Soon Wee? C. Kuen says: Seung Wee Ryou Young Wee says: she wants a more feminine name C. Kuen says: errrrr, wat is so masculine about seung wee? Ryou Young Wee says: sounds like construction worker eh; she said it sounds like a monk CHAPTER IV C. Kuen says: seung wee soon wee sung woo C. Kuen says: well W is hard i guess Ryou Young Wee says: hahahaha sounds like the brand of a handphone C. Kuen says: usually it is soon hee, sung mi Ryou Young Wee says: she shall just ACCEPT the name bestowed upon her C. Kuen says: wah, which one eh Ryou Young Wee says: SEUNG WEE HAUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CHAPTER V Ryou Young Wee says: the WEE sounds so shit so Ima cut it to Ryou Young, that sounds GRAND HUAHAHAHAHAA C. Kuen says: u want it to be Yee? Hee? Young Hee. Young Yee Ryou Young Wee says: ke yi ah? C. Kuen says: HAHAHAHA C. Kuen says: then yr sis gotta change too C. Kuen says: Seung hee C. Kuen says: seung yee CHAPTER VI Ryou Young Wee says: young wee sounds cooler but seung yee sounds better -,- C. Kuen says: so fickle ah rose Ryou Young Wee says: hahaha Im not fickle. I'm just sayin must we both have the same last name C. Kuen says: oh ok no need then. HAHA. Everyone happy?? Ryou Young Wee says: hahahaha SO FLEXIBLE EH Ryou Young Wee says: YEAHHHH C. Kuen says: HAHAHHA why not?? Ryou Young Wee says: coolllllll C. Kuen says: it's like giving yrself a new christian name. You can jolly well name yrself ANYTHING right? CHAPTER VII C. Kuen says: gotta mandi Ryou Young Wee says: ok Shee Goon says: hmmmmmmm Shee Goon or C. Goon? no no...that sounds like i am scolding myself Ryou Young Wee says: HUAYAHAHAHAHA Shee Goon says: ok ok i really AM showering!! Ryou Young Wee says: C.GOON. That's like saying: SEE THAT GOON OVER THERE CHAPTER VIII Shee Goon says: what is with the koreanizing of everyone's names huh? Ryou Young Wee says: it's a cool and totally creative activity worthy of a favourite past time Shee Goon says: OMG. LMAO actually Ryou Young Wee says: huahaha please don't fall down on yr way to the toilet End. Grinning Goat at 10/20/2008 11:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
FlopMe: so why is it that ionic compounds can conduct electricity in aqueous and molten state but- Student no2: do you think I'm pretty? And so, being caught off guard like that, the only politically correct answer would be to gag, which I did. Student no2: want me to show you my picture when I'm prettiest? Me: no Student no2: why? Me: What if my eyes bleed? Grinning Goat at 10/20/2008 02:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
O,o![]() ![]() Grinning Goat at 10/20/2008 02:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, October 18, 2008
Propensity to shockDespite my seemingly harsh tone about student number 1, I actually pinned up quite some hope on him. Not for scoring but for passing and passing WELL (a C5 isn't passing well and a B4 is pushing it). I have to admit that perhaps he grew on me a little bit. He could actually find HUMOUR in my bashing up, can you imagine? He takes scoldings in stride. He doesn't sulk nor get morose. And most importantly, he doesn't take what I say PERSONALLY. While at the doctor's waiting room just the other day (I expected the long wait so I came prepared), I was marking his assignments (the entire section A of his ten year series). It was shocking and it was shocking for a number of reasons: 1. How his faulty and OUTRAGEOUS answers are really quite ENTERTAINING. It's just the extent to which he would obscure his lack of knowledge if he doesn't know the answer (I asked before, are you trying to bullshit yr way out? It's a little too obvious, try harder) 2. How he can actually answer CORRECTLY one question and leave blank the same question It's the ten years series see.. questions revolve around the same thing and sometimes they even stupidly repeats the exact same question and besides, the poor boy's mother in -her desperation to save his grade from the brink of Faildom- buys him the topical AND yearly series which is practically buying the same thing in a different form. So I don't know why he can get it one time and not get it the next. Unless- I told him, "Do you see these strings of correct answers here? you do have your moment of brilliance. So can you please stock up on them for the real thing?" I guess that's why I can't just give up on him. He didn't know what number of moles are just a couple of months ago. He's gone a long way. It's just a matter of whether it's long enough. And the poor mom. I like the mom. So this kid. He better make it. Grinning Goat at 10/18/2008 02:41:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, October 16, 2008
My plethora of studentsThis is a continuation of a story a couple days ago. The story a couple of days ago, goes like this (for the sake of continuation I'll just copy and paste that entry) the kid: I don't wear bra now me: I can do without knowing that the kid: I feel saggy me: gosh, too much information the kid: I'm a C cup, do you know? And today, she scraped her hand on something sharp at the end of the table and there was a trickle of blood. The kid: My husband (she calls her boyfriend her husband) said to become a tai tai I should take care of my hand Listening to that, I just couldn't help myself Me: A tai tai also wears a bra at all times... The kid: huahahaha I'm wearing one now see (flash me her bra)....this is CK...branded even... Me: oh goddd ok..ok..I don't need to know...just wear your bra I think after a while I become immune to her antics. so My Class of 2008 are as follows: Student number 1 The bishan boy. This kid, he is just so shockingly, unabashedly, outrageously ignorant. I just had to keep bashing him because I would look at his mom and myself: we worry and we're not sitting for any exams and then I look at him: he relaxes around and his paper is tomorrow and the difference is just so jarring. I took the hint ever since my first week teaching him that he wouldn't do with subtlety. What he needs is BADGERING. And it never look like his mom disapprove of my teaching method. So. Whatever works, right? Me: When alcohol is oxidised, it becomes carboxylic acid like this (scribble chemical equations) do you understand? Student 1: (nods) yea Me: so what is one of the ways to get carboxylic acid? Student 1: mmm you add carbondioxide to an acid? Me: do you want to be shot? When I gave him an assignment, he would present me with the high school chemistry EQUIVALENT of THIS answer to the elementary school question in mathematics and it makes my veins pop. Qn: What is 1+1 ? Explain your answer Answer: 11. This is because as you put number one next to a number one, they both make up the figure of eleven. And so, I'd be forced to frown intensely at him, sigh loudly and demand an explanation as to the origin of the kind of OUTRAGEOUS answers he was giving me. Me: (looking at the homework I gave him) why is there so many blanks huh? Student 1: Not many...only 0.5%! Me: (flipping pages) 0.5%?? it's at least 20% of the entire thing (I guess that's why he needs maths tuition too) Student 1's mom: he said if he answers anyhow you'll ask him what kind of outrageous answer is this, so he leaves it blank *ehem* I did say that... After I ventured into the treacherous regions of organic chemistry, I made him some on-the-spot questions to test his understanding. Student 1: mmmm (looking at my expression) is it alkene? Me: if it's alkene, what KIND of alkene? Student 1: hmmm (looking at my expression) err is it ethene? Me: I'm gonna be expressionless so don't bother looking. What's your final answer? And it WAS ethene. Thank God. I was almost proud of him. Or maybe despite my expressionless face, my forehead committed treachery and secretly flashed the word ETHENE in bright neon lights at him. When I teach him, I could feel myself getting louder and louder. I know that one of the reasons why is because I don't think anybody can sleep when someone talks this loudly (he did once actually, although he had a good excuse for it). Another is that I think I manage to stupidly convince myself that the louder the carrier of the information is, the better is the rate of absorption of information by the receiver. For some reasons her mom always offers me apple juice/ cranberry juice (well to be honest, the apple juice is too sweet and cranberry juice is just so yuck) so I would always politely decline. Just water will do, thanks. So it was water from then on until one day I arrived there on a very hot day and she asked me if 100 plus is ok? The drink looked so cold and I was about to say yes to anything cold so I said yea, thanks. And from then on it was 100 plus (might as well, since this is better than apple or cranberry juice). Too much sodium for me probably but wth, before the sodium in these 100 pluses can kill me I'd probably die of a heart attack brought about by his son's outrageous answers. I told the bishan boy, I'm gonna treat him to lunch if he gets himself a B3. Because really, below that it's just so shameful it's worthy of a disownment. If he gets his B3 I can call myself a successful teacher and the money will be well spent. If he doesn't I get to obscure my lack of success with the illusion that I'm saving myself some lunch money. Student number 2: The bra woman. She talks a lot. And she argues with me about chemistry plenty too. The only time she doesn't argue was during those rare periods of enlightenment when she realized that arguing with me is wasting her time because well 1) the exam's coming and 2)I'm the teacher and teachers are always right and 3) even if I'm convinced I'm right I'm not betting $100 to prove my point. She loses her things on a daily basis; it happens so often I wonder which part of her room is made up of vacuum cleaner. I have to say though that among all my students, she makes the MOST visible improvement so hurrah to that. After tuition when the mood strikes us sometimes we'd go down and have some ice cream. As a teacher, I speak the most uninhibitedly (i.e. in the most unteacherly fashion) to the bishan boy (out of sheer necessity and frustration and besides, boys can take it) and second to this bra woman. I think we are as much friends as we are teachers and students really. It was okay teaching her, unless maybe on the run up to prelim when she got desperate and asked me to come everyday; I think I kind of overdosed on her a little. She's filthy rich, there's no denying that. And she's just so obsessed with all things branded (bra included I just recently discovered). But like all things in life, her life isn't as straightforward as it looks. I know that now. Student number 3: The skipper. Her tuition schedule: on, off (cancelled), off (rescheduled), on, off (cancelled), off (cancelled), on, off, on off, off, off (this last one is the day I sacked her. I just had enough of her cancellations). The skipper is a friend of the bra woman's friend and the bra woman apparently doesn't like her much. Student number 4: This one is soooooo efficient I must lift up my hat even though I don't wear one. She goes through questions sooooooo fastttttt she managed to make me explain problems she has on EVERY chapters in her ENTIRE physics textbook in one sitting. Student 4: (flip flip) so how do you do this question? Me: Like this, this this this... Student 4: (flip, flip, flip) so is this because of A? Me: yes, as a matter of fact it is so because it's like this this this this- Student 4: you mean it's like this this this (rephrasing me in a weird way) Me: no, it's more like this this this this Student 4: oh ok (flip flip flip flip) Me: yea Student 4: (flip flip flip) does it mean it's like this? Me: of course Student 4: (change book, flip flip flip) so how does this work? Me: it works like this this this (remind myself to breathe) this this this Student 4: (flip flip flip) why is it like this? Me: because it's like this this this this End of session. Student number 5: She's of a Thai-Indian origin. Her mom is from Thailand and she makes the most SUPERB tom yam soup (secret family recipe apparently). Her chicken soup is a little weird (she's still experimenting on it I found out later) but still edible. Her pork rib soup is very much like my mom's so it tastes familiar. Her coffee-flavoured cakes are good. Her banana leaf-wrapped glutinous rice is a little too sweet and rather hard but ok. Her watermelon is great. Her Ribena is rather dilute but it's okay. Her thai orange-yoghurt is AWESOME (I drank it in the morning once because we had a morning session and had the runs but it doesn't diminish its awesomeness). Her fried kway teow is SO MUCH like INDONESIAN kway teow I don't know why it is a THAI KWAY TEOW AT ALL. Her neighbour's ox tail soup SUCKS BIG TIME (they should be ashamed for sending that over, knowing how it tastes like). Student number 6: The smart one. Not a smarty pants or a smart alleck, just SMART. Her dad is a professor in SMU, her mom a GP teacher in Hwa Chong so you can see the kind of genetic material and educational background she's having. Fluent in english and reads Neil Gaiman! She survives FINE without my tutoring really. When she argues, she does it so subtly and with so much humility that it humbles me. The odd thing is, her family never forget to give me something for christmas/chinese new year/ mid autumn festival (which is very nice and thoughtful of them), they just always forget to give me some drink everytime I come, but that's okay too because she's not like student number 1 or 4. Besides, my student 5's mom gives enough food to feed the entire nation. Grinning Goat at 10/16/2008 01:27:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Mushroom Factory Outlet!The suspense was killing me and then the real thing was killing me faster because by the end of it I was laughing so hard. The conversation went like this (oh and for obvious reason this friend of mine prefers to remain ANONYMOUS). Your Majesty: eh rose Me: what? Your Majesty: I discovered some stuff this week, well not all new discoveries lah but .....let me tell you about it in one line.... Me: what? Your Majesty: are you ready for it??? muahahahah Me: errrr I guess. This sounds SCARY though Your Majesty: I discovered that I can't digest mushrooms... and apparently I don't chew. Me: Hahaha how do you know? Your Majesty: think about it Me: did you shit out the mushroom intact? Your Majesty: oooo getting clebberer Your majesty = mushroom factory outlet! Not mushroom factory because anything that goes out of a factory that enters major shops surely is top rated, and this one is well..recycled at best so. Oh just a little bit of hint since I hate absolute anonymity huahahaha: Your Majesty is also known as not the best, but the NEXT best. Grinning Goat at 10/16/2008 12:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Too much informationYesterday, when I tutored this kid, she suddenly stood up and looked in the mirror. the kid: I don't wear bra now me: I can do without knowing that the kid: I feel saggy me: gosh, too much information the kid: I'm a C cup, do you know? I don't know. And I don't wanna know, truth be told. Grinning Goat at 10/14/2008 11:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kyouraku ShunsuiCharming charming man. A little gay looking maybe but absolutely charming. ![]() Grinning Goat at 10/12/2008 08:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Saturday Night Live!Oh this one really tickles my funny bone. It's brilliant. Tina Fey looks JUST LIKE PALIN it was so unnerving hmm but Tina Fey looks better me thinks. Oh there was this dialogue on another spoof of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, which apparently the foxnews edited out: Clinton: I think global warming is caused by men Palin: I think global warming is God hugging us closer Oh and I managed to find this video. Another skit on SNL, a spoof on the Vice presidential debate. Enjoy! Somebody commented: she's the right person! it's just the wrong job! Can you imagine? She can't name a single newspaper she reads. She can't name Supreme Court cases even when it happened in ALASKA - where she was governor! except for Roe v Wade which is OLDDDDDDDD. And when the reporter asked so what other supreme court ruling that you disagree with besides Roe v Wade SHE CAME RIGHT BACK AND MENTION ROE V WADE! Woww. Makes you think that Tina Fey really DID do her justice after all. Grinning Goat at 10/12/2008 01:38:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, October 09, 2008
The story continuesR: eh chikun, can you on your ebuddy huh? I wanna chat with you like buddies CK: but i didn't feel like buddy bonding with u leh MHUAHAHAHAHAHA Grinning Goat at 10/09/2008 11:14:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Cracks me upCK lost her phone and she's getting herself an E66 which is wifi enabled. So. Right after I taught her how to set up the wireless LAN, I taught her how to use Ebuddy to sign in on her msn on the phone. R: (on my mobile, one day) oi chikun CK: should I go on my ebuddy too? CK: so we can chat like buddies? And I really couldn't stop laughing. Even until now. Grinning Goat at 10/09/2008 03:18:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 03, 2008
Palin - Biden Square OffI was just telling kiwi about this long (and I mean this thoroughly, SHAMEFULLY LONG) list of contaminated food products. I think for anyone who isn't so terribly poor, he would've eaten AT LEAST one of these things in their entire lifetime. Suffice it to say that this time around the China dairy has managed to (or try to)poison almost half the world? I know that MnM wasn't that great in the beginning (I only like it for its advertisement; back in the olden days where I still kept a diary, that was what I wrote - the entire script of MnM's ad), but to think that even MnM falls victim? it's outrageous. And VITASOY SOY MILK??? I actually LIKE VITASOY soy milk. Oh and since I noticed that a lot of people actually stumbled on my blog with the search word Meiji milk (guess there must've been more fans of meiji than I thought)here is a list of the Meiji milk you don't want on your fridge: Meiji Ujikintoki 2978 Meiji Umakabo Chocolate Meiji Family Pack-Green Tea Meiji Chestnut & Redbean So. Since I don't buy those fancy-flavored sort I suppose I'm off the hook. But then again nowadays it's so hard just to be reassured that the stuff you eat is safe. I mean, isn't that at least the BASIC REQUIREMENT for a food to be CONSUMABLE, never mind the nutritional content? If what you want is nutritional content, well then maybe you should sue Coca Cola for coming up with Coke Zero- the supposedly ZERO CALORIES coke. My faith in China food products has never been that strong but now it's completely shattered. And while I trust the local food regulatory agency to act in our best interest, I also recognise that they can't possibly test EVERY food substances being sold. It makes me wonder if those companies whose milk people import from actually follow the Good Manufacturing and Clinical Practices and if they don't why the hell don't they and if they do, why the hell this still happens? So in this supposedly modern day, we're more in danger of being poisoned than ever before? Are we back to the days before industrial revolution? What must we do just to bleeding eat safely? Rear our own cows? If we die eating our own cows because they've got some mad cow then at least we'll die peacefully knowing that we're responsible for our own death, that at least we're not being surreptitiously killed without having any say in the matter. And to think that the poisoning actually was reported as EARLY AS DECEMBER LAST YEAR, to think that we only know of this NOW, all for the sake of maintaining the image for the great OLYMPIC GAMES - well it's OUTRAGEOUS, to put it quite mildly. It really makes me think hard and long about how some people measure the value of life. Anyway I sidetracked. What I wanted to talk about was as the title of this entry suggest: the US Vice-Presidential debate. (I started off having plenty of steam to write about this but as I sidetracked earlier I got angry and the more I wrote the angrier I became and so the more I wrote so now to me, this debate seems pretty MILD and rather harmless). They were commenting about how Palin was doing great there because after her recent fumbling in front of the press, people set quite a low bar for her, which is unlike Biden who's a veteran with 25 years of experience on the field and is apparently much more of a smooth talker than the Alaskan governor (whom I just discovered, tried to sound patriotic when she was actually involved in a case of Alaska trying to secede from the United States - oh the hypocrisy of it all) My point is, shouldn't it even be a PROBLEM that people have such a low expectation of her? I mean if the McCain-Palin camp wins, she's gonna be the VICE PRESIDENT of the United states of America. A vice president to a president who's SEVENTY TWO YEARS OLD. I'm not saying that McCain will die but I'm saying, for him to die at SEVENTY TWO is NOT ENTIRELY FAR FETCHED. And if, God forbid he were to die, is the US really prepared to hand over the leadership to this woman they have such low expectation of?? As for Biden, a smooth talker he may be, he came across to me as your typical sneaky politicians who can twist facts to fit his argument. I have to say that this time around, the option (which is pretty limited) SUCKS. Obama or McCain. What if you don't actually want both? The big hoo haas about delegates and superdelegates in the primaries brought to my attention the argument that the system was put into place to SAFEGUARD from the possibility that some moron (say some DUMB MOVIE STAR OR SOME JESSICA-SIMPSON-LIKE INDIVIDUAL)ever becomes a PRESIDENT. Oh you may ask then what happens to freedom and equality for all if some jessica simpson like individual cannot become president? Well my crude answer to that will be: screw equality for all if it means letting some dumbass govern the country. I mean is equality for all worth the price of letting your country plummet to the ground (shameful shameful), to possibly be condemned for all eternity for its stupidity (which I should add, need not necessarily reflect the intelligence of its people in general, just that of its one president). Besides, the principle of equality for all probably encompasses meritocracy which means some jessica simpson like individual should never become president (unless of course, people are voting for hair colors over brain power). Now to be honest I don't take econs (well I gave up after a couple of months taking it and I probably would fail if I take it anyway) so I am in no position to comment on whether Biden or Pailin's argument over the tax cuts and bail out plans are going to be beneficial for the economy or not. Or even comment on who has a sounder argument. I do not know. Although to be honest, they don't really look like they know either. And the both of them so clearly avoided the question of who they think should be blamed for the subprime mortgage crisis. Don't wanna play the black sheep who points fingers. And anyway a lot of people should probably be taking quite a big chunk of the blame pie and you don't want to risk alienating yourself, not when you're about to become vice president anyway, never mind what you thought of the presidential candidate PREVIOUSLY (like BEFORE he elected you as his running mate for the VP position). On the topic of who is more dangerous - Iran or Pakistan, I'd have to say that Biden (just like how he answered almost all the questions) seems to know more of his stuff. His answers were well thought of, composed and sounded credible. Which made me think that maybe it won't be so bad if Obama is elected. I think the chinese has this saying (or something that remotely resembles this anyway), the guests who should come doesn't come and the guests who shouldn't come don't wanna go home. Well, this might just be a case of how the candidates who should run didn't run and candidates who shouldn't run don't wanna back out. That is my humble opinion of course. Grinning Goat at 10/03/2008 12:24:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, October 02, 2008
There are places I rememberThis is the part where you start this video, let it stream and read on as you listen. Alan Shore: I have never ever considered myself someone who puts work before friendships. Seems I do. Jerry Espenson: We all do, Alan. Friendships are a little like back yard gardens. We plan to tend to them. We just always seem to put it off till next week. We always seem to put it off until next week. We will tend to it eventually; we will If the boss doesn't give extra work. If there is no sudden influx of customers. If there aren't too many homeworks. If we have time. If there are no good shows on tv. If it doesn't rain. If the bus isn't too crowded. And before long If there is something you can think of to say. Grinning Goat at 10/02/2008 03:24:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos