Thursday, July 31, 2008 Top 10 movies of all time I was asked once before about my top 10 movies of all time. Well, that's a hard one. Top 10 movies of ALL TIME I don't know about; what I do know is my top 10 movies of THIS time. Except that I was stuck for a while there because what constitutes your top 10 movies? even if they were top 10 of this time. Are they the classics? Movies you don't get tired of watching over and over until your eyes drop. Are they those that left such a deep impression on you the first time you saw them? Are they those that inspired you and changed the way you look at things? I guess it's a little of everything, but you know what? All great people would agree with me; that Finding Nemo must be one of the finest movies ever made. You can add the sound of music to the list. Oh and Forrest Gump. And Edward the Scissorhands. Grinning Goat at 7/31/2008 02:49:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Babylon Grinning Goat at 7/31/2008 02:32:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Leaders of Men Denny: people need to take responsibility, hell that's what you did right? Alan: No in the end I didn't have to take responsibilities for my action. I'm drinking scotch on the balcony Denny: hey if you haven't got the decency to celebrate your own victory, celebrate mine for God's sake Alan: (toasting) to triumph Denny: (toasting) and to me, king of the world :: Denny: are we setting a bad example? I shoot people Alan: I bribed them Denny: we drink Alan: smoke Denny: I'm unfaithful Alan: not to me Denny: never to you Alan: we're not setting examples, denny; we're just being true to who we are Denny: who are we? Alan: Denny Crane Denny: Alan Shore Alan: leaders of men Denny: with bull's eye on our asses Grinning Goat at 7/30/2008 11:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Maybe tomorrow Grinning Goat at 7/30/2008 05:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Alan Shore I've been following this serial. I have only a couple of episodes left so I'm stalling. I'm stalling to postpone the inevitable emptiness and sense of loss that's to come. Cursing at the producer for not extending the episode for just one more bleeding season may cause a bit of an involuntary eye twitch on his part but it clearly doesn't work to alleviate the problem which is my impending doom. I find the remedy though, in Alan Shore. Not your normal He doesn't boast of sense of morality he doesn't have. Not entirely dishonest and narcissistic to a fault. In fact, his narcissism is part of his charm. He works the system but with his own idea of fairness and justice. There really are no words to describe Alan Shore. You've got to watch him in action yourself. He amuses me to no end. Grinning Goat at 7/30/2008 04:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 28, 2008 New past times A curious oxymoron but not without its merits. The job's not just for anybody. You need agile hands. A well-honed reflex that borders on the ingenuity of an inner talent. When you strike, you have to mean it. There can be no hesitation. Hit to kill. Only the cold blooded will thrive. You have to be ravenous, almost famished for the carnage ahead. And patient. You don't crush, you ought to PULVERIZE. The longing should be like a thirst that can be quenched only by the successful purging of the enemies. It's their blood or your blood. And once your blood is drawn, you know that a war has been declared. And like in any war, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. That's why I'm embracing house lizards. One can never have too many allies. Grinning Goat at 7/28/2008 12:51:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, July 24, 2008 Transcending time Chage and Aska. From Chikun's era. Grinning Goat at 7/24/2008 01:52:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Wedgie blabber Cramping my style says: huahahaha ayam szarding tew anzoy tollkeng in zis mannah Cramping my style says: how? is my phonetics better now? huahaha chickuen says: OMG chickuen says: phonetics PLUS a foreign accent chickuen says: german?? chickuen says: Cramping my style says: i realise its easier to write the phonetics if I put some foreign accent chickuen says: that is similar to CHEATING chickuen says: harrumph Cramping my style says: huahahaha Cramping my style says: vai kant aye ch eet a lizbid? chickuen says: bekorrs mye fwen chickuen says: yew argh taykin dee issy way aut! chickuen says: bending dee rools of de gaym a leetur beet Cramping my style says: budd eye leurve zee eesee vay aut an eye leurve vending zee rools chickuen says: airding cumpleakayshern chickuen says: owe gay ler Cramping my style says: OMG OMG OMG this one escapes me Cramping my style says: whats airding cumpleakayshern chickuen says: eef yew insseize chickuen says: ogiee ogiee Cramping my style says: eye insseizeee chickuen says: maykin tings more cumpleakayded Cramping my style says: ohhhh ADDING COMPLICATION Cramping my style says: huahahahaha chickuen says: wart wart Cramping my style says: yew doon anzersand?> chickuen says: wart stwaynjj lengooach yew spik Cramping my style says: zees peepol kollzit eengleesh chickuen says: eye zoo nut unnersand d wan wif zee kaptals chickuen says: arse hole dezz nayhhh Cramping my style says: OMG eez zee lass fart zapaniece? chickuen says: OMG yew argh sew crevest!! chickuen says: *upplozzz* Cramping my style says: huahahaha vee tokk zee sham vaanguege chickuen says: yarh chickuen says: vee dew I'm counting on Chikun to get my SINGFEST ticket. ALICIA KEYSSS HERE I COMEEEEE. Hopefully. Grinning Goat at 7/23/2008 10:41:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face of yours href=""> ![]() I hated Heath Ledger for his drawl on Brokeback. As the joker though, he is BRILLIANT. He becomes the epitome of madness. The devil incarnate that chills your blood. Joker: you look nervous, is it the scars? You wanna know how I got em? Joker: (brandishing his knife at Dawes) come here, hey look at me Joker: So I had a wife. Beautiful, like you. Who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to smile more. Who gambles and gets end deep, with the sharks. One day they carve her face. Only, we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just wanna see her smile again. Hmmh? I just want her know that I don't care about the scars. So. I stick this into my mouth and do this, to myself. And you know what? she can't stand the sight of me. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling. "Madness is like gravity, all it needs is a little push" I'm glad they don't kill him and deprive us of him in the sequel, should there be any. But I guess the joker won't be the same without Heath. Grinning Goat at 7/23/2008 04:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 21, 2008 Kwame is a summer camp counselor K: I'm a summer camp counselor R: oh so you shout at kids? shame on you, negro Grinning Goat at 7/21/2008 02:02:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sparring partner When I think about Bulimia I think about how we should treat food as a sparring partner. One to be enjoyed. One we sparred with from time to time (most of the time in fact) but never one to be made into enemies. You are what you eat, of course. That's why I've never eaten shite. Grinning Goat at 7/21/2008 01:34:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 15, 2008 CHUBURA Bleach always DOES get the best songs Online Videos by Grinning Goat at 7/15/2008 01:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 13, 2008 simultaneous not Janeway: can you get a transporter lock on him? Seven: no, not at this distance Janeway: Mr.Paris, you heard her Paris: Any closer and we'll have a hard time running away when the charges explode Janeway: one problem at a time Mr.Paris, one problem at a time One problem at a time. I think that's true for a lot of things. I don't think the human brain is wired to simultaneously deal with a lot of problems at one go. If you decide to enter a competition, you worry about losing later. If you worry before, you won't enter the competition at which point there will be little sense in worrying in the first place. If you decide to have a child, you worry about him growing up to be a drug addict later. Not now. Not when you're bleeding from a difficult labor. One problem at a time. I like that. Worry about failing later. When the time comes for me to worry about it. Grinning Goat at 7/13/2008 01:58:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, July 12, 2008 Kurosaki Ichigo This is Kurosaki Ichigo. The more I look at him the more I think he resembles my brother. Minus the orange hair. ![]() Grinning Goat at 7/12/2008 06:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Class of 2008 Yesterday was my graduation day. I felt compelled to write about it. Because if my memory is any indication to go by, I forgot things told to me in the span of 10 minutes. Wedgie: goatt, my parents are amused by you R: huhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyyy I didn't do ANYTHING Wedgie: they're amused by your smile As Joan so non-chalantly mentioned, I can't smile "normally". Thank you, Joan. Damn. The commencement was well, boring. But in a way it was also exciting because hey here all of us were, in UNIFORM for the last time. Oh and the back of my gown was a little loose I think because when I was off to find Wedgie with Chikun, the back of my gown got caught on somebody's wheelchair and I almost pulled the poor guy along with meh. Lord. The opening speech was something along the line of the speaker's life philosophy I think. Get married, he said. The valedictorian was a familiar face. Somebody from my school who since then even had started winning awards. Well, her speech was rather boring; Think last year's commencement's was better. And when she was delivering it, someone 2 seats from me pondered aloud, does she always speak with that accent? I could see and convince myself once again that JL Ding looked like this hongkong actress who always played someone's busybody mother. And she was always struggling to pronounce any non chinese names. The poor people whose names were called by her. The sad thing is, nothing emanated from her; this was just like some boring old routines. When the pharmacy head came though and announced the pharmacy graduates, she exuded PRIDE. The sharp intake of breath before, the pursed lips, the undertone of her voice and the puffing up of her chest that were all unmistakably the products of pride. It makes you not want to disappoint, really. I love the balloon and confetti, it was all very dramatic, extravagant, and thoroughly necessary for recreational purposes. My student came too. I made her try my robe and mortar board. I can tell she liked it. CUTE was her description, a word that I hear once too many nowadays. They were annoying, they were interesting, they were boring, they were loud, they were quiet. What they were at the end of the day, were familiar presence. I guess that's what I'm going to miss. The familiar presence. Grinning Goat at 7/12/2008 05:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 06, 2008 Like, dislike, fear and belief I've learnt a long time ago that likes and dislikes have no basis. We naturally like good things and yet not all the things we like are good things. We can dislike something for the sake of disliking it, not because it's necessarily bad. It all makes little sense. Some chemical reaction within certain parts of the brain hemisphere maybe but I have resigned myself a long time ago to a long wait before humans ever know why we like or dislike something. That's the same thing with fear. I told someone the other day that you don't necessarily have to have REASON for fearing something. I told her that I still fear cockroaches knowing full well that they are not dangerous. And I believe that fear of the unknown exist (otherwise why else would anyone fear death?) and if we can fear the unknown, well then what REASON do you have for fearing it? And I'm starting to feel that it's also the same thing with belief. There's always something both good and bad about anything. It can't be all good or bad entirely. Having said that, it means that whether you believe in something or not does not necessarily have a lot to do with the ARGUMENTS you can come up with in favour of your belief. I think it's the other way around. When you believe in something, you WILL be able to come up with the arguments in favour of your belief. The arguments are not necessarily the CAUSE of your belief. The problem is, the more intelligent you are, the EASIER it is for you to come up with arguments in favour of your belief; WHICH may not necessarily be RIGHT in the general scheme of things. One of the smartest people you know would suddenly turn out to be one of the dumbest. Imagine that. The irony of it all. Grinning Goat at 7/06/2008 02:24:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} ijji and gunbound in general A long time ago Pein figured out that we can multiple login in gunbound. Since then I've been hijacking his account. Then he gets too busy with sf so he doesn't have an account of his own. The past few days we've been playing using Kwame's account and recently with Dex's (because we've used up and abused Kwame's hauhahaa). So there were three of us in the room when the GM came in. He said, you shouldn't multiple login, you have to create your own account or your account will be banned. So of course Pein and I (mostly Pein because I think I'm more thick skinned than him huahaha) felt bad to Dex if we were to be the cause of his account getting banned; his well-gifted account with moon passes, juices, vampires and all that. Anyway the GM can't play to save his life. It'd be fun bashing him up if not for his CONSTANT incessant reminder that we should go make our own account. I was mightily pissed because I really don't see anything wrong with multiple logins so long as the owner consents. It's not like Pein and I hacked Dex's account. Dex doesn't mind so what does the GM care? It doesn't HARM ANYONE. Unlike aimbotting which clearly makes the game unfair. Why bother with the small fries when clearly aimbotting hasn't even been abolished. There was this cocky aimbotter who always dropped by our room and we always had to kick him. What, he paid $160 for the aimbot? and well if the cost is any indication it won't be easy for the admin guys to track, let alone find proof. And so long as there's no proof, this guy's account won't be banned. Dex was complaining to the GM about why in GB revolution there's no phoenix (while in GB world champion there is). Soon, he said. Then he added that, GBWC serves as a test bed. Test bed my arse. He's using that as an excuse for the admin's inefficiency. GM: we have our own stuff Dex: what stuff? GM: avatar Pein: avatar that costs a lot so people will gold hack? And the BUGLES. Until today I don't even know that's what it's called. BUGLES are flashing green lines where people can write messages and got them broadcasted in EVERY SINGLE ROOM. Well, those who wants to write BUGLES have to pay of course. With real dollars. For one the BUGLES were hella annoying and for two, those people who wrote them are LOSERS. You wouldn't believe the things they said. So yea like Pein was saying, ijji is probably a low budget industry and the next time we want to multiple login we should do it using an account called NexonOwnsIjji. Damn right. Grinning Goat at 7/06/2008 01:53:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, July 05, 2008 Flattery " T'is an old maxim in the schools, that flattery 's the food of fools; Yet now and then your men of wit will condescend to take a bit" Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) How very very apt. Sometimes they even condescend a lot. Grinning Goat at 7/05/2008 03:59:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, July 03, 2008 It's spelled with capital K and major W chickuen says: i'm supposed to work on a new pic tonight chickuen says: but i just got back, showered chickuen says: n having slept late the past few nites am a little zombied chickuen says: so chickuen says: it has to wait Cramping my style says: what's the topic gonna be? chickuen says: Ross Cramping my style says: GGGGGRRRRRRRR Cramping my style says: make it look good chikun Cramping my style says: there's no need to be too realistic Cramping my style says: draw bigger eyes chickuen says: can't chickuen says: my mummy told me never to tell lies Grinning Goat at 7/03/2008 04:10:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 01, 2008 I had no idea I had no idea that Jamiroquai did a cover of I'm in the mood for love. After listening to Rod Stewart, well this one just sounds a little peculiar. The drum disturbed me for a while there; it's a little too disco-ish for such a sentimental song. And then there's the title under the video which I thought to be the KARAOKE SING-ALONG lines, until I realized that the lines didn't change. It rained heavily today. A part of me was glad that I could walk in the rain. A part of me was thrilled that it was so heavy. A part of me wanted to prove that my bag was really WATERPROOF-as it was claimed to be. And yet a part of me worried about my phone. Because really, dropping one phone down the toilet bowl is enough mistake for one lifetime and I have yet to live that down. Naturally, I was drenched. My nice student let me shower in her place and she lent me her polo t-shirt. Something that she wore to sleep apparently. And she actually claimed that was COMFORTABLE. Well, she has yet to see for herself the comfort MY pajamas offer. She'd drool with envy. Anyway it's time to hit the sack. Nighter. Grinning Goat at 7/01/2008 02:46:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos