Sunday, March 30, 2008 Zebra cross CK: hey look at this video I made ah R: ok R: eh I didn't see the cuttlefish change color as the title suggests CK: cuttlefish blinking black and white ah R: huahahaa that's beeping, not changing color CK: so unappreciated. Hah. Talk to the hand Huahahahahahaa Grinning Goat at 3/30/2008 01:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Loose, footloose kick off your sunday shoes! Love this baby here.And as somebody correctly points out, you can't remake this video, it's already awesome. Grinning Goat at 3/30/2008 11:23:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, March 27, 2008 Wise man says SV: you can do it, because you have to. So might as well do it well R: but having to doesn't mean I will be able to. Aren't they like two separate things? SV: why u wanna separate and allow yourself that chance? One shot. Think like you can do it, not whether you can do it. The second one is DOUBT. R: so I CAN, it's just a matter of HOW TO, something like that? SV: something like that. Remember all these lines that I told you, so next year when I whine, you can repeat them to me. R: Huahahahaha. Is this some kind of an INVESTMENT? Grinning Goat at 3/27/2008 12:51:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Zaraki Kenpachi ![]() This is Zaraki Kenpachi. Crudely elegant. Gotta love the man. Grinning Goat at 3/27/2008 12:39:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, March 25, 2008 When noone's mouth is bigger Do you know what my problem with channel 5 is? My problem with channel 5 isn't that it keeps running RE-RUNS of EVERYTHING under the sun that has all but reached its expiry dates; that there's absolutely NOTHING new on screen, or that they air utterly tasteless and LOW CLASS advertisement (the MOCCA ad) that forced me to thank whoever invented the mute button on the remote control, or that they have silly people that can't make the cut pose in a supposedly sexy way, or that they can't come up with ORIGINAL reality tv and that so far they have always resorted to RIPPING overseas program so we get American Idol RIPOFF, Who wants to be a millionaire RIPOFF, and even Just for laugh RIPOFF. My problem with channel 5 is none of those, grave as the claim maybe (nomatter how accurate). My problem with it is that it is SUCH A SHOW OFF. With the pretext of thanking the AUDIENCE, it is proclaiming itself as one of the most amazing, most watched (when all you've got is but TWO english channels, what choice do you have?)most educational channel etc etc etc. To be honest, as an audience I can FORGO their gratitude, really. Just spare me the trumpet blowing. Grinning Goat at 3/25/2008 01:33:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, March 24, 2008 Caught me eye Thanks to my ineffecient (and totally useless -> if it keeps saying my mailbox is full when it isn't, what good is a mailbox even if it's free? ESPECIALLY if it's free?) NUS mail, I had to set up an email account that bears my FULL name just so that I can send my professor documents decently; because surely she doesn't want to receive a document from somebody called featheralley even if the content is brilliant. So I did. And in the new yahoo, something caught my eye. Yahoo text messaging (ok so you guys already know that because you guys are so tech savvy bla bla bla congratulations and shut up already). R: pein, did you get my message on your phone? Pein: yeap. it woke me up. R: my apologies. I thought it wouldn't work. Go back to sleep Pein: haha you did it on perperse R: hahaha but you got it really really? I was trying out the text messaging on yahoo Pein: first i got a warning. a yahoo noob user is trying to send you a test message. when it arrives, select reply to continue the conversation bla bla. well ima go back to sleep R: LOL. Ok. Sorry, pein. I think I made a marvelous alarm clock Pein: no you don't Grinning Goat at 3/24/2008 11:30:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} CK's self serving prayer R: Ck, I'm installing your adobe photoshop now. Pray for me CK: namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba namoamithaba R: whoaaaaaa I didn't know you're a buddhist Grinning Goat at 3/24/2008 09:21:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 23, 2008 The police I just love soft rock week. Beats R&B week hands down. Grinning Goat at 3/23/2008 12:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, March 22, 2008 The riddle There was a man back in '95 Whose heart ran out of summers But before he died, I asked him Wait, what's the sense in life Come over me, Come over me He said, "Son why you got to sing that tune Catch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moon Let an angel swing and make you swoon Then you will see... You will see." Then he said, "Here's a riddle for yah Find the Answer There's a reason for the world You and I..." Picked up my kid from school today Did you learn anything 'cause in in the world today You can't live in a castle far away Now talk to me, come talk to me He said, "Dad I'm big but we're smaller than small In the scheme of things, well we're nothing at all Still every mother's child sings a lonely song So play with me, come play with me" And Hey Dad Here's a riddle for yah Find the Answer There's a reason for the world You and I... I said, "Son for all I've told yah When you get right down to the Reason for the world... Who am I?" There are secrets that we still have left to find There have been mysteries from the beginning of time There are answers we're not wise enough to see He said... You're looking for a clue I Love You free... The batter swings and the summer flies As I look into my angel's eyes A song plays on while the moon is high over me Something comes over me I guess we're big and I guess we're small If you think about it man you know we got it all Cause we're all we got on this bouncing ball And I love you free I love you freely Here's a riddle for yah Find the Answer There's a reason for the world You and I... Grinning Goat at 3/22/2008 01:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, March 21, 2008 The punching bag R: PEIN PEIN PEIN IT'S SO HOT IN HERE I'M MELTING. I WANT YOUR WEATHER. GIVE IT TO ME YOU JERK Pein: LOL whoaaa R: This weather is worse than PMS. In fact, IT CREATES ANOTHER PMS Pein: lmao. too much info R: I suppose. Sheeesshh why don't you be female Pein: gees I'm sorry I was born a male As he well should. Males make wars. With women we'll only have catfights and that's nowhere near as devastating (I'm not trying to be feminist here; As a matter of fact, I am open to persuasion and am capable to say the exact opposite if only somebody do something about this weather. It's not fair that China got all the snowstorm when all I get is steam. Grinning Goat at 3/21/2008 01:33:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, March 20, 2008 The diver women I was telling CK that the key to holding your breath for long periods of time underwater (since she's in underwater hockey and all) is to overventilate before you dive. Oh and in case any of you are taking my advice seriously, it DOES have a scientific basis (overventilation causes respiratory alkalosis which suppresses your urge to breathe) except that while it may make you hold your breath longer, it makes you run the risk of hypoxia (oxygen shortage) because it works by suppressing your urge to breathe. In short you can die and not knowing because you don't even feel like breathing. I told CK this of course (I never plan to kill her). And anyway she refused to believe me. CK: where did you read that? R: I didn't read that anywhere. I was taught that. In one of my modules. CK: really? What is the module called? R: Physiology, cardiopulmonary system CK: hmmmmm really huh R: yea, go try it So she overventilated and the moment she stopped I started the stopwatch (being in lab is really convenient; all the apparatus needed to prove this theory namely her nose and the stopwatch were available) CK: (holding her breath) R: Hey, min.. look... CK's holding her breath, I can fart now She lasted about 4 seconds. Awwww. Theory not proven. And there's no way to get her to try again now. Grinning Goat at 3/20/2008 11:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Pfffttt On the subtle and complicated issue of differentiating an endoplasmic reticulum from a golgi apparatus, one of the few lecturers whose lecture I actually enjoyed remarked, "this is a matter of identifying blobs" Identifying blobs. I suppose this is the kind of spirit you should have around if you want to survive staring at unidentifiable circles for long periods of time. I've been particularly troubled trying to spot brown in blue. Trust me, this is not the business for colour blind people. Grinning Goat at 3/19/2008 12:17:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, March 17, 2008 Cheapskate Being a cheapskate is really nobody's prerogative but think of it this way if you have a cheapskate boyfriend: If he's being cheapskate to you, it will annoy the hell out of you. And if he's freeloading off others, he is embarrassing you. So either way you lose. Grinning Goat at 3/17/2008 10:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The question of relevance According to the Wikipedia, the Borg Seven of Nine "has a tendency to use highly mechanistic, strict binary (or absolutist) logic. She is largely incapable of perceiving "shades of gray" — something is strictly one way or entirely another. As a result, she never describes anything with emotional terms and separates all knowledge and actions into two categories: relevant or irrelevant" That's convenient. Everything is either relevant or irrelevant. Food consumption for sustenance. Relevant. Taste. Irrelevant. Finishing a task to fulfill an objective. Relevant. Stupidity. Irrelevant. Maintenance of social contact to achieve a common goal. Relevant. Hatred, like and dislike. Irrelevant. Job. Relevant. Entertainment. Irrelevant. Hygiene. Relevant. The smell of the soap. Irrelevant. Sleep. Relevant. Dream. Irrelevant. Plot. Relevant Nuances of words. Irrelevant. One: Am I sufficient? Seven of Nine: you have made an excellent progress that is exceeding expectation One: then expectation is insufficient Seven of Nine: a simple thank you would suffice Gosh, ONE episode is ALL it takes to poison my mind. Grinning Goat at 3/17/2008 09:26:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 16, 2008 Ulquiorra ![]() This is Ulquiorra. He has that sad face that calm people usually have. And of him this is what someone in the forum said: "i hate ulquiorra!!!!!!!!!! you crying face with a green disgusting tears!!!!!!!!!!! ulquiorra is a gay coz he has a make up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! harharharharharharhar" Grinning Goat at 3/16/2008 08:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, March 15, 2008 On the matter of visa applications R: Buika's embassy doesn't do Vietnam visa eh. My embassy is a lot cooler huh? Deldel: bragging about your embassy ah? at least hers was established earlier than yours although now yours has progressed past hers. R: Well, what does it matter when it is set up if it can catch up just in time? hauahahahaa Deldel: of course it matters. If not why do you find 'since...year' stuffs on company logos? Grinning Goat at 3/15/2008 03:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} No title, just a declaration I think I have the best parents in the whole wide world. Grinning Goat at 3/15/2008 02:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Black and white I feel bloated. I always feel bloated at this time of the day. I guess you could say my digestive system is smart. It understands the 8-hours-of-sleep-is-godly principle. Anyway. This is common sense: (well you can't expect anyone to write anything brilliant at 4 in the morning, unless maybe she's J.K Rowling) You don't teach kids that lying is necessary sometimes and that within limits, it may even be a life saver or some kind of perpetuating agent that improves your relationship with your superior, spouse, friends, clients etc etc etc. What we do teach our kids is: don't lie. Which is a much simpler thing to teach than: lie only during this and this and this circumstances. I suppose this is because a principle with too many qualifications is hardly a principle at all. I think a principle is designed to be simple. A + B = C is well enough. A + B = C if Z < A < Y, if B < N and B > P is a HEADACHE. This isn't something we are taught. This is something we learn. We are not taught to lie. We're never taught to lie. We learn to lie. Because by lying, a lot of things are usually done faster or with greater ease. Ease over principle; and I'm not even talking about the BIG LIES that shatter the earth, I'm talking about the small amount of dishonesty the average people resort to on a daily basis when push comes to shove. Or the double standards. "Theoretically, we shouldn't do this, BUT since we're pressed for time, it is okay to do this" Theoretically. That's what I love about the word. We shouldn't do this theoretically -only in theory. In practice? let's do this anyway. Because we're pressed for time. I don't know whether to be pleased because what we do in practice as opposed to what we do in theory is making life a whole lot easier or to be infuriated because we're walking all over our own rules. What's the point of marking out the pathway with a straight line if we're going to end up zig-zag-ing all the way? I guess the straight line is never meant to keep us straight at all. It's there just so we know how much we've zig-zaged. Make sure we don't stray too much and get lost. In other words, not "don't lie" exactly but "lie in moderation". Ah an analogy: a weighing balance is never there to make sure you don't undereat/overeat. It's there just so you can see how much weight you need to gain or lose. And whether you gain or lose it is not the business of the weighing balance, it is the business of an entirely different department: your digestive system and maybe your will power. Grinning Goat at 3/15/2008 04:05:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Pfffftttt R: biwi I'm boredddddddddddd Biwi: must you message me on both msn? I'm like so busy replying to 2 ross R: isn't that exciting? Biwi: Are you trying to make me feel popular, seemingly talking to a lot of people? R: Huahahahaa :: R: Chikuen, I'm boreddddddddddddd this stupid machine sucks so slowly. 14 events/second can you imagine? CK: Try to take out the tube, shake it and put it back on. Press RESUME, not ABORT or you will cry R: Don't worry, I'm anti-abortion :: R: where are you guys? C: aiya I'll go and pick you up R: huhhh no need la, I'll go there myself, where are you guys? C: okay, do you know where the Mc.Donalds is? R: err is it easy to find? C: aiya just stay put. I'll go pick you up Oh and today I was on this bus. When a passenger boarded, the bus driver would go, "welcome, good morning" in a strong chinese accent. And when a passenger alighted, he would go, "thank you so much, have a nice day". Repeatedly, until he ran out of passenger, which he didn't, of course. I would have to say that it was commendable somewhat; because it was bus 95 at 9.30 am and at buona vista so it wasn't just one, two odd passengers. It was a THRONG of people. And EVERYTIME someone boarded, he would say the line without fail but it was said in such a dreary staccato-ish manner you'd think you're in a bus with some kind of automated voice system, like on a train, but in china. What it was, is weirdness. I mean to be honest, I prefer a normal bus driver. He doesn't have to try to be awfully friendly (because it's useless and freaky -and annoying after a while anyway, I just need him to WAIT FOR ME when it was clear that I was RUNNING to catch the bus and considering that I don't run ANYWHERE (I don't run period), when I do run that's a BIG STATEMENT and stupid buses should STOP. Anyway, that is what breaks are for. Grinning Goat at 3/15/2008 12:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 09, 2008 The sound of the 80s: the KING OF WISHFUL THINKING The least I can do is share this awesome song. Grinning Goat at 3/09/2008 05:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Virtual insanity Busy. Can't write much today so I'll keep this short. The DJ on the radio was saying Britney Spear's kid sister is expecting and she was saying her boyfriend wasn't the father of the child; ANDDDDD the first person she ran off too was NOT the boyfriend but Kevin Federline. What a dysfunctional family. The DJ went on to describe Kevin Federline. He's a "part time model, part time musician, part time actor and basically a full time parasite" And after that the radio went on to play Jamiroquay's virtual insanity. Dandy. Grinning Goat at 3/09/2008 01:40:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, March 05, 2008 Mincing your words I'm always annoyed when people said, "this will make it more perfect". If it's perfect, it just is. If anything else can make it more or less perfect, then it ain't perfect anymore. Grinning Goat at 3/05/2008 06:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A reminder for the future When asked for my OTHER passion, I answered musical composition. That was partially true; I was and am intrigued at the art of musical composition; but that was largely inaccurate. My OTHER passion is writing. How could I forget. Never again should I forget. Writing is the one other thing that can lift the spirit besides music. The power of words. Picture paints a thousand words? I'd say words replace a thousand pictures. Especially those taken by a bad photographer. Grinning Goat at 3/05/2008 01:33:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Random conversation Pein: I saw this bad ass show on discovery channel. I made my friend from across the country record it for me. R: and she did it? Pein: she did. I told her when I rule the world I'll be sure to thank her. She said too bad there's no emoticon for the middle finger R: huahahahaa Pein: well time to make flan R: gimme some Pein: maybe in 10 years.. when you'll be able to taste something using your computer R: I suppose by that time your friend won't have to grumble about the lack of the finger emoticons. Actually pein, I HAVE the emoticon, give it to your friend Pein: thanks a lot. Always can count on you R: I have all the cool emoticons in the world and I notice you're always stealing from me Pein: go sleep R: What's with you and sleeping early? Pein: you learn more stuff in your sleep Hear Hear You learn MORE stuff IN YOUR SLEEP. I like the way he thinks. The world should be designed for people to sleep MORE. Not LESS. Grinning Goat at 3/05/2008 01:20:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 02, 2008 John Mayer's masterpiece Pein were getting me John Mayer's masterpiece. Pein: (sending) R: AHHHHHHHH YOU'RE A DARLING Pein: virus files R: SUCKER Grinning Goat at 3/02/2008 11:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, March 01, 2008 My place and your place "You're using other people's machine eh. This is not your father's house" IF I treat that stupid lab as my father's house, which I do NOT, I'd probably show it more RESPECT. In fact it should even be THANKFUL if I do, because if I don't then I wouldn't give a shite if it is burnt to the ground. But clearly that is NOT my father's house. And neither do I want it to be. And rest assured that I know that's not MY machine I'm using, because clearly while I am far from being a rocket scientist my intelligence hasn't fallen THAT short. AND I don't appreciate the underlying assumption that I would take for granted all things that are NOT mine. It's the opposite, you moron. I would be more cautious BECAUSE it's not mine. The statement also arrogantly implies that I was using the machine shabbily which I WAS NOT. I had no idea that people can be so narrow-minded that when I questioned them for the rationale behind every step, they would take it that it was not for the purpose of enriching mind and that it was asked in the spirit of REFUSAL to do the damned thing. Not that I want to refuse, but even if I want to, WHO AM I TO REFUSE ANYWAY? HE couldn't even refuse it himself because that's not HIS machine too. What an eejit. It's not my place to burst into a flurry of temper so I didn't. It required some degree of self-restraint, but at least I BOTHERED to do it, unlike some people who just shoot their mouth off even though it was NOT THEIR PLACE TO SAY. I deliberated on whether to pen this down. Because he DID help me a great deal. But I also have to say that last friday was quite the last straw for me. It wasn't the first time and I had quite enough DEMEANING things being said to me without resistance. I would accept it if I had been deserving but that statement last friday was UNCALLED FOR. He could've simply told me to read the manual for the machine without resorting to an insulting verbal remark. THAT would've achieved the same objective as efficiently and without creating bad blood in the process. Grinning Goat at 3/01/2008 09:14:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos