Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Two ends of the same string You do not think of the weight limit for your baggage in the absolute, you think it as how much you can carry before it's in excess. So, did it exceed? No, we're short by 20 kg. Could've carried more of that honey, although why anyone would want to carry honey at all is beyond me. Grinning Goat at 5/29/2007 04:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 28, 2007 Why online shopping should be banned kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: dont tell me u dont eat e panda biscuits Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: WHAT DOES PANDA HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH BISCUITSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: e one tt comes in chocolate strawberry or vanilla filling Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: ITS TOO BAD THEY DONT HAVE MONKEY BISCUITS OR I'D HAVE EATEN EM TOO kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: hahai know what to get 4 ur birthday Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: they dont sell monkey biscuits anywhere biwi unless you plan to draw but I think it'll look more like a bird than a monkey in your capable hands kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: darn u ross u know me TOO well like a thorn in e flesh Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: wow Im a thorn thats better than a flower you know some idiot teacher mistook my name as rosewhite I almost fainted kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: hahhahaha i rem tt Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: why do you always remember the stuff not worth remembering the most kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: hahaha ROSEWHITE Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: bloody hell kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: its worth remembering Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: freaking hell kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: i can hear ur voice saying bloody hell man with tt tinge of sarcasm Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: ah you always seem to be able to catch the best part everytime kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: of course i know ross TOO well Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: huahahaha woww were we twins kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: how can u're OLDER rem hahaha darn i rem e best parts ALL e time Indeed she does. =,= Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: stop shopping goddamit kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: wow u're scary i was just opening a window for a spree Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: the thorn in your flesh materialised kiwi damn it just quit messing around n bloody hell stop e freaking spree shite. says: i better dig it out soon stupid thorn haha Because the world understands life is too short for boy bands says: you know if Im a thorn its probably because Im rose white Grinning Goat at 5/28/2007 12:52:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 27, 2007 The shoes I want to occupy Literally, I'd like them to be below size 8 but above size 5 (because size 4 is like what, you need to go to the kids section or something right and that can't be good). Not so literally,I guess it's a mighty tall order to fill and it won't be honorable to mention it until I achieve it which sadly, I may never in the end. On my way to the centre today I was reading this short story about a mother who was shocked to find that his son was a porn star which was obviously more interesting than a loud bang, right? So no I did not even turn my head until this guy who sat across me said wow it crashed; people just have such a propensity to say the obvious like if it was said vocally it makes it more real than it already is. The bonnet was crushed the bumper hanging off the side, the iron gate bent beyond recognition but fortunately after all that destruction the driver safe. The important things in life, they're usually accidents aren't they? I wouldn't have noticed the accident if not for that guy and his blabbering mouth, not that it was an important event in my life of course. I hardly know the driver and I have no affection whatsoever towards that crushed iron gate. It's just that accidents seem to play such a great deal of role so as to be some sort of a tool of Divine Providence. The discovery of penicillin by Flemming was an accident (although, important as it may be this is not the kind of answer you want to give to an interviewer asking you about significant discovery in medicine because then he'd probably tell you, can you perhaps think of an answer not older than the 1950? which will put you to shame and shatter all illusions of walking out of that interview with dignity and head held high) My sister did history and not geography because she accidentally scrolled down the options. And maybe, just maybe your parents met by accidents too. Come to think of it I must have talked to Kiwi by accident too because there's no way I'd approach her myself with her face like that. You know there's this anime called darker than black; if I didn't know any better I would've thought it'd be the movie to describe her face. Anyway I'll be leaving in about two days so there'll be nobody here to hold the fort for a while. Because my friend's always saying she's eating this donut and that donut everyday. And all the donut I'm eating is my sister's and when I was asked if my donut was there since 1937, you obviously know the answer to that and so I'm going to leave and I'm going to leave to take her up on her offer. To get myself some donut. Grinning Goat at 5/27/2007 08:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Otherwise original I am always amazed by the burden a writer has to carry. He has to leave a mark so profound so as to render his work characteristically his - a mark which is more than a name it can be distinguished if written incognito or in another genre - and yet each piece has to be different enough for us to recognise that creativity has its well deserved place in the work. Can something someone read in the course of his life affects how he turns out? I don't mean it in the gosh-I-want-to-be-Bruce-Wayne-after-watching-Batman-returns way. I meant the subconscious idolization of a particular character trait so abysmal that it seeps into your life the way water percolates through cracks; natural and unstoppable. That one day you become some kind of embodiment of that character trait (not ideology; my intention for this entry is never to talk about hitler, the holocaust and such) and it's a little late to change because the root is too deeply embedded in the long hours you spent reading. I wouldn't call this brain-washing of the easily influenced because even those who staked claim to originality are inspired to one degree or another by others around them and especially others they admire so let's leave the discussion of brain-washing in the hands of primary school students for after they finished their discourse on UFO. I guess in a way this shouldn't be surprising, don't we emphatise the most with characters that are not dissimilar to ours or those that we perceived as ideal, subconscious or not? What then is so earth-shattering about deep-seated idolization that brings you a couple of steps closer to your ideal? As to the question of whether this is normal, I would stick to my philosophy on normalcy: in a world where everyone is abnormal, everyone is normal. Grinning Goat at 5/23/2007 03:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 21, 2007 O,o o,O A new student just transfers to my class. Said something about her former teacher smelling too strongly of perfume. I guess smelling too good is not so good after all. Grinning Goat at 5/21/2007 08:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Point for point Gabriel Garcia Marquez was quoting a sentence from the Ides of March, something which supposedly was attributed to Julius Caesar: In the end, it is impossible not to become what others believe you are For something as obscure as a sentence I did not even read myself in the original context, it seemed to make sense. We are what we eat? Hardly (or maybe they have a point because I love chicken). We are what others believe we are. Gosh, I hope people think I am this saintly patron of goodwill. But seriously, it is a self-perpetuating cycle. By being who we are, we inadvertently let others set the bar and the consequences of not living up to that is unthinkable no matter how high the bar is and we would live to pass that bar because it has gone beyond the expectation of mere mortals to this impossible realm: a self image. It occurred to me that among the charms of reading a spanish novel are the provocations of thoughts that are english in the most old fashioned, sentimental and literary way. Grinning Goat at 5/21/2007 01:09:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 19, 2007 Bowling for soup This is the favourite song of Randy of My Name is Earl. Dumb, but have a listen. Four years you think for sure That's all you've got to endure All the total dicks All the stuck up chicks So superficial, so immature Then when you graduate You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT! This is the same as where I just came from I thought it was over Aw that's just great The whole damn world is just as obsessed With who's the best dressed and who's having sex Who's got the money, who gets the honeys Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess And you still don't have the right look And you don't have the right friends Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends High school never ends Check out the popular kids You'll never guess what Jessica did How did Mary Kate lose all that weight And Katie had a baby so I guess Tom's straight And the only thing that matters Is climbing up that social ladder Still care about your hair and the car you drive Doesn't matter if you're sixteen or thirty-five Reese Witherspoon, She's the prom queen Bill Gates, Captain of the chess team Jack Black, the clown Brad Pitt, the quarterback Seen it all before I want my money back!! Grinning Goat at 5/19/2007 04:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 10, 2007 Everyday should be thursday always Today is thursday. This means episode 125 is going to be out and I can stop being grouchy. Grinning Goat at 5/10/2007 06:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} space I never appreciate having space between my words until today. Space is what keeps you from getting dizzy, your eyeball from getting strained and your fingers from getting sore from pressing dot. And writing with dots is not fun at all, fashionable as it may be. Heh. Oh and do you know that 10 bucks can buy you a space? actually 6 bucks can too, but according to my personal IT assistant, that's not advisable because we want USB connection, not (lousy) PS2 connection. And yes, I just learnt this whole Ps2 jargon a couple of days ago, which is exactly why I need an IT assistant in the first place because the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Ps2 is play station 2 which is not only very very irrelevant in this case, it also divulges my weaknesses for a game. With this proper spacebar and enter button I can now scold people who shoot in such a stupid way they make me lose. Amen to that. I was with my crazy class today. It's this kind of class that allows the teacher to not only have fun and relive their younger days (I guess nobody can really fathom or disentangle the fabric of time) but also draw a socio-demographic diagram of who likes who, who does what in school, who owes who how much, who pretends to like what and what he actually likes, which teacher licks his finger after eating twisties in class, distributes a worksheet and points at which student in class to shave his moustache causing an acne to develop at that very spot, who likes what music, what kind of volume they use, who has one leg shorter than the other, who is this and that's ex-boyfriend and who is busy picking strawberries in malaysia during exam time. The class who talks to much but lovable nonetheless. The class who draws on the wall. (just today they wanted to do a life-size trace of me on the wall, which is flattering but outrageous with a score of 9 on a 10 point scale). Grinning Goat at 5/10/2007 06:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 08, 2007 Bloody hell R: ki.i.have.a.problem H: what's that? R: Ican'tseemtopressspacebarorbackspace H: this used to be trendy in gunbound indo R: Idon'tcareifit'sTRENDY.IfindthisVERYVERYANNOYING H: it'sokwecanjusttalklikethis R: IDONTWANNA H: thisisveryfashionable :: R: Biwi R: m6ykeyboard R: isbeingwreid R: weird Biwi: I can see that hahaha :: R: I.hate.this.I'm.like.writing.a.telegraph D: a telegram R: bleedinghell D: it's erronous, just like the owner Grinning Goat at 5/08/2007 01:43:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 06, 2007 Erhh... Have I told you about my life's goal? No. What? To marry Boonsak Ponsana That's not a life goal that's a short term near-sightedness Grinning Goat at 5/06/2007 07:02:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 05, 2007 Novel and novelty Richard Paul Evans. I've been told to read this book of his. ANyway I want to update you on my crazy class' progress. We didn't get to use the old classroom on the second floor which means that we were on the first floor which is bad because my students are loud loud people. Louder than me. I saw my ex-student. He was this boy who refused to listen to me, led the class like some sort of a misguided mafia head to become really really noisy and he would swing his chair back and forth and sing wang wang. Yes, the wang wang song. He would sing it from the beginning of class right til the end. It may be surprising to you that someone my age would remember the lyrics of that song. Oh but I remember alright, it's drilled into my ears on a weekly basis. Literally. He seemed quieter now in the next class. I made it a point to figure out what shut him up. Anyway I got wind of a few tales from my crazy class. The tale goes like this: G:....and then he didn't hear me when I called him so I shouted Daniel you made me pregnant! and do you know what you did last night? D: yes, she did say that loudly and there were this couple with a pram who heard it and stared at me and then Daniel's best friend poked his butt A: Daniel just poked your butt D: I did NOT, you poked her but G: (to me) see lah now do you believe me when I said he made me pregnant? A: Ask Peggy if it's me or you who poked her butt P: errh... D: (to A) hey what are you giving her that look for? And while they were making noise trying to sort out who pokes whose butt and lamenting the injustices of being stared at by a couple with a pram, wang wang boy came in and said in a tone uncharacteristic of a mafia head who sings stupid song over and over again: CAN YOU LOWER DOWN YOUR VOLUME, BECAUSE I'M STUDYING Ok, he wasn't shouting but the capital letter was appropriate for the effect. And I retorted without thinking: oh so NOW you're studying, eh? I'd like to believe he has changed and moved on to greener pastures. But nah, I think he just leaves the comfortable zone of childhood where you can irritate relief teacher at will and simply enters the not so comfortable zone of adolescence where injustices of being stared at by a couple with a pram abound. I love my students. Don't you just? Grinning Goat at 5/05/2007 03:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sentosa Personal Membership Card Biwi: you should aim the bottom that's where it's softest so you don't have to apply a great deal of force to scoop it out R: what are you, an engineer? Biwi: no ross, I just eat ice cream a lot R: ah Do you know that Biwi got a Sentosa Personal Membership Card as a birthday present? I tried not to laugh, I really did and then I told her that her next birthday present from me would be a renewal of that membership when it expires next year. Boy oh boy. It doesn't include the cable car ride, do you know that? Grinning Goat at 5/05/2007 03:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos