Thursday, March 29, 2007 The pills and the hormones I've always thought that PMS is just a convenient excuse women come up with to mitigate punishment the society inflicts upon them when they're being unreasonable and scold people for no reason. And that menopause is another reason that serves the same purpose when PMS can no longer stand as a valid reason with the cessation of their menstrual cycle. That's probably why girls are the ones to be pitied, because they have no excuse whatsoever. Boys, they have the hormones. The hormones that course through their blood like a concorde flying over the empire state building. But girls? they have nothing. Nothing, until the arrival of the blessed menstrual cycle. Then, only then they have PMS. And they're set for life. But now that I think about it, PMS is real. More real than the hormones coursing through the boys' veins. So real that not only is the concorde flying over the empire state building, you can hear the sound of its engine reverberating in your ear drums, so loud that it hurts. Boys will be boys. And while they have testosterone to point their fingers at, we have PMS as black sheep. Neat. Grinning Goat at 3/29/2007 02:26:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, March 28, 2007 The tip of the iceberg I was reading this John Hopkins collection. Some are great works. The others are probably great works too. I wouldn't know I guess because I couldn't quite appreciate them. To me it was baffling. Too mind-boggling. And in one of my not-so-fine mood I even thought what an ass the author's being using all those fancy-sounding words that's probably not necessary. Anyway though, vocabulary is one thing, but how does anyone get to become this old and not know anything? 23 years of ignorance. 23 years of adventures in knowledgeless maze. Sure we spend half our lives sleeping. (and others spend more). That's 12.5 years. But still, 12.5 years is a long long time. Surely you should've picked up a thing or two. My principal used to tell me, in one of her psych-the-students morning pep talk that in face of setbacks you should look at it and say, how fascinating. I thought that was a whole load of bollocks and that if a shrink says that to you you won't be coming back to her office anytime soon. Probably ever. But I have to admit, to my sarcasm-wired brain that THIS phenomena of walking carbon bags full of nothing but utter ignorance IS actually fascinating. To the point of total mortification. Especially when you talk to someone who is on the know. How does anybody do that? How does anybody do that in an era where information is just a click of a mouse away (and maybe two clicks if you buy second-hand mouse with a lousy pad) How does anybody who can go to a library and picks up any book he fancies do that? Or perhaps the word to use shouldn't be "do" because the case isn't an action as much as it is an inaction. What stops you? More importantly what stops you for a good 12.5 years? Ah and the odds are whatever that's stopping you for that 12.5 years is probably going to stop you for the other 70 years of your life. Hmm this is one of those entries I don't have a proper ending for. So I'm going to do what I do best. Sleep. Good night, everyone. Grinning Goat at 3/28/2007 12:35:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, March 27, 2007 Model philosophy Integrity is good in its place but best if it pays. There. Don't you just love it? Grinning Goat at 3/27/2007 09:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A ruffle of a butterfly's wing It can change our course of action. It can change the plot in a movie. It's surprising how the addition of a couple of lines can alter not only the body but the conclusion as well. Actually it shouldn't be that surprising, don't you think? After all the only difference between tall and not tall is not. Grinning Goat at 3/27/2007 01:18:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Boy oh boy Let me start with: what you lack in talent and brain power you make up with work and geekiness You wanna join me in geekdom? No thanks. I'm good here actually I bet it IS good there. Let me end with: ....and look at handsome guys this is NUS leh ok change that to bearable looking BEARABLE? Can I have at least DECENT-looking? beggars in orchard are bearable-looking Huahahaha not really. Some are bad you can't stand looking at him every morning when you wake up. It's like having a morning sickness without being pregnant. HAUAHAHAHAHAA Boy o boy. Grinning Goat at 3/27/2007 12:28:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 25, 2007 Me own gig There has got to be proper speakers. Loud and clear. Not muffled. Proper monitor speaker. Proper soundman. Not grouchy ones who don't know what they're doing. Wireless mic. Has got to be wireless. Or nowadays they have those clip ons don't they? I'd love those. 2 electric guitars. 1 lead 1 rhythm. Effects would be nice, but not too much distortion. 1 accoustic guitar. There's got to be one for that added texture. 1 base Drums with 6 toms and 2 crash. Oh and metronome on a headset. Keyboard is a must. Because you can't do rock and roll without it. For the opening piece, I'd love a harmonica. Has got to be tremolo (and preferably not made in china and doesn't cost a mere 4 bucks -> it's not about the price but I am just traumatised) A piano and a saxophone for the jazz pieces. Proper backing vocals with gospel feel. Indoor. I know outdoor is probably more rockin and all that. But indoor is cozy. And that's the kind of effect I'm trying to achieve. I don't care much about violins. Those are optional. Can do without em, would be nice to have em. Tell me if I miss anything. GTV is in a week's time. Lookin forward to it. Grinning Goat at 3/25/2007 11:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Naked things Naked eye: your eye. period. without any visual aid, glasses not counted Naked flame: flame not enclosed by a cover Naked truth: truth that's not hidden and is shocking Naked man: -self-explanatory- Naked toe: hole in your sock Grinning Goat at 3/25/2007 03:07:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, March 23, 2007 Caught in the mad rush hour When you're caught in the mad rush hour you'd realise that time waits for no man. Because time is a selfish bastard. Do wrinkles wait for your signal to appear? Does december come at time when it's convenient for you? Do tyres puncture only when you have spare? Do tests come only when you're all set and ready? Does time care if you got bored waiting? Does it care if you can't save it in a fixed deposit with a high interest rate? Does it care that your hospital bill baloons as the days go by? Do wisdom teeth appear only when you've lost all your teeth (or worse when you do get wise)? Does the tsunami come only when people have left? Why do you graduate only when you've started missing school and dreading to go to work? Why do you grow old only when you start to miss your childhood? Why, when finally, in a moment of starkling clarity you want to reverse a decision it's too late? Why does it rain only when your umbrella's safely tucked in your cupboard? (are umbrellas even kept in cupboard??) Why do things look funny when it's not supposed to and does not look funny when it's supposed to? Why do batteries run out in the middle of a performance? Time waits for no man. The selfish bastard. Grinning Goat at 3/23/2007 11:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, March 19, 2007 A penchant to say all the wrong things My friend's nick was "til the day we meet again, my heart is where I keep you friend" R: Are you keeping me in your intestine? or your but? S: you see the boy in my pic, ross? R: yeah S: the personal nick is for him. His name is suresh R: ohh so is it like you like this guy? S: No darling. Lol. He passed away 3 years ago R: the YJ student? I read about him S: yeah. that boy R: oh god I'm so sorry S: no it was kinda funny, no worries R: no it was creepy bordering on the rude S: haha my personal nick is drama lah, anyway you wouldn't know right? R: in that case it's best that I'm kept in your intestine :: R: if it's any consolation, he must be a good guy. Because only the good die young, so said Billy Joel S: yeah that's how me and my friends get through it. That we'll kick his ass when we see him in heaven R: his family must be torn S: yeah, I always picture his mum R: that's his mum in the picture? S: lol. no R: IF IT'S YOU I'M SO SORRY S: that's my friend R: OH GOOD Grinning Goat at 3/19/2007 10:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The anatomy of things Guitar is the extension of your fingers. Does that make vocal chord an extension of your neck? That'd be anatomically wrong huh? Not to mention linguistically lacking in aesthetics. I think it should be: vocal chord an extension of your personality. Ugly is the new beautiful. Are metro men the new women? Ignorance the new intelligence? That's a new low, even for me. Grinning Goat at 3/19/2007 10:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The gig I'll dedicate this song to the two blocks; the HDB flat in front and this condo here at the back (because they like to complain). I hope we don't disturb your beauty sleep. But it's 9 o'clock, what are you doing sleeping anyway? Next up is Pudar by Rossa. Do you know that Rossa is Sentot's cousin? Erhhh can Brian Adams be my uncle? Grinning Goat at 3/19/2007 09:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The giant leap of faith When do your choices become your fate and when does fate set choices you make? Does it ever? Fate is a strange concept. If it pre-determines your future then whatever choices you made never really matters, did it? because things are bound to happen that way anyway. So is free will nothing but an elusive idea? Bad decisions are never your fault because they're pre-determined? Being a man of Somebody told me this once. We have the choice to help but whether the person will get the help has nothing to do with our decision. If it's his fate to get help, he will get it whether we help him or not. But the choice is ours to make. Is that really how choices and fate co-exist in one universe? I understand that the pursuit of a strong faith relies not only on the foundation of trust but also our willingness to question and seek the answer that will hopefully re-afirm our faith. I understand this positive feedback effect. You need a hypothesis so you can start experimenting and come up with a decent theory when your hypothesis is proven. So how do we first set foot in the beginning when we obviously don't have anything that serves as a re-affirmation? To make that first step, is that a giant leap of faith? that you need to have enough faith to think it worthwhile to question? Perhaps this leap, it is not so giant after all. I think it's to do with self-trust. We trust ourselves enough to make sound judgements. That our hypothesis will be of some value even if it's partially or even entirely instinctive. Is it that easy, though? the recipe always looks easier on paper. Grinning Goat at 3/19/2007 08:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 11, 2007 Don't you just love these ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() href=""> ![]() Grinning Goat at 3/11/2007 09:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} She has a point R: you see this part of the lyrics? "Kim's the first girl I kissed"? I'm changing it so it doesn't sound so scandalous S: to what? R: Kim's the first boy I kissed S: so he's got to be korean then? R: erhh yeah then I suppose he is S: it's funny how changing a word changes not only the gender but also ethnicity Grinning Goat at 3/11/2007 11:18:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, March 07, 2007 M.I.B My favourite line in MIB The light:but it's normal to be sad when it's raining.. MIB: you're not sad because it's raining, it's raining because you're sad, baby How wonderful it is to be the light. I'll be sad everyday just so it'll rain. But then again if it rains then it'll be cool and I'll be happy and it won't rain anymore. Ok so maybe I don't want to be the light after all. Grinning Goat at 3/07/2007 02:28:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} The big question and the small question The big question is why does My Sharona sound so weird? The small question is why, for such a weird song does it have such a beautiful solo? I suppose that's just the way it is with weirdness. You can't explain it. Grinning Goat at 3/07/2007 02:26:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, March 03, 2007 Huahahahahaaa Po: he's a narcist R: exactly Po: you can ask him to go and die ah R: he's too handsome to die young Po: he can, when one day his camera explodes because he takes far too many pictures R: huahahahahahahahahahahaha Grinning Goat at 3/03/2007 05:00:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, March 02, 2007 How much is too much? A compromise is needed in any relationship no doubt, but how much is too much? How much can you change before you stop becoming you? How much can you make people change before they stop becoming them? If this is an exact science, imagine how convenient it must be. The ross measuring bar: Once I start listening to techno and house music, I would stop becoming me. The ono measuring bar: once he stops trying to spike his hair, he would stop becoming Ono. The kaka measuring bar: once she stops shopping, she would stop becoming kaka. The wedy measuring bar: once she starts listening to an english radio station and stops winning kindness award, she would stop becoming wedy. The shirleen measuring bar: once she starts knowing who backstreet boys are, starts going to rock concert, and stops being forgetful she would cease to be shirleen The biwi measuring bar: once she starts calling me rossie she would stop becoming biwi The dedel measuring bar: once she stops having flowery handwriting, she would stop becoming dedel But it's never exact, is it? You know how we always use our mothers as a measuring bar? as an indication of how serious things are. Like if you fall and can't decide whether it hurts or not you'd look at your mother; if she smiles and pats your head then you'd know you're fine and if she frowns and fumbles for a plaster you know you're doomed. But this is not the same thing. You'd realise by now that adults don't know everything and that's depressing because one day you'd become a mother who can't tell your kid everything. When you're just a kid, you think you'll know everything when you're a teenager but when you're a teenager you still don't know everything and so you think that you'll know everything when you're an adult. When you're an adult you still don't know everything so you wait for the wisdom of old age only to find out that the old foggies don't know everything either. A dead person must have thought the people at the gate of heaven must know everything. I think eventually you wouldn't know everything and you'd discover that nobody understands everything. There's no ross and ono and kaka and wedy and shirleen and biwi and dedel measuring bar. It'll take too much measurements to sum up a person. The motherboard of your PC would explode from information overload. There's no way you can calculate how much of you you can lose before you stop becoming you. Like say, if you lose your taste for techno music, then you won't stop becoming you, you'd only be an improved version of you. We can't say that about a person, we wouldn't know the boundary that defines his identity and the fine line that separates self-improvement from loss of self identity. That's why the corny saying goes, "If you can't follow your head then you have to follow your heart." That's like saying don't think too much and just do whatever the hell you want. A guide that's not exactly idiot-proof, because what if you don't know what you want? Well what then? Ask people? Life isn't a bunch of statistics. Grinning Goat at 3/02/2007 02:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos