Wednesday, February 28, 2007 This whole business of pissin We went inside the lioness' den today. Willingly. We asked for it, even. You know how in movies they always have two cops interviewing an extremely annoying informant or badgering a suspect, one of them playing the good guy who smiles and the other the bad cop who stares and spits? I was the one who spit. Well lucky for me it was a WE who went inside the lioness' den and not an I, because my first reflex really, after she took a piss at us, was to take a piss back at her. Which obviously would accomplish nothing, isn't the most mature thing to do and is hardly constructive in my character building but it would definitely feel good. My partner sensed the sarcasm too(right down to the last "you don't know the current job situation in Singapore?" Well, I bleeding know the booming industry now is MANUFACTURING. I hate people assuming we're a bunch of stupid morons slaving our way to do a freaking module we don't even like -all true except for the stupid and moronic bit). How could anyone not notice the sarcasm? In front of this smiling stabber with a knife for a tongue? My friend sensed it and still managed to smile back at her, soothed her temper a bit even. Which is a feat, I have to say because taking a piss back at her was not only my first reflex, it was my second, third and fourth too. So it's a good thing my friend is one who keeps her head, stays cool and do the right thing. In Biwi's word, my face was black all the way (it's amazing how a colour can describe an expression perfectly, isn't it? and it's such a simple colour, black. Not even a fancy color like turquoise or magenta) What makes my blood boil is that I'm taking the brunt for a stupid idea that's not even mine. An idea that I was so vehemently against. She told us not to be so narrow minded and the sad thing is, as much as I hate her and want to punch her face (would probably have if it's legal)I actually have to agree with her, this stupid idea IS narrow minded. Please, feel free to tell my fellow classmate that -the idiot who came up and insisted we go with his brilliant idea. But the thing is, under this circumstances of course I couldn't, because by accepting his idea and going forward with it nomatter how much it pains me , I'm part of the bloody plan, however bloody idiotic it is. I felt like strangling somebody then but I didn't, so you see the kind of proper upbringing I have. I think being a nice person requires you to have plenty of fuses, so things are salvagable if the circuit breaks every now and then. And with this woman I'd need at least a hundred dozen just to last me a good one hour. And about a zillion for a proper behaviour that involves something close to a smile. Oh and as a last word, I think busibodies ought to be shot. Can't people just stick their nose in their own business, why meddle? Like there isn't enough things to be worried about in your own life without you bothering about other people's. Christ. I've pondered over the morality of me ranting here. Personally I don't think it jibes with my moral fiber very well but I've ranted about the very same thing to a friend anyway so what does it matter? It's like I'm telling it twice but this time with a speaker. Besides, I've obtained a moral visa to publish this from my personal advisor, not that that's an excuse in itself but I trust her judgement. Grinning Goat at 2/28/2007 03:52:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, February 25, 2007 At a time At a time when my cholesterol level is at an all time high, we had to eat seafood. They were shocked to find that Ono doesn't eat stuff that looks animal-like or meat whose animal he witnesses the killing of. Whether he's showing compassion to animals or plainly being picky, you can see that all you have to do to starve my brother is to bring him into the kitchen. No prawns. No crabs. No squids. No durians. He's so going to be the last man on earth suffering from hypercholesterolimia. Kangkung-lover-spinach man who ironically can't ever be a vegetarian for the love of chicken rice. Anyway it was the first time I went to geylang. And by went, I mean walk down the road and sight-see rather than passing by it in a taxi listening to the uncle's report on which lorong is most happening. And apparently the EVEN number lorong is the most happening. Mark my words. The thing with people like me is that while I look at things, I don't actually see it. So it's really helpful to have people who have their eyes not only wide open (even though the eyes are small like mine) but also eyes that see. All I have to do is stick to them and ask them to point me all the interesting stuff that seems to pass me by. Those people that line the streets. They aren't particularly dazzlingly mind-blowingly pretty. Fact is, they're below average mostly. That, though they make up with super short skirt, a shiny boot, thick make-ups and probably a good rate. And in Geylang you find the most lecherous looking men. Leery eyes in a seedy place. On a totally irrelevant note, when asked whether the Unites States is ready for a female president, former president Clinton answered that nobody really knows until someone (a female) goes ahead and does it (be a president). I think that's true for a lot of things. Ono always asks me to decide on trivial things related to him. Like say, he'd ask me whether I'd pick S or E. And since E sounds good to me, I said E. At which point he'd go ahhh whyyy? and do S instead. Which defeats the purpose of him asking me in the first place, doesn't it? At least I thought it was. That is, until I discovered that with a lot of things, the easiest thing to decide what you like is to know what you don't like. So in the silly matter of E(ating) and S(leeping), he actually finds sleeping not agreeable so he goes to eat. My answer was not the decision, it was the stepping stone to that decision and I think that's a cheat because if he asks me straight whether I think he should eat or sleep first, without going to all that trouble of condensing it into a single letter, I'd go with sleep (rather than E) just so he doesn't exhaust the food in the fridge. So just like how America won't know whether they're ready for a female president until someone goes and does it, Ono won't know wheher he wants to sleep or eat until I pick one letter so he can decide on the opposite. Such is the twisted mind of me and my brother. Grinning Goat at 2/25/2007 02:55:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} inane musings My three year old phone is gone for good. It's full of scratches, doesn't have the brigtest light in the neighbourhood, no FM reception, no games. It's old. BUT see it's been with me for a good part of the three years (or was it four?). And see.. we have a love-hate relationship. I used to begrudge having to buy it because in a world where stoopidity is limitless, I dropped my newly bought phone down the toilet bowl (and the thing that people always ask me is if I dropped it before or after I peed which is hardly the main focus here, don't you think?)It has suffered through a regime of Joe Satriani ring tone to Drops of Jupiter to my more frivolous pick of songs recently. It has suffered though blabbers after blabbers that burnt my ears but made singtel happy. A faithful entertainer. Bathing buddy. Anyway my point is I have feelings for this phone. And its battery LASTS. Brought it with me to Thailand for a good three days and I didn't even have to charge it. Biwi owned the exact same one and when she too went to Thailand, she didn't have to charge hers. That's a testament to its battery power. It's a walking duracell bunny. Biwi couldn't stop singing her praises and I couldn't stop nodding my head but now that I owned it no more I can't nod my head along. That'll be like praising her phone (and hers is pink man). Ya'know how they always ramble on and on about how technology moves forward, not backward. Makes you think it's pointless to keep old stuff, doesn't it? (which brings me to another question: how do museums stay in business?) But ya'know, if you want to argue like that then I can say the same thing: even if I want it back noone's selling it anymore. Mai bu dao de, lao da. (Unless I buy Biwi's, but it's pink man) I have a friend who keeps losing her phone (no more she said, but still..she's experienced in this matter of losing phones, eh?)I know how she must've felt. --> ok maybe not because if you lose it too many times then you might have some degree of numbness to the experience, eh? Huahahahaha. By the way shirleen, I'll go pick up your Crime and Punishment one of these days. And thanks for the offer =) Ah, you can go meet Mr.Tintin -AND SNOWY AND CAPTAIN HADDOCK- and have a loaded literary discussion on it with him hauahahaa I think that as a phone ages, its dropping seling price is compensated by its raising sentimental value. Please don't measure somebody's capability to be sentimental over whether he cries watching Korean drama. How about losing a phone, man? How about that, huh? That phone knows my character. It silently understands that I don't delete my messages until it reaches a thousand and heavily slows down the arrival of incoming messages so it allows me to store that much messages. Large inbox for sentimental people. (don't they have a song called love me for sentimental reason?) Ok by now you'd have realised that I just wasted one entry writing nonsense. The love story between me and my phone. Can't you believe that? Well, I can't believe you read it long enough to reach this part too. Grinning Goat at 2/25/2007 01:52:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Uhhh Ono: come see my new shoe R: now? Ono: yeah R: must I see it now? Ono: yeah R: why is it that i have to see it now? it ain't running anywhere, is it? Ono:it'll change shape R: I bet it will Ono: yeah it'll melt Grinning Goat at 2/25/2007 01:00:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Soul Thing It ain't no groove thing it ain't no country twang it's a simple refrain it's a soul thang Grinning Goat at 2/25/2007 12:58:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, February 22, 2007 Lil red riding hood I can't think straight from all the good food. We were wearing red. Top to bottom. Inside out (don't ask). It just felt weird, wearing red. People do burn from wearing red too many times, don't they? Doesn't it raise your body temperature or something? Makes you mad if you stare at it a little too long (I think there's a bull in all of us heh). It's just darn bright, isn't it? The glare's too much. I think it might as well that chinese new year only comes once a year. Because if not then I'd have to do a major wardrobe makeover, not to mention being in a foul foul mood 24 hours out of 24. Which is like a perpetual PMS and that's bad isn't it? Because if you fool your body into having a perpetual PMS then it being PRE-menstrual means you can't ever have your period at all, can you? My chinese new year resolution: to acquint myself with the plethora of Nobel laureate works. On my reading list: Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment John irving - A prayer for Owen Meany Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms Gabriel Garcia Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude All this courtesy of Mr.Tintin (I couldn't help but think SNOWY & CAPTAIN HADDOCK everytime) He's into Russian writers. And now that I've established Irish writers as finer writers than American writers, I see no harm in venturing into books by Russian authors. See them for myself. I'm pretty excited about One hundred years of solitude actually. This is in no way related to the book, but I personally think a hundred years of solitude would drive anyone crazy. It'll give people a lot of time to think. A tad bit too much, as a matter of fact. To the point where nobody can stop your train of thoughts going 75 miles an hour (well how could anyone if they're not even there). Jumbled thoughts go full circle before they self-destruct. Anyway, chinese new year has been pretty fruitful in the gaining weight department. We've managed to concoct ice-cream previously found only at this place. And the fact that we've managed to do that now leads us (well at least me) to think: what a cheater that place has been. Because if I can make it, anyone with half a brain can. I'm pretty happy to share it by the way. The simplicity of it will shame you. Saw my cousin the hip hop dancer. (which looks just like my other cousin which according to Wedy has a jian bian face -I'm not entirely sure what it means but I think it's something along the line of itching-for-a-punch face which is mean most certainly, but also entirely appropriate) Then another cousin. My sister's boyfriend. My sisters' friend. Oh and here's the catch: the daughter of the man who used to chase after my dad's sister and is now a friend of my dad (Dad always said with a laugh that the man still treated him as a brother-in-law). The daughter leaked out that she was told to spy on my dad's daughters -which would be us the three sisters- by his father for a potential daughter-in-law to be married to her brothers which made us choke undoubtedly but also reinforced the feeling that the man wants to make my dad into some kind of an in-law now that he failed to make my dad a brother-in-law. I can't quite tell which is a joke and which isn't anymore. I didn't know I have such a hip aunt with many suitors. Because apparently there are more but we're not about to invite their daughters along for family dinners. Because it would be scandalous don't you think? Right. Enough ramblings for the day. I see that this post is hardly coherent. But as long as it's comprehensible, eh? Grinning Goat at 2/22/2007 02:15:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} The brilliant masterpiece We're us. We're us. And I meant we're US. Look at the poster and look at us, the poster is US. You know what, the resemblance is freaky. I couldn't make it for the photoshot so that empty space was for me. Anyway it isn't hard to deduce from the poster. So folks, what the heck are you waiting for? Come down every friday night for some happy hour with extra happy! => ![]() Grinning Goat at 2/22/2007 02:07:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, February 17, 2007 The munchies My sister, for some reason or other always seem to win some kindness award. Her class' kindness award. Her school's kindness award. Singapore kindness award. And now LipoC Kindness Award. Ok when I heard that I thought oww man it sounds like liposuction but who cares if it does, if you win the award right? And she's 500 bucks richer to top it off. This I have to say is a case of hao ying you hao bao. What good thing that goes around comes around. Obviously though it doesn't quite run in the blood. It seems to have skipped me, as a matter of fact. Ah yea anyway the poster for Munchies is out. Lord I LOVEEEE me banddddd. I think it'll be one of the hardest things to give up the day I graduate. The music. The jammings. The jokes. I'll put up the poster as soon as I figure out if my scanner's working. I'm posting this a tad bit late because last night my PC restarted on me and I couldn't be bothered to cajole it to work properly. Grinning Goat at 2/17/2007 01:01:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, February 16, 2007 Pointless R: What's the name of the original singer again? Wedy: I don't know. My friend knows though R: Ask her then Wedy: I forgot which friend Then I look a cross between these three expressions: O,o and @,@ and T______T V-day gig was fantastic. As usual the word of advice was "make the stage your own". And it makes sense because when the stage is yours, drinks don't get spilled, voices don't tremble and audiences actually look half as threatening. Problem is even if the stage is yours, you've still got to compensate the Munchies if you break anything on stage. Grinning Goat at 2/16/2007 12:52:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, February 14, 2007 We just don't care SHIRLEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN see if this is something you can appreciate :> Grinning Goat at 2/14/2007 03:46:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Coincidence There is no such thing as a coincidence. But the thing with that is, in a world with no coincidence when you happen to see a stranger on the street who looks like your friend, then the odds are the stranger is your friend having gone under the knife or his sibling or relative. And when you happen to see your friend on the street you'd start thinking: why the hell is he following me? And when you see your kid drawing the picture of a woman (supposedly you but looking a great deal like monalisa) then you'd think: he's a genius and should be sent to some art school in italy. All those are bollocks obviously. My mind's too simple to comprehend the possibility of a world without coincidence. Why, it is simpler to think that coincidences do happen. So rather than bursting my head thinking why the such and such happens (you see.. this can extend the discussion to fate or God's will; all of which I have not, do not and perhaps would never understand) If an old friend bumps into you it's easier to think of that as a mere coincidence (say she needs to buy shampoo and you're running out of milk) rather than as a way the Greater Power use to tell you that it's time to have a high school reunion and exchange msn address (although probably you'd do the later even without the Greater Power's encouragement). I have imagined a world where humans can photosynthesise. There'll be more land because there's no such thing as agriculture. Cows and chickens would be pets rather than food. Nobody suffers from heart attack and hypercholesterolimia (because your greatest enemy isn't the neighbour with the annoying dog whose bark is worse than its bite but your tongue and how are you supposed to fight your enemy if he's inside your mouth?). No restaurants. Just petrol station. Noone's farting. No malnutrition. Happier african children. Most definitely a happier world (has got to be, because noone knows the taste of ice cream anyway. Or strawberry cheesecake. Or mangoes. Or apple pies) But then I was transported back to the real world because the teacher's staring at me and I thought, what a depressing place this world is. So rather than going into a better place in your head hypothesising the benefit of a world you created but have never existed, it's easier to just look at the world the way it is. A place where coincidences and apple pies abound and men do not photosynthesise. Labels: del, I couldn't resist writing this post after what you said about coincidences :) Grinning Goat at 2/13/2007 05:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} High and dry After jamming with the guys I was high. Something about cracking stupid jokes (really, with these things there's no limit to dumbness), the noise and the rain. I thought swapping band with satrio was going to be bad but it turned out to be pretty good. We really need a drummer though because I'd be damned if I have to do accoustic for the whole semester. I HATE accoustics. I need base and drums to- as Sean likes to put it- pump it up. Aye. Can you imagine doing an ABBA accoustics? O lorddddd Grinning Goat at 2/13/2007 05:25:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, February 12, 2007 You're your own man Poni: gila plan lo tuh ga jelas abis ya.. R: huahaha actually I don't even call that a plan Because if it's so unclear that it doesn't point you to any particular direction then you can't call it a plan ,can you? It's probably just some random thought that somehow gets emphasized and overblown in your mind. And that's bad isn't it? because then your idea of a plan is just some inane musings in your head. I have a test with a negative marking today. Which means a wrong answer has its own penalty (besides you flunking the test the normal shite-I-cannot-answer-way). Which also means bullshit isn't tolerable, unlike other things in life. Anyway my point is, the whole time I was answering, I was looking at whether it was a good bet or a bad bet. And I thought schools (or any upright higher educational institutions) aren't supposed to teach their students how to gamble? But of course that's not a sound argument, eh? Because you are gambling in real life anyway. Studying in a particular field is betting that it'll be enough to feed you for life. And the result of that bet doesn't come in the form of a radio announcement. No sir, it comes in the form of a career fair where you get a glimpse (a bird's eye view in fact) of your own career path with its number of employer and prospect for advancement or its lack of them. And the sad thing about climbing the wrong tree is that while you're up there breathing the fresh air and being admired by the people staring at you from down below, you'd be oblivious of the crisp morning air and the admiration because you're too busy admiring the people on the other tree. Grinning Goat at 2/12/2007 02:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, February 05, 2007 What goes into it My friend's t-shirt has these: At the back --> the writing: DEATH LIFE At the front --> the letter BC then the sillhouette of a man and then the letter AD At the sleeve--> some scribbling It was all a riddle I discovered to my horror. The back of the shirt was saying Life after death The sleeve meant Jesus because He's the only man that separates BC from AD As for the sleeve: ahh apparently it says RULES but the letters are broken so obviously (I'm starting to get the hang of the game) it meant broken rules All in all I was told that the WHOLE thing meant : there's life after death because we break rules (the Jesus bit is supposed to be in it too but I forgot) I had no idea such great amount of work went into the making of that t-shirt. O,o Because what I saw was : some writing, an odd figure and a scribble. Grinning Goat at 2/05/2007 05:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Biwi says I'm full of shite And it's all ONLY because I told her that the morning air has laxative effects. Grinning Goat at 2/05/2007 05:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} 2 mouth and 1 brain On the third floor, the elevator beeped and I walked out. Peru: Ross it's not the fifth floor yet. (and as an afterthought she added) Oh you're stepping out so people can go out... so nice ah R: No, I really thought it's the fifth floor Peru: I was trying to make it look like you didn't R: ohh There's no point in people trying to save my face because obviously it's unsalvagable. Grinning Goat at 2/05/2007 05:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} My stand on abortion. A satire Your stand on abortion. This is all very confusing isn't it? Are you pro or against it when sitting on the fence isn't a viable option? I think most people - we- don't really think about this. And when we don't think about it then we don't care very much about it. And when we don't care very much about it, we wouldn't bother where the baby goes right? To heaven or to hell or to the dust bin at the back of some sleazy clinic. Doesn't that mean that by default we're all pro abortion? If this is all true, half the world must be pro abortion and probably would remain so until the day the baby comes and they're forced to rethink their stand. And when you look at a kid everyone thinks is a mistake, there really isn't much of a mistake written on his forehead is it? Sure, he may have a flat nose and is very hard to catch when he runs and all that but he's fine. Is he not? So are you pro abortion or against? Ah I probably shouldn't simplify people of the world into such narrow categories. But then again, we categorise people all the time. If you're not friend then you're enemy. You're either a Republican or Democrat. Tall or short. Fat or thin. Paris Hilton lover or hater. Early comer or late comer. See? I'm simply putting forward a category in an array of categories people have conveniently created for themselves for the sake of distinguishing people into groups. Although for what reason God knows. I mean, so what if you're a paris hilton hater and some other people are too? Are you going to start a paris hilton hater support group and flood her fanmailbox together? Grinning Goat at 2/05/2007 04:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Stuck in me old ways What the hell. They're forcing me to move to google. I LIKE THE OLD LAYOUT. Sheesssh forcing people to move. Google's buying everything aren't they? First youtube then blogspot. Jesus. Right. After I got rid of my shock I'll start a proper post. Labels: I think this whole labelling business is stupid and Im writing this just to test it out. Sheeshhhh Grinning Goat at 2/05/2007 04:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, February 04, 2007 Let's see A song with the most nonsensical lyrics ever . The lines don't connect to one another and there's no plot Grinning Goat at 2/04/2007 08:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, February 03, 2007 When you get loud Gossipping is never about the end point is it? It's about the winding trails that lead there. About every nooks and cranies. Every chipped surface on your table. Every cracks on the wall. Every moles in your face. Every freckles on your hide. Because if you tell only the end point then you'd only be telling a news, not a gossip. Anyway the silly thing is, I used to be told to go back before the sun sets. And yesterday I was actually told to go back after the sun rises. It's weirdly reasonable and yet peculiar in a liberating kind of way. I hate waiting for the bus though. And dragging Andri with me while I was at it. Grinning Goat at 2/03/2007 06:42:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos