Sunday, October 29, 2006 O,o I had "nobody dies a virgin because in the end life fucks us all" as part of my nick. SirLoseAlot: Don't worry, when i'm desperate enough I will come to those dying virgin grand mass R: hmmm nobody dies a virgin, so you don't even have to come for anything Church's closed. For maintenance. Grinning Goat at 10/29/2006 03:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 27, 2006 You shall not be a judge of your own course We had a high court judge as guest lecturer today. When asked about the hardest thing about being a judge, he said it was the nagging doubt if his decision is right or wrong. And also listening to the wailing of the mother of the accused outside the courtroom after he read his verdict. Then it was followed by a dramatic but not overly intelligent question - whether he has had any sleepless night after dropping a verdict. He said the sleeplessness comes before the verdict and not after. I guess that's befitting of a judge, because if it's after, he's as good as regretting his own decision. But then again he was always trying to be politically correct which is good for him but frustrating for me. Because politically correct answers are not the real answer 99% of the time. But all in all he seems wise. I could see why he was appointed judge. Oh and today I watched this movie. I think it was a UK movie. Anyway I seriously think Brittons should just stop making movies altogether and write novels. They make excellent reads, but movies they can't do. It's about these 2 girls raised in a dysfunctional family who ended up being someone with a kinky sense of humour, liars and lesbians. To tell you the truth it wasn't so much what the plot is, as it was believing that they're actually calling it a plot. And my back's killing me today. It was this constant throbbing. Standing up seemed wrong. Sitting down seemed wrong. Couldn't bend forward. Like being pregnant but at the back and without the benefit of having someone to suck food out of you so you can eat more. Heh. Grinning Goat at 10/27/2006 11:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Everybody hates chris The title may be a rip off off Everybody loves Raymond but the show's loads better. Dad: Maybe we should just let Chris transfer to another school Mom: Nooo if you do that, the next time he's not happy about something he's just gonna come to you and that means you're a bad father. And if you're a bad father that means I pick the wrong husband and if you think people can just walk around here saying I just married anyobody, you're outta your damn mind. "Going to the doctor is a serious business because everytime there's something wrong with one of us, my mother thinks she can fix it with robitussin" Drew: I burnt my finger! Mom: aww let me see thaT... I'll go get the robitussin Dad: Hmm I think Tasha has a broken tooth Mom: I'll go get the robitussin Tasha: Mommm, Chris got hit by a carrrr!!! Mom: Hang on, I'll go get the robitussin Grinning Goat at 10/25/2006 10:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Next to blindness She was sitting next to me all along. And then about an hour along the way I realised that she was my neighbour. I think the shocked look on my face was enough grounds for total mortification. It wasn't even a case of choosing what I want to see, it was not seeing at all. Funny thing is, I did see the person sitting next to her which was two seats away from me. I just kind of missed my neigbour in my peripheral vision. And she then said that she poked my arm at one point. Which sinks me to lower ground, because not only was I blind, I was also numb. The problem with me is - so i was told- I either read too much or read nothing. Extreme ends of the spectrum with no moderation. 'S that good or bad? Like hell it's bad. But then again maybe that's why there are so many people in this world. So that half can agree with you and the other half can disagree with you. A kinky way to look at the world, no? Grinning Goat at 10/25/2006 06:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 23, 2006 Blip Agromaezydae: can you not double team? R: can you not breathe? Agromaezydae: yea Ono: Okay hold for 10 minutes Agromaezydae: ok I'll start now Ono: I'll call the ambulance R: Ono, you shall be responsible if he dies Grinning Goat at 10/23/2006 02:39:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 20, 2006 When the spirits are high It's a great day. Today was our last performance at Munchie Monkey. And I was excited for a coupla reason. The pick of songs was good. We're doing the SECOND set instead of first which means Andri and SellV could make it on time. And they didn't get stupid taxi driver who couldn't -for the love of me- find the soccer field (It's a soccer field for goodness' sake, how hard can it be to spot it?) Unlike this other one who didn't only NOT know where the soccer field is but also dropped my friend at the NUH instead of the YIH. Anyway, I love Queen's Crazy Little Thing Called Love. THe best song pick yet. Lord. Today was just great. No words could do justice to describe it. So I'll leave it at that. Grinning Goat at 10/20/2006 02:18:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, October 15, 2006 The states of things I was supposed to write a personal statement today. One thing that struck me, in any offocial document where you're supposed to promote yourself: it's hard to praise yourself without sounding like some egotistical narcissistic moron. That means what, giving indirect hints that you're good at something? Afterall, the unsaid is not always unheard. The trick I think is to strike that balance. To sound sincere enough and yet not so sincere that you sound like a pushover, realistic enough to sound honest and yet mind blowing enough to make your head sticks out among the sea of heads, arrogant enough to sound confident and yet humble enough to not sound like an annoying lip service paying undue tribute to self, different enough to sound original yet similar enough to not sound weird, formal enough to sound polite and articulate yet informal enough to not sound totally inhuman (I was about to say funny enough but then again it isn't supposed to be funny), the tone bright enough to sound optimistic yet dim enough to sound realistic. It's hard. And my english. It's deteriorating. At one point I pondered, is there such a thing as self-potential? Hmmm potential within self sounds too religious. And what's more unforgivable was the fact that I almost wrote "self-potential is one to be explored and EXPLOITED" Jesus. I just made a mine out of people. Sheeeshhh. Anyway it's been a long day. A long day full of childish contemplation involving snatching the computer away from Ono for a few games of gunbound which involved this idiot of a racist who kept saying "Fukkin yellow" throughout the whole game. And clearly it's no use telling him that I'm a hungarian and that contrary to popular belief, I am actually not yellow at all. But purple. Grinning Goat at 10/15/2006 04:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 09, 2006 With face like this who needs a butt Well. To put it simply, I was embarrassed yesterday. Embarrassed with a capital E. Hmm make that capital all the way. Sheeeshhhhhhh. It's a little like: I might as well put my butt where my face is. I know it shouldn't be too weird talking to your own PDA. I sing to my shower cap and curse my shower handle all the time. It's just well...sigh, there's no excuse. So is everything clear now? very, embarrassingly so And it was. Grinning Goat at 10/09/2006 09:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, October 07, 2006 Nice fog A friend of mine put something on his nick that tickled my Which made me think about prejudice. And I guess nothing describes that better than the saying "We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are". Anyway the fog is really thick today. It's like the whole street is smoking. Gives you the illusion of living in some mystical misty place, except that there's hardly anything mystical about inhaling junkies and seeing through a smoke screen. I squinted, took off my spectacles and wiped it. Put it back on. Squinted some more. And it was still there. I wasn't having no pre-mature cataract. And when you look at the air under the light of the street lamp, it's as though we're living in a chimney. And what separates living in this place from some misty cool place like switzerland is that absence of puff when we speak and having a healthy lung. Clearly. Grinning Goat at 10/07/2006 12:12:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 02, 2006 The one thing that traverses age Pon: ross ross can you do me a favour? R: what's that? Pon: see I'm in this quest right, I need you to buy me Two Rings Archmagus R: are you talking about neopets??? Pon: yea this is all your fault R: HAUAHAHAHAHHAA I CAN'T BELIEVE THISSSSSS Pon: you introduced me to this. It was all because it was exam period and I was too lazy to study and then you said go play neopets R: HUAHAHAHAHAHAA hey you can't access the shop wizard because you're on a quest huh? Pon: yeah it's really dumb. R: Ah you cheaterbug. I got Two Rings Archmagus stamp. Pon: no not the stamp, it's a card collectible R: really? my search only gave me the stupid stamp Pon: you gotta go with "exact search" ross, not "contain search word" R: ahhhh gosh you're more expert than me at this now aren't you? Sooooo one thing I learn is that the ONE THING that traverses age is NEOPETS I got her her Two Rings Archmagus Card Collectibles. After having a good laugh at it. Man, she's like what? twenty two?? Oh well I still play Destruct O Match. Who am I to comment on her? Grinning Goat at 10/02/2006 10:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, October 01, 2006 Can you Can you believe something into existence? I think you can. And there's no better way to deceive yourself than that. Saying something over and over in your head until you believe it to be true. Well that wasn't so much believing something into existence was it? That was believing something into existence in your head. You see white when other people see black. Grinning Goat at 10/01/2006 11:30:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos