Saturday, September 30, 2006 In motion I spent two hours trying to drill the concept of moles to these kids today. And I realized that while I was running, so was everybody else. Grinning Goat at 9/30/2006 02:01:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Forcing nothingness into something Paleontology vs Forensic Science. The study of fossils vs scientific investigation relating to the law. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION?? Now the funny thing is, none of them ever thought about putting this topic "Anthropology vs Forensic Science". Now that, may have some degree of overlap. You have forensic anthropologist, but seriously have you ever heard of forensic paleontologist? If you're studying fossils, you're studying something that's been dead for many many years, no? (well some smart alleck said there's no minimum time limit before something can be called a fossil, but tell me the truth, would you call something that's been dead for a coupla years a fossil?) The thing is, if it's been dead for thousands of years, then whoever killed it would most probably be dead for thousands of years too, right? So who gives a damn who killed it? There won't be any trial for the poor fella. Justive served or not, the culprit's no longer around. Well unless if you're talking about Tutankhamen and the controversy over his death (whether he was killed). It was discovered that he wasn't killed after all but died of some infection when he fractured his leg. Now that's relevant... just tell me again if forensic science is defined as scientific investigation with relation to the law, how is discovering the way Tutankhamen died related to the law? On a totally irrelevant note, I was reading from a friend's blog about an experiment this Japanese guy did. He put a cup of rice in a glass of water and another cup in a separate glass. He talked to the rice every day for one month at the same time each day. He said "thank you" to one jar and "you fool" to the other jar. In his experiment, Emoto found that the rice that was told "thank you" was nearly fermented and had a nice, mellow, malted-rice aroma. The other bowl of rice that was told, "you fool," turned black, became rotten and smelled disgusting. Full story here I was thinking if in the same way, the behaviour of a person is affected by the kind of words he hears on a daily basis (something to do with the value of encouragement, praises and the likes) but mostly I was thinking if the plants in my balcony were dying because of my singing. Grinning Goat at 9/30/2006 01:23:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, September 28, 2006 Opportunist I just remember this dialogue I saw in a show once. It goes like this: A: I know you wouldn't go out with me in a million years but can we set off the clock a million year late and go grab a coffee? B: I don't think that's a very good idea A: Shall we discuss the merit of the idea over dinner? That is what I call an opportunist. P.S Shirleen I can definitely see why you like Mahalia Jackson! Grinning Goat at 9/28/2006 10:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, September 26, 2006 Brilliant One word for this song: RICH I love the lyrics. I worship the arrangements. Ting Ma Ma De Hua by Jay Chou 小朋友 你是否有很多問號 為什麼 Xiao peng you, ni shi fou you hen duo wen hao, wei she me Little children, do you have a lot of questions, why 別人在那看漫畫 我卻在學畫畫 對著鋼琴說話 Bie ren zai na kan man hua, wo que zai xue hua hua, dui zhe gang qin shuo hua When other kids are reading manga, I am learning to draw and learning to communicate with the piano 別人在玩遊戲 我卻靠在牆壁背我的ABC Bie ren zai wan you xi, wo que kao zai qiang bi bei wo de ABC When other kids are playing games, I am leaning on the wall memorizing my ABCs 我說我要一台大大的飛機 我卻得到一台舊舊錄音機 Wo shuo wo yao yi tai da da de fei ji, wo que de dao yi tai jiu jiu lu yin ji I said that I wanted a large airplane, but I got an old recorder 為什麼 要聽媽媽的話 長大後你就會開始懂得這種話 Wei she me, yao ting ma ma de hua, zhang da hou ni jiu hui kai shi dong de zhe zhong hua Why? Listen to mother’s words. When you grow up you will understand what I am saying 長大後我開始明白 為什麼我跑的比別人快 飛的比別人高 Zhang da hou wou kai shi ming bai, wei she me wo pao de bi bie ren kuai, fei de bi bie ren gao After I got older I started to realize why I run faster than others and fly further than other people 將來大家看的都是我畫的漫畫 大家唱的都是 我寫的歌 Jiang lai da jia kan de dou shi wo hua de man hua, da jia chang de dou shi wo xie de ge In the future, people will be reading my mangas and what they sing, they're all songs I write 媽媽的辛苦 不讓你看見 溫暖的食譜在她心裡面 Ma ma de xin ku bu rang ni kan jian, wen nuan de shi pu zai ta xin li mian Mother's hard work isn't seen by others. The warm recipe lies in heart 有空就多多握握她的手 把手牽著一起夢遊 You kong jiu duo duo wo wo ta de shou, ba shou qian zhe yi qi meng you When you have time, hold her hand, sleeep and have a good dream 聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她 Ting ma ma de hua, bie rang ta shou shang, xiang kuai kuai zhang da cai neng bao hu ta Listen to mother's words, don't let her get hurt. You want to grow up quickly so you can take care of her 美麗的白髮 幸福中發芽 天使的魔法 溫暖中慈祥 Mei li de bai fa, xing fu zhong fa ya tian shi de mo fa, wen nuan zhong ci xiang Beautiful white hair, growing inside happiness. Angel's magic benevolence within (her) gentleness 在你的未來 音樂是你的王牌 拿王牌談個戀愛 Zai ni de wei lai, yin yue shi ni de wang pai na wang pai tan ge lian ai In future, music is your trump card, use it when you date people 唉 我不想把你教壞 還是聽媽媽的話吧 晚點在戀愛吧 Ai wo bu xiang ba ni jiao huai hai shi ting ma ma de hua ba, wan dian zai lian ai ba Sigh, I don't want to teach you to be a bad kid. Why don't you listen to what your mother says and get into a relationship later 我知道你未來的路 當媽比我更清楚 Wo zhi dao ni wei lai de lu, dang ma bi wo geng qing chu I know your future path, but your mother knows it even better 你會開始學其他同學在書包寫東寫西 Ni hui kan shi xue qi ta tong xue zai shu bao xie dong xie xi You will start imitating friends and write things on your backpack 但我建議你最好寫 媽媽我會用功讀書 Dan shi wo jian yi ni zui hao xie, ma ma wou hui yong gong du shu But I suggest you better write: Mom I will put in my best effort to learn 用功讀書 怎麼會從我嘴巴說出 Yong gong du shu, zhe me hui cong wo zui ba shuo chu I will study hard, how does that come from my mouth? 不想你輸所以要教你 用功讀書 Bu xiang ni shu suo yi yao jiao ni, yong gong du shu Don't want you to lose so I have to tell you: study hard 媽媽織給你的毛衣 你要好好收著 Ma ma zhi gei ni de mao yi, ni yao hao hao shou zhe The sweater mother gave you, you have to keep it well 因為母親節到時我要告訴她 我還留著 Ying wei mu qin jie dao shi wo hui gao shu ta, wo hai liu zhe Because on Mother’s Day, I want to tell her, I still have it 對了 我會遇到了周潤發 Dui le, wo hui yu dao le zou ren fa Oh yea, I will meet Zhou Run Fa 所以你可以跟同學炫耀 賭神未來是你爸爸 suo yi ni ke yi geng tong xue xuan yao du shen wei lai shi ni ba ba So you can show off to your friends, "The God of Gambling will be your father" 我找不到童年寫的情書 你寫完不要送人 Wo zhao bu dao tong nian xie de qing shu, ni xie wan bu yao song ren I can't find the childhood love letter. Don't give it away after you write it 因為過兩天你會在操場上撿到 yin wei guo liang tian ni hui zai cao chang shang jian dao Because you will find it on the playground two days later 你會開始喜歡上流行歌 因為張學友開始準備唱吻別 Ni hui kai shi xi huan shang liu xing ge yin wei zhang xue you kai shi zhun bei chang wen bie You will start to like pop music because Jacky Cheung is about to sing Wenbie (Kiss Goodbye) 聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她 Ting ma ma de hua, bie rang ta shou shang, xiang kuai kuai zhang da cai neng bao hu ta Listen to mother's words, don't let her get hurt. You want to grow up quickly so you can take care of her and protect her ------------------------ SOmehow translating it into english is making it lose half of what makes this song this song. I'd opt for this song given Sweet Child Of Mine. Perhaps I've mellowed. Grinning Goat at 9/26/2006 10:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, September 25, 2006 ~"~ R: Hey do this math question for me Deldel: Hmmm are you sure it's doable? R: It seems something's wrong with the question, no? Deldel: Yes, first of all that angle 80 degree on the right is impossible, it's clearly more than 90 degree R: The picture isn't accurate Deldel: The picture alone is so screwed up R: But you get the idea right? Deldel: yes yes, I think something's lacking I'm quite sure R: No, thats the WHOLE question Deldel: Who set this question? Can't even draw it right R: It's in her exercise book. I DREW THAT Deldel: HUAHAHAHAHAHA oooppppssssssssssss R: must go for art class ah Grinning Goat at 9/25/2006 01:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, September 24, 2006 Whats the hype all about My first ever chemistry class. I think I've said this before, the worst part about being a teacher is that no matter how interesting you make the lesson, the kids are always happiest when it ends. No, in fact my kids rushed to go. To watch Singapore idol final. And what was I supposed to say, titration is more important than supporting Jonathan Leong??? Well in the general scheme of things, a lot of things probably are. Like supporting Hady Mirza. Heh. Anyway, I had heart palpitations just now because there were 5 of them and I really didn't want to screw it up. They're all stuck with me until October. It was all paid for, I just discovered. So I better make it worth their money. A matter of pride I guess. A rush of blood to the head though. Like when I was forced to emcee. It was like meeting strangers and there was this wall and I was supposed to break it down because I'm the teacher. And if I fail it would be like making a bad joke in a pub and suffering from the awkward silence afterwards. You could say nevermind but those pairs of eyes would follow you backstage. Hmmm but I actually like this class. Maybe it has something to do with a one-on-one session boring the shite out of people. So 5 on 1 is like a war or something. I was resorting to some cheap bribery just now. "Come on solve this, you'll get a chocolate next week". Then this girl took out MnM from her bag. See... there's always these people who spoil the market. Or as Indonesians fondly call it ngerusak pasaran. So yeah, no chocolate. No kerokeropi stickers either(because for all I know this girl could come up with a shiny Hello Kitty one and what can compete with that??) Grinning Goat at 9/24/2006 11:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, September 23, 2006 fOOD My tuition kid's grandmother managed to feed me today. Finally. Huahaha. It was like she had prepared the fruit in the plastic bag so by the time I was done, she just smilingly handed it to me. It was nice. And I want to curse my chinese. Because bu hao yi si and xie xie just didn't seem to be enough. Grinning Goat at 9/23/2006 03:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, September 22, 2006 Mr brightside The munchie monkey gig was a blast, with all its imperfections (and there are a lot). My shifu, Shirleen was there. Primarily to offend the cashier. Secondarily to be a part of the audience to which I am most grateful. Sherra was there. SHe asked me something that until today I don't know how to describe. See, the thing is today I watched this Hindi movie and there was this fella who said "Your left foot is in the past and your right in the future, that's why you're pissing in the present". And that oddly described it. To do something that you like and get appreciated doing it is the greatest feeling in the world. Somebody liked my voice. And the best part is, she's a stranger. Considering there's a lot not to like in my voice it was something. Oh yeah don't worry I realise I sound big-headed. Realising my big-headedness is half the battle won. So they said. Grinning Goat at 9/22/2006 11:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, September 21, 2006 IN conjunction with I read this on the feedback page and felt terribly (i never know that this day will come; the day when I cannot translate an indonesian word to an english word without losing its proper context. I shall then not attempt to translate, you'll know what I'm talking about in time) KESINDIR This is what was posted: "Many students also expressed themselves in an articulate fashion, although some felt compelled to use what they take to be a fancy and impressive academic language where a simpler form and tone may have conveyed their thoughts more directly" SO IN CONJUNCTION WITH THAT FEEDBACK, I AM DOWNTONING THIS: Narratives are re-enactments of events and while there may be some truth in them, I am faced with a conundrum: how can I separate truth from the false when this truth is made visible though a medium that I know to be false i.e. narrative as a work of fiction. TO THIS: Narratives are re-enactments of events and while there may be some truth in them, I am faced with a dilemma: how can I look for "truth" in something that's clearly a work of fiction - which by definition is the very opposite of truth? AND THEN TO THIS: Narratives are re-enactments of events. There may be some truth in them but if truth is what I'm after, I am faced with a dilemma: how can I look for "truth" in something that's clearly a work of fiction; how credible is this truth? So, YES hopefully I am not one who felt compelled to use what I take to be a fancy and impressive academic language because most certainly, a simpler form and tone may have conveyed my thoughts more directly. Grinning Goat at 9/21/2006 01:29:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Free publicity Wedy: I'm promoting your song (she's refering to qian li zhi wai) R: you mean you're promoting Jay Chou? Wedy: actually I'm promoting Fei Yu Qing O lord Grinning Goat at 9/20/2006 07:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Perfect pitch, pitch perfect I'm terribly bored with Stand by Me. It's the one song I can't -for the love of me- make to sound interesting. Shirleen could actually make Twinkle twinkle little star sound different from the childish/stupid/whiny song that it is. So maybe I should listen to her rendition of Stand by me one of these days. Xiao zhi is harmonising me on Fire. She's pitch perfect. I could just ask her to give me a C and there she'll give it. It took me awhile to get a grip, stop myself from telling this person staring back at me in the mirror that she has no business being jealous of a walking piano. How do anybody do that?? If anything, it's a testament of my lack of talent. Anyway my favourite version of Fire wasn't even Desree & Babyface's. It was Surath and Sherry's. I would absolutely love a duet with Surath. I used to tell people that if I can't duet with Brian Adams (the prospect of which is so slim that if I were the prospect in question, I'd be anorexic and on my way to a photo shot for the Elle magazine)Surath is the next best thing. One of my greatest regrets leaving hall is that. I left without having a duet with Surath. He sang background for me once but background-ing is hardly a duet. Damn you Surath, I want a duet. And on my journey back I got a seat with a leaking roof. It was drip drip drip whenever the bus stopped. And drip drip drip when the bus jerked forward again. But it was one of those seats with nice leg room. And between you and me, I trade being dry with a nice leg room. So there it was. Drip drip drip all the way and the floor was hardly wet. I felt like a sponge. Spongebob Squarepants. Grinning Goat at 9/19/2006 11:13:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} O,o Lil snippets Most indians are lingustically inclined and talented Not me But you have it in your blood. It must be nice to have it in your blood We're not indians, what do we have in our blood then? Cholesterol Grinning Goat at 9/19/2006 11:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, September 18, 2006 a part or apart? "We are a part, not apart" I saw that on this advertisement that aims to integrate the disabled to society just now and thought that was a nice play of words. If it was left to me I probably come up with some half-assed corny crap. Grinning Goat at 9/18/2006 09:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, September 17, 2006 Zi si vs chi shi Wedy: ci, print the lyrics R: awww without the han yu pin yin? Don't be chi shi Wedy: ci... R: what? Wedy: chi shi is eat shit zi si is NOT chi shi. Who am I to know. Sigh. Grinning Goat at 9/17/2006 06:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, September 16, 2006 The arrogance of my youth Damn that's smart I didn't think of that Having said a fair amount of this, it dawned on me how arrogant it sounds. It's not like there's not a lot of things we don't think about. Do I think about famine in Africa? No Do I think about the peace process in middle east? No Do I think about the rising and dropping of oil prices? No Do I think about the weather tomorrow? Hell no, you've got weather forecast for that The arrogance of youth. Or rather, the arrogance of my youth. And I shall extend my arrogance to berate my lecturer's lack of proficiency in english. I was emailing him this question. And his reply was "Not sure what this is all about" That just about drives my blood pressure through the ceiling. If he doesn't know the answer that's outrageous but I doubt this is the case. I think it's more of a "I don't know what the hell you're talking about" reply. Which says a lot about his command in the english language. Really. I don't generally insult people who aren't very fluent in english (God knows how horrible I am with chinese, french and just about half the language the world has to offer)but he's a university lecturer for pete's sake. Is it wrong to expect some sort of a standard? Like expecting them to be gammatically competent enough to be understood and to understand a question? Fuck all squared in a box. Pardon the language. Grinning Goat at 9/16/2006 03:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, September 14, 2006 @#@$#@$!!@#&%# LECTURERS WHO CAN'T FORM COHERENT SENTENCES SHOULD JUST STOP TEACHING. INCAPABLE OF FORMING A COMPLETE SENTENCE. DISJOINTED. IT IMPEDES UNDERSTANDING. IT IMPEDES UNDERSTANDING. I T I M P E D E S U N D E R S T A N D I N G. Grinning Goat at 9/14/2006 01:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The art of rethorics In my childish mind, the art of rethorics is one to be perfected. Because it is the one thing you can rely on in an argument. 1) A retort to a rhetorical question, no matter how intelligent it is, never looks good. Ah what is life but a bed of roses? No life is more than a bed of roses, it is also (insert something philosophical) See what I mean? A rhetoric is a rhetoric for a reason. It's not meant to be answered. 2)If there's no retort, all the better because then you'll have the last word. Haha. Gosh I'm childish. Maybe this is why I like Colin Bateman. His characters are always one who thinks about all the mundane things in the world. Things people think about during long rides, day dream and the such; which they do not say out loud (and for a good reason too because really, it doesn't matter in the general scheme of things). And when Bateman put those thoughts on paper, it strikes me as something that's peculiarly familiar.It sounds like everybody in this world is insane. Well but then again maybe everybody is normal because everybody is insane. Grinning Goat at 9/14/2006 12:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, September 13, 2006 My pony is over the ocean, my pony is over the sea R: pon, nomer hp lo brapa? Then she gave me her number. So I messaged her, Woi pon. Ada artis lewat And half a minute later, this pops up: Ross sms yg ga penting lo nyampe neh Grinning Goat at 9/13/2006 10:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Do you think hell is boring? If it does it probably needs some re-designing. Maybe adjust the temperature a bit. Enhance the fire effect. And the lighting so the amber is perfect. My lab was boring as hell. And the fact that I had barely enough sleep last night didn't help things as well. Anyway during microinjection my teaching assistant struggled with his needle. Attach needle to the microinjection manipulator Inject oil into the needle suck up plasmid fiddle with the manipulator then.. "Hmmm this needle is blunt" Remove needle Attach new needle Inject oil Suck up plasmid fiddle with manipulator "Hmmm this needle is also blunt" I thought, patience is a virtue. Let him repeat, surely there's got to be one needle somewhere that's SHARP ENOUGH. (you know the routine) TA: Hmmmm the manipulator has a loose screw Student: ah... TA: ideally, we should be able to inject it to the inner cell mass And I thought that perhaps I should resign myself to living in an UNIDEAL world. Then there's this guy sitting beside me who took picture of anything and everything. Including HIMSELF, and -I'm ashamed to admit- with my help. It was like a picnic ground. Except that there's no ice cream, no frisbees and no dogs running. And it's raining and you huddle beneath a raincoat that leaks. Grinning Goat at 9/12/2006 11:06:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, September 11, 2006 Punk Rock I thought I've grown out of punk rock. But I knew I haven't when I started being addicted to the hell song. Courtesy of Ono. WHo else could it be? Grinning Goat at 9/11/2006 12:28:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Original me and Imaripoff duo My brother and I invented new gunbound characters. My brother is a she, and she is called Originalme (it was something he regretted as soon as I clicked the "make ID" button) I am a he, and he is called Imaripoff. We love to do this. It used to be Ilovesnape and Iloveseverus. And then Sharkbait and foxbait. And something different: papamadit and Godhand And now we're back to originalme and imaripoff. Supposedly a rip off of him, although I don't see what is there to rip off hahaha, except that he's richer than me. I don't know what kind of luck befell us today but we played for a straight 3 hour and didn't lose a single game. I think the trick is to not care whether we win or lose. According to Ono, this supposedly makes us rely more on instincts. Which sounds to me like a whole lot of bullcrap because there have been countless occasions when I rely on my instincts and they're as good as holding a map upside down, and reading it from a mirror. Anyway. I gotta go. Sneak to my mother's room to read before she sleeps because she's the only one who allows some light to be on. The rest of them. They're nocturnally light intolerant. Grinning Goat at 9/11/2006 12:08:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, September 07, 2006 Lord this is too funny to pass Sebelum Bobo: >6 weeks: met bobo sayang, mimpi indah ya, mmmuach... >6 months: tolong matiin lampunya, silau nih. >6 years : Kesana-an doong... kamu tidur dempet2an kayak mikrolet gini sih?! Pake Toilet: >6 weeks : gpp, kamu duluan deh, aq ga buru2 koq. >6 months: masih lama ga nih? >6 years : brug! brug! brug! (suara pintu digedor),kalo mau tapa di gunung kawi sono! Ngajarin Nyetir: >6 weeks : Ati2 say, injek kopling dulu baru masukin perseneling ya >6 months: pelan2 dong lepas koplingnya. >6 years : pantesan sering ke bengkel, masukin persenelingnya aja kayak gini! Balesin SMS: >6 weeks: iya sayang, bentar lagi nyampe rumah koq, aq beli martabak kesukaanmu dulu ya >6 months: macet bgt di jln nih >6 years : ok. Dating process: >6 weeks : I love U, I love U, I love U. >6 months : Of course I love U. >6 years : Ya iyalah!! kaLo gwe Ngga cinta Lo, ngapain jg gwe nikah ma lo ?? Back from Work: >6 weeks : Honey, aku pulang... >6 months : I'm BACK!! >6 years : Si mbok masak apa hari ini?? Hadiah (ulang tahun): >6 weeks : Sayangku, Aq harap kaMu sUka yah ma cincin yang kubeli >6 months : Aku membeliin lukisan, kayanya cocok dhe buat suasana ruang tengah >6 years : Nih duitnya, loe beli sendiri deh yang loe mau Telepon: >6 weeks : Baby, ada yang pengen bicara ama kamu di telpon >6 months : Eh...ini buat kamu nih... >6 years : WOOIII TELPON BUNYI TUUUHHH....ANGKAT DUOOONG!!! Masakan: >6 weeks : Wah, tak kusangka rasa makanan ini begitu lezaattt...!!! >6 months : Kita makan apa malam ini?? >6 years : HAH? MAKANAN INI LAGI? Apology: >6 weeks : Udah gak apa-apa sayang, nanti kita beli lagi ya >6 months : Hati2! Nanti jatuh tuh. >6 years : KAMU GAK NGERTI2 YA DAH BERIBU2 KALI AKU BILANGIN Baju baru: >6 weeks : Duhai kasihku, kamu seperti bidadari dengan pakaian itu >6 months : Lho, kamu beli baju baru lagi? >6 years : BELI BAJU ITU HABIS BERAPA?? Planning for Vacations: >6 weeks : Gimana kalau kita jalan2 ke Amerika atau ketempat yg kamu mau honey? >6 months : Ke Surabaya naik bis aja ya gak usah pakai pesawat... >6 years : JALAN2? DIRUMAH AJA KENAPA SEH? NGABISIN UANG AJA! TV: >6 weeks : Baby, apa yg pengen kita tonton malam ini ? >6 months : Sebentar ya, filmnya bagus banget nih. >6 years : JANGAN DIGANTI2 DONG CHANNELNYA AH! GAK BISA LIAT ORANG SENENG DIKIT APA ?! Grinning Goat at 9/07/2006 03:26:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Late night pondering Perfection is elusive to all perfectionists. Grinning Goat at 9/07/2006 03:18:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, September 05, 2006 The basketball video Ok this is so odd it's worth a mention. There is some research dealing with how much a person can perceive when they are distracted. Basically, the findings are that we are almost blind when it comes to unexpected events, or when we are concentrating hard at something. They conducted an experiment where they play a video to a group of observers, where there are two groups of 3 people, one group dressed in white, the other in black. Each group has a basketball, and is passing it to other members of their own group, so black passes to black, white passes to white. The audience is asked to count the number of passes made by the white group, but not the black group. The video lasts for one minute, but after about 45 seconds an unexpected (and totally bizarre) event occurs (watch the video for details: click here ). At the end of the experiment, the observers were asked how many noticed this event, and the findings were that only half the audience noticed it. The funny thing is I my judgement was STILL clouded even AFTER I read about the experiment BEFORE I watched the video. I seriously had no inclination whatsoever about the bizzare event and I had to watch it again to see what it was. I was too busy counting... This is peculiar. No wonder the guys who did this received the Ig Nobel Award. Grinning Goat at 9/05/2006 06:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, September 04, 2006 FnM ratio A friend of mine raised an interesting point tonight after we watched this movie with a lot of cussing, unclear plot and sporadic humour. The movie bit wasn't relevant, that was just me complaining. Anyway, it got me thinking about FnM. Femininity to Masculinity ratio. I'm not sure what it means actually. I'm not even sure if your level of testosterone has anything to do with it. How high must that ratio be for you to be a true female? Is 50% enough? If your FnM ratio is low, what does that make you? a not so feminine female or a not so masculine male?? You know, what if you're actually not a female, but rather male with boobs? I guess there's always motherhood and I'm sure people around the world would agree that motherhood pretty much defines femininity. But the thing is, to have a baby you need a man... It's easier for men to define their masculinity, isn't it? There's always the brawling, getting drunk from too much booze and lung cancer from too much nicotine. Oh and of course there's the size of their phallus. Simple. But has anyone tried to define femininity? It certainly isn't about the size of our boobs, is it? I mean have you ever heard people claim that Pamela Anderson is the most feminine female across the whole of North America? I think not. And what do you do if you're a female with low FnM ratio, do you marry a male with high FnM ratio (and silently pray that he's not gay) to make up for things so you know, you can say things like oh he's feminine enough for the both of us? Or do you marry a man so masculine you're convinced in your heart and mind that he is the man of the house and not you? And having a low FnM ratio. It doesn't make you gay, does it? I think it doesn't. I mean you can look at a gay couple and see the man of the two, the same way you can see the man of the lebian couple -which is how the term butch come about in the first place (and coincidentally the movie I just watched has a character called butch in it. He must be relieved he's born a male and not a female with that kind of name) And one last thing: is FnM ratio something you can grow out of? Like how people grow out of Britney Spears and move on to greener pastures like Nat KingCole? Let's say we have to force our mouth to pucker up to say DARLING to our DEAREST boyfriend now, would we be having that same problem when we change the way we address him from DEAREST boyfriend to DEAREST husband? And would the art of flirtation grow on you? is that something innate or is that something teachable? How far can you flirt before you go from a respectable female to an annoying bitch and how far must you go before you can stop scaring off men (with a much needed ego boost) by being such a stone-faced stuck up that doesn't respond to their advances? Anyway i need some sleep. Grinning Goat at 9/04/2006 09:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Selective aid Ono: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh R: what? Ono: helppppppppppppppppppp R: what's wrong? Ono: There's an insect, helppppppppppp R: erhh... Ono: HELPPPPPPP R: my degree of help depends on the kind of insect it is. See, ant is in the region of 100% and so is mosquito, flying ant is in the region of 80, dragonfly 60, moth 40, cockroach 0. Grinning Goat at 9/04/2006 12:45:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, September 02, 2006 Smoke gets in your eye Marge: How is he, doctor? Doctor: He's in a very very deep coma Marge: what does that mean? Doctor: it means he's as good as dead except that I get to keep billing you *chuckle* :: Doctor: maybe you should get a replacement. A robo child Marge: what? Bart's in this condition and you expect me to get a replacement? Doctor: well he's as good as dead actually, except that I get to bill you Marge: you already said that Doctor: I know but you didn't laugh the first time :: Robot: so are u human? Bart: yes I'm human Robot: what does it feel like to have a feeling? Bart: I said I'm a human, not a girl I know there's a reason I like the Simpsons. Anyway I mentioned once that I was mad at God. Then someone pointed out that that's because I see God the way I want him to be. Which shuts me up for a good 15 minutes. That's true, isn't it? Sometimes you get mad because things fall short of your expectation. Not because things are bad. Just because things are not what you expect them to be. And when she put it that way, I really have no right to be mad. Which is maddening just by its very implication. Grinning Goat at 9/02/2006 12:07:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} This is what my punching bag said Aiyah loe ngapain seh sopan amat. Huahaha.. Huahahaha kan anak mama And it's oddly comforting Grinning Goat at 9/02/2006 12:05:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos