Tuesday, August 29, 2006 I'm not through abusing this movie yet Snake on a plane. I regret the fact that Samuel L Jackson is in it. But I suppose some money is better than no money? Who cares about artistic integrity eh, let's make some monehh. I heard the plane's as big as poseidon. That's hardly surprising, is it? I mean we know all that money didn't go into the making of the title, where else could it go but the plane? At least this movie is honest. Snakes on a plane. And that's what you really get, snakes on a plane. Nothing else. NO funny funny shit. At least it doesn't try to sell lame ass crap under the pretext of selling first class stuff, that'll be as low (and smart) as picking up some brandless shoe off the street and label it Adidas -impossible is nothing; the shoe of your generation. Heh. Praising this movie makes me sick. Grinning Goat at 8/29/2006 11:12:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, August 28, 2006 Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind There was always those movies that left you felt cheated at the end of it. For me, this was it. I was thinking hmmm eternal sunshine of the spotless mind...it must be about people who are happy because they're dumb. If people would be happy being dumb, would you want to be dumb? Who cares about third party perspective, right? But I suppose once you start caring, you're not dumb anymore and how would you be happy then? And this view was reinforced by the fact that the movie was starring Jim Carrey - you know that in any equation that has Jim Carrey in it, weirdness wouldn't be too far off. Anyway I was right somewhat. About the movie. Jim Carrey was talking to his girlfriend in his head. It's about as disappointing as reading a book which tells you at the end that the whole story's someone's dream. Which is funny in a way because what the hell are you doing with a novel in the first place if not to stick your nose to people's imagination in verbal form? So what is so infuriating about reading a fiction in a fiction if a fiction is what you're after in the first place? Anyway, the whole middle part which revolved around his mind being erased disturbed me. The saving grace, at least for me was the PROSPECT of having your thoughts erased. What if it could be done, would you want it done? Selective memory. I guess if you can erase rainstorm and keep the rainbows, things would be good. But if what you see all the time is rainbows, does it matter anymore that it's a rainbow? Besides if you DO know rainstorm exists and you decide to keep only the rainbows, won't you be living in a lie then? Living in this distorted world where nobody cries. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have that kind of world - a world where you need to apply moisturiser on because your tear duct's dry all the time - it's just that this world isn't. Hmmm. Some mistakes you made, they are irreversible anway. Pretending it doesn't happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The way Jim Carrey caught the same train as his girlfriend after they both forget each other was just too convenient. Like the director forced fit that bit for the sake of a happy ending. Towards the end, they were sent this tape containing all the horrible things they said to each other. What if those things about me are true? It's OK. Now what if, he said it's okay BECAUSE he forgot how it felt like when "those things about her are true"? Having the memory of the whole experience in your head is certainly different from imagining what someone said to be true, no? It's ironic. Most of the time, it IS the memory of the whole experience that forms the barrier between two people in the first place, so why am I so against someone erasing his memory? It's a whole lot easier to just erase that unpleasant bit and start over, right? I guess the question is when you do start over, what makes you think the same thing won't happen again - the same old arguments? You don't remember ever making them (which leads to the big war and then the break up and this whole let's erase my memory business), you don't remember how the whole thing ended up as a giant goo of mess, so why would you NOT do the same thing again? What is there to stop you? Having that part of your memory erased doesn't change who you are. If you're put under the same circumstances, isn't it likely that you do the same thing all over again? See, if you have experienced it before, you would know the importance of doing things differently. The thing is, when you do remember the experience and want to do things differently, you usually don't get to do them. Well I guess for a movie that left me felt cheated, it has successfully made me talk a great deal about things. It made me appreciate mindless chick flick where I can just stare at my popcorn rather than frowning and trying to guess if the movie is in a flashback mode. Enough about this movie. I think I should have enough stuff to write in my essay. I'll just copy this entry, censoring all the not so politically correct bit. I took my UKCAT test today. I was way too early and had a lot of time to kill. Enough time to get jealous at the newspaper this woman was holding at the coffee shop because all I had was this piece of confirmation letter and my passport and it's only so often I could look at my own picture before I ran out of excuses when someone accused me of being a narcissist. Enough time to look at this guy who licked his ice cream. You know I always thought adults bite their ice cream (with their suspiciously strong teeth that makes you wonder if they're dentures), not lick them. ANyway the invigilator of a woman was supposed to check that I had nothing on me person. I was supposed to turn my pocket inside out but it just so happened that my pants' pockets just couldn't be turned inside out. It was stubborn and would rather be in, than out. SO I thought, go ahead frisk me. But she seemed pleased enough that I didn't have any protrusion on my back pocket that I claimed as tumor. And it was good that she gave me a real real calculator because truthfully with those digital ones, I spend more time cursing than calculating. I was thinking, if I don't make it for this test then perhaps I'm not built of doctor materials and should just resign myself into doing something else and not insist. But then again a part of me said that these whole load of bull crap was befitting someone who's running away from reality and inventing all sorts of convenient excuses for himself. Well, I can't really run in real life maybe that's why I'm running on my mind. Anyway they always show the trailer of this movie on the bus. Snake on a plane. The corniest title ever. You might as well make a movie called Toilet Bowl on a Lavatory and expect people to get excited. Oh and I heard that stars are blind's making it to top 15 on the billboard. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Grinning Goat at 8/28/2006 10:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, August 27, 2006 Straighten up and fly right A buzzard took a monkey for a ride in the air, The monkey thought that everything was on the square. The buzzard tried to throw the monkey off his back, The monkey grabbed his neck and said, "Now listen, Jack..." Straighten up and fly right, Straighten up and fly right Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top. Ain't no use in divin', What's the use in jivin'? Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top. The buzzard told the monkey, You're chokin' me. Release your hold and I'll set you free. The monkey looked the buzzard right dead in the eye and said, Your story's so touching, but it sounds jes' like a lie. Straighten up and fly right Straighten up and stay right Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top. Straighten up and fly right Straighten up and stay right Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa, don't you blow - your - top. Fly right! The first time I heard this song was in a car when my dad was mad about something. He was still ranting when I heard Cool down papa don't you blow your top that made me want to smile - well, almost- and from that moment on I just knew I love the song. I'm dying to hear Mack the knife too. Grinning Goat at 8/27/2006 03:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, August 26, 2006 THE POWER OF PLUGGINS I just discovered this pluggin for Winamp. And it's driving me wild. Huahahaa. Actually I shouldn't be so excited about this. All it does is raise or drop the key -nothing dramatic- but it makes it easier to find my key if I want to sing a song. Anyway I was excited because the first thing I did was try to sing a LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY SONG. By raising it by 8 semitones up. Wewww a lighthouse family song. This pluggin is like a Godsend for any female soprano attempting to sing a LIHGTHOUSE FAMILY SONG. And I'm not even a soprano (well I was, but I always thought the instructor misplaced me). Wewwwww. Grinning Goat at 8/26/2006 12:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sleazy motel Deldel: jazz? R: yeah :: R: Do you think it sounds like I'm in some sleazy motel? Deldel: yeah R: damn Suddenly I'm not so proud of my ringtone anymore. Grinning Goat at 8/26/2006 11:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, August 24, 2006 AGM We got a new bassist. Of swedish nationality. An exchange student. Anyway we were talking about what song we're going to perform (which was yesterday and which judging from how almost non-existent the audience were and the fact that the freaking van who's supposed to come at 2.30 would only come at 4.00 and the fact that I had to carry stuff UP the clubroom which is NOT airconditioned because of some shitty new rules, I wasn't that grouchy) when Dang mentioned about Paul Gilbert's Down to MExico. Dang: yea but I wasn't really playing that song yet. I need about a week to master it New bassist: really? ( a look of shock) I thought Down to Mexico was pretty standard rock song... Dang: not for me. I need more time. So I thought, hmm this guy must be darn good because to have a big mouth, you've got to have bigger talent, right? And so far I have not met anybody who doesn't at least show some degree of humility in front of Dang. Even for Sentot and everybody knew he could play Rondo Alla Turca with his electric guitar. ANyway Joel -our bassist- couldn't make it that night so Dang was asking the new bassist if he would like to replace Joel for the night. And he said okay. As it turned out, Dang had to teach him instead. So I suppose standards differ all across the world. I thought it was messy. Usually, when it's messy I didn't think it was messy so when I do think it's messy it must be pretty bad. And to think that Joel won't be in my band anymore I miss him already. ANyway when it was time to go, I walked with the new bassist to the bus stop. I think I should immerse myself in more CCA you know Yea but don't make yourself so busy you don't have time to sightsee. Which places have you visited? Fort Canning Park, the botanical garden Have you been to the Esplanade? No, what is that? uhh a concert hall that doesn't sound interesting Okay maybe it doesn't. But as a matter of courtesy, I thought tourists don't get to complain about the places to visit in the itinerary to the tour guide unless they pay him? Sigh. Or maybe I was just grouchy. Grinning Goat at 8/24/2006 10:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, August 21, 2006 A little push in the head There have been questions I ask people that I know I should answer myself. I guess it was kind of like trying to get others to make decisions for me so I won't be held accountable for whatever shitty results that might come out. Which obviously is dumb and downright cowardly. I'm scared. Maybe all I need is a little push in the head. In my imagination. What I need is a shove in the ribs so hard my eye tear and a boot in my arse that'd send me tumbling down the stairs. Grinning Goat at 8/21/2006 11:49:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, August 20, 2006 Hmmmmm This is one of those nights when I feel like I have to write something even if I have nothing particular to talk about. I found out that my student carries sanitary pads in her bag as I tried to explain the meaning of the word sanitized. So have you had your menstruation yet? not yet *some giggle* And I was jolted to the realization of how off track I've gone. The questions in her exercise books were too easy, she could do them while I went to feed the crows. But it's probably a good idea to keep meself employed in these hard times so I said I'd give her a new book. Besides, the grandma has been pretty generous on her supply of lemon barley. Popular bookstore has resorted to this strict measure of allowing the testing of pens only at the cashier. Except that this measure involved not providing paper near the pen racks which really, is rather like trying to stop a kid with two healthy legs from running. Like the only way customers can get a piece of paper is by begging the popular management. School on friday was about as thrilling as riding on a carousel. Being frozen on the first period, frozen and bored on the second, gallivanting in the library, trying to look dignified when I choked because shiva told me that she actually complained to the Cors people about why she couldn't seem to bid for the lecture slot she wanted. Cors woman: do you by any chance bid for a science module? Shiva:yes Cors woman: well that's probably why, missus Shiva: what do you mean? Cors woman: you're supposed to attend both lectures And I laughed even harder as she banged her fist on the table, shouting righteous indignation at the atrocity of having to attend 2 lectures per week for one module. Welcome to my world. R: am I crazy to take this class, it's 7 to 10 pm for Christ's sake SHiva: well ross at least you'll get to hear about dead bodies, me I'm hearing about ozones man Dead bodies vs ozones. Well, it was true her professor bored me tearless. Which is why I can't take a piss at her. Because you know, while I'm happy talking about dead bodies, she'll be mourning her ozone. It's hard to get teary over ozone I know, but you'll know what I'm talking about if you've sat through that lecture. Grinning Goat at 8/20/2006 02:24:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, August 19, 2006 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely HEart Club Band I was asked this question sometime ago - a long time ago I think - which I just remember: "If you're someone who listens to a music and sings along - I actualy am except when it's hip hop because I just can't keep up - would you listen to the lyrics carefully or check the lyrics online and then sing accurately along or would you just shoot your mouth off the way you like?" :: It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play, They've been going in and out of style But they've guaranteed to raise a smile. So may I introduce to you The act you've known for all these years Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band We hope you will enjoy the show, We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sit Back and let the evening go. Sgt. Pepper's lonely, Sgt. Pepper'lonely, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band It's wonderful to be here It's certainly a thrill You're such a lovely audience We'd like to take you home with us we'd like to take you home I don't really like to stop the show But I thought that you might like to know That the singer's going to sing a song And he wants you all to sing along So let me introduce to you The one and only Billy Shears And Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. :: I was supposed to sing Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band so I was kind of half-showering and half practising in the bathroom. And I sang, " so let me introduce to you, the one and only Britney Spears" I was appalled. I mean I don't know who the hell Billy Shears is or if it's a fictious character altogether but he can't be worse than her. Grinning Goat at 8/19/2006 01:38:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, August 17, 2006 Not quite a philosopher Would I absolutely hate it to not have a concocted answer ready when someone came up to me and ask where does life begin? Of course I wouldn't. Which is why I didn't have an answer ready. So my next best shot was to accuse that it's a philosophical question. WHich doesn't answer the question obviously. And I wasn't about to get off the hook. My answer was that life form starts when it begins to exhibit some degree of self-consciousness. Won't the answer to this definition depend on the technology we have and how advance it is for detection purposes the moment a structure involved in forming self-consciousness begins to develop? Which really is quite arbitrary I believe, the way why 50 is a pass and 49 is a fail. Surely because of the simple reason that we need to draw a line somewhere. Something with a nerve is a life form, something without is not. SO what is something with a half formed nerve, with say the cell body with axon but no dendron? Do you think that's the reason why science fails to explain something sometimes? You make definitions that by nature should be dynamic (because of our limitation in comprehending something) and yet we have to stick faithfully to some fixed definitions because in order to build a scientific theory you need something upon which you can base it on. I don't know. And if you want to push your luck, there's a lot that I don't know. Enough to feed the whole of Africa. Grinning Goat at 8/17/2006 12:21:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, August 16, 2006 The divide I believe there was this delicate balance between asking and not asking. Some people appreciate being left alone when they have problems. I can see why. People blabber all the time. WHile some appreciate being asked if anything is the matter with them. I had a friend who's sick. And in her blog, one of her (faithful) readers asked, "I am going to ask something that no one here had the balls to ask. Seriously, what illness do you have? I'm asking because I'm kaypoh. Not because I'm concerned. LOL. Just wanna let you know there are always people like me out there kaypohed about you. Take care alright?" It was hard to find faults with this guy because he's being so honest. Well I found it hillariously honest. I mean it's not like what he says doesn't make sense, does it? Of course it could be that he's jesting. But my point is, you don't get to become concerned about someone if you're not kaypoh enough to find out if anything is wrong with them, do you? Ironic as it may sound. Anyway, I appreciate you sharing your problem. I hope you'll get better soon. WTH. You HAVE TO. Grinning Goat at 8/16/2006 01:10:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, August 15, 2006 coughing my lungs out I'm having a hard time convincing myself that getting diabetes from drinking too much cough syrup is better than coughing my lungs out. Grinning Goat at 8/15/2006 11:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} If you don't see it There this bagfull of papers my mom wanted me to take a look at so she knew what to throw away. I've been postponing looking at them because then I'll want to keep those papers that I know are junks. But I was threatened that if I don't the bag's going down the drain tomorrow so I'd better take a peek. Anyway there was this christmas card from a friend. Then this piece of paper. I told my friend I was gonna post it up but never did come round to doing it so I thought I'll write that here today. Let's face it English is a crazy language There is no egg in the eggplant No ham in the hamburger And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple English muffins were not invented in England French fries were not invented in France We sometimes take English for granted But if we examine its paradoxes we find that Quicksand takes you down slowly Boxing rings are square And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig If writers write, how come fingers don't fing? If the plural of tooth is teeth SHouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth? If the teacher taught, why didn't the preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables What the heck does a humanitarian eat?! Why do people recite at a play yet play at a recital? Park on driveways and Drive on parkways? How can the weather be hot as hell on one day and as cold as hell on another? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where a house can burn up as it burns down, In which you fill in a form By filling it out And a bell is only heard once it goes! English is invented by people, not computers And it reflects the creativity of the human race (Which of course isn't really a race at all) That is why When the stars are out they are visible but when the lights are out they are invisible And why it is that when I wind up my watch It starts But when I wind up this poem It ends by Richard Lederer Anyway I was watching this movie right, in which there were two guys. One is kind of fat and bald. The other is this perfect guy. Better-looking, have a better career, a better house, a better car, richer, physically fitter and his hair is definitely not falling all over the place. What amuses me, is that ALL OF US (me, wedy, ono) HATE this perfect guy. Ono came to a conclusion that he's too perfect to be true, which brings me to the next question, if he does exist would we like him better? I don't know if this is simply a Hongkong tv series at its finest clouding our judgement, appealing us to our more compassionate side (or some shite like that anyway) or - and I really don't like this one- : it reflects our taste. Grinning Goat at 8/15/2006 12:05:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, August 14, 2006 First day back to school R: del klo g kase the wrong direction to the newb g bakal kwalat gak? Deldel: bakal! Jgn jahat2 loe. Do I have to remind you that you're in need of all the goodness in the world? Huaahhaa I am. But I swear I thought LT9 was near the canteen. Grinning Goat at 8/14/2006 08:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, August 05, 2006 I'm too shallow to drown I can't help myself to not praise Colin Bateman. He wrote the most outrageous lines. The reviews wrote that he's the middleground between Carl Hiaasen and Irvine Welsh. I don't know who they are, but if Bateman writes like them then I'll make it a point to read some of their stuff. I must be biased but I think british/irish authors write funnier stuff then american ones. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon Bateman's Chapter and Verse so I could pass the time happily at the salon which was a nice alternative to staring blindly at the mirror (blindly because every hairdresser insists that the spectacles be off). Or to the saying "with a face like that no amount of haircut is going to help". Although, to tell you the truth I think the face usually just can't be worse than the haircut. While tuitioning my student today I was very much tempted into sitting cross-legged. What a crap teacher I make. My student was sitting cross-legged but I've long gone past the stage where I have both the luxury and the privilege to do whatever I want in front of whomever I please. So I sat still, staring at the lemon barley her grandmother gave me. For some inexplicable reason, the grandma always thought I stay in Woodlands. She's nice. The grandma. Always asks me if I've eaten whenever I come. WHich is a very chinese thing to ask. Chi bao le mei you? But one, which I find refreshingly sincere. It's better than how are you? People throw how are you up in the air like a woman on a trapeze except that there's no woman and only birds flapping madly into oblivion. It doesn't make sense? I thought it doesn't too. Well. Ricky's guardian was nice too and she always fed me lemon barley. I figure there must be something between a nice host and lemon barley. Grinning Goat at 8/05/2006 08:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, August 04, 2006 Kinky Bahh. The pictures turn out to be so darn small ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Grinning Goat at 8/04/2006 03:17:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, August 01, 2006 SOmething that cracks me up in the middle of the night COurtesy of buika. Thanks man. I had a great laugh. Huahahahaa. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Grinning Goat at 8/01/2006 04:33:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} When a game shall just be that, a game The thing with gunbound is that you get to make friends with people of different nationalities. ANd the thing about that is that you get to hear racist comments sometimes. ANd if you think about how young some of these people are, you'd think what a sad world this is. WHen kids understand how to be a racist better than algebra. ANd when games can no longer be just that, games. Well gunbound management must have foreseen this problem before so it put some restrictions. But there's only so much it can do. It's no longer enough to ban the word fuck because well there's plenty of other alternatives to that. Fuk. F U C K (and the program wouldn't be able to catch that as a word). And for the same reason it's not enough to ban the word nigga. PEople are smart. After all gunbound management isn't really responsible for public education on racism. If you want to talk about responsibility, everyone is responsible. It just sickens me. I had a friend in gunbound - a fellow indonesian; called Albert. A friend of his -Alex- entered my room. ALbert has warned me that alex is just a kid. ANd I'm telling you, for a 13-year-old, he talked a bleeding damn lot. Then a friend of mine entered my room. He's an israeli called Dvir. I don't know how it all started. I was minding my own business playing, when people started to private message me. The pop up box covered the screen and when it's my turn to shoot I couldn't even see where I was supposed to be shooting. ANd when you chat you tend to press the tab accidentally which cause you to shoot yourself, lose some money and some pride. ANyway. Dvir was complaining that my team mate is -in his word- "Hitler" and He -dvir- doesn't want to play with Hitler. So I asked him, why is that so? Dvir claimed that Albert said he hates the Jews. I do remember reading a bit of the chat during the game and there WAS some insults about jews and some mention about the palestinians. But knowing Albert I didn't think this was likely so I clarified this claim with him. It turned out -and really, I am not the least bit surprised- that Alex was the one saying that. AT this point I was already overwhelmed with the incoming private messages so I thought it best to close all pop up messages and address everyone in the game room. This is a freaking game room so why the hell must you discuss politics? It's going to be endless, kills everyone's fun and not to mention pointless. (in a nicer and more politically correct way of course, but this is my blog so I can damn well say what I want) But I was wrong because the moment I said that more private messages popped up. Alex, getting angry because all along he was defending albert who was his friend - and isn't albert my friend too? (well of course he is you moron, but is it wise to accuse someone of something he doesn't do just to get back at him in the name of defending a friend? I thought you should have bigger brain than that) - who was being called a fukker by dvir. Dvir, saying everyone on my team hated him - which of course isn't true. It's just (that freaking annoying) ALex with a mouth that's too big for him. ALbert, passing a message from Alex which basically threatens that if Dvir isn't leaving, Alex will (ooohh well no great loss there...) ANd why the hell can't he say that to me? why use alex as a post man? Then my other team mate-the thai girl - apologising for bringing alex to the room. Then albert again, apologising that things had gone wrong in the room. AT this point, I gave up trying to shoot people and I skipped my turn. Alex was indignant when I pointed out that it's probably best if he doesn't mention anything about jews-hating and the palestinians. Oh he was damn righteous about it too, telling me how I DON'T KNOW WHAT THOSE PEOPLE DID AND WHY THEY DESERVE THE INSULT. AND THAT IF I WERE TO KNOW BETTER I WOULD AGREE WITH HIM ON ALL ACOUNTS AND HURLED THE VERY SAME INSULTS. Well WHATEVER THOSE PEOPLE DID, it's not Dvir's fault, so why hurl insults at him? That's like burning the whole plantation just because one plant doesn't grow well. And it must be hard being an Israeli playing gunbound because I played with Dvir once and there was someone who put the blame of the bombing on Dvir's shoulder. WHich is not only ridiculous but outrageous as well. There he was -an israelian kid playing gunbound who probably never carried a bomb in his life and he was being accused of all sorts of things. WHo wouldn't get mad? I'm not saying his calling albert a fukker justifiable but he does have a right to defend himself. I would call Alex a fukker myself if he accused me of bombing his country. BEcause when someone has set his opinion on you -nomatter how distorted it is- there's no point arguing. You ain't gonna change his mind. ANd he ain't gonna change yours. But of course it would've been too easy if he listened to me. He wouldn't hear of it. And this was when all the personal insults came out. ANd the game was no longer a game. It was a battle-ground for angry people who aren't happy about something but can do nothing except pick their own small fight. With someone who's not only inculpable but also totally irrelevant to the wrong they're trying to make right. A big giant furball of mess. ANd goo. Grinning Goat at 8/01/2006 03:03:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos