Monday, July 31, 2006 MY stupidest idea yet Ono came to me this morning with black oval thing on top of his EZ link card (or probably some other card because there's no way he'd willingly soil his EZ link card), declaring that the black oval is a cockroach egg. Seriously? Yes it is. It can't be Yes it can, this things contains many many cockroaches. You'll see it when it pops up. I will? Yes you will WHy don't you put it in a container and we'll see if you're right in a couple of days/weeks/months? Suree I'll do just that Oh, and make the container AIR-TIGHT AND SEALED TO PERFECTION Cellotape? Sure. We'll kill the little bastards when they come out. IF they come out. MY stupidest idea yet. DO you know that stupid is spelled with double o?? Grinning Goat at 7/31/2006 01:04:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 26, 2006 I DEMAND CNN I was listening to my mother recounting her experience watching the local station's news about the tsunami. Reporter: well it seems that probably there has been a tsunami Now what kind of an idiotic response is that, I'm not even talking about journalistic integrity, this is simple straightforward reporting. IS THERE OR IS THERE NOT A TSUNAMI? It's either there IS or there ISN'T. It can't be "seems like probably there is" the same way it can't be "shemale" for crying out loud. ANd it's amazing isn't it? Because while the LOCAL news said "there probably was a tsunami", Channelnewsasia which is MILES AWAY from the scene of the tragedy said there WAS a tsunami with a certainty that's fitting for any self-respecting media. I DEMAND CNN. Please. ANything but the local news reporting. Grinning Goat at 7/26/2006 01:43:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 24, 2006 It's alive Ono told me to look on the rubbish bin in the kitchen yesterday, saying it has some sort of a body inside it and I thought he was exaggerating. Turns out he wasn't. There IS something inside that rubbish bin. It's this brown stuff that's stuck to the wall. And nothing could describe it better than Ono's "it's filthier than filth" I would have thrown the rubbish together with the rubbish bin except that I most probably wouldn't be able to find an identical rubbish bin to fool my mother into believing that it was our old rubbish bin that's in the kitchen. O lord, I'm still wondering what's that brown stuff. Looks like dried out maggots. Damn. Grinning Goat at 7/24/2006 03:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Cracked up head R: Hips don't lie but do you know that arses do? Ono: no they don't R: Oh and hips don't lie? Why the hell not? Ono: because they're just bones R: and arses are just fats Ono: so? they're bouncy And I laughed because really, I had no ready retort to that. Grinning Goat at 7/24/2006 05:53:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 23, 2006 No munching in class I've never had problems with my students eating in class. It's way more tolerable than them fiddling with their phones. But the admin lady came to the class to tell the kids that eating in class is forbidden. I wasn't really about to argue with her because I remember this KFC boy's incidence last week with the popcorn chicken. I was relieving my sister again today. KFC boy was late so i was in the middle of doing this math assignment when he came - I presume students won't complain if the teacher gets to do what they do, besides it's better that I do it too so when they ask me weird questions it would make sense to me. And come marking time, he was darn fast - so fast in fact that he moved on to his homework from school. But it wasn't only fast, it was also highly accurate. Suspiciously accurate as a matter of fact, because there's no working beside it and when I asked him to show me his "mental calculation" he fumbled. The cheating little prick. As it turned out, he hated this assignment because he couldn't do the simplest calculation. Like when 3/2 r = 15, and the question asks for r and he thought it was 5 although it still baffles me how he managed to deduce that. Anyway. HE wasn't as unbearable as I thought he was. He's quite quite teachable. Grinning Goat at 7/23/2006 04:06:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, July 22, 2006 Surprising I have abandoned friendster and then I get to know these new people who are still pretty much firm believers. And it's intriguing really to see someone whom you've spoken to but never seen. My GB pals. There's LeeHs. His page's the most pathetic with nothing on it. Kind of like mine when I just got started. Bibirmonyonk. Rita's a great laugh. No, really. ANd she would write in capitals. And I would write back in capitals. ANd the whole world complains because we're practically screaming their ears off. Mr.GucciEnvyMe. She has this javanese accent in her writing (how the hell u can have an accent that's non verbal? beats me but when you've talked to her, you'd know what I'm talking about) but not verbally- which I find most surprising and yet amusing. Why not Mr.LVEnvyme, I asked her once and she said it's too expensive. Hahaha. I was thinking of maybe making a Mr.Burberryenvyme account to compelent hers. And then there's this bunch of kids who still talk like teenagers. With all those jargons I can't get. ANd they went around the room calling me cici and this gives me the creeps for some reason - being called cici. And then there's the annoying bunch. We don't bother to exchange friendster addresses so nothing can be said about anything except that they're annoying IN GUNBOUND. I have no idea about the real life. KurcaciSetan. With the misleading male account. And for some reason she looks nothing like what I imagine her to look like. I don't know why but I expected her to look like one of my ex-students. Mamoo. ANd his real name is mamo. And I like calling him just to bother him. But mainly because his name is mamo. And I thought, you don't get to call people mamo everyday. Then there's this bastardly and painfully annoying..o hell you don't need to hear this. I need to sleep. Grinning Goat at 7/22/2006 06:24:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Punctuate the weirdness out of you Ono was telling me the other day that he felt disturbed looking at this guy's chat on the screen because he punctuated his every sentence. And when I thought about it, it IS weird. I mean when you talk to someone in msn, do you put a dot at the end of your every sentence? Of course there are people who insist on putting an exclamation mark. Like it has to be "hi!" and it can't just be "hi" but dotting every sentence? that is weird. Hi! Hello. How are you? I am good. Have you had your lunch? yes. What, you don't think that's weird? Well maybe it's just me then. Grinning Goat at 7/22/2006 05:25:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} She may draw the bus but it's a good map Wedy's map worked pretty well and I was glad I brought it along with me despite Ono's insistence on how stupid-looking it is. I was brought to the hall and I was apparently too early so I spent the first 20 minutes or so staring at the hall and at the school motto - which I personally think is nice because it's simple and not overly grandiloquent - "simple in virtue, steadfast in duty". I thought that was nice. Sticking faithfully to simple ideas, avoid complicating matters and always doing what you're supposed to do. The last 10 minutes or so was spent wondering what the hell UG POP means. It turned out I was right. It stands for Uniform Groups Passing Out Parade. And staring at the programme booklet together with this brochure the students put together which basically contains all the boring stuff. And then there was this Indian teacher who showed me the way and shook my hand. And she looks really good. I mean, beautiful and not in a I'm-trying-to-be-dramatic-in-my-writing way. Prettier than even Miss Singapore Universe but oh all the misses are never truly truly good-looking anyway. This teacher beats them all hands down and she wasn't even on the pageant. Anyway. I realize how boring my old school was when I was there. These kids, they're a noisy bunch. Always shouting. And cheering. And the amazing thing is, everybody actually remembers the cheer and noone forces them to cheer. Which is a stark comparison to the leaf's school's mental condition which is highly in need of repair. Nobody remembers any cheers and if you ask them kids from there they'd ask you increduluously, "what you mean the leaf school has a cheer?" ANd I wouldn't blame them. Well just for the record, this was the speech. Good evening to (Principal) Ms Choo, (Vice-principals) Mrs Goh and Mrs Cheong and all present. It's a little bit pressurizing to be the youngest person here to give a speech. I'm Wellisa’s sister. She’s a member of St. John ambulance brigade. A CCA that I came to learn as one that helps to mould the young minds. It was very exciting I have to say. She gets to do things I didn't get to do when I was still in secondary school (because my school is oh so boring). Air-rifles, canoeing. That's quite a bit of exposure at such a young age. And Sun-burn and muscle ache aside, I can tell that she was having fun. And one day she came home telling me that she is now the AIC. I'm still not so sure what it is but I learnt from her that really, leadership is more than telling people to do push-ups. It is also comforting to know that somebody in the house knows first aid. I heard she can administer the kiss of life very well that she won the competition in the best CPR category. I'm not only proud, I now have no longer to worry about drowning. There's always some kind of resolve right before any competition. Phone calls from friends. Words of encouragement. Those little gifts. I can see that all those practice has helped her achieved something. And that I have not lain down on the floor - to pretend to be a victim of some accident - for nothing. So I'd like to make use of this opportunity to thank St.John for helping to enrich my sister's school life and teaching her responsibility, leadership and the value of friendship. My sister also told me that if I said this at the end of my speech, the people in the hall would cheer, so as a last word: Pro Fide Pro Utilitate Hominum. Thank you. And the more amazing thing is, I DID get a cheer. And afterwards the principal came and shook my hand saying, that was a good speech, straight from the heart and I smiled and nodded my head because that's the right thing to do. And then the vice principal came and shook my hands too, saying "I'm the Mrs Goh you mention in your speech. That was a good speech, straight from the heart" And I was left wondering if they can read each other's minds or something. ANd how would they know if my speech came straight from the heart or not. But anyway I was pretty pleased with myself because the other parents didn't get a cheer at the end of their speech and I did. Ha ha. Grinning Goat at 7/22/2006 04:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, July 21, 2006 MEn are from VEnus women from Mars Forgive me if I get the two mixed up but my point is, females draw the most outrageous map. Well, my sister that is. Wedy: You alight, make a U-turn because the other bus stop is on this side and this is the mrt station, get it? R: errr no, draw me a map :: R: wait, where's the road??? Wedy: this is the road (pointing to invisible markings on the paper) R: you don't even draw the road... WEdy: okay okay THIS is the road R: and what's this boxed thing that says bus 159, is that the bus stop I'm supposed to alight in? Wedy: NO. That's the bus you're in R: No maps ever draw a bus in it. They draw the road... Wedy: arrrggghhhh R: Can't you just bring me there??? Wedy: I can't ANd that's that. I have to settle for her map. The speech is today and I still have no idea what I'm going to say in front of all those people. Shite. Grinning Goat at 7/21/2006 05:03:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Dengan nafasmu For some reason I really like this corny song. Dengan nafasmu aku hidup Karena tawamu aku bahagia Bersama dirimu aku tegar Karena harimu adalah yang terbaik Untuk dimiliki Dan biarkan aku mencintaimu Karena dirimu yang berarti Dan izinkan aku menyayangimu Hanyalah dirimu yang berharga Ketika kau ada disampingku Hidupku pun terasa damai Seperti yang telah terbayangkan dalam benakku Saat hatiku ada di hatimu Dunia pun menjadi indah Karena hatimulah yang aku inginkan Karena hadirmu ku bermakna Jadikan hidupku seakan di nirwana Di alam dunia Grinning Goat at 7/21/2006 04:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, July 20, 2006 One of my sore points with God The tsunami. It was bad. It wasn't 3 people. It was hundreds. And perhaps more. Grinning Goat at 7/20/2006 07:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 18, 2006 Twas and must still be a happy place I wish you strength, people of Pangandaran (the guy with the net, his wife, the coconut tree man, all the fishermen), to build back what you have lost, to rekindle your hope for the future, for the wisdom to be there when you're left behind and for time to heal your wounds. Twas a happy place. And I hope it would still be a happy place. Grinning Goat at 7/18/2006 04:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Twas supposed to be a happy place PANGANDARAN, Indonesia - Rescuers desperately sifted through wreckage Tuesday for survivors of a tsunami that killed more than 300 people and left dozens missing when it slammed into Indonesia's Java coast. In a harrowing reminder of the 2004 disaster that left 220,000 dead across Asia, walls of water up to three metres (10 feet) high smashed ashore Monday, toppling buildings and sending thousands of terrified residents fleeing. The tsunami was triggered by a 7.7-magnitude undersea earthquake off the south coast of Java island, where no early warning system had yet been put in place and many residents had no inkling of the tragedy to come. It was supposed to be a happy place. KIds went running around in the beach. I saw them. And now what's left is probably tears, bodies and more bodies. We did think of the possibility of a tsunami in Pangandaran after the quake in Yogyakarta. But who would think that it will come true, we thought we're just being our paranoid self. But when we were there, the tides were low and the fishes abundant. The sea was calm. It was a month ago. Do you think a tsunami warning is accurate for a month before the event? Anyway if it isn't, my dad's instinct is. He was against us going for fear that something like this might happen. And it does. ANd reading the news now, the resorts were the ones that were badly hit. We would have been there. We were there a month ago. I couldn't think of the consequences had we been a tad late. I hope for the grieved to be strong because it's easier to leave than being left behind. A calm before the storm. SUddenly I don't like the calm so much anymore. And. Thank YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Whoever you are. Grinning Goat at 7/18/2006 04:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 17, 2006 One step away I should probably bathe in water scented with flower and walk over burnt paper to ward off bad luck. But all these shite aside I'm here to thank the Lord because I escaped a tsunami. I remember my mother telling me before the tsunami in Aceh that the fishermen there caught a lot of fish. I suppose this is what they meant by calm before a storm because when I was there the sea was dead calm. Low tides seemed to prevail and the fisherman had to move from place to place because when the tide is low it's hard to drag the boat up. And one of the fisherman told my dad that the til was good now because it's the dry season now and when it's the dry season, the sea water is cold so the fish goes nearer the shore. He said that's why fishermen are the enemies of farmers who want it to rain everytime. Well, while I was there the til was good indeed. I saw more interesting catch than when I was there the previous year. A baby octopus that the fishermen discarded but we found too irresistable not to take home. When my dad poked it, it got angry and squirted water. The force of the contraction was surprising for something so small (smaller than even the palm of shirleen's hand and if you've seen hers, you know that it's small)a little like the force of contraction of a woman in labour. Amazing how small dainty woman could force something as monstrous as a baby's head out. There were a couple of squid too. It shouldn't surprise me except for the fact that they were big. They were about the length of my arm and they squirted black ink that got the water in the pail dirty. We saw a yellow seahorse. Mr.fisherman said a yellow one is rare and that he'd sell it to us for Rp.20000 (which if you convert it is about S$4; and which if you're a fanatical environmentalist, would think what an OUTRAGEOUS bargain for something so endangered - yesh, seahorses are endangered animals) But then again maybe mr fisherman was lying about the yellow one being rarer than the others -I certainly wouldn't know. And as though he read my mind, Mr.fisherman then added "fishermen don't lie". Which makes me think then that if that's the case fishermen would make very fine priests indeed. One of the fishermen with the bigger boat caught a shark. And it was still alive when they dragged it ashore. And one of the guys there put his arm inside the shark's gill, while it's still alive. Seriously I'd hate to think of me putting my entire arm down this guy's throat and into his lungs but now that he did it to this shark that thought became more appealing. But on second thought I wouldn't want to come into contact with anything that handled a shark like that. It must be about 2 and a half metre long. ANd it was so heavy that the fishermen couldn't carry it up. So then came this guy with a knife and he cut the shark's tail. Just like that. And I could see that the shark was still alive. And there were a lot of blood. And the sea was red. And I hoped that this shark died just then because the guy proceeded to cut him to pieces. ANd I could see the cross-section of the shark where the backbone was and more blood flowed and I thought, lord there's gallons of blood inside this living thing. The sea was red once again and I couldn't see my feet. And on that day that we saw that shark, we went to the nature reserve and saw some monkeys. They were a hungry bunch and one of them snatched our bag of chips away from in front of kaka's eyes and that's saying something considering 1) NOBODY steals anything from kaka and 2)NO ANIMAL comes near her for fear of so loud a shriek that it wakes St.Peter from his sleep. They were hungry and they would snatch peanuts from your hands and when you lifted our arms, it would look at you warily, snarled a little then climbed up your torso and snatched the peanuts anyway. And that'show I got a scar. A monkey claw. I told wedy, how cool is that a scar from a monkey's claw and not from some operation like what other people have. And she put me to shame, saying who in their right mind comes near a monkey to get a scar. That day we were out in the sun for so long I got a terrible sunburn and everyone got a flu the next day. I don't know how the two are related but it seemed pretty relevant at that time. So we sneezed and the mucus went running down our noses. And we sneezed as we caught little crabs that tried to hide in the sand. And I cursed because what's the point of having a nose if you can't breathe and smell. My mom and dad, they were always looking out to the sea. And to the coconut trees that lined the outside of our cottage. ANd to this man happily climbing to tap the nectar that's dripping from the flower. MY dad asked him and he said he's been climbing since the age of 17 and I told Ono it wasn't entirely too late if he wants to start now. We tried climbing and we gave up at the fourth step. The nectar was sweet. He put some acidic stuff to help preserve the sugar. ANd the whole bucket was full of bees, dying bees and I wonder if it's the acid that killed the bees. And on the day we were watching the fishermen pulling their nets, my dad talked to this guy who's sewing his net. Said it was damaged when it hit the anchor. ANd we sat there looking at him working with his nimble finger and my mother asked where does the thread comes from and how come it never ran out. He then revealed the pin he was holding which apparently held the thread which he had rolled in before. And we sat there looking at him and he became conscious at the audience. We wowwed at the speed of his sewing and he said he's done it many many times. And he told us about how he went to jakarta to work but hated the employer. He shoook his head saying, the guy's like that. Like that should explain why he hated the employer. And that he had a wife whose mother opened a stall. And that he just lost his newly bought thread because someone stole it. And I thought if we were to stay there for a coupla more weeks we would know everyone there. It wouldn't be surprising. Before we left the guy with the net said we should go buy a boat. The next day we saw him he was back out in the sea pulling the nets. He called out to my dad and waved his hand. If not for that we wouldn't recognise him wearing that ninja cap, long sleeve shirt that's wet all over. We thought it made him look like some criminal. The first day we were there the antennae broke down so there was nothing on tv and we cursed because it was Indonesian idol night (and I wanted this annoying Tessa guy to get voted out) and because there was a football match on SCTV, and oh there was also this korean show in one of the China tv station. I heard the tsunami wasn't that bad. Only 2 metres high. But 3 people died. ANd I hope it wasn't the coconut tree man. Or the guy with the net. Or his wife. Or Mr fisherman with the yellow seahorse. Grinning Goat at 7/17/2006 06:28:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Guilty feet have gotten no rhythm The other day I was relief-teaching for my sister and I was actually glad I was relieving rather than doing this permanently. There were only two kids. But hey two kids are equivalent of potent migraine inducer plus a nerve wrecker combined into one. Teacher, I forget to bring my book and I thought bloody hell why didn't you; thank the lord I have access to the photocopying machine so you can't escape work anyway you git but before I could say that the other kid said teacher, he's lying. She grabbed his bag (and got a loathful glare in return, which she happily ignored) and showed me this purple book - identical to hers. It was all good but I was unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse of KFC popcorn chicken stuffed in it. Alongside the book. Good lord, who in their right mind would eat something that (by then) looks like a museum artefact? People stuff wallet in sure, but KFC popcorn chicken? and it wasn't sealed mind you, it was open I could practically smell the chicken. Well perhaps not smell it because the thing has probably rot there for a while but I could definitely see it. The chicken. Not the box. And I almost wanted to say, so you forgot to bring your book huh, but you remember to bring the chicken? What is this, Colonel Sander's house? HE grated his knuckles under the table. The noise was unbearably annoying to my teacherly ears. If I were to have my ways I'd throw that kid into the trash can. Why the trash can, you'd ask? Well, what's the point of throwing kids if not into the trash can? Just do the math. Which by the way was why I was there in the first place. To teach math. ANd there was this time when I was trying to solve this algebra problem using non-algebra method which involved making tiny little boxes called units and somehow manipulated them. Does that sound like a lot of crap to you because to me it does and why can't kids just learn algebra straight rather than play with these tiny little boxes that don't make much sense? :: Mr. Ong saves 30% of his salary and so does his wife. Their savings amount to $21600. If ratio of Mr Ong's salary to his wife's is 2 to 1, find out their individual salary. :: I was making these little boxes on the board when I discovered that the answer was different from when I was using algebra to solve it so there must be something wrong with the little boxes, right? And stupid me, I asked them if they noticed anything peculiar the moment the bell rang. And this girl told me while packing her bags hastily that I could think about it at home and that I have plenty of time to do so at home. ANd this KFC boy he was too busy munching sweet to hear what I said. Obviously, nobody cared how much Mr. Ong's salary was. And I met a friend there who said that she was to go into teaching permanently and I thought good Lord, are you sure that's what you want to do for the rest of your life? TEaching kids who don't give a fart about Mr.Ong's salary? Except that she doesn't teach math. Only English. And english literature. But I'd rather not break her heart by telling her that the kids probably won't give a fart about shakespeare and the likes of him. So help her god. Grinning Goat at 7/17/2006 04:03:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} My bloody student Ri: teacher, what's your name again? I forget. Is it rose? melati? R: It's CRYSANTHEMUM actually This weird kid suddenly talked to me after months of absence and to my horror I discovered that age hasn't seasoned him yet. He's still as crappy as ever. Grinning Goat at 7/17/2006 03:27:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 16, 2006 This one really cracks me up Ono pointed out to me this advertisement; the lattest addition to superman toys, and boy did it make me laugh. Check this out ![]() Yes! Now this is the kind of item I always look forward to with any big new blockbuster superhero movie. The kind of item where they take things farther than the simple rehashing of old superhero action figures. The Superman Inflato Suit comes with a built-in fan that, when turned on, inflates the suit to give you the appearance of having Grinning Goat at 7/16/2006 05:02:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 11, 2006 Jump in my car into the trash can I was watching this video called "Jump in my car" by David Hasselhoff. The video was creepily disgusting -as fitting a video as you can expect from someone who loves himself too much- so I tried to find the lyrics of the song -just so I can have a bit of a laugh- but apparently I was cheated because I always got re-directed to this page selling Jump in my car's mp3 and that's when I gave up trying. The video was of him in this black car. I thought it looked familiar and then I remembered that it was KIT from the Knight's Rider. Something I watched as a kid. ![]() I managed to find one without Hasselhoff in it. Thank the Lord. (what kind of a git keep a 70's perm right down to his 50s?) When I think of the Knight's Rider, somehow I think of Mc.Gyver and the A team as well. It's proven then isn't it? That kids can't live without tv. Grinning Goat at 7/11/2006 02:14:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 10, 2006 No frenchie, just Italians Andy: french lost wewwwwwwwwwww. No french freise, just eat pizza R: huahahhaha kepala loe baru kebentur tembok ya? Andy: ahhh you're not a soccer addict R: emang bukan. You mean all soccer addict would say that? Andy: oh jelasssss, no french anymore R: fraise, what is that? is that fries???? Andy: iya fries. Eh ga jadi, french tetep ada. Mase ada french kiss soalnya R: sintingggggggg. YOU ARE MADDDDDDDDDD So while Zinedine Zidane sulked in sorrow as he ended his career not in gleaming white light of victory but in a humbling defeat that got people shouting "you're Moby" and shaking their fists at him for headbutting Materazzi, I'm going to go off and talk to this andy guy to straighten a bit of his brain. Grinning Goat at 7/10/2006 08:42:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I just knew I just knew that Oprah's parents name her after Orpah from the "Book of Ruth" in the bible and that she was called Oprah because someone mispelled her name in the birth certificate. It should've been the Orpah Winfrey Show. Wowwwww. I guess it's still better than Zelton or Shilo or Bluebell. That one's still beyond me. I thought people'd think twice about making their kid a bully-magnet. Grinning Goat at 7/10/2006 02:22:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Stars are blind but I hope Virgin Records are not deaf If I were to simplify people of the world (and believe me it is very very simplified), I can divide the world into people who like Paris Hilton and those who hate her. Now if you don't know that Paris Hilton's recording a song called Stars are blind -perhaps that's a blessing in itself- I shall quote someone's review of that song's video clip. I don't want to comment on how it sounds, but the video looks like a really long CK commercial. Which is every bit as boring as it sounds. When she was rolling around in the sand when her nipple fell out it looked like she might be spoofing herself and acting like an ass on purpose. Turns out that's not the case, and she was actually trying to look sexy. It fails miserably, as does everything else about the video. This looks like what you'd get if you gave somebody $20 and told him to film Paris and a guy making out on the beach for 4 minutes I've seen that video clip and there's probably a good reason Paris didn't start kick her carreer by singing. The singing wasn't off or anything like that. The song was kind of easy to listen to if you only ignore the background music which comprises of the same chords being repeated over and over throughout the song. It wasn't bad but it won't send me running to the nearest record shop either. And um the video does look cheap. Go and have a look. Ohhhhh I found another blog which dedicates an entire entry to reviewing this video clip. (source is Le Pink Blog ANd it's kind of hard not to disagree with this guy on more than one points. Here it is, for your reading pleasure: The stars are blind-ed I've had enough of people who are talentless and yet they have a career that is more illustrous than mine. call it a case of sour grapes. i think i have a better singing voice than some people you see on tv, and heck, i think i dance better than some of them too. yet i'm here, ranting on my little space on the internet, getting overworked and underpaid, slaving away anonymously for a company that may not give me the recognition that is due to me. life is unfair. but hey, the media industry thrives on sex, sex and more sex. that's the one thing that singers like christina aguilera and paris hilton have, that i cannot give. my bad. no wonder i'm such a nobody. =( er... wait a minute. paris hilton, a singer? i think you got the wrong person... right? sadly it's truth. click if you want to endure nearly four minutes of watching a bitch in heat. it is aptly titled "stars are blind" - the stars are blind alright, to have allowed such an entertainment/musical disaster to happen. i've lost whatever little faith i had in mtv. Grinning Goat at 7/10/2006 01:10:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, July 08, 2006 WHAT THE HELL IS GUNBOUND REVOLUTION A lot of people are pissed today with the commencement of Gunbound Revolution, which as the name suggests should be a hell of a lot better than GUnbound World Champion. As it turned out, I asked my american and canadian counterparts (who are the unfortunate bunch who are FORCED to move to the new gunbound at unlike us asians, australians and people on every other part of the world who have the options to stay put -and perfectly happy- at the old Gunbound WC) that this new gunbound is full of errors because they're bugged and the admin guys didn't do a test run the day before; all of this causing an uproar and a series of diatribe spread across the GB forum all over North America and Canada while the rest of the world cursed because half the friends they have on their buddy list suddenly disappeared as they moved to the cursed new server called Gunbound REVOLUTION. WHich really, is anything but revolutionary. As my friends put it, "softnyx sold us off" and asked afterwards in a very philosophical manner, "Why don't they allow us to play in GUnbound WORLD champion, aren't we americans part of the world too?"; to which I replied "course you are" but what good is my answer when softnyx has sold them off to ijji. So this entry is dedicated to all the pissed gunbound players out there, myself included. And as a last word, I shall paste something a friend of mine found on the GB forum: Today in USA news.. 300 people dead. Apparently they were in some Gunbound(sp?) cuilt. They were all so upset they met in Washington, DC and committed mass suicide. These children ranged from ages 8-15. I had a chance to speak with one of the childs, and he told me that the asians are going to war with america LA. They dont want americans to play GB no more LIAO. Hmm i said wtf is la and LIAO mean he said he didnt know, but its cool if you say it in GB. I witnessed it all these kids were killing eachother left and right with boomerangs and purple glowing balls. It was insane. You should here it. There was a great pause in the middle of the suicide, one of the kids left and they didnt move for at least 1 hour. Then a bunch of children started screaming die JAJAJAJA and saying fuck you, with no C in fuck. Weird incident.. Back to you george.. Grinning Goat at 7/08/2006 11:00:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, July 07, 2006 The power that be Do read this if you have the time. I quote: "sometimes we all got to learn how to bow where the system bends " Well said. Personally I don't find Mr. Brown's humour column all that funny since my sense of humour was a whole different breed altogether so I suppose I won't be missing much of anything. The easy way out -as always- is to be apolitical. I'd like to liken this to being -not Godless- but a free thinker. You don't worry about picking one God and excluding another. Some words are better left unsaid. And sometimes what you write have repercussions greater than what you can handle. It costs you. Like it does cost me a friendship or two. I'm going to learn to bow where the systems bend; if I have not already. This is something that's rather off topic but some crap I laughed on just now. wednesday: WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? blackflow: to play? wednesday: NO, I MEAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE SAME POSITION AS ME? (the enemy will get double damage for hitting at the same spot) blackflow: oh sorry (moving away) wednesday:GOOD blackflow: now turn off the caps already wednesday: THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY KEYBOARD, I CAN'T PRESS THE CAPS BUTTON blackflow: oh. :: blackflow: go get a KB wednesday: WHAT'S A KB? blackflow: a keyboard wednesday: OH RIGHT HAHAHAHA blackflow: don't shout! :: Wednesday: (shot blackflow accidentally) SORRY blackflow: NO PROBLEM. I wonder why he answered in capital. Maybe my sorry sounded so overwhelmingly sincere. SOMEHOW WHEN I WRITE IN CAPS, EVERYTHING SOUNDS VULGAR. THE FUNNY THING THOUGH IS THAT COMPLIMENTS ARE AMPLIFIED. SOMEWHAT. Grinning Goat at 7/07/2006 01:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 05, 2006 Post ad My message to Ono this morning. "Italy vs Germany. Italy won 2-0 on extra time. I watched it and the extra time WAS 30 minutes, not 15 or straight to penalty shoot-out. Grosso scored the first one and soon after Del Piero scored the second one. Ok I'm done with the story-telling, you can go to school and act like you've stayed up the whole night to watch the whole game last night. Just act sleepy and they'll believe you. Aren't you always sleepy anyway?" To which - I found out when I woke up- he replied in capital, NONSENSE. Grinning Goat at 7/05/2006 10:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Hawk-eye Commentator must have either an unusually large screen or an amzing hawk-eye which is the envy of many. They can spout off the player's name when all I could see was people running, either in blue or in white. I mean is Ballack's head any different from the others? Maybe it's the shape of his head or it's the parting of his hair, do you think? Grinning Goat at 7/05/2006 12:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Years to master-hood The gunbound world is pretty noisy today with all that talk about the World Cup. It made me feel like I'm in the middle of this coffee shop with the vendor switching on to SCTV (which by the way acts like ESPN with a live broadcast except that it's a whole lot cheaper and with more crative advertisement too - most notably of that of the Indomie goreng kriuk, at this time of the year I believe) and the fact that this is Singapore and not Indonesia made me want to laugh even harder. SCTV my arse. I wonder what those people would think come half time when this commentator would blabber about the things that sound like a lot of common sense in Indonesian. And my friend bambamz can snicker at Christiano Ronaldo for appearing in this Indonesian-equivalent of a red bull advertisement. Extra Joss they're called if I'm not wrong. The setting is in Bali with some balinese dance. I'm sure there's some relevance between red bull and balinese dance somewhere, I just kind of missed the connection. Anyway the match is on now. And this made me feel stupid. Staying up only to find myself writing here when the time comes for my eyes to stay glued to the screen. I never really got that intense, almost fierce love for football so I do wonder what is it about 22 men and 1 ball that got people all riled up (killing someone even, just because he's being noisy in the field - so I heard). Most people I asked that don't watch football normally but DO now said because this is the WORLD CUP. So I suppose it matters whether Germany or Italy won tonight (apparently it was said that Germany should win and Portugal doesn't deserve victory for defeating england altough to tell you the truth I WAS pretty happy that someone DID defeat england). SO this is the world cup. What about the english premier league or the Spanish league? Who gives a fart? this is the WORLD CUP. And at a world cup match you get your eyes glued to the screen. ANyway ask if you must,I'm betting my money on Germany. I asked at the gameroom, "who'd you bet your money on?" And someone said german and then another asked, "you guys bet for real?" and the germany-lover said he did for half time and full time and that's when I knew that my question begs for a literal answer sometimes. It wasn't just a figure of speech. These guys are serious about football. Like I said, that's something I have yet to develop. It just intrigued me to see people get all enthusiastic over this. I mean half the world population probably loves football right, so there must be SOMETHING about it. Maybe I should be born a male next time just so I can have a taste as to how it feels like. The last time I checked they were still lining up in the field and singing the national anthem. I reckon they should have started by now and so I'm going to have a look for myself and see what this fuss is all about. Til then. Grinning Goat at 7/05/2006 02:57:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 04, 2006 Learn the way papamadit: Brandom Routh = superman? bambamz: aye.... papamadit: not baddd. A hell of a lot better than the sissy orlando bloom bambamz: orlando ? papamadit: yea u liked him rite? (or do I get it mixed up...) bambamz: hahaha i do but not my fave lah papamadit: so who's your fave? bambamz: heath ledger lah sayang papamadit:ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaa but dearie he's not handsome huahahaha bambamz: aniwaez forget me wat guys do u like? other than taylor hicks (my msn picture is that of him - the George Clooney rip-off) papamadit:as in actor? bambamz: anything lah papamadit: I like antonio banderas. :: Bambamz:oi dunt change subject tell me more guys u like papamadit: you mean I need to supply more? Bambamz: abothen papamadit: try to name some Bambamz: u wat virgin mary ah papamadit: I'll answer yes or no papamadit: huahahahahha no I'm jesus Bambamz: hahahahaha fine. Chad michael murray papamadit: NO. Eh gimme someone more manly-looking Bambamz: sean connery papamadit: errmm nope Bambamz: so u like men verging on 50's .Is that it ? papamadit: waaaaaaaaaaa must you put it so unpleasantly? huahahhaa OH I LIKE HUGH GRANT papamadit: shite is he 50ish too? Bambamz: nah. Verging can mean going to be 50ish. So ross likes older older guys papamadit: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Can u not jump to conclusion? Bambamz: hugh grant's accent is so cute papamadit: ONLY THE ACCENT? Bambamz: and the eyes papamadit: I dont like keanu reeves Bambamz: and the Bambamz: oh crap i like hugh grant too Bambamz: but u see i like hugh JACKMAN more papamadit: eh wait (googling for hugh jackman's picture) Bambamz: why lah papamadit:FREAKKKKKKKKKK papamadit: THE ONE I LIKE IS HUGH JACKMAN DAMMIT papamadit: I just look at the picture Bambamz: wahahahaha papamadit:hugh grant's no good Bambamz: know ur men Ross, noe ur men papamadit: huahahaha ohhhhhhhh I have a lot to learn Bambamz: yeap....grant n jackman r eons apart. Grant its the accent really Bambamz: jackman is everythin papamadit: grant is NOT EVEN THE ACCENT papamadit:lucky u mention it doll or you'd have thought poorly of my taste in men huahahahaha Bambamz: nono. You've got gd taste. Like wine. Older the better papamadit: huahahaha what like wine??? papamadit:eh that DOES sound like a compliment. Somewhat. So apparently, I need to know my men. Grinning Goat at 7/04/2006 10:20:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Late night pondering A friend of mine asked me what module I am planning to take next semester. I realise the thought of going back to school depresses me. My mates and I, we got into this fight bordering on a cold war. As much as I dislike Harry Potter (my gunbound game ID is ilovesnape), imagine him, Ron and Hermione being in a bad state. I fear the same thing would happen again. Going to school can be quite dreadful. I'm not going to go into whose fault is it and why because good Lord, I had a lot of those in the game room - I killed my team mate, my team mate killed me (more of the former than the latter) and the thing with these kids is that some of them have sharp tongue but fortunately I am usually master of the room so I can kick them out and feel bloody good about it all - but mostly it's because I want the bad blood to end. There's a lot to learn in a game room although undoubtedly parents would scorn at this malarkey. But I won't go into this because a part of me kind of agree with them. That's probably the adult part. And I'm bleeding happy that Portugal won against England. Grinning Goat at 7/04/2006 01:02:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos