Friday, June 30, 2006 Something new everyday R: so what does elmazorca mean? elmazorca: the corn R: really? elmazorca: yeah R: why, do you like corn? elmazorca: no, I just don't have imagination Grinning Goat at 6/30/2006 04:06:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} You started it This may well be my most childish entry yet. Let's see, when you're blaming somebody because of a fault then the problem you have with that person is the fault and not the person technically, is it not? (hate the sin not the sinner so it was said) What if in the course of pointing out this fault you are committing the fault yourself? Do you still have the right to point it out then? Like when somebody insults you and you preach about the very sin of hurling insults as dictated in such and such holy book and while doing so you hurl a generous dollop of insults yourself. And when somebody commented on this very fact then you'd conveniently say, HE STARTED IT. It doesn't matter who started it, does it? If you're doing the very thing you loath and know to not do, how different are you from the people you preach on and look down upon? You might as well set up an insult club and declare yourself an honorary member. If you have class, you bloody well do it differently. Need you resort to filthy underhand method of your enemy? To be fair, I am an honorary member of the insult club. I played with this idiot who kept missing her shots, blamed me for losing and hurled some nasty insults to which I retorted and yes it doesn't make me any better. It got so bad she turned against me and decided to kill me (very conveniently I'd say since she seemed to be missing everybody else but me). And my last word to her when she declared her treachery was, fine by me you're not much help yourself. Grinning Goat at 6/30/2006 03:40:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, June 28, 2006 The 2-man-band For some reason I'm very fond of this picture. ![]() A family band. Not the Corrs. Tis the Leonos, ladies and gentleman (with very flexible line up. Too flexible as a matter of fact) ![]() ![]() I've got more but I'll leave that for when we've become famous. Grinning Goat at 6/28/2006 02:13:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Mountain man I'm in this greedy mood. I want to update everything and write about everything and anything. Last sunday we went mountain trekking as usual. I think I'm more of a sea person than a mountain person because I shouted I need an elevator all the way to the top. The plane was delayed and we were awfully bored. R: what time is the barbershop closed? Wedy: I think about 10 R: What's that place called? Ono: Express Cut R: Wasn't it called QB? I wonder what QB stands for Wedy: Quick and Beauty R: Really? what a weird name Ono: Quick beauty R: that makes more that's quick Ono: yea quick AND beauty is like saying hey I'm quick and beautiful R: what, like a pretty runner? Ono: yeah a pretty runner R: Quick Beauty is like an instant make-up eh? How cool is that but quick AND beauty on the other hand.. Wedy: you guys, all I did was put a conjunction! I just conjuct the words for goodness sake R: I'm not sure conjunct is a verb, so if I break my finger, are you like going to conjunct my finger? So you see how bored we were. And they served this bottled water that's capped too tight. There were these 3 old ladies sitting beside me who couldn't open the cap. The one sitting right next to me asked for my help (so this must be how it felt like to be Buika) and I was about to ask the other ladies to queue up at the back for a cap-opening session with me but this gentleman had to pass by the alley and helped them instead. There was this kid who screamed during the flight and Ono said something about Billy the kid from the Green Mile which we watched yesterday and dutifully praised, that is until we realised that the cheapskate TV station aired the movie in 2 parts and we were catching part 1 and since I'm here today, on a totally different island, with a totally different Tv station, guess who the Green Mile PART TWO is missing for an audience. I got a shaky toilet bowl at the airport in jakarta. And this woman in the next cubicle was talking to her kid in a highly familiar Singaporean accent and I thought what an early welcome mat. Right. I'm incoherent. Time to go to bed I guess. Grinning Goat at 6/27/2006 01:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, June 03, 2006 Before the world turns into a giant dirtbag Actually, this entry isn't nearly as depressing as the title makes it out to be. It was just this thought that flashed through my mind some time ago but I forgot what it was and the title was all I remembered and I thought it sounded good. R: so who's prettier in the picture? Ono: either her or her R: will you ever make up your mind? Ono: her if she loses the mole and the other one if she doesn't R: since when I said you can qualify your answer? And what's wrong with having a mole?!? R: so who's prettier in the picture? Ono: either her or her R: so which is it? Ono: hmmm tell her to open her mouth R: sure I'll tell her when I see her Ono: well you can't blame me, THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE R: No they don't Ono: What, are they like SISTERS? And that's when I know it's time to stop asking. Grinning Goat at 6/03/2006 02:54:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos