Saturday, December 24, 2005 Maria Sharapova Ono: She's my favourite tennis player R: You don't even watch tennis Grinning Goat at 12/24/2005 11:16:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, December 23, 2005 Hmmm R: Now don't accuse me of not planning beforehand, I have this (flashing my pink pajamas) Mom: hmmmmm Ono: (looking sideways) you're not my sister R: I'm not, huh? Mom: Don't bring it if you're not gonna wear it! R: hmmmmm ah what the hell I'll bring it Wedy: You're not my sister, eh what am I talking about,you are my sister Ono: but you're not my sister Grinning Goat at 12/23/2005 12:11:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, December 22, 2005 F.U.N Plankton: What's fun? Spongebob: Fun is like, sorta like a... Spongebob:what is fun? let me spell it for you! Sponge Bob: F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me, N is for anywhere or anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea Plankton: F is for fire that burns down the whole town! U is for uranium..... bombs N is for no suvivors when you're..... Spongebob: Plankton! those things aren´t what fun is all about Plankton: NEVER! That's completely idiotic. Spongebob: Here, let me help you, F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, Try it! Plankton: N is for anywhere and any time at all, Down here in the deep blue sea. Plankton: I don't understand this, I fell all tingly inside. Should we stop? Spongebob: No! That's how you're supposed to feel! Plankton: Well I like it, lets do it again! Spongebob:OK Spongebob and Plankton: F is for frolic through all the flowers U is for ukelele N is for nose pickin, sharin gum and sand lickin Down here with my best buddy! Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Grinning Goat at 12/22/2005 11:13:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Turned out to be smaller than I thought ![]() Grinning Goat at 12/20/2005 02:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sylvie Thibonnet Someone stumbled on my blog using the search word Sylvie Thibonnet. To mark the occasion I dedicate one whole entry with matching heading. The following are excerpts taken from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Fleur (a french): you theenk Bill will not wish to marry me anymore? You theenk because of these bites he will not love me? Mrs.Weasley: No, that's not what I... Fleur: because 'e will! It would take more zan a werewolf to stop Bill loving me! Mrs. Weasley: well, I'm sure but I thought perhaps - given how - how he... Fleur: You thought I would not weesh to marry him? Or per'aps you 'oped? What do I care how 'e looks? I'm good looking enough for both of us You know I thought when I read that, that is something Ms.Tea would say. Grinning Goat at 12/20/2005 02:26:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Don't ask me such questions I have been asked more than twice today if I've thought about the future. OF COURSE I've thought about the future. But whether I am at liberty to discuss it with people is a different matter is it not? Diplomacy has never been my strong suit. I'm just trying to avoid conflicts. I discovered it best to shut up in a lot of different social situation. You can't take back what's been said. But then again I keep forgetting that sometimes, not saying anything is saying something. I had a hard time being enthusiastic. Grinning Goat at 12/20/2005 12:57:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, December 19, 2005 Big shot I should've suspected it wasn't going to be a normal reunion. You know if there's anything I learnt in one week worth of philosophy class, it's this: convincing others is often a matter of persuasion, not affirmation of your own ideas. When you argue with people you tend to become convinced more than ever of your own ideas rather than get swayed anyway. At least I am. And in the event that you do think people have some points, your pride would stop you from admitting it most of the time anyway. Truth is adaptable and can be distorted, so Mr Pinker believes and I think he's a genius. I am skeptical. Painfully so sometimes. 1. People who try too hard to convince never look convincing to me. Besides, I make it a point never to decide on the spot (which fits well with the accusation that I don't have an in-built business acumen to make it big in business)and the more I listened the more loopholes I seemed to see through. More rubbish seemed to surface. More dirt appeared. Not a pretty sight. 2. Motivation is good but it should not blind. The drive to earn money is good but it shouldn't make you oblivious to risks involved. Nothing is that pretty. Nothing is that good. Just like how clicking yes to every advertisement advertising easy money won't make you rich. I was pointed out that "even O-level cert holder are earning it big doing this, what more an undergraduate". Without meaning any disrespect to anyone, this can be intrepreted both ways I think. You can do better since your qualification is higher or you can do something else since your qualification is higher. Depending on your point of view. 3. You basically don't earn my respect badmouthing other people in front of me, even if it is to your advantage (especially if it's to your advantage) It's a joke. Other MLM is trying to cheat me off my money? If what you're trying to advertise is not MLM I don't know what is. 4. I hate being treated like an idiot Do you want to earn a lot of money? Do you see my point? Do you think it's beneficial that you can join us without paying that much money? Do you want to be a leader or a follower? You might as well ask me if I think 1+1 is an easy question. 5. I don't believe in the concept of slimming pils. Period. And no, I actually am not interested in any of your products, if that comes as a big surprise. 6. I really think there's a merit in not mixing friendship with business. It's just not fun anymore. Besides, it breeds conflicts and it just isn't a fair trade. Not worth bartering friendships for. 7. It's funny how they can tell you in the flick of a finger how much you can earn but not how much you have to put in. 8. I think deciding on the spot based on the information fed to me in less than a day by not more than one source is just plain stupid. 9. It's curious how it was said at first that no selling is going to be involved. As far as my eyes can see, inviting your friends over for this kind of MLM talk that requires them to buy the products of yours truly for $2000 over as a start-up fee (supposedly for the business venture they're going to join) involves some selling to me. Ah but then again maybe it's a matter of definition. 10. I hate my friends trying to sell me stuff so I guess it's only fair that I don't sell them stuff. I would absolutely loathe doing it anyway. So folks, call me old-fashioned but I just can't seem to buy the concept of MLM. Besides, someone said to me earlier that I shouldn't ask people outside about this for their opinion least I get the wrong advice. You know, that line alone decided it for me. I don't even have to think twice. Grinning Goat at 12/19/2005 10:02:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A whole new Now that I've faced up to the facts that my strange dejavu poster's gone, I'm trying to revamp this place. It still looks a little out of place I have to admit but I'll fix it later. And I'm going slightly pink now. This is to help people around me adjust so they won't get so shocked when I start wearing purple. Okay I'm out of here. AT least for a while. Am visiting Biwi's beauty salon (yeh, she has a beauty salon now and I'm really really curious as to how it looks like, no worries this has nothing whatsoever to do with the future prospect of me wearing purple) Grinning Goat at 12/19/2005 03:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, December 17, 2005 All the nonsense in the world I am back. According to Ono, I was to blog right now before he comes and complete my blogging business so that when he comes, the PC will be available for use to him to play. Heh. So right now I shall blog. ![]() OK that was how it was like every wednesday and friday morning at the track. Anyway I had this conversation with Ono about the stranger in red arrow. Oh and she's not a kid. (I had some problem with Paint, which explains the simplicity of the drawing. And ermm technically Ono's slightly taller than me but I shouldn't stroke his ego so I make our heights equal. Besides I can just copy and paste...) Ono: What if you become her (the stranger in red arrow) R: The scenery wouldn't be as good as what I have now Ono: and the air not as fresh Never been a fan of jogging, it was easier to divert my attention to people in the track than to be conscious about what I was doing so pardon my busibodiness about the affairs of other people. (You have been forewarned with the title anyway) There was this woman. Hair permed and dyed dirty blond -quite bright actually. Very fashionable. I'd like to think of her as the older version of Jack. Anyway, Ono and I called her the funky mom. Because she turned out to be the mother of my friend. Ah I knew there was something very familiar about her. See, when she greeted us I must have had this very readable (darn it)expression because she explained afterwards that she's so and so's mother which left me grinning guiltily for forgetting what my friend's mother looked like. Funky mom has a very good memory apparently. Then there was this crazy woman who kept overtaking us. She must be very fast because I'd hate to think that we're that slow to have been overtaken at least 5 times. Very athletic woman. I swear she was getting faster by the minute. This was what roughly happened. (Pardon Ono my readers, he's a little obsessed with trying to figure out what I'd rather do than get near a cockroach) Ono: would you rather eat a cockroach or a lizard? R: lizard Ono: what if the lizard doesn't die in one bite and you have to chew it over and over? R: I'd still pick the lizard. Ok there's crazy woman overtaking us. :: :: Ono: would you rather be stuck in an enclosed room with one cockroach and having had to kill it or a rat? R: I'll kill the rat. There she is again. What a crazy woman. Ono: come on, it's just a cockroach... :: :: Ono: Okay, would you rather eat one cockroach or five flies? R: 5 flies Ono: But you can't drink after the flies. With the cockroach you can R: Don't try to change my mind Ono: Man, this is her fifth round! R: We should be ashamed :: :: Ono: Would you rather be enclosed in a room full of cockroaches or kill your best friend's pet dog? R: You're making things difficult for me Ono: and the dog's real cute. He'd lick and jump on you when you're near... R: Is she going to stop at all? It's like we walked half the distance she ran. You get the idea. It was depressing. And every morning at around 7 there'd be this aerobic class out on the field. At the side of the track there'd be a bunch of old people doing some taichi. The song wasn't very pleasant to my ears except towards the last part. I knew it was the last part because they'd all start to take out their swords. There was this particular one that I really set my eyes on. It was made of metal of some sort, not wood like what the rest had. Very good fake sword. Although having a scabbard to go with it would be very nice. And a more realistic handle. They could make it more shiny too, I'm not having no rusty-looking sword. And there were these 2 women who'd walk in opposite direction. VEry weird. And everytime I spotted them, they were walking the same path. It's like they never did run the whole track, just between those two points. A to B. Over and over. In opposite direction. Slightly later there's this dance class, also on the field but behind the aerobic class people. They played country whenever the dance class was on, which was a very very good break from all the taichi and aerobic songs. And I also managed to spot some regulars (which, judging from my track record in the arts of observing strangers which was close to shaming my masters and teachers - Karol and Po - must be such an excellent improvement they should move me from pre-beginner class to intermediate. I remember the last conversation we had was something like this: Karol: that was ghastly Po: yea and she could do with longer skirt too R: Who? Po: We just walked past her but she's disappeared from view R: You should've told me when she's three metres away Karol: last time you said to tell you when they're two metres... R: call it a deprovement for the sake of advancement) The two regulars were this husband and wife. The wife would always wore this small pouch on her waist. And always on her left. Never right. Usually she's wearing blue. And the husband was what I described to Ono as a clean husband. He looked like one of those rare breeds of male (the rarity of which doesn't impress me) who's obsessed with hygiene. His shoes' always spotless and the socks always looked new -which is impossible in the general scheme of things.... Like my mom's friend's husband who forbid his sons from touching the car's window because it'd leave a stain. More hygienic than a hospital room full of disinfectants. Okay I should stop rambling on and on in no particular direction. I have a very interesting entry I wrote about a week ago but that'll have to wait til tomorrow. I'm going to sleep. Night everyone Grinning Goat at 12/17/2005 10:54:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, December 10, 2005 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM 8/12/2005 7.20 pm The Bleeding Consumption The bleeding consumption. It certainly felt like I had it. Damn lungs. Anyway I just stumbled on this little red book. You know those small book kids pass around for people in the class to write. Well, mostly about themselves, their names, addresses. Your standard biodata and basically anything they want to write. It became a kind of a (not only a tradition) but a competition. Who can come up with the best entry. Hah. And the owner of the book usually wrote a kind of warning (my my even a bible doesn't have a warning for its readers). Hmmm okay here was my rule: 1. No tearing of pages 2. No idle doodling Ha. I wasn't very inspired back then. To tell you the truth I think I didn't have much to write and just thought that writing my name didn't really you know occupy the whole page (because I certainly tried to draw BobDog the dog real big to fill up all those spaces but the dog could only go so big) and so I sort of followed the trend of laying down rules. It beats me how people can come up with so many rules when I could only come up with two. They must have been a true iron-fist authoritarian at heart. There was this person who wrote this as a message "Be diligent in your prayer and study so that you’ll be useful to the country and church" I thought prayer and church were a bit misplaced here. Fanatics. I'm just worried they make them young these days. There's a shockingly large amount of preaching too in the message I received. Respect your parents Keep proper decorum because it is your capital in your venture to society True. But it's just too preachy coming from a 10 year old. Disturbing, (let me borrow a phrase from Applegate) like a Britney Spears video with a tank on it. And there's one woman called Marissa whose birthday is today. I suppose not knowing her number is a bad excuse of a lie not to call because it's written all over the page. Her address, hobby and zodiac sign to boot. I can actually visualize her face somewhat, which is a feat considering I don't remember how half the people in the book looked like. (the name just kind of rang a bell – a very small and distant bell at that – which was quite good too because for some, the small bell is hardly visible to my small eyes, much less audible). Very flowery woman that Marissa was. Page full of flowers. Hmm and Bob Dog stickers. Okay, I'll forgive her for that. Oh there’s also this one: "There are gold ships, there are silver ships but there are no ships like our frienships" Nice spelling. And I thought ships are made of cheaper metals? Or maybe it's just me. And there's this cheeky fella who asked for a birthday present. Her birthday falls on let me see...19 June. One sailor moon doodler wrote under "what I want to be when I grow up" section: nuclear engineer. If I remember correctly the last time I checked sailor moon isn't part of a nuclear engineer's job description. Anyway, the heroine didn't appear on her page, just bubbles and some very colourful rainbows (I swear there's something between kids and rainbows) There's one Hermine. Man. This one escaped me totally. The name doesn't even sound familiar. She tried to be cryptic this woman did. Alternating the letters of a word up and down. Doesn't take much figuring out though. Besides, what else can kids write other than be diligent in your prayer and study? Oh and she spelled "sea" as "s" on one page and "ea" on another. Bring the concept of syllable to a new level, doesn't it? Then there's my best mate when I was 10. She wrote, under "Favourite films": Legend of White Snake. Huahahaha I didn't know that. Someone wrote "forgiveness is key to your happiness". Wondered what is it exactly that I've done to her. Kids are such copy cats. I can't believe I got 2 fruit baskets, about a dozen flowers, a couple of rainbows and oh not to mention the be diligent in your blah blah blah in that one book. Nobody drew me a tiger or a bird. I wonder why. Flowers were such haute couture eh? Seriously, the proverbs they wrote. Either it's too preachy you know they got it from some books somewhere (the author must not be very bright I'd say) or too honest and simple you know they must have invented it themselves. Someone put her picture on her page. Which reminds me. The last time my teacher gave the whole class her family photograph as a Christmas card my dad never really stopped implying the sheer stupidity of it. Ah but this is one polite kid. Written at the bottom of her page, NB: I'm sorry I decorated with a marker pen and that the marking is visible even on the next page. Hmm okay I got three sailor moon stickers from someone. So I suppose it's technically wrong to say that I didn't own a single sailor moon sticker. Someone wrote his whole entry in yellow and light orange (in a light blue background mind you). Must have thought I had such marvelous eyesight. Ah yea I forgot I refused to have my eye checked until some teacher put me in the back row and I was blind to a single word. I thought there's some brilliance in this whole book-passing, biodata-writing business. See, it gives you the perfect excuse to have people write down their contact number, to have you call them or ignore them when it suits you. To call after losing contact for so long because you need help is sad. To call after losing contact for so long and have nothing to say to each other but the weather is sadder. Grinning Goat at 12/10/2005 09:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, December 06, 2005 Grown up Christmas List Do you remember me? I sat upon you're knee I wrote to you with childhood fantasies (Ice cream, toys and more toys) Well, I'm all grown up now (damn) And still need help somehow (who doesn't?) I'm not a child but my heart still can dream So here's my life-long wish My grown-up Christmas list (no more ice cream and toys eh) Not for myself, but for a world in need No more lives torn apart That wars would never start and time would heal the heart And everyone would have a friend And right would always win And love would never end, oh This is my grown-up Christmas List As children we believed The grandest sight to see Was something lovely, wrapped beneath the tree Well, Heaven surely knows That packages and bows Can never heal a hurting human soul No more lives torn apart That wars would never start And time would heal the heart And everyone would have a friend And right would always win And love would never end, oh This is my grown-up Christmas List What is this illusion called The innocence of youth Maybe only in our blind belief Can we ever find the truth No more lives torn apart That wars would never start And time would heal the heart And everyone would have a friend And right would always win And love would never end, oh This is my grown-up Christmas List This is my only life-long wish This is my grown-up Christmas List --------------------------------------------- Admit it. This is a better wish than world peace. Grinning Goat at 12/06/2005 04:53:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos