Wednesday, September 28, 2005 Inertia We can't explain anything. It's funny how we can like someone without having to justify it while we can't dislike someone without justifying it. The human brains aren't all that great. There are contradictions within out own logic. Do we like someone because of his good attributes or do we just like someone -period- with no explanation as to why? If it's the first then it follows that when we dislike someone, it's because of something he did/did not do. But if it's the latter, then disliking someone is as much a random event as liking someone is. And since it's impossivble for the whole world to reach a consensus here, why can't we just dislike someone and be done with it? Do we really have to justify our every dislike? There's alot to explain then, eh?? Besides, I really think it's an impossible feat. Scientists prided theselves on the account that they can explain natural phenomena. Why is the sky blue? They'll then come to you and tell you that the sky is blue because only the wavelength for the blue light reaches our eye but not other colours when we look at the sky. But why is it that only the wavelength for blue light reaches our eye? If you're going upstream in your questioning there really is no explanation at the end of the river. It's almost like a never-ending "Why" questions kids ask their parents. What scientists do do is figure out pieces of the puzzle (at times without really understanding why one piece fits the other) so they can manipulate them to their advantage. Cloning is basically mimicry of real life events. We invent nothing. We just take the tools available and play with them. We didn't invent the hamer and the spanner and the saw and the bolts and the wood. We simply use the saw, hammer, spanner, bolts and woods to make furniture. We didn't even invent the furniture, it was already there and what we were doing basically was make an exact replica. The samples provided. In a way, I think science is the art of manipulating. I actually wrote this in my essay for the professor. COme to think of it, it wasn't a very brilliant move on my part considering the professor is a man of science himself. But I like him. Heh. Going back to the topic. If we can't answer a concrete question like "why is the sky blue", do you think we can answer the more abstarct question of why we like someone people but dislike others? By the way I don't buy for a moment that you can actually like everyone. If people can't even like everything, how can they like everyone - everyone being complex creatures with their unpredictable temperaments? Ok, so maybe I'm a bit cynical. You, the more blessed people who don't find it in you to dislike anyone can pray for my lost lost soul. While you can't like everyone, what you can do at the very least is admit it. Failure to admit doesn't indicate superiority in the realms of spiritual health. It certainly as hell does not sound like you commit less of a sin than everybody else to me. And when I said "admit", I didn't mean you have to publicize it to the whole world and engage yourself in some vicious war agaisnt the offended. I meant you admit it in confidence to close people around you that you trust. Or maybe you simply have nobody you can trust not to divulge your evil side. Ah the sadness of it all. How cheap honesty has become. BEsides, disliking- as long as it stops there- is not dangerous. Hating is something else. But disliking is fine. IF you like everything and anything then theres no meaning to the word "art", eh? Can you believe I wrote this in the bus? Somehow I get philosophical during a long journey alone. Maybe I dropped my philosophy class because the lecture wasn't conducted inside the SBS bus. And this uncle better stop peeking at my paper because the only word he could catch was probably "like" which would make me sound like some deranged teenagers with hormone overproduction who write sweet nothingness in papers to be passed to their crushes or to their friends to be giggled at. Enough digression. Why do you dislike him? Because he's a liar. Why do you dislike a liar? Because he undermines your authority and being told a lie injures your pride. Why do you dislike someone for injuring your pride? BEcause men are just egotistical pigs with a lot of ego to feed. Why are men egotistical pigs? God knows. Why do you dislike techno? Because it sucks. Why does it suck? GOd knows. Why do people like beautiful things? Why do people like a pretty face? Try to explain to me that. "GOd makes us such" If you end up with something along this line, you can start congratulating me because I'm right and you can't explain anything. Not even yourself. This whole disliking and liking business is funny because it can't really explain your circle of friends. Why your friends are those bunch of people out of the burgeoning population of bozos in the whole wide world. Let's skip fate,okay. It's boring to say that fate brings people together. Let's go to what you like and what your friends like. It's not entirely correct to say that people with similar likes become friends. Because then how do you explain why your friends don't really hit it off with your other friends? Does that mean there are differences in the similarities? So do you become friends because of a similarity which is an accumulation of a couple of factors? Or do you just become friends because you like those people and we agreed (at least I agreed) earlier on that like and dislike can't be explained. Eh but if that's true then I'll have to talk about fate which is boring. Anyway, I had a nice quote (courtesy of KArol) "BUsiness based on friendship is better than friendship based on business" Alright I'm gonna go sleep. Grinning Goat at 9/28/2005 02:32:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, September 24, 2005 Nothing makes you look stupider than being an absent-minded does Question: Why was it impossible for anyone to have gone to the house without leaving his footprints? THE answer: It was snowing and people cannot walk on the snow without leaving their footprints. the answer I get: People cannot fly. R: PEOPLE CANNOT FLY??? WHO ANSWERED THIS??? Then someone came to the culprit's defense and asked "How come people cannot fly cannot ah?" R: BECAUSEEEEE (I SAID SOOOOOOO) even if you don't fly you won't leave your footprints on the ground if it's not snowing. You entered this classroom just now eh? but I don't see your footprints anywhere...Do you see any?? Someone said to me once that a stupid question deserves a stupid answer. That's about as stupid as I can make myself sound without resorting to snorting while dancing on the table. I wanted to put the title of this entry as PEOPLE CANNOT FLY, but that would've been too much of a giveaway eh? Now that you've read it I'm officially changing the title as PEOPLE CANNOT FLY. People cannot fly indeed. Grinning Goat at 9/24/2005 10:41:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, September 13, 2005 What's the matter with you people If there's something you need to learn, it's responsibility folks. See, being responsible includes coming to the last band practice knowing there's a test whose materials you might end up not finishing. Being responsible means INFORMING YOUR PROJECT MEMBERS beforehand if your PC screws up. Do you know why I don't buy this "I have not done anything because my com is down"? BECAUSE: 1. I'm just a plain cynical old bitch who is having a hard time believing the concept of coincidence (WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF HAVING A SCREWED PC BEFORE THE DUE DATE OF Yr projeCT??? AND NOT JUST ONE MEMBER WHO CAME UP WITH THIS EXCUSE, IT'S TWO!! Well two might not make a population, but in a 5-membered project, TWO constitutes ALMOST 50% of the WHOLE POPULATION, although FORTUNATELY, they're NOT the majority here so I CAN RULE OVER THEM) 2. THere's this thing called BACKUP. You can always a) use a thumbrive b) burn a CD c) use a floppy disk d) send a backup copy to yr own mail e) send a backup copy to ME f) send a backup copy to your friend g) print it out Failing all of which (which is already an indication of yr stupidity level), you can always DO IT IN ADVANCE so should something came up there's time to RE-DO the whole freaking thing. 3. IF YOU KNOW YOUR PC IS SCREWED, YOU DON'T JUST SIT BACK WAITING TIL THE LAST MINUTE TO INFORM YOUR PROJECT MEMBER (who FORTUNATELY for you, isn't one of those people who sit back IN RETURN and get equally shocked upon receiving the news of yr stupid PC breaking down and listen to your lamentation with sympathy. NO, SIR my heart's way too weak to take that) 4. You do this whole stupid thing AFTER ACTING ALL SMART in the beginning. Fwahhhhhh. Fact speaks for itself. I have nothing more to say on the subject. Holly cow. 5. You don't get SHOCKED when told you should just DO NOTHING and that everything is "pretty much done" (I mean what do you expect? Me to have a heart attack for being too dependent on two stupid members?) AND still have the cheek to get worried over whether you'll get to present them in class (and hence obviously, earn you the stupid class participation marks) knowing ALL ALONG none of it is any of your work, your work being supposedly stuck in that stupid PC of yours that supposedly just broke down. Grinning Goat at 9/13/2005 08:55:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, September 12, 2005 Highlight of the day I couldn't stop laughing reading this. Seriously, jackjack's one crazy woman. 1. makan kecoa mentah or kodok mentah? kodok mentah. anggap aja makan sashimi hahaha gw paling benci ama kecoa. paling jijai!!! crispy crispy gitu. eeeeehhhhhh.....!!!!! 2.muka penuh dgn tai tp tanpa bau OR muka cantik tp baunya kyk tai? dua2 nya gk pengen! tp klo hrs pilih... muka cantik aja deh. pake aja perfume banyak2 haha 3.jerawatan abis OR ambeyen for life? ambeyen aja. tiap hari dipijit kan udah ok haha 4.rambut dari cacing OR mending dari Rotten spaghetti? ya rotten spaghetti donk. i can't imagine cacing stuck di kepala gw seumur hidup. kan ngerriiii. mo bobo pun gk bisa~! 5.hidung yg full of pimples yg always meletus2 OR bulu yg berkutu and puanjangg (ga bs dipotong)? hahaha koq susah amet seh. ya udah pimples aja d. yg forever berdarah + penuh luka OR wet + smelly? hahaha berdarah aja d. pake betadin mungkin bisa stop darahnya haha 7.kalo ditakdirkan cacat mending mana?tuli?bisu? ga bs jalan?buta? gk bisa jalan. klo tuli buta gk bisa nonton film. klo bisu tuli gk bisa gossip! klo cuma gk bisa jalan kan ok aja. lgpula gw orgnya kan males jalan, apalage lari hahahaha jd gk bisa jalan paling cocok d hehe 8.oversized dada or oversized pantat?ga boleh operasi!!!and ini extreme case-very huge-kyk pantat gajah HAHA koq sedih amet seh. dua2 gk mo... hahaha ya udah pantat. tiap hari di rumah duduk nonton tv aja haha 9.having ur arms stuck in ur ketiak or lose ur hands - all FORever eh stuck di ketiak aja d. plg nggk kan bs coba2 operasi. mungkin bisa sembuh haha have 8 limbs or 8 heads? ya 8 limbs lah! klo 8 kepala kan aneh. mo bobo pun gk tao mo hadep mana baru bisa napas. emang 8 limbs jadi mirip octopus seh. tp kan bisa umpetin 6 limbs di baju hahahhahah I will translate and comment tomorrow. My indo-speaking friends, enjoy. Huahahahahaha Grinning Goat at 9/12/2005 02:16:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, September 09, 2005 Chasing mah own tail I realise the picture of an eye in my blog has disappeared since God knows when and together with that my Dream Theatre's Strange Deja Vu text. Pffff. I'll sort this out later. Anyway this entry is to thank Andre for fixing our PC. That was really kind of you. Thanks!!! Grinning Goat at 9/09/2005 10:44:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, September 04, 2005 The cursing game Ono thinks it's not fair that our PC get a virus (that necessitate him to reformat it THREE times) but not my notebook. Ono: I hope your laptop gets a virus R: EHHH!!! If that happens I hope you'll grow shorter by a metre ! (I was thinking lucky he's not Jack or he'd have vanished...) Grinning Goat at 9/04/2005 08:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Awkward awkward I had a new student today. She came in just for today because she can't make it for the sunday class. She was still in one of those stages teenagers have you know, when they were just simply not at ease with themselves. Awkward body posture. Awkward way to express themselves. If there's anything I learnt growing up, it's this: there's no such thing as being cool. You might as well forget the concept of coolness because what you think is cool now may not be cool by the time you look at it 20 years down the road (obviously it'll be too late by then). It was those time when they're still in the middle of establishing their self-image. The cross over between the ideal-self and the real-self. Most of the time what comes out is a mixture. 100% ideal self is impossible because you'll tend to discover that for certain traits, people just can't change, the way you simply can't become humorous overnight. 100% real-self is not likely too since people are subjected to external environment pressure where not only such things like public's expectation and peer pressure exist but also because people seem to have this innate desire to (perhaps subconsciously) improve themselves (either in front of the public's eyes or as a form of self-assurance leading to self-esteem). She had this way of commenting and answering when questions weren't being posed to her but to my other student. Which I think was not only rude but also annoying. And she seemed to take pleasure when I made some grammatical error on the board (I mean come on, you think it's easy turning a half-assed poet into Shakespeare??) Butttt.... she's forgiven. Because half an hour before the class ended she fell off her chair and made my day. Grinning Goat at 9/04/2005 03:11:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, September 02, 2005 Public show of affection I thought I was neutral about public show of affection. Turned out the kid me and the adult me don't think the same way. This guy and this woman were sitting in front of me. Snuggling. There's a bit of hand touching. Hand hitting (by the guy - for GOD's SAKE). Some hugging. Some telling of stupid jokes (and how do I know? because they're LOUD ENOUGH for me to hear even after I put my music ON. Jesus. But turning the volume up was just no option because hell, getting an ear damage to block them out is just not worth the trouble, you think??!! Some SINGINGGGG. Holly cow. Thigh rubbing. Errrggghhhhh. Any more and I would have to make a formal apology to the auntie who cleans the bus for hurling. The guy was this desperate chap who kept trying to sell himself. Because seriously I can't see the point of him doing that in public. 1) the hand rubbing caused the stupid woman to shriek "owww that hurts" (please roll yr eyes here) 2) the hand touching caused the woman to (almost almost)have a twisted pinky (which if you think about it may not be such a bad thing after all) 3) the hugging. It can be done AT HOME don't you think? (everything can be done at home, if I were to push my luck) or maybe I'm just biased. But hell I'm proud that I actually AM biased. 4) the telling of stupid jokes. (guys who do that to attract attention are just so pathetic they are better of dropping down dead. Girls who buy that should drop down even faster) Not to mention the fact that stupid jokes are such a pain to hear. 5) the SINGING. MYYYY GOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. End of story. 6) thigh rubbing. SINCE WHEN does public transport become a SECOND CLASS RED DISTRICT??? I mean gee if I were her the guy would have a broken neck (twisted at an obscure angle) before he could execute exhibit number 6). But then again there were exhibit number 1) to 4) which ALREADY ensures that he won't be in my vicinity for a long time to come. So maybe that's why I'm me and not her. God doesn't want me to kill. Ohh and here's the catch, he was such a bore. The conversation was absolute bull. Utter crap. 7) what's up with guys at THAT age who still worries about which club to visit next??? 8) He has nothing of substance to say, much less intellectual. Heh. We need the male version of the term bimbo man. (oh and let me clarify: bimbo MINUS the good looks. Hold on a minute, who said a bimbo has to be good-looking?) Anyway they got a call in the middle of the ride and I got wind that (THANK YOU GOD) they were going to alight at Orchard (SOON!!!) I couldn't help but curse when the bus seemed to inch along towards Orchard road. Didn't know I could miss Orchard road so much. Bleh. At Orchard road, all was good and PEACEFUL. I ain't got no complaints after that, except maybe for SBS's cursed seat that's mean to tall people like me. Grinning Goat at 9/02/2005 10:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos