Thursday, June 30, 2005 Original assumption ![]() I want to talk about that but that'll have to wait until I read this book. I was just thinking. I think the basis for religion is your original assumption. If you are talking about presence of evidence, there's as little evidence to proof the existence of God as there is to proof His non-existence. You can say God exists because there's no proof of His non-existence as much as you can say He doesn't because there's no proof of His existence. It's two sides to the same coin. Grinning Goat at 6/30/2005 03:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, June 28, 2005 Kids and aeroplane Ono: the stupid kid behind me is annoying. Keeps kicking my seat R: Heh. Wedy: Ah like you weren't like that when you were young? R: In an aeroplane? I couldn't have. I was always getting airsick so I would either sit and drool or sit and puke. Too busy to kick the seat of some nice gege in front. Anyway I went to this dog show a few days ago. It's held in this cow farm and if I were to have my way I'd rather look at cows than dogs and old men acting like boys with toys. They kept showing off their dogs too like some money-making properties. They were having this exam day that day. " Anjing anjing harap kencing dahulu sebelum memasuki lapangan" (Dogs please pee before entering the field). "Anjing anjing yang telah lulus ujian diharap berkumpul di depan lapangan untuk pengambilan foto" (Dogs that passed the test please gather in front of the field for a photo-taking session) So said the comentator. I almost choked. Mostly they were German SHepherds. There were some Golden Retrievers too. And one Rottweiller. And the names those old men give their'd think the dogs were their relatives. A Dixie. A Stephanie. A Cantik. Jesus. And the host was the owner of the farm who's more than a little crazy about dogs too. He owned more than a dozen German Shepherds - so many that when my dad asked to see a certain pup, the worker there actually asked him, "Whose son? Zack's? or Dicky's?" And the wife was telling us the history of the setting up of the farm and all those dog-breedings, sipping water in the middle of it and make you feel like she's telling some fairytale you just hate to get interrupted on and wished she would please please speed up in her drinking. It crossed my mind at some point that she's like the older version of Karol. And on monday we went to grandma's house and as usual ate, slept around, scared off the dogs and played shake the moth tree game (except that before we even did anything the some moth flied towards us and scared us off our wits we just ran off to the car). Oh and Ono tried fishing in the pond too. (he only got one fish, the other fishes are in too deep he said) Anyway now that I'm back in this hot hot place I'd expect I'd be able to update more often. Grinning Goat at 6/28/2005 11:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, June 25, 2005 Sitting there talking about their kids Kids have such simple brains nomatter what they say about brain diminishing in size as one ages. When I was a kid and I went with my mother and her gang of friends, I don't think complicatedly. Like when you ask some adults about some character in a movie, whether they're good or bad. Hands down. It's either good or bad and no qualifications. When I look at them now I can actually rank who makes a better mother, who makes a better friend etc etc etc. Who likes to show off. Who likes to bitch around. Who's thinking shes's good-looking. Who's really good-looking. Who's trying to be funny. Who's funny without trying too hard. I suppose in 20 to 30 years time I'd be like that. Sitting at some quiet place reminiscing about the old days. How SellV bumped into a glass. How SellV bumped into this pole. (She bumps into quite some things) How Bapon burnt her rubbish bin, almost costing her the kitchen How Jack fell in lecture theater (more than once, so we can have quite an anecdote here) Oh and we played this game today. What you'd rather give up. Meat or vegetables. Mango or apple. Invisibility or ability to fly. And the one that got me dumbfounded: what would you rather give up, bra or panty? It gets more absurd. Hair (it won't grow back, don't try to cheat)or electricity. Health or husband. Parents or friends. Computers or meat. (that's a hard one) Milk or bread. Ice cream or bread. (of course ice cream) X-Box or TV (X-Box!!!) France or USA. A million buck or ability to fly. Ability to fly or to morph to animals (you can't become birds) J.K Rowling books or Michael Crichton's (of course I'd give up JK) Harry Potter and the half-blood prince or one of Chrichton's book (One of Crichton's book; I'd happily give up The Great Train Robbery) Grinning Goat at 6/25/2005 09:26:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, June 24, 2005 Cheap thrils You know one of those swing that can seat 4 people, 2 facing the other 2? The kind that I always thought is used by the Dutch and look somewhat trying-to-look-highclass-when-it's-clearly-just-a-swing? Wedy, Ono and I were on it just now and we just swung and swung and swung and the bloody thing got uprooted it's practically shuddering. Apparently moving rocks over the stupid pole didn't seem to help (cheapskate swing)so we took turns stepping on the pole base (pah)and wedy felt so safe she swung so hard she startled this woman drinking tea on the second floor. Exciting eh? I love cheap thrils like this. Anyway there's this stupid (or brilliant depending on your point of view)TV station here that show Spongebob every day more than once so we've been having a lot of spongebob and patrick stories. And when we played "Guess who this is" game on the pool, Ono: He has a name that is the name some people call their father R:Hmmm...ayah....daddy...Dedi!!! Ono: Yep R: Ok my turn, it's yellow.... Ono: Spongebob! Ono: It's pink R:Patrick! This is too easy A one line description says it all. We're telephatic really. Grinning Goat at 6/24/2005 12:22:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, June 17, 2005 Remnants of my more I met my former form teacher when I was in Primary 5 the other day. I was trying to avoid her seeing how she caught my mother in the corridor for a chit chat(probably remembering her face or simply seeing a resemblance of me in my mother's face). Either way, she asked about me so I was forced to come out of hiding. And I actually still remember her name. Bu Naning. She probably was curious as to how this kid with a runny nose - literally having Nile River for a nose, carrying toilet paper to class- turns out when she grows up. I think I remember her because she was somewhat unconventional. Like the way she gave out photographs of her family with some wishes scribbled at the back as Christmas cards - My dad thought that was ermmm ridiculous although that's not his exact words. But I have to give her some credit for my successful revenge though. She was the one who let me beat up this guy in my class (who smacked me) with a ratan stick (causing him grievous injury in the form of a big black bruise -HA HA HA- so he came running to mama and lodge a big complaint to Bu Naning) Ah I might tell you his name so you can beat him up on my behalf when you see him on the street. HANAFI. That's the one. A sneaking contemptible arrogant piece of walking shit with a freaking broom in the shape of Ronald Mc.Donald's bangs for a hairstyle. Anyway, after that encounter (a not very successful one, involving only a smile I hoped can pass as a genuine, some head-nodding and hand-shake and a failing single-sided conversation, unless you count my mother speaking) I started thinking about this computer game I played. My first computer game: Freespace (by Volition Inc) I actually missed looking (and piloting) the ships. GTF Ullysess. Athena Bomber. GTF Valkyrie. GTB Ursa. GTB Hercules. Seth. And the weapons: Prometheus. MX-50. The interceptor. Hornet. Stiletto. Tsunami Bomb. Mannnn... (told you I'm not much of a Barbie fan - so you can stop looking shocked now) I WANT TO PLAY FREESPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. This insanity is aggravated by Ono who was telling me I used to draw this ship for him last time. And so I draw this big ship, complete with the bridge, private quarters, cabins, and my very own hangar. I called it the Galatea. Of course there are two subships: The Galileo and The Galilee. And for each subships there will be a bladeship for the REF (Royal Elite Force). Galilee's bladeship: the Lucifer. Galileo's bladeship: St. Elmo (Ono had this idea that since lucifer's the name of a devil, the other bladeship must adopt a saint's name. Wedy was suggesting St. Nich - Ono and I snorted at that; there's no way we're gonna name our ships after Wedy's school. Even with my limited knowledge I doubt that Elmo is name of a saint -although I know there's such a thing as St.Elmo's fire- but Ono was persistent and I thought what the hell St.Elmo sounds good so St.Elmo it was) And of course I'll be inside the Lucifer and not St.Elmo's because the REF Commander on that ship's a gay who only picked boys with a pretty face and I'm better of having an alien commander by the name of Gallaen Fangor. And I'll be piloting the Ullysess because the Apollo's just shit and i don't like the shape of Valkyrie at all and bombers are just too heavy for good manouvering but if I have to choose I'll choose the Athena. How's that for details? Do you want to know the name of all 15 members of the REF together with their military ranks and profiles? You know what if you're bored reading this I'm not sorry at all because you have been forewarned. Read the title. Grinning Goat at 6/17/2005 01:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, June 15, 2005 Too much...too much badminton It was a match to the death. Japan( represented by Wedy) vs Singapore (represented by Ono). Thailand (me) vs South Africa ( Ono was more for France but I told him I wouldn't want Thailand to beat France, actually I quite like South Africa too but the game has to proceed so...) South Korea (Wedy adopted the name Bae Yong Jun - and I thought I bloody well have to win this, I mean how can a Bae Yong Jun EVER win a match???)vs Bulgaria (I adopted the name Viktor Krum but then I thought what if the Bae fella wins? I wouldn't want Viktor to lose, so I changed to Igor Karkaroff, imagining my supporters are all Veela, wondering how on earth would a Veela look like) Indonesia (Ono wants to be a "Sony" and refused to be Rudy Hartono or Ricky Subagja -how foolish of him) vs South Korea (with the bleeding Bae Yong Jun Wedy on board) Too much Harry Potter. Heh And it's really really hard to be a commentator on a Badminton match. The whole thing went so fast you'd just leave your sentence hanging midway (Sony with a very fast smash there down the middle of the court and Bae with a very good save....ahh....bad erhhh good saveee from Bae there equalizing the match there with the score of....very bad service from Bae...) not to mention the fact that you have to keep the score too. Okay time to blow my nose. More updates later. Bad bad bout of flu. Grinning Goat at 6/15/2005 11:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6 June 2005, Monday The things people like me do (what unemployment does you) 1. Figuring out why the bots in our CS have names that appear in Harry Potter. Bill. Ron. (Weasley) Oliver. (Wood) Too much of a coincidence, wouldn't you say? 2. Observing how counter-terrorists in CS look zombie-like when you just give them a dagger. Subsequently, carrying a shotgun, pretending to star in The Night of the Living Dead or Resident Evil. 3. Wondering whether dogs cry when their eyes go watery. (and bark at you when you let them go. Damn dogs) 4. Trying not to damage the car too much playing car-racing. Failing which, trying to lose both tire (the wall just doesn’t seem to be hard enough) 5. Playing badminton 6. Playing badminton with our left hand 7. Playing badminton without moving our legs when we get tired. This is harder than it sounds, stupid as it sounds. R: You can't move your legs but I can Ono: And why is that? R: Because if not, I'll forever pick up the shuttlecock 8. Playing badminton with our left hand holding the racket and our right hand controlling it. 9. Thinking I'd be sinking way too low if I accept Ono's offer of playing pool in a table tennis' table, using a tennis ball and a broom-stick. 10. Listening to aunties talking about people dropping dead playing tennis. 11. Cursing black-outs in the middle of a Tv show 12. Cursing the slopes in Dago Pakar, they just seem to get steeper and steeper. And not to mention the bleeding worms too. 13. (talking about worms, I just remember) Discussing why Peter Pettigrew is called Wormtail but Sirius is called Sirius and not Padfoot. 14. Having stupid conversations Ono: Ci, would you rather have a Doraemon or a Harry Potter? R: Doraemon Ono: Doraemon or Astroboy? R: Doraemon Ono: a small Doraemon or a digimon? R: a small doraemon. Ono: but doraemon is a robot, it can become malfunctional. R: I can always call Dorami to fix him, besides a digimon is useless Ono: no it's not R: yes it is Ono: What if you can't make the small doraemon big? R: Stop trying to make me pick digimon Ono: a digimon or a pikachu? R: Pikachu. I don't have to pay electricity bills. Ono: What if the pikachu gets sick? R: like I care? Ono: Harry (Potter) or Dora (The explorer)? R: HARRY!!!! (Dora the explorer is such a dumb show) 15. Watching re-runs of Inuyasha, figuring out swears in Japanese. 16. Cursing the local dial-up connection. Bloody dial-ups. 17. Cursing at Ono who’s playing bodyguard, pushing mama up the stairs (and since I'm in front suddenly I get to become "scout"), hearing mama mumbled, "It's hard to be VIP" 18. Wondering why this madman always hangs around the front of our house. 19. Having more doses of Stephen Chow's movie than what is good for my health. 20. Having a stupid bet with Ono. (a cockroach antenna showed up under the cabinet) R: STEP ON THE ANTENNA NOW ONO. BE A MAN Ono: Use your sandal R: Why must you use mine? (Antenna disappears under the cabinet) R: See what you just did? You didn't step on it!!! Ono: if that cockroach so much as appears again, I'll give you a massage for 20 minutes R: 20 minutes huh?? Try THREE HOURS Ono: okay, if that cockroach appears again, my X-Box is yours R: I don't need that X-Box to be mine Oh and have I told you that my cousin is BRILLIANT? You all have got to thank him or I wouldn't be here updating to satisfy your curious curious eyes. Huahahaha Grinning Goat at 6/08/2005 01:53:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos