Monday, May 30, 2005 30 May 2005, Monday. 2200 hours Calves of the same breed. If I'll ever write a book, I'm gonna name it "Calves of the same breed". I just thought it sounds great. I suppose that's what happens when you have too much time to think about things during long journeys. Like when we waited at the airport and Ono and I were eavesdropping these aunties talking behind. Aunties just love to gossip. It's like gossips make their core of existence. Ono can sum it up in a few words: salon in Japan, money, and drug for high blood pressure ("do you know you have to take it all your life?" ooohhhh). Turns out, Harry Potter makes for a more interesting source of entertainment. And you know how I have this really annoying aunt called Anna. But we called her aunt Cloud. Ono kept comparing the Shaman King cool never-smiling Anna to this...well...Cloud Anna. While one never smiles and makes you think she has this air of dignity about her, the other smiles and makes you want to box her in the face. Never name your kid Anna. Just to be on the safe side. So what do you name your kid? I was thinking, Eli for a male and Hailey for a female if English names are what you're after. Ono was more for Helena and either Reiveira (In my shock I blurted out "Isn’t that a name for a river?" and to that Ono responded by changing it to Riveiera. I thought that's even closer to the word river but I just kept it shut in case he came up with a weirder name and I don't want to be responsible for a badly-named nephew) Ono also thought "Levi" is not too bad but after I mentioned that it sounds suspiciously like the brand of jeans, he changed his mind from wanting to name his kid that to wanting to name his dog that. Wedy, I asked her a few years back was more for "Twiggy" and I swear I had nothing to do with that. We came up with a list of big NOs. Names like this should never appear in our descendants birth cert. It's so common or annoying it should be a crime. 1. Fred 2. George (yea yea I've been reading too much Harry Potter) 3. Tom/Tommy/Dick/Dicky (haha)/Harry/John/Jon/Johnson/Jake/James/Jamie 4. Any names that starts with B. (Bertha. Barney. Ewwww) 5. Any of my relatives' names. Seriously. (No Anna. Wahooo) 6. Stephanie/Daphne/Serene/Serena (Ono stared at me for this one, he thought I just said Helena) 7. No flowers. Let's keep flowers' name for flowers and humans' name for humans. You know...actually...I should do it by the exclusion method, like "these names are not okay except..." Might be easier. Severus Snape is a great name by the way, but what are the chances I'd marry a Snape?? Besides, I think it's a bit sad when you name your kid after some character in a book. Anyway we get an annoying driver today. Kept saying there'd be traffic jam here and there when it's all bullshit and he just wanted to get home fast. Well why don't I drive him instead if he is deciding where to go first. And do you know why I like sweeping more here than there? Because I can see the dirt. Visible dirt. Visible results. Yes? It's like a whole brand new Sweeping Regime. Except that there was a lizard under the curtain that moved so fast when I swept that I got my first shock of the day (I'd expect many many shocks with the cockroaches here. And have I mentioned that cockroaches is a PLURAL??) Okay, enough messing around for one day, I'm heading to bed. Ciao. Grinning Goat at 5/30/2005 10:40:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The I'm off to a land of cool breeze folks. I'd probably not update as often what with the bad connection and all. I'd try not to visit my relative too often or curse them too much. Alright then see you all in a month's time. Hopefully earlier. In the mean time, go and read my archive if you haven't or if you fancy the old me. Or play neopets. Did I provide you all with the link? If not, I'm sure you can figure it out. Everybody plays Neopets at one time or another in their life. Okay then I'm off to smuggle my Harry Potter book. And bear too if I'm lucky. Grinning Goat at 5/30/2005 11:22:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 29, 2005 Ono was wearing Ono was carrying a gun and was wearing this dark shade and an olive vest over uhh...his pajamas. Ono: Ci, how do I look? R: No secret agent has sheep on their shirt. Grinning Goat at 5/29/2005 12:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 24, 2005 Do you hear the people sing? Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes. Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Beyond the barricade, is there a world you long to see? Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free. Do you hear the people sing? Singing the songs of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again When the beating of your heart, echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes Will you give all you can give so that our banner may advance? Some will fall and some will live Will you stand up and take your chance The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France Do you hear the people sing? Singing the songs of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again When the beating of your heart, echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes The songs of angry men. You just have to love that song. There's an in-built anti fail mechanism in that kind of songs. Grinning Goat at 5/24/2005 09:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 23, 2005 The art of plunging I was at the side of the pool learning how to plunge. Something I never dared to do since primary school. I mean, isn't your head way too precious?? then ...then... how can you allow it to hit the water first??? Which if you think about it really is a good principle because if you don't, your whole body's going to be bruised. This all started in 1991 when my brother was born. Devilish fela with his endless Ci can you do this, can you do that. R: I can't plunge. Nobody could make me since primary school. (Not even the annoying, bribery-prone PE teacher) Ono: Come on...come can do this... R: No I can't!!! Ono: Your head won't hit the bottom, I guarantee. I never hit the bottom. R: I'm heavier, I will hit the bottom Ono: No you won't, come on ci just tryyyyy. Jump further if you're scared of hitting the bottom. Jump further??? I couldn't even plunge head first. Hehhh And the only way to end his nagging is to well...plunge. So I thought, head first... okayyyyy. What's the worst that can happen? R: Ono, IF MY HEAD HITS THE BOTTOM AND I BECOME YOUR DUMB SISTER THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, REMEMBER THAT Ono: yea yeaaaaa just jumppppp And it wasn't too bad when you're safely back in the water with your head intact and the tiles on the pool bottom crack-free. Ono: there's too much noise R: You think? Ono: yep, head first R: I went in head first. Ono: I think you should change the angle of your neck R: What do you mean the angle of my neck? My neck's fixed in place. The angle of my head you mean? But I've bent it far, any more and I'll have to bore through my neck Ono: the angle of your body then Many many more wrong jumps and a dozen chest pains, thigh brusing and many many inside-out goggles flipping later (see even I wonder what in the hell did I do until my gggles flipped like that)... Ono: you know....why do you always jump? Can't you just put your head first and enter the water? And well, yea that worked. No chest pains. And it's less scary too. Then I decided I didn't really like not having the pain after all and started to jump again. And when I finally get the hang of it and shoved it to the face of this smirking auntie near the pool (annoying auntie with noisy kids), it actually felt good -the way you know when you throw a basketball that it'll get in- and Ono actually said this: Whoaaa hen mei ci....HOW DID YOU DO IT??? And so he had this idea of competing our first kick. Many many first kick later, he finally went further than me. When his head emerged from the water he said, yep that's it. Competition over. R: Do you think tomorrow when I want to plunge I'll have to go through the whole cycle of fear again? Ono: No R: You said it ahhhh And once we're done with plunging, we moved on to 360 degrees flip. R: Are you sure my head won't hit? Ono: Yea, you will never hit the side of the pool, I read that in a book. R: Really eh? What about the bottom of the pool? Ono: Oh, that. R: Yea, that. Ono: You won't laaa, I never hit the bottom. It's too fast, you'll land on your legs. And if you're scared of hitting the side of the pool (although I wonder what book is it that he read that says one will never hit), just jump further. Jump further. That seems to be the solution to everything. After I master that, he asked about 360 degrees BACK flip. THAT one was, is, wayy to scary for me. BEsides I like plunging way to much, it's almost like a never-ending slide that's very slippery. I can't believe I didn't do this earlier. Like in primary school. ANd shove it to my bribery-prone PE teacher. Actually she -my PE teacher- said the very same thing Ono said: Just jump, your head won't hit. But I didn't quite believe her. Maybe because SHE didn't jump herself? She never said she never hit the bottom of the pool. Grinning Goat at 5/23/2005 01:12:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 22, 2005 Browbeaten I think it's kind of sad when you grow up and reach that stage when you just get too tired to argue much. Too browbeaten to rebut arguments. Have a seat that's too warm to want to get up. Too heavy a butt to lift. Too stiff a neck to turn. But when there's the one time you have to argue for the sake of principle, you'll end up wondering why you bother to change people's mind when obviously the idea sticks there the way your butt sticks to the couch (and creates an ass print). That stage. Some reaches that stage earlier than some others. The fortunate bunch. Or maybe, if you're not a lawyer you'll start to question the merit of arguing (don't get this mixed up with putting up a fight) as you get old. You just well, go with the flow. Too tired to argue much. Too browbeaten to rebut arguments. Too shacked to give witty retorts. Grinning Goat at 5/22/2005 12:12:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 21, 2005 Foul Foul Foul Foul foul foul mood. Do you know why people appreciate rock? Not only do they sound good, they also alleviate your anger a little when you're in a foul foul foul mood. And somehow pop just has this quite destructive effect on you. MAkes you want to shout QUIT YOUR WHINING. It just irritates the bejesus out of you. And when you watch a movie and then the person in it is this really calm person who never really got mad and you look at him and think, hey yea that's one hell of a way to be a person but then you get back to real life and think, there's a reason why THAT kind of person ONLY EXISTS IN A MOVIE. Irritating SHRIEKING teenagers. Lucky they're not mine or I'd have comitted homicide. BUGGER OFF. Still have the cheek to ask "are we being productive?" NO. ALL YOU PEOPLE DO IS EAT. And watch Huancu Gege. Jesus. God knows what will happen to the project. Grinning Goat at 5/21/2005 01:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 19, 2005 Manga Badrogh: You know naruto? Pretty good manga Ayam bakar: I've heard but I haven't watched/read it Badrogh: so DO IT Ayam bakar: haha sir YES SIR Badrogh: I'm on the fourth season and the r 6 -_- oula pas tres bo ce ke j'ai ecris Ayam bakar: ? Badrogh: Don't worry, I'm not normal Ayam bakar: okay that's a relief Badrogh: uh? Ayam bakar: I'm not normal too Badrogh: lol. bienvenue au club alors ^^ You know I was being sarcastic when I said I'm not normal but oh well. Never mind. Welcome to the club. Heh. Grinning Goat at 5/19/2005 04:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Last resort Kaka just lost her thumb drive And since she couldn't find it where she left it, she's now at that stage when cursing just really helps. Grinning Goat at 5/17/2005 08:35:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 16, 2005 Powerful Ayam bakar: why don't you leave at 7? So you can avoid the stupid rush hour crowd Biwi: No matter wat time I leave I cant avoid e crowd Biwi: tits too powerful Biwi: tts Ayam bakar: huahaha what a word Biwi: what the hell I typed wrongly as tits. Damn damn damn Ayam bakar: powerful tits would be Pamela Anderson's man Grinning Goat at 5/16/2005 05:01:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Useless or not so useless appendages La le lei leh hor lor Ayam bakar: eh but at least I haven't resorted to HOR. That's the ultimate. I still hate HOR Biwi: hahahaha. Hor is kinda power Ayam bakar: nahh it's ANNOYING TO THE CORE Biwi: bring some sweet potatoes back 4 me LEH. Hahahahaha ayam bakar: I ban ppl to say it around me. And leh is more annoying than lah too. Huahahaha. Whoaaa there's a degree Biwi: Wow that's fierce eh Ayam bakar: I think I can start making a chart Biwi: Hahahaha the annoying index. Ayam bakar: yesss Biwi: how abt LOR? Ayam bakar: eh biwi, as a true blue Singaporean, you go and list out all those annoying appendages. I'm not singaporean so I don't count. Biwi: Ok, I'll supply u with e words Biwi: la le lei leh hor lor .Or u wan stuff like kao? wa kao Ayam bakar: le and lei there's a difference? geezz Biwi: and wah liao? Ayam bakar: wahhh biwi. Shouldn't that be on a separate list? Biwi: Hahaha I don't know Ayam bakar: the function's different. They all mean something right?. Unlike la,which is pretty much useless Biwi: I'm just supplying e words Ayam bakar: huahahaha Biwi: You go classify it So folks, the ANNOYING INDEX, courtesy of Kiwi Biwi: (one being the MOST ANNOYING) 1. HOR. The ultimate. You just want to punch the person. Really. Even if the person's as nice as mother Theresa. No reason why. Just gut feeling utter dislike (which according to Biwi, is good enough a reason). But let me just say something for the sake of bitching: Hor gives me the impression that the person's acting like this KNOW-IT-ALL BITCH OF A LOSER. It's not so much the content of what was being said, really. 2. LEI. About as bad as Hor. I can just imagine someone with lots of acnes, very bad english and poor hygiene. I know it's probably not related but what the heck. 3. LOR I realise I dislike anything ending in r. But really, it can hardly be classified as word ending in r considering how the lot of them who said it can't even pronounced the letter. I'm having difficulty deciding the merit of putting Lor/Leh third on the list. Both are equally annoying. So I let Biwi decide. Ayam bakar: tell me, which is more annoying? leh or lor? Biwi: Lor wins hands dows to me. I hate it, especially when ppl drag it. Ayam bakar: hahaha thought so. So Lor third it is. 4. LEH It just has a negative connotation. Like they're trying to be sarcastic but failing totally because what the hey, sarcasm is more than putting a useless word at the end of a sentence. Pathetic, really. 5. LE This is annoying because: if you want to speak english, SPEAK ENGLISH DAMMIT. What's with le? that's too chinese, although that's hardly a convincing argument I think. 6. LA/LAH The mildest. It can even sound somewhat endearing. Hehhh. What an admission. But between lah and la? Lah has got to be higher on the list if you ask me. It has that same rude trying-to-be sarcastic effect. Biwi: I'm gonna go get my fruits now. I'll be back soon. Ayam bakar: Ok Biwi: Don't go offline man. I need entertainment hahahaha Ayam bakar: damn you. Pray for my wireless. Biwi: Haha ok I'll pray while I walk Ayam bakar: hahahaha you insincere b***h Biwi: wow since when has ross become so vulgar? Ayam bakar: since I knew you mahh. Ehhhhh we forgot MAHHH. Biwi: oh ya hahaha Ayam bakar: Dammit, you're a bad dictionary. Grinning Goat at 5/16/2005 02:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Fake smile in all its glory I've been watching Japanese anime. Well, actually not much, just those two telecasted in Arts Central. And some Japanese anime I watched as a kid telecasted in my cheapskate local tv station (and I have to say Doraemon is still the best). I notice there's always that cartoon that portrays its main role as some capable gung-ho fella and there's one that portrays it as some silly but capable fella (think disgusting Sailor Moon). Anyway when I watch Shaman King, I notice this weird thing. That whoever drew that cartoon can't draw a smile properly. It ALWAYS looks wrong. Insincere. Like a camera smile after a funeral. Even on Yoh, the supposed main role. In fact it's most irritating on him. At least to me. So the only character I like is this fella called Anna. She has that perpetual bored look on her face. And she NEVER smiles. (maybe that's why I like her in the first place?) And everytime she needs to do some cooking she'll manage to get someone else to do the grocery shopping for her (or best: even the cooking.) She has a violent streak in her too. As for Inuyasha, I like Inuyasha so I have no comments. Ermm actually I have one, the main storyline is a bit of a bore because sometimes it doesn't really make sense, or if it does, it's full of loopholes. Anyway, I just talked to Biwi about useless appendages. But that'll have to be written on another entry so I'll end this one. Grinning Goat at 5/16/2005 01:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 12, 2005 As it is Wedy's playing the Sound of Music soundtrack now. As it is with movies and perfection, all seven kids are not tone deaf. None of them. You know the part after they sang that doremi song? in that carriage when Julie Andrews just pointed her finger on one kid who'd sing one note? None of them get their notes mixed up. I see that sibling influence on them is minimal. You'll still remember how mi sounds like when your sister sings do. At the same time even! (remember the movie's steeped with harmony) The ideal situation. The more realistic scene would be: First kid: Do Second kid: Mi# Mi# Third kid: Hey you're off! Four kid: yeahh that was sharp, sister Second kid: No way, I was doing mi. I was doing it right. Fifth kid: Sing it again, we can check it with the guitar. Sixth kid: errr sister Maria left her guitar at that field because she's too busy admiring our curtain of a shirt, remember? Julie Andrews: Yes, I'm so sorry kidss..errr....why don't we just continue where we left off? Third kid: okay then, my turn: Re Fourth kid: fa# fa# Second kid: you're sharp Fourth kid: well, so were YOU. Second kid: You're not exactly a walking tuner yourself, mister Fourth kid: You moron Second kid: Shut your pisshole Julie Andrews:'s not blame each other, we're just here to sing. Kids (in chorus): okay... Simultaneously... First kid: Doooooooooooooo Second kid: Miiiiiiiiiiii# Third kid: Reeeeeeeeeee Fourth kid: faaaaaaaaaa# Julie Andrews:'s getting late kids...why don't we get back? That was probably what happened before they edited the movie. The director thought the word pisshole shouldn't be in the script because then they'd move the rating from G to NC 16 and kids wouldn't be able to catch this educational musical! That would be absolutely horrendous. Grinning Goat at 5/12/2005 09:21:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Indulge me DO you think anyone'll get struck by lightning for bargaining with God? And what do you use to bargain with the ALL POWERFUL? Let's just say I'll live a shorter life short of being struck by lightning. Grinning Goat at 5/12/2005 04:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 11, 2005 It takes that little bit of skill Kaka and I invented a lie yesterday. A blatantly obvious one. I'm almost ashamed I came up with part of it, because if we think about it now, it just sounds well...dumb. That's why in inventing a lie, you need external opinion. Someone with more common sense. Grinning Goat at 5/11/2005 10:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The Power of Observation My power of observation has been, let's just say..minimal. A pig can pass by right under my nose and shit and I wouldn't even know. I would probably smell traces of what's left of the organic waste after I walk a mile away. And after somebody nudge me on the ribs regarding the outrageously daring pig. Probably. This morning I was attending this meeting with the Master, supposedly as a stand in because apparently nobody was willing to step up to replace me as Flag chair - which is none of my business except that I don't quite get the point of me attending this meeting because to tell you the truth, I think I'm more ignorant than everybody else about what's going on in flag after my resignation. And after listening to the Master complaining about a mini Indian Kent Ridge all within our small community, I was faced with the question of what's happening with flag now. A question I have no answer to (again, like I said I seriously doubt the purpose of my attending the meeting in the first place). So I explained the reason behind my resignation. Nothing to do with the little squabble of course. In fact when I saw him around all I felt was apathy, cold indifference. Which is perfect, because think about it, if all squabbles end like that, there'd be no murder and enmity. ANd then Master cracked some jokes about whether I'm related to Suharto, which to tell you the truth is not funny at all. So I answered with a short 'No', wondering if it's wise to continue with 'if I were, I'd be there AT THE HOSPITAL by now, wouldn't I?'. I was just short of giving him a smirk for his pathetic undiplomatic little jokes (but I suppose jokes are seldom designed to be diplomatic or comedians can just turn to politicians overnight or celebrities; think the former Philippine president) ONE: I am not inclined to indulge in this joke. I suppose I can let it go if it was that single joke but he seemed not to be content bringing up the name of my country just once. And everytime it appeared in a conversation it's never in a good light. It always sounds derogatory. And don't get me wrong, actually I hold a certain degree of respect for the Master for being blunt about things. Adults who are too politically correct are never fun to be with, aren't they? TWO: I am not a nationalistic person by any stretch of your imagination and I don't feel obliged to defend my country everytime someone screws around with its name. But it just irks me greatly when someone does that in front of me with complete disregard that I am an Indonesian. Say, what if one day I decide enough is enough and actually go on making personal attack on their country in retorts? THREE: I just don't get how people think racism is a sensitive issue which must be dealt with carefully and yet passing snide remarks about other people's countries is a source of amusement. How are they different really? Like race, nationality groups people together as a separate entity distinct from the rest. I find it amusing too that the japanese are fussing over what they put in their history books. Sure it's a serious issue but honestly, I think absence of certain information on world war attrocities in their history books does not equal to its concealment. I mean where is corruption mentioned in my old textbooks? Yet everybody knows. Isn't controlling the press better than censoring the content of mere textbooks? Sometimes I wonder why I blog too. I think it's for amusement. Something I'd want to look back when I get old and grouchy about life (And boy don't I have a hell of a start in this road to Grinning Goat at 5/11/2005 06:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 09, 2005 Beneath me Don't ever ever do a survey here. Most of the time, the pay can't cover the loss from the hit you're taking on your dignity anyway. Clean the toilet if you have to. Can you see the aunties cleaning the toilet? There you go. Surveyors? they're invisible. People would purposefully take a detour. FINE. AVOID ME, I'M A PLAGUE. Heh. I think I'm in love with bimbos. THEY would kindly stop, fill in the appropriate blanks and leave you feeling no less than wanting to treat them a cup of coffee. Except that the pay can't cover for that too. The target surveyee is 20-30 years old. I don't know how bad my skill at estimating people's age is until today. HALF the population walking around is below TWENTY. Why are you all so young?? Can you believe that? The power of spending your parents' money. And the most friendly looking crowds - the malays, indians, old aunties AND gullible kids - are out of bounds. Fwahh. But I WANT TO interview those ayii walking around. They just look more erhh..approachable? (in the general population minus the bimbos). This job is beneath me. And so is distributing fliers. You can work me to death, all I need is some respect. To NOT BE BRUSHED OFF like an INSIGNIFICANT FLY. Besides, it's ALWAYS a bad idea to grow up to be an insect, isn't it??? And when you need Singaporeans, where are they?? Why are all the friendly looking folks -who'd stop and kindly listen to me- foreigners??? Where are you Singaporeans, huh?? Step up! STEP UP AND ANSWER THE BLEEDING 3 QUESTIONS ON THE SURVEY FORM. Not to mention. The competition. They say competition is very stiff around here? No kidding. I was faced with competition from people from the Singapore Police Force doing some sort of a survey too. Five people on one street. That's a little crowded, don't you think? And I didn't even count the lady distributing the fliers. And the auntie surveying people about Today newspaper (Somehow "have you read Today today?" just sounds ridiculous to me) That's it. No more surveys for me. I've had it with people. You know, living on an island alone might not be such a bad idea. Besides, have I told you that this job is BENEATH ME??? And I was working with a guy loser too. I managed to do 42 pieces and him? He did NINETEEN. I mean, come on you're a guy, shouldn't you do 42 too at the very least, try to outdo me? What, my legs are stronger and I can stand longer? Don't be bullshitty. How are you going to feed your wife? But of course that's none of my business. Heh. A guy without a backbone. He probably rest more than me. How can he rest more than me? Because I think I rest a helluva lot. Well, maybe not. But still. Okay, enough cursing for one day. No more surveys. NO MORE. Grinning Goat at 5/09/2005 09:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tell me why (GREASE) I just read Wedy's blog. Although I've always hated bigbird in sessame street I shall let that pass for today. A friend of Wedy said Ono looks like a typical indo boy. And Wedy thought - according to her observation, and I share the same sentiment - that that means Ono is good-looking. (pardon me if I sound bimbotic but I just have to write this : *gasp*. or maybe I shall mispell it for the added bimbo effect?? ) Ono is good-looking. EKKKHHHH. That's what she wrote. And that's what i write too now. Okay let's assume it's true. Why is it so hard to admit? WHY??? Grinning Goat at 5/09/2005 12:22:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 08, 2005 The art of packing and unpacking Moving out today. I was thinking of maybe dragging Wedy along to slog for me, but mom and dad volunteered. 3 bags enough? Hmmm I looked at their size...Surely there's no need for so many bags? But I was prevented from being smacked in the face for being an insufferable know-it-all in the arts of moving by NOT suggesting to reduce the number of bags because in the end we were dragging ELEVEN bleeding bags (plastic bags and all) out of my room. And they grumbled about my lack of planning and my feeble defense was something about my exam ending on the 5th. So we flagged a taxi and we got one of those taxi drivers fond of preaching. Preaching about health, his age (a 50 something who was delighted when someone else told him he didn't look it. Didn't look what? 50? try 60)and the fate of undergraduates in general (which is not very good according to him). I really have no idea how it can get to ELEVEN BAGS. I mean the first day I moved in, I brought only ONE bag with me. A not very heavy one at that. This just proves how junks accumulate. The rate is exponential mind you. There's the iron. The hangers. The clothes. The books. The nonsense. The cards. The birthday presents. The little notes neighbours write each other. My CD player. The instant noodles (hall stayers get hungry fast don't you know that?). The magazines (THE RIDGE! and of course those cheapskate of a -way outdated- magazine they gave out in orientation bags I haven't gotten around to both reading and dumping). The whatever vouchers I haven't gotten round to both using and dumping. (and there'a a lot of those. Those voucher givers must've been rich) I still keep even the admission documents. That was from what? a year ago? In a way I guess I'll miss that room. And I won't be Owlie's neighbour anymore. So I can't just shout over when my instinct to disturb and irritate people kicks in. Unless maybe I want to shout down to two floors below. See, I probably forget the names of these people: my neighbours. So I might as well write something here in case of an alzheimer attack 50 years down the road. Opposite is Owlie. whose room always smells like food. and that's before Hamie came along (hamie is her hamster pet by the way- the nuisance who had the nerve to shit on my hands but not on Owlie's- what kind of a hamster pet is that?)And Owlie's always hungry. She said it has something to do with her metabolic rate. But personally i think her perpetual hunger is just inexplicable. On my right, there's Rah. The walking tuner. On my left, there used to be this China woman people hardly talk to (except Steph who struggled to speak chinese to her when her own chinese - I presume- is less than perfect, but that's not for me -a chinese illiterate- to say) then on second semester there's this American born Vietnamese (ABV??? That sounds like a disease to me) I can't quite remember her name but Owlie called her Tulip. And sometimes she called me Rose too (when I don't stare at her too hard) so we were having this stupid conversation the other day about the third floor being a fertile forest floor. Besides Tulip, nearer to the end of the corridor is Amanda. Whose room always smells like ermm...something I can't quite identify. But it definitelly smells better than Owlie's room. My mugging pal. Opposite Amanda is Shahnas. From Brunei Darussalam (I always got it mixed up with Bangladesh for some reason but luckily never in front of her). And I always think of her as a reliable ally in any circumstances - I suppose there's something about hanging around a fellow foreign student. But sometimes I'm just too socially impaired to do much socialising. But she's someone I can be honest to. I think. Between Shahnas and Owlie is Steph. I cooker her instant noodle once when she was having her exam and now that my paper ended later than hers, she offered to cook me some noodles too. At first I was like, ermm you want to cook me noodle? whyyy??? And then I realised I cooked her noodle once. And when I declined, she offered milk. Good service, mate. Which reminds me, Shahnas gave me chocolate too one day and I asked why. I think I'm socially retarded. Like what Karol said, can't I just say "thank you and please do this more often"??? Heh. Besides Owlie, nearer to the toilet is Wanjun and Shuqi. Wanjun. Hmmm I think I barely spoke more than 5 sentences to her for the whole of the semester. Nothing against her you understand. Think of it as maybe, our path rarely crossed? Shuqi. Well, i think at first her impression of me was bad. Me being the phantom of the block and all. Then I got really active all of a sudden. And her opinion of me improved, I think. Then I started my disappearing act again. Okay so maybe I'm back to square one again Shuqi's-opinion wise. Opposite Shuqi, besides Rah is Auntie Pauline. Her name's Xiaoyun actually but I always think of her as Auntie Pauline because by God, her role in Production just FITS. It can't look more natural. Think of this man : her msn nick is "Princess Small Cloud". And why must the cloud be small? I have no idea. Okay that's for the long wing people. The short wingers: There's Janice. Who always had a supply of food in her room. And she's a helluva lot generous too. Saved me in times of need the other day. She's not superficial so I guess she's easier to talk to than most people. Beside her there's this super phantom Debra (oh man, is her name even Debra?) I never saw her the whole of the first semester. And the first time i saw her at the toilet in the second semester I thought she's Shuqi's friend staying over. Opposite JAnice is this Indian woman Kohilika. Wahoo I got her name straight for once. Who often harbours her boyfriend in her room. And didn't quite integrate with the rest of our tiny community. But then again the term integrate is arguable. Do I ever really integrate? Beside Kohilika is Ai Ping. Errr personally I can't quite get her sometimes. But I get past the stage where I think I should get people all the time. So i'm saved from an eternal doom. You don't have to get people to just get along do you? And at two extreme end at the short wing are these two Vietnamese women. Truthfully, I always struggle to catch what they're saying. They're two bright people but I just can't quite get used to their accent I guess. And there's this one time when I got what she's saying and it's this: she has this qingcao (however you spell the bloody thing) plant opposite her house. So it's understandable if she hardly gets what the chinese called heatiness. Shall I write about my neighbours in 5th, 6th and 7th floor? Some other day maybe eh. Anyway, I reached home with all eleven bags. And in exchange of politely listening to the taxi driver's preach, he became really nice and offered to move the bags. The power of listening to a preach, ladies and gentleman. Then there comes the unpacking time. That was crazy. How do I possess so many junk??? And most of those things you think is junk, is - sometimes - things you don't really want anymore but can't quite bear to throw away. Sooooo...the next best alternative: charity/ donation drive to the nearest table/sibling. Let's just say as my desk cleared up, Wedy's table got more crowded. Because.... R: Hey, need this protractor right? Look at this man. Where else do you get such a BIG protractor? You'll get it nowhere else but from me... Wedy: hmmm...whoaa..okay.. R: great. Buy one get one free. Sooo.... besides getting this protractor, you'll also get this very useful thing.... Wedy: okayyy...I change my mind R: Fine. Get the bleeding protractor. And R: Wedy, take a look at this. My old biology notes. Do you want this? Wedy: aiyaaaa... R: Okay so into the dustbin it goes. Make sure you don't come begging for it later. Wedy: okayyyyyy where is it??? And R: Eh Wedy, do you need this? Wedy: need what? R: this chem notes. Aiyaaa you haven't learnt open ended QA in chem right? So you don't need this and I can throw it away. Just don't come asking me about open ended QA when you're in JC Wedy: Apaan sehh org blom bilang itu catetan buat apa jugaaa.??? And R: eh Wedy, you need periodic table? Wedy: No R: are you sure? It's very small and handy. Make sure you don't... Wedy: I DON'T WANT IT. And R: ahh hell, where can I put this thing. Why can't ugly-looking pens NOT work so I can dump them? errrhhh....maaa you need pen right?? You said the other day you need... Mom: Just put it in my drawer. R: How about tissue paper? I mean tissue paperS. Do you need tissue papers too? Mom: Don't push your luck. Just put it in the study room. Soooo... I guess their complaints about my table getting clean and tidy at the expense of their table may have some basis after all. Grinning Goat at 5/08/2005 09:32:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 03, 2005 Confession Someone said confession between friends is good. But some confession, you just can't make straight in front of the person. So I have one today. Allow me to write it and not say it and perhaps I can preserve some of my dignity. Or what's left of it. That's what I like about writing. The meaning conveyed without too much hassle. And you think clearer too when you write than when you say something. Perhaps that's why old people write a will and not record one. (although of course, there's that danger of manipulation of the radiowave bullshit, but then again, it's not like handwriting can't be forged). Okay, anyway about my confession. It wasn't a confession as much as it was an apology. I'll be damned if I can't be honest in my own blog. (or maybe, turf. My turf. Would you fancy that term better? heh) This apology is for Po and Karol. If you guys read this, all the better and if you don't, take it that my apology's not meant to be heard. When I said "if Po's not going, I'm not going", I said that at the spur of the moment. I still don't take that back now. Perhaps my pride prevents me. But then again I think it has a certain symbolic gesture. Like if just planning to go can cause such a misunderstanding and so much problem, then perhaps going is not worth the trouble at all. Petiness engages the small mind, they say and I can't say I haven't been guilty of that recently. I misunderstood people, taking things said the wrong way. Well, okay let's be more honest. I misunderstood Karol. I'm thinking of more mundane things as I'm getting older. Perhaps it's the effect of growing old? Or maybe I just don't grow in the correct direction (all my fault of course, none of my mother's business) So yes, I apologise in writing. Almost did it yesterday but I was way too proud. The apology's in english too, because it just sounds more distant. My hair will turn white before I can say "maaf". Or "maap" (Buika's term). The last time I said it was when my mother made me and my sister do it when we fought over some toys. And I still remember the handshake too. Very sincere. Heh. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm too repulsed by the Indonesian movie industry (which also explains my sensitivity towards the language being spoken properly in day to day context) If I sounded accusatory, do know that I don't mean it. Perhaps all I need to do is learn to trust people more. Trust you guys more. I just fear it's going to be a bit long in coming, me being the skeptic that I am. A true cynic, if you want to sound a little more cruel. Actually, I took pride in being one. I'm just starting to see that as a flaw now. And one more thing, when you asked "why" and I said "because" and you gave me some questions marks and I replied "just because". It was incomplete. Of course it was. I said that not only because I love that brilliant phrase concocted by Colin Bateman but because sometimes I just can't finish an argument I start myself. Isn't that ironic coming from a former debator? I'm losing my touch. Or, if I were allowed to say it in self-defense, maybe I just don't want to be in a bigger mess than I already am. Some mess I created myself at that. The pit can be botomless. So I apologise again should I sounded rude. I see that today's a good day to extract an apology from me. Anybody would like one? There's a lot to apologise for, you know. And if you want to trace my sins and mistakes, you could even go as far as accusing me of being unfilial to my ancesstors. Maybe. I hope not. It's up to you all to acknowldge my apology. I shall end it here then, with what I hope a still-intact dignity and sense of self-worth. Grinning Goat at 5/03/2005 03:00:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 01, 2005 Who wants what and why Kaka: Okay I'm making some glutinous balls. Who wants some? R/Wedy/Ono: Me!! Me!! Me!!! Kaka: Who's washing the dishes? Wedy: errr...I don't think I want that balls R: Not me too... Ono: nope... :: Wedy: (with a bowl of noodles) Who wants my noodle? Kaka: (coming over to have a taste) Wedy: Who's washing the dishes? Grinning Goat at 5/01/2005 08:11:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Craving You know sometimes you just have a craving for a certain song? A craving that would disappear only by your satisfying it? I had one recently and to actually listen to the song is GOOD. Yea so I understand what it feels like to crave for a song. And I make it an obligation to help satisfy the craving for song of people I know. (Except maybe Ono's since the song he listens to is just simply intolerable) Kaka has one today. Ruth Sahanaya's Keliru. The one song I won't realise I know should you just give me the title. But then Kaka hummed it for me. Kaka: it goes like this...mmmhmmm..."aku cinta kepadamu...aku rindu..." R: erhhh... it this one? (playing the song) Wedy: (with a straight face) What? that doesn't sound anything like what kaka sang... R: hahahahaha A good song. Triggers memory from somewhere in the deep recesses of my childhood. Why are all the songs from my childhood mellow? Must be the fault of that freaking record shop opposite. Grinning Goat at 5/01/2005 07:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Harbinger My old GP tutor has cancer. So I was told. I hate to be messenger of bad news. It just feels like a crime to be broadcasting something that people, being people would listen to with some sort of an anticipation. It's like gawking at the crippled. You can't stop people from being amused. People won't die not finding out. People can do without gawking. Without that little bit of amusement in their pathetic sad little life. So why am I even here telling you all. She doesn't deserve it. But then again does anybody ever? Really. I don't know how to think. I won't cry until my eyes bleed but I won't be indifferent too. I hope to God it's not distant sympathy. Distant sympathy. A filthy filthy word. It's like saying "I'm sorry for your loss". Are you, really? I think it's best if you just shut up in a funeral. It conveys your sympathy better. Heh. I didn't cry when my grandfather died. Isn't that sad when people need a funeral wake to slap them in the face and wake them up to the reality of someone they know dying? I stood by the logic that you can't feel too much about someone you hardly see and interact with. I wonder what makes me so faithful to this justification that might never stand in the grand scheme of things. But hell, crying should never be an obligation. When it starts to be one, that's when you need to begin questioning your value system. If you're at a loss as to the direction to point your fingers on to blame for this, let me give you one black sheep : the media. This is the era when the media controls the scope of things that you see and hear. When kids cry over some movies but are at a loss when their grandfather dies. When people fight over who should win the Idol. When dying at the hand of your friends becomes easier than ever. What, I'm over-reacting? This all stems from the news that my former GP tutor has cancer? Well, I just can't help being serious. I still have to figure out they whys of that day when I didn't cry, haven't I? Grinning Goat at 5/01/2005 02:30:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos