Saturday, April 30, 2005 Kaka is one hell of a security guard We have our own personal zoo at the balcony. Some bird (and not crows mind you) decided our balcony is safe enough to build a nest on. It's about 10 cm long. Green with a yellow streak (and a black spot below the beak for the male) and a long pointy beak. How do we know which is the male? We don't. Except that we just assume that one who more often visit the nest is the female. Papa bird's way too busy importing worms from the construction site opposite to our balcony. Heh The eggs have hatched since the last time I came home, which come to think of it has been quite a while and this makes Ono quite grouchy because then we'll be fighting over the bedroom. Ah anyway, there are two Yep and their mouths are open the whole day long. Morning. Noon. Afternoon. Obviously birds can't "catch wind" or suffer from any of that nonsense the chinese are suffering from. And I've been forewarned by my mother that sometimes some crows would drop by, eyeing the nest and we're supposed to watch over them. This, of course is in addition to watering her plants (who must be dying in the sweltering heat but I just don't tell her) So far so good. Until the day I discovered that Kaka actually knows some crows do drop by sometimes and let them be. Watching for some action that kaka. Heh She wouldn't make a very good But anyway, they're amazing. These birds. Husband and wife. Looking for food the whole day long. Going back and forth. I can just sit here all day looking at them. Or the two beaks opening. They don't sell canned worms anywhere around here, do they? Amazing. Grinning Goat at 4/30/2005 02:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, April 29, 2005 Living machine The best part is when you just go on and on like a living machine. I heard somewhere that people say the best part about swimming is the silence. That's utter crap. Because silence is only observed when you hold your breath. And you can only do that for so long. And you gasping for breath is noise, no? Well at least it's better to fall asleep swimming than praying. Heh First I played swim the Olympics swim team game because this guy on the pool was so slow. Then he sped up. Hmmm okayyy so maybe he's not my fellow competitor in Olympics. Maybe he's just some fish in a sea of Olympics swimmers. Then he stopped after a couple of laps. Pah. So maybe he WAS my fellow competitor. I was barely 100 laps and he stopped. Of course sometimes I got too heavy-headed and lost my count. Then I'd just have to pick up from the nearest that I thought I stopped at. WHat does it matter if I cheat a little if it made me feel good, eh? Then again I knew which direction is odd number and which is even so there's a limit to how much I can cheat. Swimming can be mind-numbing. Part of why it's such a marvellous sport. A little like running, but running has never really done it for me. I'm always too busy cursing the long-coming finishing line, people who run faster than me and the whole world in general. Everybody left the pool and I owned it again. The bleeding sky was somewhat more grey. How can it look like it's going to rain and be so hot at the same time? Ah fuck 2 more laps to go. And that's when I know it's time for me to head to the shower. When you start counting seriously, that's when swimming is not fun anymore. WHat am I rambling on and on about? Heh I guess I'm just trying to promote swimming. Good sport, everyone. Just pick a better competitor next time. Grinning Goat at 4/29/2005 05:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Learn from the master Someone told me -when I was playing freecell- that if all americans use the time they use to play freecell to work, they could have built 30 empire states in a month. That's a helluva lot of buildings in a year isn't it? And considering the great deal of pain people have to suffer to build their houses back in Aceh, I think it won't harm to have freecell-loving Americans aboard the next ship there. But, of course after my friend said that, I'd just have to go to my self-defense mode with all the spikes erected 90 degrees and said "Well, for a start I'm not even American so I'm not part of the statistics" And then I remembered that he played Tibia too. So this remark is coming from a fellow gamer. Ah well then we could build buildings together in Aceh. If you want to talk about wasting time, we're the master. WHo needs a vacation? Who needs to watch tv every now and then? Who needs to buy all those entertainment news? (yes, I suppose this creates jobs. But these kinds of jobs are founded on our needs to waste time) Who needs to know who get married to who, divorced from who, where and when and why? Who needs to sleep? You want to waste time? Learn from the master. See, for once I'm going to be ridiculous and refuse to go to the other side and tell you what's wrong with wasting time (because it's good for your soul they say?) for the sake of an argument. Two people said I'm a serious person today. And not exactly in a good light you understand. At least not from how I took it. Well except for this one. MAybe. Rafa: you're tooo serious ross. MUCHHHH TOO SERIOUSSSS R: Am I really? Rafa: is a problem when u cant laught for a joke, or understand a joke, or better... when ur best thing to do is play freecell or another game R: errhh what do you mean? Rafa: freecell is a serious game R: It is ??? I almost laughed out loud. Oh heck, I laughed like nobody's business. He should probably be told that I played neopets too but nahh I'm not about to ruin my image as a serious person. What if I say you're fat and ugly, what will you do? That depends on how you say it and the occasion when you say it I will laugh if someone tells me that. Always Always??? Even if they mean it? Even if it's from people you know? Strangers? People you reserve your respect for? Yes. Always Don't you get offended by anything? No Well maybe that's why I love myself, do you love yourself? Sometimes And when you don't, what do you think about? What I should be like. There are many different versions Maybe there's a bit of Eugene in me. "Today's my first day as a judge, you're walking into MY chamber and you just came over and said 'Hey Eugene, hey buddy'? Even if you don't respect me, you have to at least respect the robe" And Alan Shore's response was "I am trained to respect the robe, I'm sorry if that offends you, Eugene but the respect I have for you is far greater than my respect for the robe" And that shut Eugene up. That might just shut me up too. Is it so wrong to be repelled by the banality of life? Isn't there enough nonsense around? Haven't we wasted enough time? I need an Alan Shore to shut me up. Grinning Goat at 4/29/2005 12:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Mr Degraw I always snicker at people who got themselves upset over some contestant of the American Idol getting kicked out. That's just ridiculous, almost as ridiculous as crying over the death of lady Diana when you don't even know her. But I was actually somewhat disappointed that Anwar Robinson didn't make it in. There's more than one reason somebody else should get kicked out. Constantine for example. But anyway, someone sang this song today (while I was cursing Channel 5 for being the cheapo of a tv station who self-publisize way wayy too much) And it's amazing how true lyrics can be sometimes. I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son I don't have to be anyone other than the birth of two souls in one Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do Or who I'm supposed to be I don't want to be anything other than me I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn Am I the only one to notice? I can't be the only one who's learned Grinning Goat at 4/27/2005 11:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A gag for the fag If there's anything useful I get from that bleeding module, it's this one minute of laugh. Enjoy. HOW TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT with woman She is not a BAD COOK - She is MICROWAVE COMPATIBLE She does not wear TOO MUCH JEWELLERY - She is METALLICALLY OVERBURDENED She is not CONCEITED - She is INTIMATELY AWARE OF HER BEST QUALITIES She does not GAIN WEIGHT - She is a METABOLIC UNDERACHIEVER She does not TEASE or FLIRT - She engages in ARTIFICIAL STIMULATION She is not DUMB - She is a DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY She is not TOO SKINNY - She is SKELETALLY PROMINENT She does not HAVE A MOUSTACHE - She is IN TOUCH WITH HER MASCULINE SIDE She does not HATE TELEVISED SPORTS - She is ATHLETICALLY IGNORANT She does not GO SHOPPING - She is MALL FLUENT She is not an AIR HEAD - She is REALITY IMPAIRED She does not get DRUNK or TIPSY - She gets CHEMICALLY INCONVENIENCED She does not get FAT or CHUBBY - She achieves MAXIMUM DENSITY She is not COLD or FRIGID - She is THERMALLY INACCESSIBLE She does not NAG at YOU - She is being VERBALLY REPETITIVE She does not WEAR TOO MUCH MAKEUP - She has reached COSMETIC SATURATION and this ladies and gentleman is the supposed weak link between the jokes and the module. Kinds of bring new meaning to the term euphemism doesn't it? Oh and have I told you I just loveeeee Alan Shore? I thought Eugene was something until that guy appeared. ANd it was something to see him say something that stunned Eugene and stopped him dead in his track. The proud and almighty Eugene. They shouldn't stop with season 9. THE PRACTICE must go on. Heh. One more thing Thinking too far about life is no good wouldn't you say? Be overly ambitious and you'll climb the invisible rung. Be a pessimist and there's nothing to stop you from being an average undercahiever. Be evil,beat someone up and get beaten up. Be kind and get beaten up. WHat matters in life. What doesn't. It's sad to be in the grey zone. Grinning Goat at 4/27/2005 01:42:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Indoresto Bebek panggang w/o jezz (the pioneer who had an absolutely marvellous reason for naming herself that hahaha) Ayam bakar w/o rossz (kind of suit the chicken that I am maxim) Ikan goreng w/o delz( I don't know where this came from) Kodok rebus w/o rylz???(not an exactly exciting name but since the person wasn't online she'll just have to stick to this) Pecel lele w/o melz (Qutu having upgraded her speed to 256 RAM thought of this OFF HAND. Wowwww) Gule kambing w/o vonz (This is something thought off hand too. HIGH CHOLESTEROL. Heh) If we really eat what we name ourselves we'd just die in no time. The indoresto family. Cheers guys. Grinning Goat at 4/27/2005 01:29:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 24, 2005 STUPIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Symphony of fragrance. That's just so ridiculous I can choke on my own tears. Heh To add on to the absurdity: Perfumes can be divided into families. Freak. I should probably stop promoting my undying devotion towards this module. Grinning Goat at 4/24/2005 10:06:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} One last thingggg One last last thing before I'll read any more of that junk. See, it was said that neroli oil has floral character and that it has this odour effect: uplifting, calming, antidepressant. Hahh? I mean what if I smell it and decide that it is not uplifting, and is in fact depressing? Won't you be depressed being stuck somewhere with a smell you don't like? What if neroli oil smells like the charred flesh of a burnt body? of the smoke of a building going up in flame? of rotten apples filled with maggots? of a stinking pile of cow dung? You get my drift. WHO CARES WHAT NEROLI OIL SMELLS LIKE???? Can you see the psychological warefare? Memorising a piece of junk - well, something to that effect. I can't try to memorise something I thought is crap in the first place. LAdies and gentleman, neroli oil does NOT smell uplifting, neither is it an antidepressant. Okay? Get that fact straight and get on with life. I'll shove cow dung up the nostril of the next person who tells me neroli oil smells uplifting. I don't need no neroli oil. Neither do you. Grinning Goat at 4/24/2005 02:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} All the nonsense in the world I was trying to read PERFUME. Really I was. Then Sweet Child of Mine started playing. And I just had to listen to it many manymany times. And none of that perfume stuff got in. First round. The base. Second round. The base. Third Round. The base. Fourth Round. The base, heh okayyyy the drumsss. There's no Sweet Child of Mine module is there? Not that I can pass with flying colours but it'll certainly beat PERFUME. Heh. And what's wrong with humming a little eh? The bleeding room says TV Room. Not a freaking library. But being the civic-minded undergraduate that I am I suppose I'll just cover my head in shame and retreat to my humble refuge camp that is one brilliant song. With an excellent base too. Ah heck, I should probably get back to perfume. Duty beckons. HEHHHHHH Grinning Goat at 4/24/2005 02:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, April 23, 2005 Was walking I was walking past the bus stop just now when the smell of the flowers permeated every thread of my being. Heh okay that's too dramatic. All i want to say is that COSMETICS n PERFUMES has done me more harm than good. I could be having a brain tumour and smell the flower that was dung. A pain in the arse module. Who cares how perfumes evolve throughout the year?? Who cares how people extract fragrance materials from raw materials??? Who cares what kind of scents different fragrance materials give???? Who cares about the difference between tincture, absolute and concrete????? WHO CARES ABOUT HOW PERFUME BLEND IS AN ART?????? (it's stretching the meaning of ART a little, isn't it?) Obviously enough people care for this module to exist. Heh. Grinning Goat at 4/23/2005 10:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, April 22, 2005 Brain works in the strangest way Songs and what I associate it with. Chingy's One Call Away - my handphone falling down the toilet bowl Billy Joel's River of Dream - Buika Kopi Dangdut - the maid we had last time; and of course the record shop opposite Shaggy's Mr.Bombastic - my old house Any song by westlife - the parking lot (and bludgeoning the owner of the record shop opposite) Shin's One Night in Beijing - Holland V and PJ U2's Elevation - MTV Dancing in the moonlight - my sister kid KK Rhythm of the rain - one traumatising day in school PJ Duncan's Eternal Love - Karol and her heyday language school day George's Michael's Careless Whisper - some lounge Be Bop A Lula - Blue shoes (heh??!!) House of the raising sun - my dad Uncle Cracker's Follow me - Po Maroon 5's She will be loved - my tuition kid in Bukit timah who's a littly nutty Julio Iglesias' Crazy - My mother mopping the floor in the morning Luther Vandross's Dance with my father - death Sugababes's Round Round - Wendy's funeral wake (I know this sounds weird) Brian Mc.Knight's Shoula Coulda Woulda - Shir asking you've never heard of this song? Deep Purple's Smoke over water - Owlie practising her drum Goo Goo Dolls' Big Machine - taking a flight Chumbawamba's Tubthumping - our old car with Bulu in it Guns n Roses's Patience - Rosli Robbie Williams's Angels - GTV 3 I went to your wedding - a screwed up karaoke VCD Ben - Shir (hmm I realise I tend to associate songs with people who recommend the song to me) Keane's Somewhere only we know - a deserted bus stop in Bukit timah (this is uncalled for. I think) Natalie's Imbruglia's Torn - this Thai woman at the audition who sings good but who sings false Louis Armstrongs's What a wonderful world - my mother Que Sera Sera - Singing and jumping on the bed with Wedy (hehh?!) One Last Kiss - a perverted man (Karol put this idea in my head eh) Ok folksy that'll be all. Time to study. Hehhhhhh I forgot to publish this yesterday. Hehhhhhhhhh Grinning Goat at 4/22/2005 02:16:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 18, 2005 Guilty feet have gotten no rhythm If you break music up to its most basic components and try to listen to the different parts without paying too close an attention on the whole product, you'd get a whole different experience. Base is particularly enjoyable to listen too. A bit hard to pick up sometimes but for the most obvious ones like that in Careless Whisper, it was something. Base for Che Sara is good too. Someone told me once - before I went crazy over trying to harmonise every single song I listen too (which now becomes a habit I'm trying to get rid of)- that harmonising is not hard and all I have to do it listen to the base. Follow the base. Hmmmmm but really, a base is just so bleedingly richhhh. It's subtle too. Better to have a base than a rhythm. You don't have to ask about lead. Then the drums. But sometimes it gets a bit repetitive (well of course it full well serves its function as a beat keeper but it's more exciting listening to the fill-ins). Sometimes they have violins too. Or some congo drums. Cow bells. Harmonica. Awesome. And keyboard. This is especially striking in Rock n Roll. Heck, I think all good songs must have a really good base. Sweet Child of Mine, for one. eh but seriously, do listen to Che Sara's base, it's intoxicating. It's addictive. Grinning Goat at 4/18/2005 05:14:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 17, 2005 Fwah Please stop stumbling on my blog using the search word Inul Daratista, eh? I never talk much about her anyway, or at least not in a complimenting sort of way. So give it a rest. Jesus. Grinning Goat at 4/17/2005 05:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Dumb bird There's a dumb bird who got stuck in the third floor ceiling. Too scared to fly low enough to get out through the opening. Heh, even opening isn't an appropriate term, the whole thing was open except for the wall of the corridor and the ceiling. Too scared to get help. My whistling wasn't threatening, you stupid bird. He's been there ever since I was still at phylum mollusca. Then, arthropoda. He's still there. Table of comparison. Still there. Going to the kitchenette celebrating Shuqi's birthday. Still there. Then I went down to help owlie pick up her laundry since she decided to sleep early (which is rare). He's stil there. I'm brushing my teeth to get ready to sleep now. He's still stuck. What a dumb bird. Grinning Goat at 4/17/2005 03:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, April 14, 2005 When Ernie meets Bert Ernie: going home this weekend? Bert: Nah why? Ernie: My competition next week Bert: I've never watched you compete anyway, what does it matter? Ernie: Pray for me! Ernie: and nc 5 (my group)! Bert: I'm sure God knows what group you are in Grinning Goat at 4/14/2005 11:11:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The attack of the jet-lag simulation I'm having one of those why-am-I-still-awake-at-this-time-of-the-day attack from a messed up biological clock that simply refuses to bend to my rules. I was telling Po just now about how presence of someone you know (even when he's in total silence) can be comforting. When the alternative is absence of anyone at all. Hmmm. But I suppose I can always rely on my owl neighbour who's always up at ungodly hours doing all sorts of nonsensical things depending on her mood. I'm starting to think it's contagious. I've been thinking too that sometimes it's not good to think at all. Simple is good. Simpler is great. Walk straight. Miss the in-between lines. Skip predicting. Forget assuming. Don't think. You know when I start spewing out the incomprehensible like that it's probably a hint for you to stop reading. Writing is therapeutic I always say. But sometimes it's when it's at its most therapeutic that it starts to bore and confuse you. Time to sleep. Neighbour knock at 8 for mass breakfast. Grinning Goat at 4/14/2005 05:41:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Some kind of natural You know there's a reason why we have two eyes, two ears and one mouth? Because sometimes we talked way too much for our own good. And some things said, you just can't take back. That's why. I just caught an episode of American Idol. Not to worry though, I'm free from all criticism (sometimes it pays to just not think and sit through something) There's nothing like talking about music with Shir. Well, maybe there is but let me just compliment her, eh? It kinds of lift my spirit after the Mt.Tangkuban-Perahu-volcanic-eruption-false-alarm (appreciate the warning though, Po) and the prospect of being stuck somewhere just to avoid the fire drill. Heh. Not to mention bad days. So I just sat there, half-listening when this guy came up on the screen. A certain Ahmad? Ahmid?? Akhbar Robertson?? The guy was brilliant. At least Shir and I agreed on this. It just made everybody else sort of fade away. Black Gospel with a lot of groove. And a lot of textures. A helluva lot of good ones. It felt good to play the judges. Doesn't have to be condescending you understand. Because sometimes the fault wasn't it in the voice. I don't know what you call it exactly but when it's lost, even Whitney Houston would sound like Clay Aiken. Again, nothing wrong with the guy. It feels good to be in presence of someone with a taste too. Someone who understands your judging criteria. And it's not even the tiring kind of judging like in real life. I'm not born to be politician, you'll just have to pardon my tongue sometimes before I shoot myself. It was goodddddddddddddd. And Shir, if you read this, thank you for the favour =) Grinning Goat at 4/13/2005 10:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, April 12, 2005 It was such a simple line What stop me dead in my track sometimes is very simple things. Like when people say, it's a matter of will. But sometimes it IS, isn't it? The blunt honesty of it all. The brutal truth. Ah, the mind might be weak but the flesh is weaker, no? Grinning Goat at 4/12/2005 05:28:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 11, 2005 Her antics In the middle of studying french grammar, I remembered something Ms.Tea said while she was trying to explain the difference between the past tense (passe compose) and past perfect (l'imparfait) This is exactly what she said. "L'imparfait is like ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... and passe compose is like bam" And we all went ???????????? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Grinning Goat at 4/11/2005 04:00:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Limitless Some may call this an overcompensation but nahh of course it's not. Cheers, guys. ![]() Don't ask me why makan is there. Ask Jack. Grinning Goat at 4/11/2005 02:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 10, 2005 To Do you know what kind of an ailment it is to have a devillish talent to misquote the bible, to misrepresent life and to misunderstand people and be misunderstood? My lack of honesty prevents me from writing this entry in first person so allow me to be a chicken (the chicken that I am heh)for a while here. She has always prided herself in thinking that she knows what's right and what's shit (and should be dumped and damned to all hell) but she'd flinch at the slightest sign of doubt from people whose opinion she deemed valuable. What kind of an affliction is this? One that makes us judge and suffer from the fear of being judged? One doesn't even escape the clutch of one's hand. The iron fingers of self-criticism. Self-deception is not even in the question although surely it would bring the much needed relief. It is supposed to be constructive but how marvellous a method do you think this is if all it does most of the time is to instil fear and limit your train of thoughts. At least those that are to be spoken out loud. You know they say the hardest part in making a decision is not in making them but in admitting them because with that comes the consequences? i think somehow they are under this illusion that making a decision is all about a verbal statement. But is it? Does it always mean that? What about a verbal statement that would draw frowns and head-shakes, even from people you don't know that are standing across the room? Those that would one day come to you should the fate cross and repeat the very thing you said. Would you still say it's easy? It's a good self-defense mechanism to hide under the pre-text of an assumption - of something that would never stand if only the benefit of the doubt is given. Hell, it makes you feel good. But self-analysis is a dangerous thing, is it not? Staring hours and hours over the eyebag that will not go away, pinching the acne that would just appear elsewhere once one disappears. I'd say the mirror is cursed. A whole cycle of destructive psychoanalysis. You would just auto-destruct. Not even cancer goes on for that long. After all that's said and done, you'd just cower in one corner. Defeated by your own argument. Cursed by your own eyes. Crushed by your own mirror. Why can't we just be a living photocopy machine? Void of all judgements. Blind to all faults. Deaf to all criticism. Crippled yet alive. I am taking this piece of cloth from under my bed as we speak. I'm waving my very own white flag. Grinning Goat at 4/10/2005 07:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, April 09, 2005 Less and less Just realised that I have less and less words to say. I'm losing my touch. Grinning Goat at 4/09/2005 06:53:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 04, 2005 My -hopefully more proper- journal of smell I realise I have not faithfully blogged this past few days. Duty calls you understand. So I thought I'll just drop by to paste this journal of smell. Enjoy. "It wasn’t a fashion show, exactly. This row of people lying supine, some lying on their stomach, baking in the sun. Margarine sun tan lotion. The smell was milky. And when they left it to evaporate for a while the smell lost its intensity and became almost soothing. It wasn’t a heavy smell that would leave me light-headed. The scent was subtle like a breeze on a fine Sunday afternoon, just like today. But it’s enough to cover that familiar smell found on things left under the sun for too long. My shirt had that smell too. The smell was mysterious somewhat because you wouldn’t notice it if you were not paying close attention. I wouldn’t say it’s a pleasant smell but one couldn’t quite choose what to smell under the circumstances." "Down onto the water I went. It was like I was in a chemistry lab. The smell of chlorine was so overpowering. The smell was sharp. I couldn’t quite disintegrate the smell into finer components unlike in the lab where I could actually tell focus on the different smells. The acrid smell of ammonia, acids or maybe the slightly sour and bitter smell of organic crystals. Funny I should describe it as though I was describing a smell. But maybe they are both inseparable. I decided that I did not quite like the chlorine smell of this swimming pool. I just hope, with the amount of chlorine they put in, that this pool was somewhat cleaner." "I came out of the pool and wrapped myself in a white towel. I like the smell of the fabric softener on my towel. It’s a refreshing break from the smell of chlorine and I smelt like chlorine at that moment. The toilet was just like how I remembered it to be. It doesn’t smell very hygienic but there’s a distinct smell. Something the cleaning aunty used to scrub the floor I think. The smell was mixed with the smell of soaps and shampoo. And you know how women always have disagreements over which soaps/shampoo to use. I did not think everybody bathing here use the same brand, or the same flavour from the same brand for the matter, so there was practically a plethora of smells. Fruity mixed with flowery and powdery. Fresh. Sweet. Sometimes too sweet even, depending on which toilet cubicles you’re in." Of course most of them is a lie. I actually found the alcoholic smell of nail polish pleasant. I don't suppose it a good idea to make them think we're some kind of a deranged glue-sniffer with a bullet in the head. Grinning Goat at 4/04/2005 07:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 03, 2005 Lost and Found Department Stood aloof Not from appreciation The solitude that wasn't to be The man behind the counter of the Lost and Found Department Would ask beneath that crushed pride where were you? Hiding behind the stack A walking time bomb The silent rebuttal Silent as a dead chicken The chicken that I have become The chicken that I am Not exactly built of any literaturish material but take that as my most sincere apology. Grinning Goat at 4/03/2005 10:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos