Wednesday, March 30, 2005 I love that song How many roads must a man walk down Before they call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? How many times must the cannonballs fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind. How many years can a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea? How many years must some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind. How many times can a man look up Before he sees the sky? How many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? How many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind. I love that song. Don't you? How many drops of white paints will it take to change the black paint grey? A great many dollops How may drops of black paints will it take to change the white paint grey? ONE I am becoming a spectator today when I'm not supposed to. Don't you just love that song? Grinning Goat at 3/30/2005 03:01:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, March 27, 2005 Give your intelligence some credit I'm not speaking up for all females. I'm speaking up for all females that are disgusted with those who claim they belong in the same gender as us when they're perpetually trying to look like they have the strength of a baby in front of males. Oh trust me, it pains me to diss member of my own sex. But nah, I'm not enraged. I'm just awfully disturbed. See. Why would anyone believe we're that weak? We can't clean our own fan. We can't mop our own floor. We can't carry heavy stuff. I mean, I thought that's the very things housewives do? Oh I suppose we have maids these days eh? And your maids are what? males?? Mothers are one of the strongest people I know too. And I mean not just physically (surely all that labour that is the housework should account for something), mentally too. Because there's a difference between true strength and an act. Guys act all strong and manly all the time. (of course there are exceptions, but I shall not elaborate since they look so proud...)Doesn't mean they're any stronger than us. And please give me due credit, I am not trying to assert the impossible argument that females are physically stronger then males. Not showing it doesn't equal not having it. Weakness or strength. I think it's sick. Because females shouldn't be defined based on that characteristic. The weakness. the meekness. Hell if they are, where would that leave some of us? A different breed of us? Some of you, who're reading this and nodd your head along and don't feel like dissing me. It's not that we're brash. We just choose to be honest. We see harm in trying to deceive the males by sounding and looking so weak. Because hey, if they so easily believe we're such weaklings, what does that say about their intelligence? Are you sure you want dumb guys at the end of the day? And rest assured I don't get guys-acting-gentlemanly-and-offer-help-to-carry-some-of-our-stuff confused with them thinking we're weak. Unless they make it obvious they think that of course. I suppose sometimes it can be genuine offer of assistance. Like what Dang said when he saw me carrying the drum snare. "Ahh!! Can you give me that? I've been looking for things to carry so i won't look bad" Sometimes I can't tell if he's joking. So please ladies, don' try to look weak. It's deceiving noone. I have nothing to say about guys who think otherwise except perhaps it's a pity that IQ is inborn and can't quite be modified in the course of your life. Grinning Goat at 3/27/2005 02:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} An eye for an eye I just read a mail that made me laugh out loud. Not in a hillarious kind of way, you understand. More like in a cynical-God-doesn't-he-deserve-it kind of way. Karma has its own way to sneak up on you. A silenty retribution perhaps. And I don't even have to do anything. I just sit back and watch. But boy oh boy isn't this one hell of a show. And since I can pretty much trust fellow members of my hall to spread words like fire, I shall not even attempt to elaborate. Sometimes I think hall life is a reflection of real life in a sickening way. People just can't keep things to themselves. People just have to butt in on other people's affairs. But hey, if you're as smart as you claim to be, surely you'll have it figured out by the of the day? Cheers. Grinning Goat at 3/27/2005 02:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, March 25, 2005 Taiwanese drama live Okay so we were busy minding our own business at the lounge when this two people sitting opposite us started flirting, smooching and oh well it's disgusting enough even if we're not sitting that close. But sometimes you don't have to get the VIP seats to observe the disturbing. Okay so being the good undergraduates that we were, we ignored them most of the time although they didn't make a particularly pleasant background on our eye views. We continued writing our journal of smell (and oh rest assured that it was much more decent than the one I wrote on this blog some time ago). I was in the middle of chlorine smell and swimming pool when the lady started to cry. Fwah. And we thought hmmmm what did we miss? Ah but with Taiwanese shows like these, we can always catch up with the (uncatchable) series. Karol had this brilliant idea. Karol: eh why don't we play a sad song so that it'll create this atmosphere for them.. R: hahaha Karol: (playing Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven", turning up the volume at the same time) this should be good R: huahahahaha KArol: You're spoiling the atmosphere ah... R: HUAHAHAHAHAHHAHA And on and on it goes. We played "The moment" Then "Can't smile without you" Maybe Karol will throw in some "I do (cherish you)" for good measure. But I think she's more towards cheesy chinese songs. Appropriately mellow in a sickening kind of way. It fits the occasion. Man. I think I'm living the taiwanese drama. We make such good deejays. Gosh. Grinning Goat at 3/25/2005 01:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The french pride Sometimes I wonder why she is here since she's so proud of everything and anything french. The quiz last wednesday comprised of civilization. French culture. Okay, so the question was name 6 types of d'habitudes (place of residence) in France. Ms. Tea: yoo people...(shooke her head) answered l'hopital (hospital)...tsk..tsk..tsk...somebody answered "igloo". :: Ms. Tea: Maybe I shoold geeve one mark for creativity? Then this person behind me was all like, "YES...YES!!!" Now we know who wrote that. Then Thibonnet laughed her laugh. It was deep (sometimes I think the more appalled and therefore the funnier something is, the deeper her laughter becomes). And she snorted a little. I think we're a crazy class with an even crazier lecturer. Grinning Goat at 3/25/2005 03:13:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, March 22, 2005 The root of all evil The root of all evil is not money. (Who told you that?) The root of all evil is complacency. First draft was out and I was overwhelmed. It got shot down somehow when the flaws were starting to become obvious. It's amazing the kind of thing someone else can come up with when you're muddle-headed and become disillusioned with the possibility of encountering the road of no return. Second draft was done and I stopped on my way to smell the flowers. It crashed mid-air. Third draft was in construction. Wow this is great or what?? And then we started to get stuck in the same state of disillusionement and began chasing our own tail (or tailbone, maybe). In the word of the wise MIT undergraduate in her thesis, Writing a thesis (in our case maybe the draft. Heh) is a peculiar enterprise, for it is simultaneously attended by exhaustion and exhilaration. It is a watershed period in one's development, during which the diverse threads of one's intellectual life become integrated. If it doesn't snap first. Sometimes we just get ourselves immersed so deep we just refuse to accept the obvious alternatives. Obstinance, you say? I say complacency. Because nothing is ever perfect eh? Perfection is a state of disillusionement. Sorry for being so thick in the head sometimes guys. Grinning Goat at 3/22/2005 07:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, March 19, 2005 The morning buzz Woke up early in the morning today. Couldn't quite stand the silence during weekends. You know how mothers always create a ruckus in the morning? I guess I miss those. Mothers always have something to do in the morning. So I went home. Amazingly in time. Come to think of it, Karol has that motherly-I-have-something-to-do-in-the-morning air about her when the rooster starts croaking. Except that there's no rooster. Or the rooster's stupid enough to crow any time of the day like mine did. Pah. Anyway, i was staring at the television, channel-surfing when there's this japanese cartoon (anime?! heh) on central. I never watched this series before but it took me only a couple of seconds worth of a glimpse to know who was the hero. Because surprise, surprise....Heros in cartoons designed for kids (at least those that make genuine attempts to make the main role some sort of a role model) have one common trait: PREACHINESS. "You have to understand the heart of the card" someone I don't know - Yugioh "You have to treat your pokemon with respect," Ash - Pokemon Adventure "With great power comes great responsibility" Spiderman - Spiderman II Don't you wonder why kids have that air of righteousness abou them wherever they go? They're going to tell the teachers this and that when someone did this and that. Like they're always right. Fwah. I said "air" of righteousness because I don't think it's a true sense of righteousness at all. Why? Figure that one out you bozo. Don't wonder. Really. We started the brain-washing early. They're too powerless to resist. Maybe that's why the Powerpuff Girls aren't as annoying (although I thought at first they were) because whoever came up with that show didn't buy the concept of a perfect superhero. You get to see the ugly side of Buttercup quite often. And didn't you notice this trend? How they're trying to come up wit a more realistic superhero. Superhero with a darker side. Superhero whose weakness is more than exposure to something as absurd as a kryptonite. Superhero who's a human. Superhero who lies. Superhero who can be selfish at times. Superhero who wants to be famous. (think the Incredibles). Enough of heros in black with a face mask. (This will include the Mask, although maybe he's not heroic. I just find him highly irritating) We need more superheroes. Really. I don't want my kids to be preachy. Grinning Goat at 3/19/2005 02:58:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Membership is for life GTV3. 18 March. 1930 - 21.30 I love Dang's summer song. MArvellous. And as a closing this Indonesian called Sentot (which by the way is pronounced very close to some rude Indonesian word) who played Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca with an electric guitar. If Dang's fingers were dancing on the fret board during summer song, Sentot's fingers were tap-dancing while carrying a mug of beer and juggling. It was practically a marathon. Like what I told the drummer. Any faster and his fingers would be a blur movement. Us. ![]() Right after the gig. That'll be Dang with his antics at the back. ![]() The 10th year anniversary dinner outside the band room. Dang was trying to do the Monalisa pose when Nick blocked him. ![]() The MC was this really perky woman. And PJ. Something they said stick to mind. With CAC, membership is for life. But that's kind of true somewhat. Look at those people. People who can't let go. For years and years. It makes you delusional sometimes. Because at the end of the day, you're just some undergraduate stuck in this sad place. Not some big shot. I don't even know if I'll be able to let go when the time comes. But I suppose I have 2 to 3 years to figure that one out. Dang just sent me the recording. And it was creepy. Now I understand why vocal instructor uses recordings to teach. Because every mistakes are amplified. Sometimes, things you're not even aware of. I have a lot to learn. But I suppose that's no problem, because hey, membership is for life! Grinning Goat at 3/19/2005 12:40:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, March 16, 2005 2 hours with Ms. Tea Ms. Tea: the computerrr ees down, no lesson today Disillusioned: Yayyy Ms. Tea: who hazz a telephone portable? Students:... Ms. Tea: Ross, I know yoo have one. How did she know? Anyway, I went forward and surrendered the item. Ms. Tea: I do not no how to oose it. R: What number do you want to call? Ms. Tea: (Pointing to some note on the table) R: (start punching button) I'm afraid you have to make the call outside the room. There's no signal here. Ms. Tea: pffff R: (handing my phone to her) Just press this button Ms. Tea: which one? teese one? (going out of the room) :: ------------less than 1 minute later------------- Ms. Tea: (poking her head inside the room) How do I no if there ees a signal? Disillusioned: it's the bar at the side la... So I went out the room to save the lady in distress. :: -----------in the middle of the lesson, after we realise the computer's beyond repair and migrate to the nearest -less smelly, might I add- room------------- Ms. Tea was drawing the map of France on the white board. There's a map of France in our textbook. We looked at her drawing. We looked at the text book We looked at the white board again. Disillusioned: (pointing to the white board) what is that? Ms. Tea: This ees a slim France I didn't know France went on a diet. Grinning Goat at 3/16/2005 07:02:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, March 14, 2005 Browbeaten to submission She just stood there. Badgering us with french. Browbeating all of us to submission. A non stop trip to french land. Not France because a 3 metre by 3 metre room is hardly a country. A trip to brain enhancement process in terms of information jam up area. It's like 5 ways traffic. We just froze. Dumbfounded. Overwhelmed, even. An amazingly HUGE inertia. 5 sentences behind. 10 dictionary pages away. 100 daze apart. Dream land. French land. Dream land. French land. Why is the wall white? 8 o'clock is so far away Grinning Goat at 3/14/2005 08:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, March 11, 2005 All the glitters that are gold.......or not Anyone could see the road that they walk on is paved in gold And it's always summer they'll never get cold They'll never get hungry They'll never get old and gray You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere They won't make it home but they really don't care They wanted the highway They're happier there today Karol said I'm a hybrid. (and she's a true breed) That struck a chord because I am a hybrid. It's not good that the world defines himself by the exclusion of others. That's not the way. Grinning Goat at 3/11/2005 10:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, March 10, 2005 That tattoo thing that you do I was browsing the FDA websites and come across this. Some facts about tattoo: 1. FDA has not approved any color additives for injection into your skin. 2. People who get a tattoo should not give blood for a year afterward because of the chance of infection. 3. Although it happens very rarely, some people may have allergic reaction to the dye used for tattooing. Imagine being allergic to something that's been injected to your skin. 4.Or, the tattoist may make a mistake. Who wants to wear someone else's mistake forever? Who wants to wear someone else's mistake forever? I seriously think FDA has a sense of humour. But they're right, ain't they? What if you get a dumb tattoist - who goes the end of it? What if you get a tattoist with Parkinson's disease - and you have to ask why isn't the flower's stalk straight? What if you get an even dumber tattoist who can't differentiate sterilised needle from the nots? It's pretty bloody stupid to get aids over a stalk of flower if you ask me And Who would actually want to get stuck with the same drawing for life? If people can't even handle not changing their hair style/colour, explain to me exactly how they'd be able to stand having the same picture forever stamped? What if you're still at that stage when you think that bugs bunny's cute when you go and have that tattoo done? Surgical removal/ laser treatment doesn't work you know. Or if they do, it'll leave a scar- which if you think about it, is another form of a tattoo. An inkless one. Remove one tattoo, get another. An excellent bargain wouldn't you say? Man. I think I'm going to have to refer my kids to this entry in the future when they start to get funny ideas about getting a tattoo. Grinning Goat at 3/10/2005 09:44:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Fit Fit is a funny word. After a day of sewing and trying to keep my thumb at the same time, I was just thinking wouldn't it be nice if we can mould ourselves to fit instead of doing it the other way round - the conventional way. So i wanted to talk about the word fit. Of course not in the "she had a fit and fell to the floor" or "JackJack and her laughing fit" (Gosh i think laughing fits really fit the occasion) kind of way because I'm sure my intelligent readers won't appreciate it. Wouldn't life be easier if you take what you're given and custom-make yourself to fit. So instead of us having a dream house (with all its fancy gadgets, mountains at the back overlooking the sea, wooden doors made of oaks, has to be oaks- you know the whole feng shui thing), we'll have your average house and custom-make the way we think such that the average house would feel like our dream house. Does that sound suspiciously like brain-washing to you? Sure it is, but life would certainly be easier that way. Wouldn't it? Almost like the way the crazed out there doesn't really think about the harsh reality of life. The way they just sort of plod along life in their own world, throwing their farts to the wind. Mocking everyone else's life maybe. My bio tutor asked me once, would I abort a foetus that's known to carry a genetic defect for Down Syndrome. I remembered answering that I would. But if you ask me that again now, I don't know. Because who are we to say people with Down Syndrome don't lead a happy life? For all I know they can be way happier than any of us normal folks. But we can't quite custom-make ourselves without severely beating ourselves up for succumbing to the temptation of the simplicity that comes from brain washing - hah of course us humans have our internal arguments too about the usual moral shite. Maybe that's why the society is so diverse. It increases the chance that we will fit somewhere somehow. Darwin would be surprised his theory - survival of the fittest- can potentially be used in other fields. Something as far off as sociology even. You know people tend to start off being ambitious. We want to do this. We want to do that. But we just end up doing something simple -hmm rather far from the ideal picture in fact- just for simplicity's sake. Forgoing complexity for something more practical. Yesterday Owlie and I were like, whoaa..whoaaaa...let's do this greek costume man... And today she was like, my back-up plan won't even work!!. I almost laughed out loud. Ah, nothing like lack of technical expertise. I'm doing Life Science for a reason you know. But maybe that's the whole point. To see that tree at the end of the road, even if we'll never get there to climb it. Make life more interesting. More interesting than the never-ending Days of Our Lives on tv. Stupid show. Heh. Ms. Tea. She fits by being sarcastic. (sarcastically compasionate, man. I just have to say it after that test). I think her sarcasm is growing on me. But hey, french class won't be french class without the usual sarcasm Thibonnet style. Ah I think I talk too much today. But fit is a funny word, no? Grinning Goat at 3/10/2005 01:32:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, March 08, 2005 Dancing on the fretboard Have I told you that when Dang played the summer song, his fingers were practically dancing on the fret board? Heh. Anyway, I don't mean to dig up old subjects and talk about religion, because like what Yuke said an atheist in the same room as a fanatic can argue until the earth stops revolving. But is belief actually a choice? I suppose it can be, but it's not always. I don't think belief, by default is an option. Of course you can technically proclaim you believe in something. I guess with belief it involves a deeper level of honesty. It's not about your political position in the parliamentary seats. Or about your official stand point. I'm thinking more towards a series of events that change the way you think. Or maybe think shouldn't even be the word here because isn't logic the antithesis of belief? Let me sidetrack for a while. Belief shouldn't be equated to religion. A scenario. A child who grows up a catholic since he was baptized as a baby. Does him having a religion mean he has faith in his religion? (I oppose to the idea of baptizing babies by the way what with the parents imposing their opinion on the child without giving him an option for when he can think for himself....BUT...I shall hang on to Yuke's words for today and stop here) Belief is only a choice as far as you can decide whether to believe in something or what to believe. Belief is not a choice when events outside the reach of your (big and almighty) hands can affect the way you think/feel. (Note I don't use the word think so as to be politically correct. Heh) Say. Someone was accused of stealing. The mother suspected that his son was indeed the thief but she choose to believe him when he said he's innocent. But the mother's gnawing suspicion, despite choosing to believe his son, isn't that some form of a breach to this belief? You can't help human nature as much as you can't help choosing what family you want to be born in. And if you're not in position to choose whether to have human nature and if human nature can affect the way you think/feel, how can belief be a choice? It's human nature to be skeptical, so why should anyone skeptic be condemned as an atheist? If God exists and he's the All Powerful, surely he's the one who decides our nature. And if He really did, who are we to condemn anyone for something God comes up with in the first place? There I go again. I should listen to Yuke more often. Heh. Anyway, time for me to go and help my neighbours sew their Greek costume. Don't ask why. Grinning Goat at 3/08/2005 05:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, March 03, 2005 Falling down doesn't make her a sad sod It was a hard choice. Squirming under the warm warm (sometimes too warm) blanket or wake up and pretend I have insomnia. Good conscience won. I checked my mail. Something marked urgent popped up. Can you contact me today? I'll be in my office until 7pm. Regards, Sylvie Thibonnet Hmmmmmmm. R: Hello? Ms. Tea: Oui? Sylvie Thibonnet's office R: This is Roeswita Ms. Tea: Ah R: Yea...err...I missed that last page. I didn't know it was there. ( Why would anyone put the grammar section AFTER the essay??? WHYYY???) Ms. Tea: yes, that eees stoopidh (said with a heavy french accent- the french has that word too in their dictionary you know) R:... Ms. Tea: Wherr arrr yoo now? R: My hall Ms. Tea: home?? R: hall Ms. Tea: Ah..yourr holl. Do yoo wanth to finishh that last page now? Ah. I can just kiss the ground beneath her feet. Like I said, falling down doesn't make her a sad sod, just like how being sarcastic (which must be her field of expertise by the way, besides french grammar) doesn't make her a mean woman. Missing one page was indeed stupide, Ms. Tea and it felt good to hear the confession on my state of intelligence straight from your mouth. She likes the way I look when I pretend to think. Well, I think I like the way I look too when I pretend to think. =) I almost slipped twice on my way to her office. Bloody rain. (At least I didn't fall down twice in a day -not to mention twice in the same LT- the way Jackjack did) Ms. Tea: Did yoo rrrun herre? R: A beet God. I think her french accent is getting to me. Then in the evening I had a meeting with the NUSSU people. Member of the audience (MOA): So where would the barrier be? Would the audience be able to touch the float? Project Director: Like I said, we were thinking of cordoning the area itself so the audience can take picture but can't touch the float itself. I'm scared they might damage the float (itself) you see... A Psyched MOA: So when would we open it to the audience itself? After the pre-judging or before pre-judging (itself)? The whole briefing itself was like that. The jamming afterwards provided a much needed relief. And on my way back I met this woman who was one of the stage crews in TJ's 25th anniversary musical 2 years ago. And she stayed in Eussof apparently so I walked back with her. But she was too busy making phone calls along the way. When I looked over my shoulder to see if the internal bus was coming -no point missing a good ride at night- she thought she was being too loud (which of course she was -she wanted to cook a bit, ate a bit and studied a bit on the lecture that she missed soon as she reached the hall and scolded her boyfriend Don't give me bulshit- but not that I mind)and looked apologetic. I don't know. Today's weird. No nightmare. Not even slipping off the slippery pavement. A not-so-screwed test. Sleep versus doing that last page. One hour lack of sleep is cheap if you think about it. Grinning Goat at 3/03/2005 11:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, March 02, 2005 Paranoia It's hard to differentiate between paranoia and a good instinct sometimes. Two nightmares in a row. Speaking out loud, "what if she falls down the stairs", and to actually have her slipping off the stairs the next minute. (No injuries, just wet papers and maybe a bruised ego) By the way, Ms. Tea swears in english, not french. Shit. Not merde. To miss seeing the last page of the test paper. Good eyesight. That must be how excellent my luck is nowadays. Maybe dreaming all your teeth fall out is not so bad after all. Better than dreaming that someone's dying. Grinning Goat at 3/02/2005 08:00:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Lysing the analysis If you read on the extreme right hand side of the column, you'll see this: "Conflicts of interest are inherent to the human condition, and we are apt to want our version of the truth, rather than the truth itself, to prevail." Steven Pinker I think Mr. Pinker here (silly as his name may sound) is right. If i were to paraphrase: We are not designed to be objective. We won't admit defeat for truth's sake because we'll hate the guts of others who disagree. The-I-have-to-win-screw-everybody-else-instinct. Admitting that you've lost's harder than it sounds? Can't say I'm free from it. In fact, one of the best way to try to be objective, in my opinion is to avoid arguments. Because it's in an argument that you'll be forced to show your canine teeth, venom, spikes and whatnot. Heh but it's ironic because it's arguments that train us to think on our feet. At least for me it is. Hmmm a friendlier term for that would of course be an intelligent discourse. So far though, I think Dedel makes one of the most fun people to argue with. Heck, we even argue about the difference between complaining and critisizing but let's not go there. What it takes is a little give and take. You win some. You lose some. And you admit you lose some too. Noone likes to lose too many times, aye? Maybe we don't want to know the truth after all. Grinning Goat at 3/02/2005 04:31:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} The problem with a label in your head Is there a cure for stupidity? Because it's kind of hard walking around with a label on your forehead. DUMB is especially hard to erase. Heh. But please think twice before you start shooting your arrows, open fire and start the blame game. Stabbing people twice doesn't help. Because sarcasm bites back. And because true respect needs to be mutual. Yes. End of sermon. Amen. Grinning Goat at 3/02/2005 04:22:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, March 01, 2005 Bad blood I think Channel News Asia is being cheapskate recently. What with the stupid ad featuring some 9/11 story which is overated. It was tragic but it's just sad the way they keep harping on it because there's nothing else to sell. And the tsunami. The survivor story this , the survivor story that. Pah. It's almost as sad as the NKF stunt show in the name of charity. Heh. I'm not suggesting that we forget what happened (I'm sure the family of the deceased can't anyway), please give your intelligence a little credit. I'm saying isn't enough enough? It's like they're trying too hard to sell the story. Considering it doesn't happen that very often. Probably. Heh. Come on CNA, you can do bleeding better than this crap. Grinning Goat at 3/01/2005 03:44:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos