Sunday, February 27, 2005 Ross and avocado juice Okay this is the story of Ross and avocado juice. Huimin and I was debating over which avocado juice was good the other day and today she bought THE (recommended) avocado juice for me to try. So she messaged Ross, " Ross are you in hall today? I'll feed you avocado juice if you are ;)" And Ross dutifully answered, " I'm at home today. Have an assignment due tomorrow" Online... Huimin: I wouldn't give you the avocado juice. It's such a....(I forgot what she wrote) Me: errr?? Me: I wouldn't mind unless it's tomato... Huimin: So how's the assignment going? Me: what assignment? Huimin: oh mannnnn.......I didn't save your name under "Ross". You're "Roeswita Leoni something" Yep. Some guy called Ross out there probably wondered why on earth Huimin would want to feed him avocado juice out of the blue. Me: And you didn't realise it even after he replied to your sms? Huimin: YES Me: HUAHAHAHAHAHA. Maybe naming us Ross1 Ross 2 would help? Huimin: I don't like Ross much Me: Huhahahahahahahahahhaha Ah. I just missed one good drink. Grinning Goat at 2/27/2005 07:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, February 24, 2005 Journal journal journal Hmmm I am taking this module : COSMETICS and PERFUMES. And please don't ask how come because I seriously have had enough people expressing their disbelief. Apparently, I'm supposed to keep a journal. To top it off, I'm supposed to keep a journal of smell. That just sounds highly normal. Heh. And I don't even write a journal. Okay hmmm so let's start today. My JOURNAL OF SMELL In the morning I smelt fumes and milk. But mostly fumes. (Bloody bush fires, the wind starts to blow to this part of the country I can smell it in the air; almost like the building next door catches fire if you ask me. God forbid) In the afternoon I smelt last night's steamboat. (like I said it was enough to feed...never mind there was just a lot of left-overs) At night, more fumes... Heh it was fumes I was smelling more than anything and somehow i don't think the professor would appreciate fumes smelling. Where have all the perfume-users go? You know those people who left their smell in the elevators. Those walking perfume shops... Where do they all go? Bleh. This is not a very successful first entry on my journal. Grinning Goat at 2/24/2005 12:54:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, February 23, 2005 The healthy way to do it The steamboat plan. It materialises! After Karol beat me up with a pillow. It's just that our estimation is about as good as a primary school kid with half a brain. Like I said, the food we bought is enough to feed the whole African nation. (Well, maybe not the whole africa, just the whole of Ivory Coast) And the place was hot hot hot. The whole lot of us squeezing on one table. Almost like Cen Qing. Really. (and I am actually ashamed I watched that crap last time). But without the gap for the camera. (My observation, reinforced by Karol's observation). Cen Qing is more soap opera and theater than you realise, leaving an OBVIOUS camera gap on the table like that. I don't think the casts need to squeeze so much if not for them leaving that unreasonable amount of table space empty for the camera to watch them eat. Anyway, we played this word game. And I think some of them are just brilliant. Non-indonesians, pardon me. Dedel: Bundar apa ya?? bundar roda... R: erhh...roda... karol: roda bajaj aja ros ntar po bilang bajaj bajuri...nah ntar kan mereka pusing mo bajuri apa.. R: huahahah pinter sia.....ya uda d...roda bajaj! Po: Bajaj bajuri... Shir:...erhh.....bajuri oneng.... Dedel: wuih...maksaaa.....Oneng Ucup R: Huahahaha....errr...Ucup.... Dedel: huahahah loe nga tau siapa2 dari bajaj bajuri... R: Ucup pendek... Dedel: padahal Ucup nga pendek loh... Po: pendek sekali Shir: sekali mati (I think this is brilliant too, I always get stuck at sekali and resent the person who use the word sekali - that's like the last resort kind of word. I think.) :: Dedel:...bujur... R: bujur melintang... Po: melintang lanting Karol: huahahah sembarangan... Orang baik. Baik budi. Budi bahasa. Bahasa korea. Korea Utara. And it goes on and on (if you're good and you don't end up with words like "tua bangka") It just doesn't work with english because it doesn't have as many compound words. In a way I suppose it's good because that means english has a richer vocabulary- which is true. By the way Hide and Seek is a dumb movie that left you feeling cheated at the end of it. No JackJack to scream the place down though. Heee.. In any case the long-standing theory is proven. Put the riot batch and mbah together and you just can't shut them up! Karol, i think you play a big part in the noise making arena. Heee...Not to mention a huge part in waking me up. =) I think the pillow's substantionally softened now. I hope Chelsea lost today. Heee... Grinning Goat at 2/23/2005 03:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, February 21, 2005 Why are we waiting? I remember being stuck in this camp with a bunch of stupid people who shouted Why are we waiting when made to wait for dinner. Before moving on to a more depressing topic, the Hall Bash at Rouge saturday night was alright I guess. One Night in Beijing nothing too brilliant. (I still think PJ did the opera thing better - PJ's the man. And Yao Zheng too, I like his version of the song) And my apology for spelling Smoke over water wrong. I must be in a shitty state of mind when i wrote that. It's been corrected though. The mic was crap. Feedback all over the place. The other vocalist was asking why is the other mic so soft. The bleeding sound man snapped back, you don't understand is it? The speaker is at the back, increasing the volume would increase feedback. ONE: it's "You don't understand, DO YOU?" not "IS IT?" And if he can't even get that straight he has no business snapping at my friend. TWO: It's not our bleeding fault the speaker is at the back. Who's the smart aleck of an interior designer? All we ask is to be spoken to politely. Bollocks. Stupid people smoking to their death. Stupid people stuffing themselves with alcohol - even if it's free, especially when it's free. Stupid house music at the end of it. I just don't club. Period. But Smoke over Water was alright. And as promised, someone threw a panty to the stage. I don't know what to make of that. Whether to feel degraded because, why must it be panties? can't it be briefs?? Whether to be proud to be up there (not technically up since we're on the same level as the dance floor) because someone's stupid enough to embarrass himself throwing panties around. I just avoided the mic Lin hung the panty on, the rest of the time. Yuck. An it's green. Heh. And I wore black again after a complaint of some sort from the drummer. But what the hey, I wear what I want to wear. And I refraint from snapping when people asked if my earing black would displease the drummer. Get a life. As for the pageant preview, the idea of a male contestant just doesn't sit well with me. It's just not erhh...manly. And some people look better without make-ups. It just screws the natural beauty. Enough said. Some people from ____(I refuse to advertise) performed. This guy was imitating some hiphop/house music with his voice, which was quite a scene. Of course I thought how did he do that, man? but I was thinking more of which mic he used and i should avoid actually. All the germs and juice of life that smelt like rotting teeth. I am so sticking to the wire mic. Even then i wondered how safe that thing is. The place just smelt of bad hygiene. I left soon as I could. The crowd was as bad as the Chingay crowd. Heh. Probably worse since they smoked. Moving on, I got an sms saying, today might be Peru's dad's last day. And today was. To have someone you love dearly almost not making it home may not make you a religious person but sometimes it's enough to put the fear of God in you. A God-fearful atheist, isn't that just ironic? Almost as ironic as the condition he died in. God. It scared me shitless. And it doesn't help to think that nobody is untouched by death. Why are we waiting? Why must we wait? What if we don't want to wait??? Reminds me of Wendy too. Someone told me right after production that if he gave his most honest opinions about production, I'd go back to my room crying. What an arrogant fucker. He doesn't know the least about things that will make me cry. He should shoot himself if he thinks all women weep over the slightest things. Much less a bad review. I told him (much as I'd like to spat at him, but i told him) what he thinks can't possibly be worse than what i think. Fucker. Go shoot yourself in the arse. The two people I love most in this world: My mom and dad. Fuck, I can even cry for Peru. Grief is bleeding powerful isn't it? It sucks life out of you. Sometimes I wonder if having a bitch as a mother can be good because then grief won't touch you in the same way. You can't miss the mother you never have. But I wouldn't trade my mother for anything in the world. Maybe Billy Joel's right. Only the good die young. Maybe that's why I'm still here. Grinning Goat at 2/21/2005 01:47:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, February 19, 2005 Gibberish Man. Memorising One Night in Beijing is like memorising gibberish. Incomprehensible string of words with imposssible pronounciation. All similar. Arrggghhhh. Okay so i shouldn't take it on 5000 years of culture and whatnot. But come on...try to memorise a greek incantation before you say anything. Grinning Goat at 2/19/2005 02:40:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} One Night in Beijing There's something about a two-syllable place. One Night in Singapore. Pah. One Night in Indonesia. Boo. One Night in Somalia. Nah nah. One Night in Beijing. Perfect. See?? A two-syllable place! One Night in Paris. One Night in Hongkong. One Night in Beijing. Perfect What's irritating was how they just stood around, sharing the look. They can always say it straight to my face that the two songs are unsuitable and change it fast. Sharing the look across the room like I'm oblivious. Fwah. For the record I didn't choose the two songs. And personally I don't fancy the respect song much. That all said, the practice was your usual trying-to-cook-up-some-last-minute-songs-that-sound-decent. (minus the shared look of course) Oh and i realise that unwillingness to accomodate is actually a sign of weakness. Enuff said. While we were doing Smoke on the water, Lin opened the band room so the blare could actually be heard outside. And outside there was this guy who played some classical music on the piano on the hall. I couldn't help but chuckle. The idiosyncrasy of it all. Classic meets classical rock. You don't get that often. Grinning Goat at 2/19/2005 05:21:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, February 18, 2005 An atheist's prayer They told me weeks ago. Before Production. And I forgot. I make such a marvellous friend. God knows I'm not a religous person (an atheist my neighbour calls me) but if prayer is what it takes, I'm going to at least try. I've been in Peru's shoes before. I know enough that grief can kill. Words of comfort won't be enough, you need strength of steel. So I hope it won't come anytime soon. For your dad, Peru. Grinning Goat at 2/18/2005 04:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The world isn't there to be pleased The whole jamming business is a headache. 3 new songs in 2 session. Compromising quality for something easier. Pah. But fuck it, you can't please everybody. Just like how I am part of everybody. I'm telling you, writing for an NUS publication is a pain in the arse. You can't write that, you can't write this. You need to include NUS (and while a "mere mention" of NUS towards the end is a good trick, it doesn't actually mean NUS is included) But the world doesn't revolve around NUS. It shouldn't. Okay so it's an NUS publication, but surely NUS students have better things to do than read about something they already know about (or if they don't, they can always read announcements) Not to mention the fact that they don't know may mean they aren't interested enough to find out in the first place anyway. And if you want my opinion, writing stuff about NUS (and always relating any topic to NUS and NUS students) bore me. I don't imagine the readers would be too enthusiastic in reading it anyway. OUTSPOKEN should be full of opinions but I can't imagine being full of opinions about NUS students, oh wait of course I can, it's just that I probably can't put it in writing if I want to keep my head. To hell with bureaucratic bullshit. One day I'll be rich enough to buy a publication and write what i want to write. Grinning Goat at 2/18/2005 03:20:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, February 16, 2005 For the old lady Today is not a day for coherence. The Holland V gig on sunday was a lot more flea-markety then the last time I was there. There were a lot of baloons. Orange ones. And I was trying to poke this kid's baloon when her mother saw me and the kid's staring at me. So I went back to watching PJ - I love her One Night in Beijing - and the kid was about 3 metres away from me the next time I saw him. Rosli adopted this walkie-talkie system after some screw-ups last time so we had some agents from some secret service walking around that day, talking to themselves. Just a lot less cooler with Polo Tees on instead of black pressed suits and Ray-Bands. And I wondered HOW ON EARTH can Rosli look so young. If I look like that at the same age, all those facial creams and what not can go down the drain. Sunday night, Dad was getting all jiterry for the operation the next day. First time I heard him whine. Heee. It was quite a sight. Mama was telling me, "so this is what it feels like to accompany people around and not be patient for once". You just resent everybody else less. Monday, at the hospital Kaka called. Have I told you how hospitals make me think about death? She was crossing the road, a granny behind her - this old woman who always takes the same bus. Kaka made it across. She didn't. The car was too fast. I choose to be selfish and thank God that the car was just that split second late. Dad was fine. Do you think sometimes a piece of mind is more expensive than it's worth? Sometimes I try not to think about the granny who didn't make it across. Grinning Goat at 2/16/2005 09:05:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, February 12, 2005 Those shoes ain't for your feet We went on a shopping spree today. And are hard to find in this part of the globe. Heh. Like what I told Wedy, on Cinderella land, we're not Cinderella, we're the step-sisters. I don't want to live in Cinderella Land!!! What is it with shoe shops and size 9? It's either they don't have it or their size 9 is such that I actually need a size 12. GGgggggrrrrr. On a lighter note, this was what happened yesterday during Biodiversity Lab. We were supposed to observe this plant under the microscope, note and identify the structures and all that. Shir: (taking a look) What's that brown thing? Is that the sporophyte? Teaching Assistant (TA): (taking a look) that's the soil Shir: Oh That was dandy. Grinning Goat at 2/12/2005 10:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, February 10, 2005 AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Blogger is a bleeding pain. Erasing my bleeding entry. GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR. Okay well let me repeat the whole bleeding story. Yesterday we were in this really crowded bus. There were two teenagers with the stupidest conversation standing alongside me. You know how I always thought that a lack of wit cannot be a sign of intellectual prowess? Well, i think I'm right. They'd sound more intelligent shutting up. And oh I think teenagers are bleeding irritants. Rivaled only by screaming children. Boy: yesterday I..b.lablabla..... Girl: Do I look like I care? Boy: You know I have telescopic eyesight? Bloody hell, they can be 6 year-olds playing superman for all I know... Bah BRISIKKKKKKKKKK!!! They were quiet for a while. And for a split second I thought they understand my native tongue. But that wasn't to be, because to learn a new language they must first provide extra brain space and stop playing superman. Peaceful. And then, Boy: Can you see my toe? Jesus. We alighted at the Singapore River Hongbao. The only thing I found fascinating in the River Hongbao full of shoving, sticky uncles and aunties and screaming children with greasy heads is the river. Which smelt like fish. Or maybe it was those kids behind munching something - you can never tell. And after dragging Ono from the mini themepark with stupid rides - I told him if he were to play, play the real thing for goodness sake, don't play a stupid thrill ride that's only 1 metre off the ground because then it should no longer be called a thrill ride....- we walked down the pavement leading to the Esplanade. Talking about Esplanade, I wish people would just stop complaining about how it's expensive and how the government has spent too much money which would be better spent elsewhere. Try complaining before it's built. Before the plan was being approved would be a great idea. Complaining now makes you sound like a discontent old taxi driver with a grouchy wife and a speeding problem. You think your opinion matters? Well then get into politics, obtain some voice in the parliament and air your grivances there. Don't just bitch about it from the sidelines. Get yourself moving and get into action. Forget complaining because it won't change things. It'd just irritate the hell out of people around you. It's easy to bicth about things from the side line because bitching doesn't involve providing ample proof and a bleedingly good argument does it? One more thing about Esplanade. People have been complaining that local artists have been subjected to greater scrutiny before they can perform at the Esplanade. (probably knowing how there can be quite a lot of phonies around here....people who think they're elvis when they can't sing for nuts, etc etc etc). As much as I think it's a good safety precaution against phonies, I can't help but think that it's one of our inferiority complex. This mindset that almost anything western is marvellous. Which is sick. We would never get out of that mindset until the day we start appreciating local talents and grooming them. Sometimes, all it takes is one huge publicity stunt to promote utter crap. I'd love to name a couple but I'm too politically correct these days. Heh. We were walking around when Wedy pointed out the many sculptures found there. Roberto Botero's. They were all sculptures of fat things or fat people. Apparently this Botero fellow had a thing for fat things/people. Or maybe he just doesn't want to waste rock. Heh. There was a band playing at the Esplanade. And the drummer was good. The songs were mostly chinese songs played in major. And I think the vocalists were irritating. Especially when the music stopped and they started talking. Bah. But the drummer was good. Oh and I despise vocalists who think too highly of themselves. Because I've learnt that the instrumentalists are sometimes the ones who make a vocalist sound good. They cover up your flaws here and there (except for pitching which would still be bleeding obvious - hah, too bad!) And I do think it's harder to master a musical intrument than sing. Well I do admit I may be biased, being a vocalist myself. Ah i've digressed. In any case though, Happy Lunar New Year to all! Like Dedel said, it's lucky that this is the chinese new year and I don't have to come up with resolutions so I won't have more empty promises. Heh. Grinning Goat at 2/10/2005 02:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, February 07, 2005 This is the eve of the chinese new year's eve! A classmate of mine said today's the eve of the chinese new year's eve. R: Your point being? Classmate: Today should be a holiday R: I approve! The first decent thing out of Ms. Tea's mouth. "Rhozz, I'm impressed," Ah. Today is historical, I'm telling you. Anyway, today during french tutorial, the super-enthusiatic tutor asked us what our ideal partner is like. It just so happened that our cahier d'exercices has text with similar content and the person in the text happened to like an intelligent partner. So, almost everybody...(being the uncreative selves that they are) said their ideal partner must be intelligent. Sure, it's easier to just dictate whatever found in your workbook. It certainly is ironic the way they said they want an intelligent partner. Ms.J-Lau: Quelle type vous aimez? X: Elle doit intelligent Ms.J-Lau: very well... :: Ms. J-Lau: Et vous? How about you? Y: Elle doit intelligent :: Z: What about all the stupid people? Grinning Goat at 2/07/2005 08:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A worthy adversary A worthy adversary thinks of questions you'd never think in a million years. A worthy adversary raises more questions as he answers. A worthy adversary does not resort to common insults. He has not the need to. A worthy adversary rationalises. A worthy adversary does not belittle. A worthy adversary commands respect. I have yet to meet one. Grinning Goat at 2/07/2005 01:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, February 06, 2005 Updates Won't write much. Do check out SNEAK PEEK for new updates. And this, I believe is one of the greatest invention by Ono hahaha. Guess who this is, folks? let me introduce you... his very own Elmo... (not sunflower!) ![]() And I just have to put this, for some reason. Heee.. ![]() Grinning Goat at 2/06/2005 05:30:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The stupidest debate on earth...Heee.... Karol: Snow white has red hair band, not yellow! R: oh, does she??? I think I should trust her. After all she's the one who hate Snow White - the dumb princess - so much. Heee... Karol: eh when I die, I'll want people to know I go to heaven, especially Ross R: Hahaha you won't go there. Not after hating Snow White! Grinning Goat at 2/06/2005 01:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wise saying from my old man Someone was telling me (not the first person to tell me this), someone shoves shit on your face, you carry the whole plate-full of it, double the amount, and hurl it back at his face. My dad came back today. Haven't seen him for months. Ah, nobody argues like my dad. His quotes of the day, "If anybody is pissed with you out of envy, that can only mean one thing: you're not an average Joe" "He may wear a suit and all that but I can still see his monkey hairs protruding out of his sleeves" One thing he said that sticks to mind, "Even if I die, you'll dance atop my graveyard," If that's not wise I don't know what is. By the way Karol's obsessed with what Sam's using the money for in Ghost. Disturbing. And so is Marlini. Bah. That movie though, reminds me of this story. See when I was a kid, my mom would make Kaka and I went together to the hairdresser (who ,as we figure out later as we grow older, is a gay. Heh) And on that particular day, the hairdresser was asking Kaka (since she had her turn first) if she wanted the Demi Moore model. Obviously Kaka had no idea who the hell she is, so she just sort of nodded her head. (my mom kind of thought that wasn't such a bad idea too...) Yea, and after seeing her new haircut, Kaka was pretty pissed. Obviously I refused to go with the Demi Moore stuff. And when I look at Demi Moore's hairstyle now in Ghost, I still do not see any briliance in it. Hmmm. Ah anyway. I went jamming again with the guys today. The Lady Drummer thought me a couple of drum beats. To tell you the truth, it's fun having a female addition to the band. So in addition to boys + toys, we get girls + toilets (or barbie dolls. Bleh) too! Grinning Goat at 2/06/2005 01:18:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, February 04, 2005 My first French Poem I don't really do Indonesian poetry. I don't plan to do Malay poetry. I can't do english poetry. I will probably never do chinese poetry. And Ms.Tea had to stuck French poetry up our (still) sore asses. Poetry is part of the language... Wasn't too happy upon hearing that. Here goes Chanson de la seine by Jacques Prevert La Seine a de la chance Elle n'a pas de souci Elle se la coule douce Le jour comme la nuit Et elle sort de sa source Tout doucement, sans bruit... Sans sortir de son lit Et sans se faire de mousse, Elle s'en va vers la mer En passant pas Paris. La Seine a de la chance Elle n'a pas de souci Et quand elle se promene Tout au long de ses quais Et ses lumieres dorees Notre-Dame jalouse Immobile et severe Du haut de toutes ses pierres La regarde de travers Mais la Seine s'en balance Elle n'a pas de souci Elle se la coule douce Le jour comme la nuit Et s'en va vers le Havre Et s'en va vers la mer En passant comme un reve Au mileu des mysteres Des miseres de Paris We were asking her. What does douce mean? Douce, she said means soft, sweet and anything good. Somehow I don't think it's appropriate for students to be thinking about Powerpuff Girls during french class. So, coule douce, according to Ms.Tea can be translated to "to flow yourself". We were all like, errhhh....huhhh??? But of course Ms. Tea is right. She always is! Grinning Goat at 2/04/2005 01:57:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, February 03, 2005 The Keroker and Kerokee Just came back from jamming with the guys. Rosli + Dang + 2 guitars = boys + toys. or maybe girls + toilets?? I know some aren't big on barbie dolls. Heh. Oh and I love our new lady drummer. She always does her homework (which shames me at times) and is always modest. Cheers, man. There was another audition too. One drummer and one vocalist. Rosli took in the drummer guy. (Although he doesn't listen to heavy metal. OOooohhhh...alright I guess, as long as he doesn't listen to Britney Spears...heh) As for the vocalist. She's a Thai who seemed pretty nervous. I don't know how the varsity band in Thailand is like but she was all...the king's whatever's whatever and Rosli was like huhh??? And that kind of raised our expectation a notch I guess. She has a good voice. Pity though, because she has a pitching problem. Tends to go flat here and there. And I suspect, a little tone deaf as well. And she would only be here for ONE semester - an exchange student. Anyway, I had a funny request today. See, KArol was having a fever so I was supposed to kerok her. Hmm I think nobody else on earth ever do it except for the malays and us Indonesians. I don't know exactly how it works except that it does. Karol: I have to warn you that I can cry R: Hahaha. The first time I can torture someone with her permission. Hee... Yep so we bought Tiger balm at the co-op and used the 50 cents coin the cashier gave as a change, to do the job. The keroker and the kerokee! Owww and I need to add that to her credit KArol didn't cry. Heee....I refrained from going full speed at full power though (that's how her mother probably did it, which was why she cried - I suspect). Yes a good kerokan (Red stripes are good. Maroon stripes better) and a good sleep heal just about anything. Heh. Only headache actually. But it works wonders. And I've been thinking. Hall isn't everything. Of course it isn't. And I don't think I should be sorry for not being enthusiastic enough about sports. Or anything else I don't give a flying fuck about. I trust only two things in life. Enough said. Life's too short to spend around people you don't give a fuck about at the end of the day. The leaf school gang. The riot batch. JackJack. Shir. Karol and Mar. They're more than enough. Fuck everybody else. Grinning Goat at 2/03/2005 11:14:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, February 02, 2005 WHAT THE FUCK IS NORMALCY? Who decides what's normal and what's not? What's abnormal in this freaking country can be normal everywhere else. Don't act all so bloody Godly because who the fuck are you to judge what's NORMAL and what's not? Fucking on the street can be normal. Sleeping under a bridge can be normal. Bribing a policeman can be normal. Fuck, that's not the point. The point is, if you want to go around accusing people of being incapable ,(Spoken or otherwise. Get to know me better, my fucking arse) I'd like to hear an explanation. Being a year two doesn't make anybody a smart ass. Anybody not happy with the interviewer's decision, go to the fucking interviewer. It's too fucking bad if anybody's displeased with her decision because nobody else interviewed and I got fucking in. Live with it. I don't have to explain myself. Not to you. Ohhhhh and of course flag is important, you fucking moron, I just don't have to declare my undying devotion. When the time comes, I'll be held accountable. I bleeding fucking know that. And when I do answer, I'll answer to all, I don't answer to one fucking inquiry about whether I think flag is important or why I join flag. You want to know my answer, go to the fucking interviewer and get from her my model answer. People are such bleeding pains sometimes. Don't call it "a friendly talk" too, because it sure as hell wasn't. An interrogation doesn't qualify for a conversation the last time I checked. An insult wouldn't be too far off. You want to have an interrogation session? Bring in the fucking judging pannel, don't go around having friendly conversation in the middle of the night. Because like I said, if I were to account for anything, it wouldn't be in front of a bloody mofo. And I don't appreciate smart ass remarks. In the pool or out. (One more of those, I'll punch the fucker's lights out). Oh and please do me a favour, don't even deny the bleeding obvious. Reading in between the lines is one of my fortes, it's in my fucking blood, if that helps. You came to my room complaining why the fuck am I in this position. You didn't come asking why I want to be in flag. If I remember correctly, the first word out of your mouth was " What's wrong with those JCRC people", not "Why do you join flag". Just so that the rest of the world know, a dog won't bite unless some other dog bite it first. And I'm sorry not everybody bows down to you. I'm not your average senior's butt-kisser junior. And my slamming the door in your face? That's hardly the beginning. You can go fuck yourself now. It's not a wonder why murder happens. Grinning Goat at 2/02/2005 04:02:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos