Sunday, January 30, 2005 A crime Shit, this is a crime. Thank you to BUIKA, DEDEL, PO, SHIR and KAROL-BAROL. Thank you for coming guys. Thank you for trusting me enough to pay that $15 and go all the way to UCC (especially Karol who's afraid of the dark. Heeee...) Grinning Goat at 1/30/2005 04:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} THE day As we were seated there (not a very good seat too. Heh), the AD said, "We're not ordinary audience, you know. We know exactly how things will go, every single line" That's right. We do. And after spending almost two months digging for every single flaws, picking on mistakes, it's hard to just sit there and watch. To not judge, for once. The judging instinct was there. As strong as ever. Like a fly's antennae that can't be switched off. And the worst part was the fact that we know their best, what they're capable of. And what they're incapable of. But yesterday was the day. I've seen them slog and sweat for this. I don't want to judge the ending. Let me judge the process. It was painfully fun. Man, that sounds masochistic. Like what I've been telling everybody though (cast and audience alike), I shall not comment. At least not on my area of expertise. Heh. Koko's slap was GOOD. It was a resounding PLAK!, right smack in the middle (I bet Old Luke's dad in real life straightened in his seat and wondered aloud who has the freaking nerve to slap his son like that. Heee) And the LT was silent. Everybody has been telling her to have THE slap of her life (she won't get to slap Ziliang again). And yesterday's was better than even the one during JCRC Preview. She told me she practised swinging her arm for effects. I asked, laughing what do you think this is, tennis? Her dying scene was excellent. She had a bruise too from the fall. And a smaller bruise from the bleeding audience snickering when she died. Seriously. Like the AD said, sometimes I wonder if the audience is intelligent anough for our play. But I suppose that's for you to argue. R: It's good. Looks natural Koko: Really? I didn't actually concentrate on the falling much, too busy figuring out why the audience was laughing when I died. Hmmppfff... It was supposed to be tragic. The bleeding audience can be such mofos. You don't understand something you shut the fuck up. You don't laugh. For goodness sake. And my neighbour. Aunty Pauline was, as always aunty-ish. I told her, you're VERY AUNTY today, the moment the curtain was down. Somehow that sounded like a compliment then. If I tell her today, she'll probably stare me down. Stares kill, don't you know? Video kills the radio stars. Stares kill the video stars. I have to give it to the stage crews though. They get to do all the dirty work. And get the least recognition. Although technically we did help dismantle the sets and push it from UCC all the way to hall, they were the one who stayed around til late at night. Dismantling the remaining sets whose screws must have been tightened by Hercules. Really, the casts were in a very safe platform. The instrumentalists. One of the best things about Production. Thank you guys. I know I can count on my neighbour too, to save my off-timing singers. The D said she trusts Rah. Well so do I. It's comforting to know that some things are stable and never-changing. The ensemble deserves a special mention too. Because -trust me, I'm not being sarcastic- they were the most unstars of the stars. When it's time to get down and dirty, they do it. And I mean, really rolling up their sleeves and get in the mud. They don't just stand there. I had some stories to tell, including all the funny screw ups during rehearsal. As it should be considering how I have not blogged for days. But it'll have to wait. jamming in 5 minutes time. I'll be late but what the heck. Cheers. For Production. Grinning Goat at 1/30/2005 04:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, January 26, 2005 I don't want it to be over Hall Production this saturday folks. To say I'm exhilarated would be an understatement. I'm one hell of a proud Vocal Director. I love the casts and ensemble. It's been great working with you guys. I'm somewhat humbled too. And I DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo......Like what the D says, the moment of glory is very brief...Ah but all the good things end. It's about as fair as good people dying early. I was at the AD's room just now, borrowing some CD and we both share the same sentiments. Production has taken so much of our time, it's almost like we're full time directors. For it to end, it's almost like we're sacked. Sacked in a grand way with a fat pension and all, of course (the brief moment of The D was telling me about how last year's production was. How it all started. Her having some tea with the chancellor (whoever she meant by that). Literally. Complete with all the tiny teacups (probably some fancy ceramics with flowers embossed)and those frou-frou teapots (more flowers embossed). And when yesterday, after supper we're walking back and she was pushed accidentally to the middle of the road, she said she doesn't want to die early. She still wants to have her tea. Heeee. Ah I won't go to much details lest you think my brain has turned to mush. Heh. Fuck, I love everybody. Today's not a day for exceptions and qualifying statements. Grinning Goat at 1/26/2005 11:06:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, January 24, 2005 Stuffing french up our sore asses It's sore indeed. And that's aside from Ms.Tea's sarcastic remarks. Heh but ever since I made the intelligent tactical positioning to the back of the class, she seemed to pick on some other sorry arses. For tutorial though I got this very enthusiastic woman (too enthusiastic in fact) who had a penchant for confusing us by speaking french non-stop. I mean homework-giving time should at least be comprehensible right? And she pronounced my name as Rhozz. And so everybody thought I was Rhozz. To tell you the truth though, she barely had a sense of humour. Damn, I miss Madam Faussat. Where art thou, madame??? Grinning Goat at 1/24/2005 08:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, January 22, 2005 Jack Jack BBQ Bash Everything with Jack Jack would have a lot of cheese. Cheese this cheese that. So there's that for a start. Cheese. And then there's this bleedingly irritating guy. Yes, that'd be you, LOKI (however you spell the damn thing). Good for you if you happen to read this. Probably your first lesson ever in social etiquette. I don't know if it's just me but I was there for 10 minutes and I felt like bashing his head til it bleeds non-stop, hoping he has haemophilia in the process. I didn't say much until I discovered that the rest felt like strangling him too. For one, you don't act all knowingly about how to light the fire in front of Buika. I wouldn't dare to even snatch her job at the bbq pit with a gun in my head, but that's not the point. And this guy told her what to do. And of course it didn't work. Hah. Nothing like corroding the pride of someone with skin as thick as a wall. What irritated me to no end is the way he butted in to people's conversation, making irrelevant comments nobody gave a fart about and talking about himself. Sounds like some egotistical male with no self-respect to you? Loki: Don't cook anymore chicken You know, he could've stopped here and I would not raise an issue but no....(of course not) he just had to continue blabbering. Loki: (without anybody asking him why) Don't cook anymore chicken. I don't eat chicken. Sorry ah. I don't eat chicken? ONE: Who gives a flying fuck whether he eats chicken? TWO: That sounds like a bleedingly good reason to me. Don't cook anymore chicken because he doesn't eat chicken. Forget the whole world, eh? THREE: Sorry?? What's he sorry for? We should be sorry that he's even there in the first place. Don't apologise for things you're not sorry for. Bloody mofo. If the world revolves around Loki, it's a miniscule world we live in eh? Diameters measuring in nanometre. Pah. And the way he kept telling everyone how long he hadn't drunk root beer is enough grounds for murder. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Go and take the bloody root beer bottle with you and hide in the recceses of the kitchen. Geez. To make matters worse, we had a bunch of bozos dancing at the next pit. And they weren't exactly Cooper Neilson. Heh. Karol and I actually were stuck in the same bus with him too on the journey back. Smart Karol had the common sense to sit with me, instead of with her sister so asshole sat alone. She knew I'd puke blood if I had to listen to his blabber any longer. Then he moved behind us. Groaned. Karol: Is it spelled as runabout or roundabout? Loki: (butting in) Oh, roundabout yea? I had about ten of those near my house! Karol: Huhhhhh?????????? (straining to smile in return) He didn't even know the first thing about what Karol's asking. And ten roundabouts near his house? Even the White House doesn't have that many roundabouts, you bozo. Karol: He would never get in the conversation even if SBS Bus seats came in threes. Bleeding hell he would not. Loki: (realising KArol and Po took the same anatomy class too) Where are you usually seated? Karol: errrhh....heh.....we have no fixed position....we're..often late you understand.... Loki: oh yeah? Me too!!! Afterwards KArol told me her new resolution to come early to anatomy class. But on a more positive note, it was fun except for the fact that bozo kept talking. Ignoring him didn't work too you know. Hey, Buika if you read this: Thanks for supporting Production =) You won't want your 15 bucks back! Hahaha Good to see you guys again. Buika. Qutu. Next time, perhaps we'd pick a better spot aye? Grinning Goat at 1/22/2005 03:58:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, January 20, 2005 Munching Munchie Monkey It was great. Karol and Mar made it on time on a taxi, which was very generous of them. Thanks for coming, guys! And I was shaking. Freak. And I got no dedications to read, which meant I need to talk more which I of course was crap at. Dang said something which I appreciate a lot. It just feels good to have someone believe in you. And coming from a fellow musician, that definitely was something. Pride works both ways. Like when I saw the casts/ensemble pull of a good show. I'd be proud. And then they'd be proud too. Ah, pride is contagious. Then I met a couple of Rosli's acquintances. The graduates. The former vocalists. The former drummer. Who apparently majored in life science too, and life hasn't been kind to Life Science graduates unfortunately. A bit of pessimism in the middle of it all. But she said life as an undergraduate was bleeding fun. There's something about the working world people just hate. Heh. Adults just don't jam anymore. Bah. In any case, upcoming gig: another one at Holland V. Hopefully not where the toilet bowl statue (complete with someone peeing) was, or the finger-shaped stage. Grinning Goat at 1/20/2005 11:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Beaming They weren't that marvellous but I was really really proud of them just now for some reason. Heck, I'm getting cheesy. Better stop writing. Tomorrow's the gig at Munchie. And I think I find myself liking One Night in Beijing, even if "one night in beijing" is the only phrase I know from the song. Ah yesss, yesterday was the IHG opening and for once in my life, I actually am cheering for the winning team. History has been such that I was always on the losing end. Bah. And to change that for once? To have a team who actually won 5 out of 5? To have a straight flush? To own the field like we did? It feels good. Damn, they're good. Grinning Goat at 1/20/2005 02:38:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, January 18, 2005 Bleeding French Bleeding French. My french tutor whom I called the french woman, Ms. Tea did her antics again today. I think I should change my seats the way she's picking on me. Bleeding French. Ms. Tea: Up-phal Student: Apple Ms. Tea: That's what I said Towards the end of the class around 15.50 (class ends at 1600), there's this student who came barging in. Ms. Tea: (in her thick french accent)erhh...I think you're a bit early Student: (making her way out, looking apologetic)...oh oh.. I'm so sorry Ms. Tea: (the moment the student's out of earshot)or you're very very late. She just can't lose, you know. In any argument. After stats lecture which was pretty much useless because ever since I pointed out that the lecturer's wearing a white Baby-G watch, none of us seemed to be able to concentrate much because we just kept staring at his out-of-place watch. (which come to think of it is rather like the other time when the lecturer's curly hair forms a sillhouette of some sort against the screen and we just kept staring at it. A freaking distraction) well, after the stats lecture, we sit around telling stories. To cut long story short, we had a very dumb conversation. It was in good nature. None of the contents was intended to insult anyone, aye? Interprete with discretion. Karol: Wait a minute, you were playing Snow White? Po: Nah, I was playing Cinderella. Ross was playing Snow White R: Don't remind me please Karol: I think Snow White is the dumbest princess around, don't you think? She has a stupid aunty-ish hairstyle with super straight bangs and a freaking yellow hair band. R: She has a bad sense of style, so? Karol: And she eats the apple when it's pretty obvious the evil witch was the one selling her the apple. And worst of all: she hangs around short people R: Huahahahahahahahaha :: :: Po: Do you know the story of the Sleeping Beauty that we read in kids' story book is actually the censored version? R/Karol: Really?? How was the story supposed to go? Po: The prince raped the princess before kissing her into consciousness. And she woke up, bearing the prince's child. R: wow, reality kicking in. That's definitely more realistic :: :: Karol: So who's your favourite fairytale character? Po: Cinderella. Karol: Huahahahah probably why you got the role. R: Eh, I forget, refresh my memory.....what are my options? Karol: aiyoooo...Cinderella. Snow White. Sleeping Beauty. Jasmine Alladin.....( a long list I can't remember to tell you the truth) R: Anastasia isn't part of it? Po: Nah, she wasn't fictious. She was the daughter of some Tzar who got killed sometime in history. R: Wow really? Karol: See Ross, you need to know these things when you're watching cartoons... R: Hahahah yea right. Karol: My favourite character is Jasmine Alladin. Now, what's yours? R: Okay...I'll settle for Pocahontas. KArol: Huhhh?? I hate Pocahontas...Such a boring cartoon...I almost fell asleep R: Seriously, she's the more realistic character around, what do you have against her? Karol: She's dark Po: Isn't Jasmine darker??? Karol: ... R: Huahahahhaha :: :: Karol: and Power Rangers....did you guys watch the Power Rangers? Po: yeah Karol: You know I like the yellow one. What's her name? Po: Trini? Karol: YEAH, that's it! R: why the yellow one, what's so good about her? Karol: There are only two females in the power rangers. The yellow and the pink one. Someone wanted to be pink, so I was yellow. R: Hahahahah. Sad case. :: :: Anyway, the jamming session today's interesting. Because we had a bunch of people coming in for audition for the band. We got one two guys trying out for the guitar. One girl auditioning for the drums ( I notice churches churn out a lot of musicians for some reason) One who tried for vocal, guitar and drums. One guy trying for vocals. Okay, the good news. One guy actually had what it takes. And I think Rosli's going to take him in. The woman with the drums. Errr not bad, although I found her playing somewhat lacking in variations. The woman who tried it all. Hmmm...she's not much of a soloist. Like Rossli pointed out, she was more of a strummer. The drums-playing was errr - judging from Rossli's reaction - not passable. Personally, I think her playing was a bit erratic too. Loud nonetheless. And her singing. Errr...okay I have a couple of things to say -being VD certainly trained my ears. She wasn't out of pitch, no Good heavens no. She can even harmonise spontaneously and I have some respect for people who can do that, but she quivers when she sings. Okay, so maybe she's nervous but this is just an audition, what about a real gig, faced with a larger audience? And not much power too. But then again, like I said, her pitching's good. The guy who tried for vocal. Okay, first up he looked like he can sing. Bah as cheesy as it sounds, aren't looks deceiving? He actually brought with his this CD and he was planning to sing along to it. And he was this big guy who can pass as a rapper you know, imagine my shock when I heard what song he's singing for the audition. Boyzone's You Needed Me. Bah. Eyeing our appalled look (or perhaps, just mine) he said: I'm not much of a boyband fan. Rosli: who is??? Yep indeed. Who is??? Guys aren't boyband fans. Gays are. Heh. Here's what takes the cake, you know: His second song is actually a National Day song. I almost cringed. And his pitching was horrible. It was like he was in a karaoke lounge with very strong glass panels. Don't get me wrong, his vocal wasn't very strong. It just sounded wrong. And National Days song!!! My oh myyyy... I've never seen the likes of it during audition. Do we look like a freaking choir??? Rosli: what do you guys think? Should we take him? R: (seriously, this is just a passing comment, besides i think I know what Rosli's decision is going to be so what I said doesn't really matter. He has good ears in his head. He knows the good stuff from the bad) His pitching is very bad.. Wayne: Yeah, he wasn't good Ad/Dang: (noded their heads) Rosli: Actually I wanted to take him you know.....but since Ross here said we shouldn't.... R: Haaaa. yeah right rosli. That's very smart of you... Hope we get whole bunch of new blood soon. Good ones! Well, time for me to sleep. Long day today. The Production is getting very very intense. Early class at 8 tomorrow. Blah. Grinning Goat at 1/18/2005 03:13:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, January 17, 2005 Over Breakfast Ch: Singapore won R: the match yesterday, eh? 2-1 I heard. Bloody hell Ch: It's the tsunami. After all the think it's free? This is the price R: Eh, I like the way you think. That means we're not incompetent But you know, I have another question (and yes, I do think it's worth it. Losing a game for the donations? I wouldn't blink to say yes) What if losing the game isn't the price? After all what's but a single football match....What if the price is Aceh shielding Singapore from the tsunami? What if the whole Sumatran island is geographically removed from the atlas? This place would get hit. Bad. So maybe the donations weren't about the match after all (if they are, I think World Cup would do better than a bleeding Tiger Cup which means diddly in the grand scheme of things). Maybe the donatiions came after the realization. Or if I were to have what little faith I have in humanity, it's simply an act of good faith. Grinning Goat at 1/17/2005 08:42:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} JAM X 2005 One of the (original) songs composed for Production was this particular one by a friend of mine. He has a distinct voice and he made the recording of the song for us to work with.(he sang in the recording) And not only did the song get stuck in our head, the way he sang it did too. Which had disastrous effect, but that was a story for another time. After I was done bribing Wedy to open the door by a promise to wash the dishes, I rushed to the bus stop. I was still late for the Jam X - and that's minus the time it took for me to remember that the Youth Park is beside Cathay Cineleisure and not exactly behind it. Bloody hell. Anyway, I was rushing to cross the road when I heard his voice. It was like, hey I know that voice. Which mean I was too bleeding late. So I watched half of the Rachels' performance from across the road. Pah. Owlie said she screwed up her drum beat, but really when you're across the road, you don't hear much. Well, long story cut short, The Rachels didn't make it in. Which was a pity. The Turning Point though, did make it in! Which means Qutu won't be coming for the Production. Bah. Oh well, I hope they make it far. At least there'll be one Indonesian in it! Haha. Sad, but a consolation nonetheless. One teeny weeny thing I need to mention. Kent Ridge Hall Production. Come on people, don't judge before you even hear it aye? Here, check out the website. MORNING GLORY And some people actually stumbled upon my blog with the word Kent Ridge Production in search engines. Our hall production has gained some reputation for the past couple of years, so give it a little credit before dismissing it. In any case, I'm selling the ticket. $15 bucks each. Or $50 if you're some professor, according to the Stage Manager. Hahaha. And I have some green zone (VIP) tickets too at the same price. Interested readers do contact me at Fixed price, aye? I have more things to worry about than bargaining. Oh, before I forget I want to rant a bit too about Singapore beating Indo at today's Tiger Cup match. What was that, man? How did we get trashed like that?? Heh. Next match. Next match we'll win. Not that I have much confidence. Grinning Goat at 1/17/2005 03:45:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, January 16, 2005 Don't be ridiculous I finally read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. (illustrated edition too!) I have to agree with one thing someone said in the book, "History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books - books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe." Napoleon may be short but he's right. What is history, but a fable agreed upon? Anyway I was really grouchy yesterday from lack of sleep. The Da Vinci Code was partly guilty. I felt like snapping at everyone. This bloody woman who clogged up the way like she owned the bleeding elevator. The morons who just stood by doing nothing when an old lady was almost crushed by the closing elevator door. Hold the damn button you morons. Heh. The babbling kids. (kids always babble. It's like they're almost proud of it. Their only talent probably) And the last straw was this throng of people advertising a lamp. Man arsehole:_____(a bloody brand I'll never ever buy) saves electricity! Woman arsehole: Yes, that means we save the environement. It's very important that we save the environment..... The statement is dumb because: Saving electricity does NOT equal saving the environment. Saving electricity = conserving energy. And by definition, conserving means you use less so there'll be more in the future. It doesn't mean we stop using. If destruction of the environment is rectal cancer, conservation is chemotherapy. It doesn't cure, it only prolongs. Destruction of the environment is inevitable. It might as well that those responsible would have died the day it happens. The environment is beyond saving, you bozos. Tell us you will stop using electricity. Tell us you'll stop using plastic. Tell us you'll stop wearing clothes. Forget recycling. Recycling is radiotherapy. It's useless if we keep on producing. Recycling doesn't solve the problem because unlike nature, we can't create a natural cycle where waste is regenerated nicely, without bleeding unwanted byproducts. We don't have our own carbon/nitrogen cycle. Plastics are not like faeces that can decompose and feed the plants. Don't be ridiculous. Let's buy those lamps so we can save electricity and save the environment. Ah, how noble. Forget noble. Buy those lamps so you'll save some money and say proudly that you help destroy the environment. Honesty scores you some points at the gate of heaven you know. Grinning Goat at 1/16/2005 04:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, January 14, 2005 There's no end to it Karol: I wanted to pee but was too lazy to pull down my pants Ross: Hahaha you crazy woman. I want to live but am too lazy to breathe Grinning Goat at 1/14/2005 01:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Blah Some random thoughts in the morning. If you're a lecturer, don't ever ever dress smartly and wear Baby-G watch at the same time. Especially if you're a male lecturer. And especially if your baby-G is white. (Don't even talk about pink) It just looks wrong. Like a Micky Mouse picture in the middle of a dictionary. Not to mention bad taste. Grinning Goat at 1/14/2005 07:11:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, January 13, 2005 It's all about artistic value Karol: (watching the movie) you know...the chinese have such an artistic way to die... Ross: (watching the movie) You mean in a suicide eh? Karol: yea. Look at that man, arms spread out so nicely, can't she just die? Must she spiral like that??? Ross: Hhahahaa. I call that bad effects. Grinning Goat at 1/13/2005 10:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Frenchie Frenchie I fell asleep at the library just now waiting for my french class to start. Po, Karol and Jack left earlier for their anatomy class. I woke up laughing. And it wasn't the smiling dream you understand, it was the mHUAHAHAHAHAH dream. So i got up, aimed straight for the door and left. Bah. So much for laughing in my sleep. And I don't even remember what was it that's so funny. Okay, moving on. During French. French woman: What's embouteillages? Students:... French woman: you're familiar with the word bouteil, what does it mean? Students: bottle French woman: oui, so what's embouteillages? Students:... French woman: traffic jam Students: oooooohhhhhh... French woman: so...why is there bottle in the middle of trafic jam? Students:... French woman: (drawing the picture of a bottle on the board) This road.....erhh...the should know from the picture.... A smart ass: Bottle-neck? French woman: no....not exactly bottle-neck, there is another term for that - I don't know what - but there is another term... :: :: French woman: don't know what teter means? Students: (shake head) French woman: teter is when babies suck milk from their mother....what's the verb in english.....?....suck milk from their mother?! Students: breastfeed? :: :: French woman: (walking down the aisle, standing next to me) Ross: (flipping my pen around...) French woman: I like the way you look when you pretend to think Ross:... The master of sarcasm, ladies and gentleman. Everybody should go for her lesson. If anything, it's a lesson in humility. Heh. Grinning Goat at 1/12/2005 06:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Abstract Faith is never concrete. I love my mates I really do. But I can't expect them to not change. And adults have a way to screw things up. Not that kids are the brightest living things in the universe. Grinning Goat at 1/12/2005 02:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, January 10, 2005 Not the barest of the barests but honest enough I wanted to talk about the reunion but was sidetracked by the stupid kid on the bus. Bah. We were on our way up in the elevator discussing something. Well, most of us was paying attention but some obviously were not. Andri: 1227 SellV: huh? might as well make it later! Why not 12.30? Andri: Because an angmoh probably stays there... R: Huahahaha And so we entered Yuke's room. And in front of the door, Andri was pointing to the door on her left, "Sell, you're knocking at the wrong door" and we all burst out laughing again. And Ria was bringing her digital camera along and I was appointed the photographer of the hour. Andri pulled her hair to the front, covering her whole face and told others to follow suit. My poor camera-handling skill made the picture appear blurred. I pointed this to them and my finger was stationed above the delete button when they nodded approvingly. The blurrer the scarier apparently. We tried different things, one of the stupidest being putting on the sadistic look. Yuke: How exactly you look sadistic man? SellV: (to me), Nek go and show her Then everybody started looking at me. Ah hell. Actually I don't have the natural sadistic look you know. But since she said that, even when i was laughing, the look was just there. Out in the air for all to see. We met at the Sushi place and SellV's boyfriend was there. And Ria was trying to interrogate the poor guy. Unsuccessfully. Because personally, "what do you plan to do after NS" just doesn't sound highly intimidating to me. And here's the catch. We were joking about SellV in her heydays in the leaf school back when she still hugged the wall and bumped straight into Mc.Donald's glass panel (the glass was probably very very clean with no reflection whatsoever). Later on at night, Sellv was confessing about how her boyfriend ask why she never did tell him that she bumped to Mc. Donald's glass panel. And we couldn't stop laughing. I mean, seriously she forgot about that herself, but when you're the one seeing it - your head perfectly fine - the memory just never really erases itself. And we talked. We talked until the break of dawn. It wasn't the barest of the barests but honest enough. It wasn't easy admitting certain things, guys. And I appreciate your ability to share it. I hate sounding all cheesy but loyal friends like you all are hard to find. You guys belong in a zoo. But what the heck, even dodos didn't survive in the zoo. And I had my first accounting lesson ever. SellV was supposed to do her studying at 3 in the afternoon but obviously she did a lot more nonsensical things because, like Andri pointed out, she did study according to plan, but 12 hours later. So remember: Asset = Liability + Owner's Equity. Ah, how's that for a first-timer? And the next day, I was sleeping for quite a while. They asked me if I wanted to go accompany them out. I woke up, rub my eyes, took off my spectacles. And went back to sleep. Andri was complaining. I finally woke up for good when they jumped on my bed. Bah. So much for earthquake not spreading to this part of the globe. Sleep deprivation though, is good. Depending on the reason. We talked about religion and ended it the moment we realised none of us were going to convince the others. Because it's down to the most basic question: do you believe. Once that's set, your arguments would naturally follow that line of thought. You just don't change anybody's mindset in one night. A wise choice, because it really is not worth it squabbling over matters like religion. Some things are better left unsaid, eh? We talked about that song I composed too. It was so cheesy I was actually embarrassed having had to repeat it to them yesterday. And Ria thought it sounded as catchy as the Coca Cola ad. Somehow I don't think that's a compliment. Heh. But cheesy songs? They're not good. Oh well. Wherever you guys are, do come down here once in a while eh? It's good for our soul. I know it's good for mine. Grinning Goat at 1/10/2005 03:29:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} There are plenty of reasons for Really. I was in this bus, feelling pretty pissed as it was because I was late for Hall Production. Then there's this kid sitting in front of me. He was shouting (I use that verb for a reason) to his mother that there's something blocking him so he couldn't see her. Okay, so it was my plastic bag. I was thinking of moving it, together with my foot too so he could have some leg space (hah what do kids need leg space for?)but then he had to screwed it up and repeated, There's something blocking him. Over and over. Loudly. So I kept my plastic bag and feet where they were. Then he started shouting again. Stepping on my foot every now and then. I waited for him to stop, shifted the plastic bag, stared at him in the eye and said Awwww too badd........... Apparently a lot of adults find him adorable and don't find it in them to scold him - he certainly looks like he can use some education - because he looked stunned after I was done. And I was being mild. He could be butchered to death the way he's carrying on. Then he started singing and standing up. Obviously unaware where he stepped his feet on. Like I said, there are plenty of reasons for childrenticide. Mothers nowadays probably need classes of some sort on disciplining kids. One of the most basic rules: You discipline them early, and you discipline them hard. Better to trash your kids than have them trashed by others, like some nice sister whose feet's been stamped on. Anyway, I was late for half an hour for the VSI and the director looked displeased enough. Bloody kids. There are good reasons people around here don't get married early and have lots of kids. They don't make very good parents. Cheers the declining birth rate. Amen. Grinning Goat at 1/10/2005 03:03:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, January 07, 2005 Tossing the ball around The full run was full of hilarious cock-ups. Bah. We even had an (unplanned) stripties going on. And then there's the look. The look that gets passed around. From the cast to the AD to the D. And when someone realises his voice break or they sing out of tune, I will get my share of the look too. Caught, with their hands on the cookie jar. And I'd try not to flinch. Sometimes there are looks being passed around between the director and her assistant. Almost conspiratory. The tapping of foot on the floor. The NOT following of the foot tap. Off pitch. Off tempo. The too slow entry. The too soft mic. The too loud mic. The wrong cues. I think I watch the runs too often. Grinning Goat at 1/07/2005 04:51:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, January 06, 2005 Shit Master I think there's something wrong with me. Owlie's harbouring 7 illegal immigrants. And what's absolutely amazing is the fact that those little buggers never fail to shit on my hands if I happen to pick them up. It's as though the 7 of them were conspiring on who to shit on. Because Owlie never did get a stain on her hands. Bah. It's either I am cursed or blessed. Or maybe they just have very shitty rectums that can't hold much shit the way Owlie's been feeding them like that. (It's like she's going to feed the whole world) And there's cheese too. Even house rats don't have it that good. Grinning Goat at 1/06/2005 02:44:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, January 05, 2005 Too long Rafa: People can be happy without money, why do you think they make credit cards? R: Having credit card doesn't mean you don't pay. You still pay at the end of the day. Rafa: i know, it was a joke R: oh. R: hey, i'm going off now Rafa: bye bye american pie R: Huh?? Rafa: a joke R: haha. okkkkkkkkk I'm not very good in the jokes department nowadays Rafa: You oriental R: oriental?? is that another joke? Rafa: Asian if you prefer. Not too good on jokes You know, I was right about being in hall production for too long killing my sense of humour. Before i know it, I'll be as square as a freaking ice cube. And I've shamed the entire population of Asians. Again. Bah. Grinning Goat at 1/05/2005 06:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Albert Camus is a genius "Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal." "It's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money." "Integrity has no need of rules. " "Stupidity has a knack of getting its way." "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." And my favourite: "That must be wonderful; I have no idea of what it means." You think, maybe I should take philosophy as a minor? Grinning Goat at 1/05/2005 05:22:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Fuckin A Grade I used to wonder why teacher worries so much when his students are failing. I mean, like one teacher pointed out, this is your degree we're talking about, you can fail horribly and be unemployed, I have a degree, I can always look for another job. Because it's not a matter of doing your job well and get a payrise anymore. Sometimes it's a matter of pride. And you feel like a fucking failure when they fail you. When they do horribly. And for pessimists, maybe they'll spend their entire life searching for that perfection that never comes. Will perhaps, never come. Shite. I know I sound freaky being uncharacteristically philosophical. But I'm not sorry. 15 days to gig at Munchie Monkey. 19 days to Production. Fuck, this thing is killing my sense of humour. Grinning Goat at 1/05/2005 02:08:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, January 03, 2005 The art of smoking I was sitting through the run of Act One at the MPSH. Koko(the cast) as the character: Cigarette? Daniel (the cast) as the character :(shakes head) Koko(the cast) as the character: Still the goody-two-shoes eh? Director: Heyheyyyy! Adjust..adjust!!! Koko (the cast)as herself: adjust what?? Director: Your lips!!! Danny: why does it (the cigarette) points up so much? Next run: Koko(the cast) as the character: (lips adjusted properly)Cigarette? Daniel (the cast) as the character: (shakes head) Koko(the cast): Still the... R: hmmpppfffffffff......... Koko(the cast): goody-two......She (pointing at me) is very distracting! R: Hmmmppfff.....HUAHAHHAHAHAHA....I'm sorryy.....huahahahhaa The whole thing just turned out to be one hell of a comical pandemonium. You know what: a) The art of smoking ONE: Never press your lips together too much b) The art of smoking TWO: Don't let your cigarette points up! c) The art of smoking THREE: Only change the way you hold your cigarette after it's been placed in your mouth. i.e. Don't flip it in your hands. I can't believe I was hearing all that crap. Grinning Goat at 1/03/2005 05:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} In a little while Sometimes I feel like something is gone here Something is wrong here, I don't belong here Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town And I've lost what I've found, it'll all turn around Grinning Goat at 1/03/2005 06:59:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Destructive It was one of those mornings where mama and papa birds took the baby birds flying. He was always the slow one, never flapping its wings for more than three times before dropping back down. Tripple the distance and he'd have died. But yesterday. Yesterday, he managed to hover. Yet nobody saw him. Ah, there's always tomorrow. So the tomorrow that was that day, he flew ahead of mama and papa birds. Way way ahead of his siblings who's still chirping. Following closely to the dogma early birds get the worms, mama bird presumed. He never saw the arrow. Never saw it coming. Shot down. In front of mama and papa bird. That's just crap isn't it? That's as far as I'd go short of badmouthing somebody. The best part. I know I'm not the only one in this hell hole. Grinning Goat at 1/03/2005 03:41:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, January 02, 2005 Oh they're jolly good fellows Ok tomorrow everybody's face would be back to their usual gloom as school starts. Morning grouchiness. The shite-why-must-I-get-up-so-early look. The gloom and doom of schooldom. Bah. Ono was telling me about how Wedy's remedy for first day of encounters with a bunch of strangers works. See, you just have to come up to someone and start talking - what you talk about doesn't matter - just talk. And the success (if you can call it that) was signified by a promise of signing each other up on their gunbound's buddy list. Hah. The beauty of technology. Heh. I think humans are designed to be socially inept. That's why most of the time it's circumstances that force people together. You won't talk to strangers unless they're your neighbours, unless they're in your class (and you have to ask them when is the due date for the next assignment since you've missed the previous one's) That's why parties are jokes. But hey I'm not here to complain. The leaf school gang is going to have a reunion. That is going to be a blast. Hmmmmm. Not to mention the fact that at least there might be people who matter who's going to be at Munchie Monkey on the 6th. And the best part. I think the best part's not when we are shopping or watching movies or having dinner or playing pool together. I think the best part is when we just talk. Talking. Nothing beats that. Grinning Goat at 1/02/2005 05:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, January 01, 2005 Not a good start That wasn't a good entry to start the year eh? Here, let me give you one of my favourite quotes: Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience : this is the ideal life Mark Twain Really, I don't ask for much. Grinning Goat at 1/01/2005 03:26:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Three sides of a coin. I hate parties. I hate parties that don't have my parents in it. I hate parties where I almost know everybody's name but barely talk to more than half of them. Hah. I hate small talks. Because with small talks, you lie. You have to lie through your teeth. The house must be good, the food excellent, the hosts brilliant, the drink marvellous, the people nice. But that's just bogus because I've learnt in 20 years of my life that people can't be that good. That perfect. That nice. You know what my mother always say, whatever you think will be reflected in your expression. You may smile sweetly but your eyes will glint if you're smiling only for the sake of smiling. We don't read smiles, we read eyes and gestures. And today. It's interesting I must say. I get to see the side of people I've never seen before. Or rather, the side that I've suspected the person is capable of having but never really showed. And really, you just can't be that nice, that good and that perfect. Even only in the eyes of the public. This is probably the last time I'm doing this. It was awkward and I know everybody felt awkward. WTF. Ah subtle hints like that. I almost missed it if not for Ono jabbing me on the ribs. We should know when the fun ends. What was it that someone said? A smiling tiger. or rather in this case, a smiling tigres. Doesn't matter if we're lions. But it's different if we're zebras, eh? We were standing there like bloody morons, the light turned up ever so slowly. We tilted our head. We squinted. Hmmmm. Nothing. We weren't amazed. We weren't oooohhhh--ingg like we're supposed to be. You know there are some things that you buy in life. And there are other thigns you'll just never buy. We can stare at it for hours but that's as far as it goes. As fas as it will ever go. I hate lying. Fuck. Grinning Goat at 1/01/2005 02:50:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos