Saturday, October 30, 2004 Spite I'm telling you, my grandma can shit in their toilet for all she wants. It's not so much about what will benefit/deprive us, it's about spite. It's about shoving the shit up her face. That's right pal, I don't have to do this actually but I'll do it anyway because SPITE is a wonderful thing. Can you smell the shit already? I know we have to respect old people bla bla bla... I respect my parents for a start - although I don't have to agree with them all the time - but I'm hard up when it comes to my grandparents (or relatives). Let me sidetrack for a while, in a conquest to make my room look more decent and habitable, Wedy was asking me if she should bring this photograph where "all of us" were there. Oh Shite, don't give me the headache. Don't make me vomit blood. Relatives my ass. Some blood in your family is about as thick as an overdiluted soya bean milk (try it in Biz fac). Strangers can be more decent. Anyway, I think people who treat you shittily deserves shittier treatment. "Home already?" What kind of a freaking question is that. Oooohhh that really shows a lot of respect you know, especially when you're talking to your older sister and asking her for a favour because you're scared shitless of the whiny bitch that's your wife. Heh, divorce isn't a bad thing you know. A "home already?" deserves a "NO" and since the phone was with Kaka that's exactly what she did. Bravo, sis. "Bloody hell, how very respectful of him...let's just answer with a 'no' " "Don't say that..." "'s been sent" It's amazing how fake people can be. Ever seen a devout Christian who's scared shitless of his wife to the extent of forsaking an old lady - don't get me wrong it's not that I'm defending the old lady's rights - one who preach to you about goodness and angels and Jesus and Gods? Hell I don't think it takes a religion to know what's wrong and right. It takes proper education from your parents - so I'm sorry if your parents are whiny old bitch and bastard. In fact, it doesn't take much imagination to know how their daughter is going to turn out. One thing that strikes me as I talked to my neighbour the other day about religion was the argument of whether the fact that I refuse to adopt any religion was not because of lack of religious experience but rather skepticism that I can't get rid of for an inexplicable reason. But hell it works both ways isn't it? It's either that or simply I've gotten some experience which makes me a skeptic. God it feels good to spite someone. Someone you're supposed to respect but can't for some reasons ( being a chicken shit who can't even speak up against a whiny bitch being on top of the lists ) I love this shoving the responsibility games. Whiny bitch can shove for all she wants. You won't have it easy you bitch. Because we'll struggle. We'll bite, we'll scratch. And not for the sake of our survival, or our benefit. Really. We do it just so that you won't have it easy. Isn't that fun? We can go on with this game for years. And in the mean time, my grandma can shit in their toilet for all she wants. Grinning Goat at 10/30/2004 10:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} It's not about giving them the claw, it's about butchering them to death Everybody's an asshole at some point in their lives. I see people get stabbed in the back. I see them change. My paranoia has a basis for its existence. They say every man for himself, they don't say every people for themselves. Ooohhh it's just all the more devastating when the stab represents more than physical injuries. It makes you want to butcher people to death. Clawing them, having their warm blood drip from your fingertips won't be enough. A desire for revenge is understandable. It's the most basic human emotion. A full-proof defense mechanism. All it takes is one lift of that little bit of self-restraint. And there you go. It's not that hard. Grinning Goat at 10/30/2004 10:25:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 29, 2004 Je chante sous la pluie - I'm singing in the rain R: I'm singi... Karol: STOP... R:... Karol: raining lah... Ah anyway, this may be somewhat irrelevant to the title but there were these two kids in my block - yes, the sons of downstairs' auntie (whoever) who just have to take a bath on our floor everytime without fail. The older was probably around 8-9 years old? And that kid was according to some perverted. My neighbour complained yesterday about the brat touching a certain private part. Ah see who said kids are innocent? They aren't always. Certainly not a certain breed of them who keep showering on our floor. Heh but he didn't dare to be funny with me. Perhaps because I reserve killer looks for irritating kids. Hell I made some kid cry a couple of years back for making a tiny winy dot on the back of my school uniform with a marker. And I didn't do much of anything, I just told the bastard to own up - which she didn't do even when the marker pen was on her hand, uncapped and she was right behind me. Not that I mind having that little dot on my back - the uniform wasn't grand to begin with. Kids aren't innocent folks. Some 6 years old maybe -please be reminded that anyone can be innocent and irritating at the same time- but you're pushing your luck too far if you think 8-9 year olds are. They're bloody irritants. That's all there is to it. Pretentious bastards. And I can't even shower in peace. Grinning Goat at 10/29/2004 06:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Stop laughing for the love of God I wasn't the laughter as much as the half-assed jokes/stories that drove me bonkers. Come on guys, your stories AREN'T FUNNY. Snap out of it. Isn't it just sad when people start laughing because they don't want to offend you and not because you're terribly funny? That's why socialising is so tiring, because everybody would try to fit in. Some half ass would come up with half-assed jokes (ooohhhh...) trying to attract attention and some idiots would laugh trying to be heard (regardless of the half-assed substance half-assed managed to come up with). Bleh. Why did I agree to go in the first place again? It becomes this whole cycle of stupid stories followed by stupider laughters. Get a grip people, it's alright (hell, it's admirable) to NOT laugh at something you don't think is funny. Or I suppose the alternative explanation for this terribly irritating and stupid behaviour is that there are a lot ( a lot a lot ) of people out there with warped sense of humour. Arrggggghhh I can't stand the whole pretention business. If I look anti-social, you know why. Grinning Goat at 10/27/2004 04:13:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, October 26, 2004 Nonsense We were sitting through the final full run of Acoustica (before the real thing tomorrow) in the band room. It was really packed so we had to squat near the door. Then someone came in, "What are you all doing here?" "We're the squatters" "Erhh?" "Yea, you just move on over there (pointing to the sofa at the farther end of the room) to the condo area" "Why are you smiling away being in a slum and all?" "We're happy squatters" I know it's really really lame but I couldn't help but laughing. Hmmm, must be the lack of sleep (yeah, blame it all on the lack of sleep man...) Gosh it was better than watching tv, for the most part anyway (if I just ignore this guy who smelled so cloyingly sweet; I always wondered what's that sickly smell in the microphone- the smell always was stuck to my hands after practice- but just now it was the moment of revelation I can even point you which guy smelled that smell ) Sherry's duet with Surath was awesome. I want to do a duet with him one of these days. I mean if I can't duet with Bryan Adams, he's my next best bet. Acoustica's going to be fun. Grab the tickets folks. Two bucks for a voice like that? It's bloody worth your money. Grinning Goat at 10/26/2004 04:02:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Errrhh... During French tutorial, I was sitting beside this guy who was supposed to be in my lecture group as well. And the Madame was telling everybody to start a conversation (between two friends on the phone) And this guy was writing down the conversation because it made things easier when we presented our conversation to the class. He wrote: Friend 1 (his part) : Allo yee zhi ici Friend 2 (my part) : Allo Friend 1 : l'apres midi vous pouvez..... ehh..something's not quite right, so I asked him "Ici means here...uhuh...what's yee zhi?" "It's my name" "ooooohhhhhhh" To think that he's in my tutorial class AND lecture group. Man I have such a fantastic memory. Grinning Goat at 10/26/2004 03:53:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 25, 2004 The sad truth of it all People remember all the wrong things. Perhaps it's the way the brain is wired. Yes, Beethoven's the great composer. But he's also the mad musician. Regardless of his policies, Clinton's the president who had the hots for his secretary. Lam Peng Kwan's the paedophile who went to jail. Kurt Cobain's the guy who overdosed. Christopher Reeve is our paralysed now deceased superman. It's like people get a kick out of remembering all the flaws. Relishing every single little details. And when they're sharing that little piece of information, it's almost like they're beaming with pride. Nah, she's not the harmless granny, she's the granny who got mugged. He's the guy who got drunk and puked all over the couch. She's the bitch who gave me the fist. He's the bastard who stood them up. She's the moron who pushed him down the drain. He's the fat ass who refused to lend me his coat. And the list goes on. So the problem with next week's performance would be the possibility of screwing up. It's like what they said in that show (what's the name I forgot), he's not the nice guest, he's the guy who choked on his turkey. OOooohh flea market may be more threatening than it looks. She's the irritating stupid ass who disturbed us in the flea market while we were eyeing that pair of socks... She's the whiny MC who can't MC for nuts... Get her outta the stage for the love o God... Arrrrkkkkk. Ah. Hmmm. Flea market here I comeeeeeeee Grinning Goat at 10/25/2004 02:59:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, October 23, 2004 NO SUCH THING Papaya juice (with milk) doesn't contribute to breast enhancement. Papaya juice (with milk) does nothing of the sort. Come on, man. Shift your target elsewhere. Leave breast enhancement on the hands of And on a lighter note. Some tips on which stall to buy your papaya juice (with milk) from in NUS (a proof of how limited my scope is nowadays) 1. Science's Fac - a lot of ice. If you like the dilute sort, this shall be the stall for you. Or of course you can bribe the auntie with an additional 20 cents for her to loose the diluteness...I'm not sure if flirting works. Heh 2. Art's Fac - the best buy in 3. YIH - stingy ass. It's more expensive and you barely taste the papaya. It's not papaya juice with milk you're drinking, it's milk with papaya flavour. 4. Biz - Hmmm it's passable I guess. I didn't pay too much attention. Am always too sleepy on friday morning to analyse much of anything. As for Engin fac, I've never tried. But the best bet so far is in Art's fac. Heh, or Science (while bribing)if you can't help it. So please, people...leave papaya out of breast enhancement okay. Attack the chickenssssssss Grinning Goat at 10/23/2004 01:16:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 20, 2004 Harbinger of bad news for the average underachiever The pessimist in me starts questioning the feasibility of my becoming a writer, ever. The optimist in me says I may not be able to write about events well but that's a far cry from not being able to write at all. I wonder if I screwed up the stanza. I guess I did. I knew something must be wrong. It always is when I start waking up earlier than usual for no particular reason. And being rejected by BOTH The Hall Annual Magazine and Hall Bulletin Board, that was the ultimate morning spoiler. I guess it puts me in perspective. I thought I was going somewhere with writing. Well, I guess like Biwi said I did. The Ridge was a helluva hell of a wonderful start - it helped that my article made it. But the fact that they gave that post to someone else, it makes me wonder if I'm up to the mark. Where do I stand among the best? Pit bottom? Some seniors are going to give a mini talk later in the evening regarding some interview skills. I know I won't be going. Perhaps my pride stops me. Even the cold shower didn't help. The revelation that you might not be good at the things you like is like a slap in the face. Perhaps I should stop snickering at singapore idol wannabes - the whole nation knows they're nowhere near the top. But I know that will be a feat, because I get this evil satisfaction laughing my ass off at someone who's in the same if not shittier boat I'm in - God bless my soul. Ah let me take a walk and nurse my injured pride a little. Grinning Goat at 10/20/2004 11:06:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Uncensored They wanted me to continue a poem! Ross the literature-illiterate is writing a stanza. Hmm check this out guys. The first stanza was what they gave me. The subsequent ones would be what I wrote. Ross on the loose. George Bush's America the Beautiful Oh beautiful for spacious lies And fake bin Laden tapes For yellow-cake uranium And evidence that's baked America, America There's oil don't you see? Though it's a sham, I'll bomb Sadam So there'll be more for me! Through sheer persistence I arrive here Shrieks and forewarning calls I did not hear What’s there to heed When a whole expanse of opportunities are lying at my feet Remember those cookies? They’re yellow, cloyingly sweet. But nothing is worse than your brother-in-arms Deserting you Hey, whatever happens to camaraderie? Are we friends or are you enemy? My face is unveiled. Unfathomable. The way they resist when I persist Where shall I sail from here? Alright now alright now, there's no need to cringe... I shall blow you away (Heh) with this one. This was what I wrote for the interview for Hall Annual Magazine. After pouring out my serious blood with the Ridge, I think it's time I played around a little. The title was inspired by none other than Ms. Beautifuk although perhaps my version was somewhat the more toned down version....Heeee... Truly Kent Ridge Malaysia may be truly Asia but Malaysian Night? Now, that’s truly KR. I didn't take it seriously when they said a five dollar note can buy me an antidote for boredom. For me, the night started out like one of those nights where you stuck your head out the corridor and nobody was around – like there's something secret going on, something good everybody was on about. Then I remembered my yellow ticket – the alleged boredom slayer. Making my way down to the hot and stuffy hall, I was ushered by this really nice lady – the epitome of Malaysian hospitality. The night was young and everybody seemed to be enjoying the performance. What caught my attention particularly was this dangerous game - I call it the bamboo-dancing game -where you get to test your reflexes. Bamboo-dancing game could cost us our ankles if we're not careful! But of course our fellow Malaysian residents were much too friendly to cause us any harm. Looking at it again, it was more a test of our ability to keep up with the rhythm rather than a risk-your-ankle game fear factor style. Another reason why anybody shouldn't miss the Malaysian Night was the food. In fact, if I remember correctly some people came just when the food was served. That certainly though, was not enough to reduce such a great night into a mere mass supper. The food tasted more like a local Malay food. This was confirmed by my two Malaysian neighbours. I suppose the trick to tasting certain Malaysian delicacies is to go right down to Malaysia. Things from home will always taste different - which makes me wonder, do they taste different just because they're home-made? The curry was a great hit with the crowd although when I ponder upon it now, curry is more Indian rather than Malay. I think I just witnessed another racial boundaries being crossed - there's nothing like unity through common interest in food! Besides, the point is to simulate the atmosphere, to perhaps cure homesick residents out there and I think they've done brilliantly. The ending was perfect. The night ended with frantic searching for the mysteriously disappearing tickets to wealth – the lucky draw tickets pasted under the chairs – by members of the audience. If that doesn't entertain you, what will? Who says a five-dollar note can't buy you your much needed antidote for boredom? Some are lies but I tried to stick to the truth whenever I could. Grinning Goat at 10/20/2004 02:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, October 19, 2004 Unco-operative It was irritating the way it just rained when we've only swam for 45 minutes. Ah yea, because I didn't want to be responsible for Karol's death in case of an attack by a lightning bolt, we dragged our ass out of the pool. KArol who forgot to bring everything (Comb, soap, shampoo, goggles -she was wearing her contact lens so she basically didn't submerge her head under water while swimming which in my opinion is almost as good as not swimming at all) but her swim suit complained after we were done showering that she wasn't as tired as she wanted to be. (She thought of being tired as a privilege, a proof that she's done something) " can you be tired when all you did was float?" "gggggggrrrrrrrrr" After that for some reason she needed to go to the University Hall and since it rained we had to take a detour, climbing down and up the other side of the road and just before we reached the bus stop, four bloody bus passed us by. Bleh so we waited a good 10-15 minutes only to take the wrong bus. Okay actually I knew bus A1 doesn't go to University Hall but Karol sounded so sure that it did I stopped arguing. AND while waiting for bus C at the University Hall's bus stop, we missed another bus again because (as Karol put it) Ross wanted to slowly drank her coffee. (hey it was hot, because unlike someone I pressed the correct button. I didn't get the cold one...) And when bus C came, I boarded it only to find the driver telling me that that particular bus would only go as far as the carpark so I should just wait 4 3 minutes for the next bus that comes along. R: Bloody hell, the next bus'll come only in 43 minutes!! Karol: So what now, we just take bus B? R: I guess. We have no choice if we don't want to miss class On the bus... KArol: ROSS, THAT BEHIND US IS THE OTHER BUS C!!! R: maybe that uncle meant wait for 4 (to) 3 minutes??? Not 43 minutes? (PLAK!! You heard the sound of a forehead being slammed here...) Ops, ok so I was slow. What a freaking day. Missing 7 busses. Do you have anything that rivals that?? Grinning Goat at 10/19/2004 08:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 18, 2004 MC-ing is no funny monkey "Who can MC here?" "I can try" And that was it. Me and my big mouth. You know what ladies and gentleman, it wasn't just going to be a flea market. Yes, the stage may be on top of some hill. Yes, people may sell all sorts of nonsensical things. But apparently the flea market is a huge hit with the locals because even our Minister Lim Swee Say would be there, according to Rossli. Andddd based on past experience.. okay let me tell you the story...during some function I forgot what, Mr.Minister was supposed to sing Yue Liang Dai Biao wo De Xing in front of the crowds and Rossli happened to be the guitarist on the house who's supposed to accompany him. During rehearsal, they did a sound check. "lalalala..." "Hmm...okay so you sing in C minor" :: A couple of days later on another rehearsal... "Sir, can you sing again" "lalallaa..." (Rossli pulling his hair out. WHAT!!! THAT'S A 'D'!!!) Hmm...okay so he changed the key again... On the day itself... "Sir, sir...can we try one more time..." "Lalalala..." And it was in F# minor... Yes, I shall refrain from commenting any further. But Rossli was saying just now that perhaps while I was MC-ing , I may want to put that little tit bit of information in. Something like... "Sooo...Yvonne...this will be a quite challenging song for you eh?...You think you can match up to Mr. Minister?" And Yvonne probably would feel like bashing my head with a saucepan. Ah and I think I know what's the difference between Freak and Dang. Dang has fun when he plays, he put some variations in the song even when he's sticking closely to the original version. Freak on the other hand strives for perfection, he plays it exactly like it is. Well I guess if total immitation is what you're after Freak's the man. I seriously don't know which quality makes a better guitarist. And oh we got some weird weird conversations too. "Hey, Ross check it out...the land of the rising cock" "The what???" "Just poke your head out the door and you can see the banner. The land of the rising cock" And so I did. And it was the land of the rising coc...erhh....rooster... Grinning Goat at 10/18/2004 11:01:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Embarrassing Ok, so the Ridge's out today. And even though CNA isn't exactly under my jurisdiction, I still manage because as it turned out, I don't need people to publicise the damn thing. The almighty Karol did it all. Karol: many shall I take? R: Three? You, Po and Jackie? Karol: (taking a handful of them) and Shir and Mak Lin... And I honestly thought she took just five. That was until I saw the bundle under her arms. R: HOW MANY DID YOU TAKE MAN??? Karol: (apparently just realising the blunder) ehh ehh....yea I took a lot... Po: Huahahaha Karol: Damn, this is going to be one embarrassing climb up the LT back to our seats, carrying a bundle of magazines like this...heh..Like what am I carrying all this for? R: Because you're my fan? KArol: Najisssssss R: Huahahahha And oh, someone took a jab at me too regarding the upcoming gig... Po: Hey, you want to watch Ross in action? Karol: Huh?? Po: When's it going to be again? R: 31 st of October Karol: yeh, I want to see...where is it? Po: In some flea market. Karol: Huh?? Flea market? Po: know the place where they sell all the nonsensical things... KArol: It's going to be in the flea market??? Mhuahahahahahha R: ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Karol: How much do we have to pay? Po: It's free Karol: ah's a flea market... R: GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR Towards the end of the lecture... Karol: What am I going to do with all this?? Po: Distribute them...huahahha Karol: (to some stranger behind us) Here, take this. The stranger obliged Karol: (pointing to me) She wrote this... R: KArolll!!!!! at the end of Showie's lecture, outside the LT... Karol: (surrounded by a bunch of people - her scientific methodology class people I presume) Hey Ross! See them? All reading the mag...she wro... R: (Noticing how all the pages are turned to a very very familiar page...)WOOYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! KAROLLLLLLL!!!! Let's get the hell out of here man... Po: Huahahahah Bleh that was embarrassing. Grinning Goat at 10/18/2004 04:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, October 17, 2004 Descendants of Heaven I was watching this documentary "Keepers of the Faith" on CNA last night. It's ironic how CNA sometimes present something about certain aspects of my country even I didn't know about. About two years ago I went road-travelling from one end of Java to the other end right up to Bali. And in Bali I visited this lake near Mount Batok. In fact we crossed it in a small boat (so small you'd think of it toppling sideways everytime you moved. Nerve-wrecking really. Makes me wonder how Channel News Asia did it with their cameras, lighting systems and all) CNA did a cover on those very same spot. The biggest irony I guess is the fact that I didn't know that place existed until someone mentioned it in my Bahasa Indonesia class in Primary School. The place is called Truniyan. The people (The Bali Agas)there don't bury their dead, neither do they cremate them (as opposed to the majority of The Bali Hindu). They just left the dead in some spot across the lake in an open ground. No tombstone whatsoever. When I was in the boat crossing the lake to reach that very spot, it was raining. It was spine-chilling the way the rain just started a couple of meters away from the cemetery, it was like the whole place was enshrined in this fine mists that were absent in other parts of the lake. CNA reflected a bit if not some of my sentiment. It must have been negligence on their part to not mention the fact that beggars on boats were everywhere, scaring the shit out of you in the already unstable boat you're in. Or how they must've tried hard not to let the locals cheat them out of their money by charging them exorbitant price for almost everything, when all they can see in the muddy ground is well...mud. So much for that story about how some morbid tourists took a small piece of human bone away as memento. All I saw was mud. And we didn't bother to explore further really, because the prospect of being mugged in the middle of nowhere with supposedly (supposedly because I saw nothing) human corpses lying around, with beggars on a boat all over the place is not very pleasant. Not to belittle my fellow countrymen but truthfully I couldn't trust anyone there. On the journey there I saw rows of houses on one end of the lake. I remembered daydreaming how it must be like living there. Not good apparently. CNA actually bothered to cross to that side of the lake to see how the locals live their lives. The houses were dark (they don't understand the concept of having windows) and well..somwehat primitive (althought the village head strongly condemns the sayings that they're anywhere near primitive. Primitive is a forbidden word in front of the village head mind you) The irony lies in the fact that the villagers there thought they're descendants of the Goddess. The blessed few. I just wonder how anyone can totaly block out ouside influence like that. Where faith is all that matters. I can clearly see that inbreeding is rampant (tradition forbids marriages outside the clan). The fact that their tradition stands even until now means something. Do they not think? Do they not wonder what's out there? The thing is I'm sure everybody thinks or else how does civilization progress in the first place? But I suppose there'll come a point when we just stop questioning things. I hope that day'll never come to me. It's just sad isn't it? To stop wondering, to stop imagining. To stagnate. And know that you are where you were a dozen years ago. I guess Truniyan youths must've questioned the current practices. But to be able to do something about it is something else altogether. I know that people find comfort in religion. How can I not when so many people tell me that? I guess it keeps life in focus, give it a meaning. Because at the end of it all, what are we all doing here? Plodding along. And there are so many religions out there, it's almost like (pardon me) picking the right cabbage while doing your grocery shopping. You can never be absolutely sure you've picked the right cabbge, can you? Oh well I guess you can. It's me who can't. Because what makes you think the concept of right and wrong isn't wrong in the first place? What if believing in one religion excludes you from the other religions out there - which it undoubtedly will? How can I ever decide which is right when I don't even know what is wrong? Nothing is, I suppose. It's all relative. I've sorted this one out a couple of years ago. I'm going to be a free-thinker. Because what matters I guess is not who you belive in but rather what. And to do good, you don't need divine intervention. Ah by the way THE RIDGE's OUT. FINALLY!!!!! And for the long overdue pictures, I just upload them, do check them out in Sneak Peek. Grinning Goat at 10/17/2004 09:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 15, 2004 Lalalaa... I'm going to be the Vocal Director for the upcoming Hall Production!!! WOOHHOOOOO. Talk about missing the audition (painfully; out of sheer ignorance) for the cast. Now I'm going to be the one training them how to sing. Mhuahahaha. I can't be more pleased. Brimming with enthusiams here. Plans plans plans. Breathing exercises, pitching,... They better not be out of tune. THAT's usually inate and hard to get rid of. Ah yep yep yep, in a pretty jolly mood. I'm pulling out of JAmX too. Probably am going to try that next year. In the mean time, welcome to Ross' pitching class kidssssssssssssssssss Grinning Goat at 10/15/2004 11:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Why having a mouth may not be such a blessing In USA's class, there's this guy who at first seemed all enthusiastic, raising hands every once in a while (sometimes without anybody asking) to give his Recently he's been getting on my nerves (and Po's as well i think) doing that. Because instead of saying something new/a fresh perspective, he just summarised the whole lecture. Now do we all look like we can't summarise things for ourselves?? It's like he's trying so hard to suck up he couldn't just shut up for one session. He just have to blabber. And it's nothing brilliant. Because USA's been telling us those very same things just a couple of minutes ago. In greater detail, in amore interesting (hardly irritating) manner. Well at least it is her job to teach. Now the last time I checked students don't teach in a bloody lecture. Preachy ass. And that's not to say that I'm against people speaking up in class. (In fact I think it makes things more interesting ) For one thing there's this Indian guy who often gives valuable contributions in the discussion, because unlike someone he has something of substance to say, often backed up by relevant examples. Certainly not a freaking summary. We were trying hard not to roll our eyes everytime preachy speaks (Po called him Mount Krakatau - I shall refrain from telling why) God help us. Grinning Goat at 10/15/2004 10:40:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 13, 2004 Mhuhauhahah- The Flies in Me Having FOUR Indonesians in one bench turned out to be very disastrous indeed. It was one jolly afternoon. Because 1. The report won't be graded. Actually, no report to speak of. So whoopeee... 2. We spent one and a half hour staring our eyes silly, looking at flies (your majesty Drosophilla)... I think I felt a certain sense of affiliation after observing their compound eyes, shaggy abdomen and hairy antennae. I can't believe I'll ever say this but insects look delicate in close-ups. And Po was asking, " are we going to pick up those flies? No forceps?" Now, we know why we're given a paint brush and not forceps. Forceps will crush those little babies. Even with paint brush, their tiny winy wings sometimes get stuck and we had to shake the little babies a bit before they'll drop back down - and I'm telling you crushing a fly is a lot easier than it looks. 3. We were trying hard not to laugh. Before we can take out the Drosophilla to observe them under the microscope, we'll have to knock them out. And the magic dope that'll do this is this solution called FLYNAP. Mhuahahaha and Karol was complaining about how she was sleepy and how that must have been the result of her inhaling the flynap. I think I was somewhat sleepy too. This can only mean one thing, there are flies in all of us. Or that Flynap can double up as RossNap and KarolNap. 4. And the kind of conversations that we get!!! "Eh gila tadi yah pas gua do lalat yg sepia itu yah..gua tuh inget sephianya sheila on 7 lo ampe mo nyanyi2 gitu..." "Shepia itu kan laguunya serem kan? Soalnya Sheila on 7 disuru bikin that song buat someone yg uda mati..." "wah...ah masa seh??" TA: CAN YOU GUYS SPEAK ENGLISH PLEASE??? And on we went with our native tongue... TA: Hey guys, if you're done observing the wild type, move on to the mutant ones. It's X-Men time... 5. And the name they give the flies!!! "Can you pass me Dumpy?" (This conversation can take on a bizarre turn if the lab's not the setting) "Done with the Yellow? Here take Ebony, I need Yellow" "Hey checked out Wrinkled. Wrinkly babies..." (Okay...I said that...) "Ooohhh...Ross, it's moving its legs" "Ah, not enough dope eh?" "Just dope 'em again. FLyNap won't kill anyway right?" "Yea, I think not, it doesn't say 'FLyDeath' " "Okay then, here dope them again" "Uh..uh..." "What's wrong?" "I soaked them..." "WHAT??" "Do you think they'll die from an overdose?" Grinning Goat at 10/13/2004 08:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The Punch Line Okay guys, the CAC band's gig will be on the 31st of October. It'll start at around 8 (I think. Wait, or is it 10?). And I shall invite you all to come and watch us at the Holland Village. More specifically, it'll be at some I told my neighbour this and she almost choked brushing her teeth. Huahahaha. Hey...flea market's not bad...huahhahaha. We'll get paid- not that we're hard up. I guess I should've expected this since it's more like a joint performance between the CAC guitar club and the CAC Band. And the CAC guitar club people get all the creepy crawlies songs. Yep, songs like (O God)Ye Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin or One Night in Beijing. It wasn't really their choice actually. Because a good performer knows what song fits the taste of the audience - songs that'll strike a chord in all the aunties and uncles of the flea market...huahahahah- yes? Ah flea market or some fancy cafe/clubs notwithstanding, it'll be great if you guys can come down. Hey, who knows....Ye Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin may strike your fancy....huahahhahaha... Grinning Goat at 10/13/2004 11:01:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 11, 2004 Escapism Rossli was right. Jamming/practising wasn't so much a chore as it was some sort of an escapism for us all. We did Sweet Child. And I have to say the Rockers did it (more) neatly. Ours wasn't as neat just now. (Dang confessed he just practised the night before) and the ending, as Rossli put it "wasn't quite there yet". Truthfully it sounded to me like nobody's sure when it's supposed to end (confession: including me). The only one who didn't screw up was probably Henry the drummer. (Actually this china guy- he's actually a local but for some reason I always thought he was from china- was supposed to be the drummer for this particular song but he never heard of the song before. THAT IS A CRIME! How can anyone NEVER heard of it??? deprived, deprived...) Anyway, I am getting desperate now. I've decided to stay. (That's right whatever I said before a week ago was a lie. Pretty much) I want to stay next year. And that means being in the Rockers alone wouldn't be sufficient. Sports, I have no talent for. Except for badminton and swimming, so I'm going for the trials. Committee. With such a sharp mouth, I'm no politician. Neither am I very interested in bossing people around or organising stuff. (The fact that I think orientation's stupid doesn't help) That's why I'm running (I wonder if that's the correct term since it only involves interviews, no votings etc) for the position of Chief Editor (with a capital C and E. Heh) under the Hall Bulletin Board. Or failing that, I'll try the position of writer or graphic designer. Up next. Hall Production. They don't need a vocalist!!! I almost want to sulk. Heh. And they only need two guitarists. A basist and a lead. Arrrggghhh. They don't even need rhythm...(What I'm only good for probably...) And the audition for the cast is closed. Me and my ignorance. Like my neighbour told me, Ross when you're in the lift, pay attention to your surroundings....(All notices are put up there) Usually, the moment I see my floor I just stepped out - obviously. Heh. Or the alternarive would be checking the yahoo group for the block. -.-'' And since the Hall Production option's out for me (unless I want to run for stage manager bla bla bla...), I'm opting to join JAMX for this year. Woohooo. Ah anyway, I'm going to busy myself to death. Because by hook or by crook, I am staying next year. I'm a phantom no more. Hell, I'm a true blue resident. "Ross, you don't know half the name of the people in this building..." So I'll learn. Grinning Goat at 10/11/2004 11:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, October 10, 2004 Stop the bullshit game The aim of the bullshit game is to earn money without imparting too much knowledge, hell or worse, imparting the wrong knowledge. The secondary aim is to not benefit the middle-man a.k.a money-grabbing You'll know the bullshit game's being played when 1. You ask this particular question half the class can't solve, or for JC students one that your tutor proclaimed S paper question (but one that'll benefit you nontheless) and they started stumbling over their answers. Or they started giving you shitty answers that make you doubt their credibility. Or one that clearly is very different from the answers given in school. (Now why would you ask if you know the answer? Simple. It's just to tell if the bullshit game's being played. In fact, it's one of the most effective test. Heh) 2.You keep cancelling the session because a) you're always sleepy b)you're sick looking at their face c) You're sick being bossed around (hey, you thought you were the one paying, why did you get bossed around??) 3.You were trying to get value for money, starting to ask them to bring your work home to mark yet they always fail to remember bringing your papers back. 4.They say, "I'll get back to you next week" and never do. 5.They always set up an early session but when the time comes, always try to postpone. Having too hard a time dragging themselves out of bed. "What time can you come tomorrow?" "10" "Ok" :: "You're coming today at 10 right?" "What if I come at 12?" "I have church/stuff in the afternoon" :: "So are you coming today?" "Yep, at 10" :: At 10.35... "Where are you now?" "On my way in the bus" And you'll know when they keep trying to cancel morning sessions, that your house's too far... Grinning Goat at 10/10/2004 07:37:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Everywhere I guess there are always people out there who tought there are some values in junk mails- all those irritating forwardeds. Because...tada...all of a sudden the block's yahoo group's full of shit like that. And I'm not even supposed to check that particular group too often. Opss. Too full of crap in itself. It might as well be my luck that I changed my mail inbox's setting to "receiving important mails only". I just want to take this opportunity *ehem..ehem..* to applaud someone who wrote this to slam the shitheads that sent all those forwardeds. "Okay… since fatty wants to be the nice guy & qh + hf has stop their *f* thingy, I’l do it then -à The stupid block mail is meant for IMPORTANT relevant information with regards to the block and hall. Not some crap about which stranger got wat prize, my wife gave birth to a monster or there’s a earthquake in Singapore!" Bravo mate. Heh Grinning Goat at 10/10/2004 07:30:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, October 09, 2004 How does it go again? Throughout the movie... J:(to Qutu) So...who's she again? Qutu: (to me) So..ross....who's that old lady in pink? R: (to Po) eh, that cranky old lady, who's she? Po: (to Dedel) Ross's asking who's that old lady... Dedel: err........ :: :: J:(to Qutu) where's he going? Qutu: Where's the kid going? R: Po) where's he going? some school. Sponsored by the old man I think. At the end of the movie... Qutu: Whoa...the song...that was weird...huahaha R: That's it? That's the ending? abrupt can things get... Dedel: Why do we always watch unclear movies... (kok kita selalu nonton film yg ga jelas seh...) R: Huahahaha... Dedel: The most irritating part....some people were laughing and we were like 'errrhh...'. Blah... Po: so, J does reading the book help? J: No, actually I didn't read the book...just the review... R: Oh I've read the review too. I forgot. Dedel: Huahahaha I think it's too art-sy... R: think the movie was supposed to be like that. Unclear and everything... Dedel: So it's not just us being stupid? R: Neh... Grinning Goat at 10/09/2004 11:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 08, 2004 Disappointing Being a Rockapella convert, I listened to a lot of their songs. And I have to say most of them are quite quite disappointing. It's not just the Sweet Child o Mine they manage to destroy. They destroy Pachabel's Canon in D, Eric Clapton's Wonderful tonight, Third-eye-blind'd Semi-charmed of life and Come on Eileen. Zombie Jamboree, For the longest time, The Lion Sleeps tonight and in the stil of the night are the exceptions. BAsically songs that can do without musical instruments. Or even, without the need for them to immitate the sound of a musical instrument. I mean, listen to their Sweet Child O Mine. It's a crime against such a work of art. That's probably the reason why I didn't watch Timeline. I'll just end up getting disappointed because nomatter how good the movie is, it'll never be the replica of the book. Would never do the book justice. And Timeline's is one of Chricton's most brilliant books. Some things, you can just create once. Any attempts to replicate it will just destroy the whole thing. Blah, Rockapella's been disappointing. Grinning Goat at 10/08/2004 11:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Out of step with the world The first time I learnt about the concept of death - the first time it struck me that everybody will die, that people die - it was in primary school. Back then I used to go to my grandma's house to watch a movie. I'd sit there staring at the Tv screen thinking about death. All the whatifs. What if it's someone I know. What if it's tomorrow. And sometimes the movie doesn't help. Someone was dying there - with cancer... I used to marvel at how adults move on with life as if nothing happens knowing all along that people die. It's not so much the knowledge of me dying that's frightening, it's the people around me. Makes me wonder about death. The difference is just that short walk to the kitchen to get the kitchen knife. (No, I'm not suicidal.) And with someone's death, mistakes will seem amplified. You're out of step with the world because you want time to freeze. Frozen in your favour because grief kills. |ady Death is right. EVERYBODY lives on borrowed time and like my bio tutor said after Wendy's death two years ago, it's easier to let go when someone gives you a time frame, when death isn't random. Yes I guess my greatest fear is that. Death. It's irreversible. Don't think of coming back when you make that short trip to the kitchen. The fact that our memory's far from being flawless is probably our self-defense mechanism kicking in. Because if you remember every little details, every events in your life, how are you going to deal with grief? I should probably get some sleep. Writing about death at this time of the day is probably not advisable. Not a healthy thing to do. Grinning Goat at 10/08/2004 05:48:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Blah Acoustica will be at the end of this month, very very close to the gig the CAC band's going to have. I'm going to try something different this time. Soul. Either I pull it off or I don't. We jammed til about 2 in the morning. Some of us have free day tomorrow while some of us have a class in the morning conducted by Ms United States of America (USA) but heh we still made our way up to Ben's room to watch Kill Bill (volume 2) Rachel: Are they all killed? R: errr.... Rachel: Ben, pause it. Ben paused the movie. Rachel: So...are they all killed? I thought...... Sarah: Rachel... this is not some class where we pause movies to analyse them... R: Huhahahaha :: :: Rachel: Hey, pause the movie for a while R: Why? You want to analyse it? Rachel: (grrrr) Nooooo....I want to see how much longer is it going to be before it ends.... Turned out it's going to be a while before the movie ended...heh so we stopped half way. I just realised, someone actually kept fish (the only legal pets in the hall) on the sixth floor. With aquariums and all. Sixth floor definitely looks more inhabited than third floor. Some people revamped the whole room so it looks somewhat different, shift the bed and everything. Put up posters, pictures, paintings, install a lamp (the spotlight kind)!, place funny duddy stickers on their door knobs.....stick out a flag in front of their room (yes, a flag...)....air freshener, fridge...some big poster that looks suspiciously like a periodic table when actually it's about the art of mixing alcoholic drinks...some sign board that says you can be fined up to S$50 for causing disturbance after midnight....a plastic plate complete with the plastic fork on the door...a CD on the door... MAkes me wonder. What don't they have?? Apparently that's part of what being a resident is all about. Seriously though, I'm more comfortable with the current band. Somehow the practice was more fun. And I have to hand it to them. Most of them are the kind who can listen to a new song and just play. Sure we use Olga at some point, but for the most part they manage to do it on their own. With so many talented people out there it's sad the way Singapore Idols attract all the wrong crowds. And it's a wonder how anyone can still think it's a singing competition. Grinning Goat at 10/08/2004 05:09:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, October 07, 2004 What goes round comes round It's funny the way I always thought I was only half-listening and didn't give two shits about the advice that he gave me and to actually repeat his advice to him. Memory works in the strangest ways. Grinning Goat at 10/07/2004 01:08:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, October 06, 2004 Backstab of the worst kind. FUCK OFF. I'm too furious to write anything coherent today. You don't bite the hands that feed you. Even dogs know better than to do that. Even dogs have that little bit of self-respect. That ability to recognise what help they get form others. Even animals DON'T attack their friends. I seriuosly don't doubt that what makes a person a person makes him an animal. A bastard. A lowly cunt. A piece of cow dung - hell even a piece of dung still serves a function. Utter shit. A fucker. Even the word fucker doesn't quite describe it. That's probably why a lioness with a cub is fiercest. Because fuckers are out there. At least with the lions you don't have to worry about uncle lion attacking the cubs. At least when they receive help, they will recognise it. They might not return the favour but at least they stay clear of your path, they don't attack their helpers. Even animals know the limit. I wonder if giving us a brain is the worst thing God has ever done. Who invented the concept of revenge? I doubt animals seek revenge. Who am I kidding, I'm not against revenge. Hell no, I am ALL FOR IT. Some people just deserve it. Don't you think? Some people deserve to die a hundred times. But then again death may be the best thing that can happen to them. Yes, I'm bruised. I'm bitter. I'm vengeful. I'll probably just be an extra addition to the burgeoning population of angry people, won't I? The world is full of bruised, angry and bitter people. What is it with people? Why is a person who doesn't spread his wings and bare his teeth always got picked on? Someone good enough to help open the way. Open your way. Not many people do that. Are we really going to drive this people to extinction??? What the fuck is wrong with the world? Must we always maintain that perpetual state of hostility? Can't we help anyone without risking being stabbed in the back? Trust me, after this I'll help nobody. I'll see to it that I don't. You'll never know if anyone will turn around and kill you silently with an arsenic. Karma. I'd like to believe in karma. But that's hard when you don't see it for yourself isn't it? When you don't get to witness the happy occasion when the asshole crash and burn? When you can't even cheer with exuberance the day you see someone with an anvil on his head. Dropped a mile away. At the speed of light. See if that doesn't kill anyone. For all I know karma can come in 100 years. Like after I die. When it doesn't matter anymore. Do you know why I refuse to be a Catholic/Christian? Part of it is because I can't quite swallow the concept of forgiveness. And I don't mean someone steal your money and you forgive the bastard. I'm talking about someone abusing/bruising/killing your loved ones. Can you ever forgive and forget? I don't think so. It's easy to preach forgiveness. A preach is always for others anyway isn't it? It's NEVER for the preacher. The preacher's beyond reproach. I can't swallow it when someone says some God will forgive any sinners nomatter how big the sin is if he repents. I can't forgive and forget. I bear grudges, even if they destroy me. Now, I wouldn't bear any grudges if people aren't trying to be funny with me first, would I? Grudges are there for a reason, and often they do us some good. When you bear grudges you don't trust people so there's no way some ass is going to sneak up on your back and stab you. After you help them. When you bear grudges you remember. This guy did this. This guy did that. You'll have their face marked. For life. And don't even argue with me the fact that humans aren't perfect. Because any smart people walking this earth knows they aren't. Humans are a load of crap. How can they ever be perfect? It's hard not to lose faith in humanity. If a cataclysmic catastrophe comes one day (like what the assholes always preach), we deserve it. Stop complaining you bastards. Start collecting timbers. Start packing. The coffin's right outside your door. People leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. Simple enough rule?? People bite me, I'll bite back. People bite my family/friends, my fang'll be embedded deep in their bones til the day they die. My bite mark will be a permanent scar. It'll serve as a reminder for future assholes that come my way. So bite me. Fish live a more peaceful life, because they know that when someone eat their kids, it's in a bid to survive not because of they have some psychotic selfish reasons to satisfy. Fish don't kill out of revenge. Fish don't write a vengeful entry like this. Fish is better than me. Be a fish, don't be a person. This is a dog eat dog world eh? Wrong. Dogs don't eat their own. People do. Stop degrading animals because trust me, they're better than people in many ways. This is a fucked up world. I want to kill somebody. Grinning Goat at 10/06/2004 09:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Mini Conference of Our Own In the list of groupings for the subsequent four Genetic Practical, this was what Po found: 1. Karol 2. Po 3. Shir 4. Ross WoWWW is that a brilliant stroke of luck or what? It really is. Made the more obvious by the fact that the four name sound very Indonesian indeed. What are they crazy? How in the world are they going to shut us up? It'll take a great deal of self-control to shut up with the three of them around. It'll take approximately four very smelly socks the size of a small apple, a very strong and elastic plaster (preferably the transparent kind) and a nylon rope. Or the alternative for me would be a good game of gunbound or a good book but since we're not supposed to read leisurely/play during lab time, the sock options seem more viable. Smelly socks anyone? It's going to be one hell of a prac. Grinning Goat at 10/06/2004 06:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, October 04, 2004 Not the way I was raised I just got off the phone talking to this rude travel agent. See, I'm always torn between making a sarcastic retort and meekly nodding my head when some rude ass talk to me. But as it so happens, I'll always pick the second option - the option that'll drive my blood pressure to the ceiling. I'll tend to just swallow it bitterly and walk off. And think of dozens of smart half-assed come backs for the rude ass later on. (Hornby wrote something to this effect in one of his books -If I remember correctly- which made me smirk because it's so relevant and reflects my life) I just wasn't raised like that. I was raised to assume I was always in the wrong. Rude travel agent? Well, maybe it's me? What if it is me, being impatient? Reading her tone wrongly (she seemed to be sarcastic to me)? What if my tone was the one that sets her tone? I don't know if this is good. People sometimes take it wrongly - as a sign of weakness. That they can trample all over me just because I refuse to retort in a nasty way. Didn't use to have as much self-control back in primary school and ended up caning this boy - he probably deserved it. (See, it involved this childish fight over who stomped on his chair - there were so many footprints with all the kids running around- but he insisted it was me who did it and ordered me to clean it. I forget if it really was me but I refused. He smacked me. I reported the incident, and was surprised to discover that my teacher not only sided with me but told me to cane him the next day; with a feather duster. She must've thought being a mere kid - a female- with a runny nose I'd just hit for the sake of pride and appearance with a force that'd barely bruise him but heh no, I canned him til he's blue black. The cry-baby recounted this beautiful tale to his mother - albeit missing the fact that he smacked me first - who later on came over to lodge her complaint. But of course it wasn't my business. Heh, she told me to do it. And why am I telling you all this?? Heh) So take your pick. Is it going to be caning someone's ass or nodding your head meekly and walk off? I think I'll just nod my head meekly and walk off. And plot for my revenge. Grinning Goat at 10/04/2004 05:53:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, October 02, 2004 The worst kind of backstab Naisbitt J said we're "technologically intoxicated". The signs being: 1. FAvouring quick fix to problems. Hell this is true. Ignorant about golf? Read Chicken soup for Trying to figure out the meaning of life? Be a religious convert. This is probably the worst kind. I always suspect something's wrong with someone who can -out of the blue- just believe in ____(insert the name of some God) and start preaching more than preachers do in churches/religious places. Or buying stuff from Precious Moments..or listening to Jars of Clay....heh...I'm sure figuring out the meaning of life involves more than adopting a religion. Besides being a recent convert doesn't give anybody the right to preach...not when people aren't even asking them to. 2. Favouring, worshipping and fearing technology Can you live without your handphones/tv/computers/air-conditioner/cars/electricity? Answer those questions fast so we can move on. 3. Blurring of the distinction between what's real and fake Alleged apparition (of ghosts/saints/Gods/etc). Britney's boobs. Movie stunts. Virginity. Absence of blemishes in pictures (the beauty of using Photoshop). Double eyelids. Plants. Straight nose. Flowers. Tatoos. Cheek bones. Hell, even skin colour (Michael J) Mostly has to do with digital manipulation, lighting effect and good editing skills. Or plastic surgery of course. A bloody total but abnormal facial/body reconstruction that makes just about anyone look silly and unnatural. Heh. Sincerity. Insincerity can get masked with the plethora of smileys available online. Happy - Put on a smiling smiley Pissed - Put on a smiling smiley and close the window Angry - Put on a smiling smiley and close the window In a mood to be solitary - Put on a smiling smiley and close the window You don't think his jokes are funny - Put on a smiling smiley and close the window Grinning Goat at 10/02/2004 11:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Rockapella convert Zombie Jamboree did it all. I like that song so much I'm turning into a Rockapella fan. Don't listen to their version of Sweet Child O Mine though (better stick to the original) because if it's your first time hearing that song, you'd hate it. They pretty much erh...destroy the song. But not to worry I still like the GNR version. And don't listen to their ambitious (Pachabel's) Cannon in D...There's only so much a human voice can achieve you understand.... Even if a wah wah sounds like a human voice... You can try their Sweet Home Alabama or the Lion Sleeps tonight. And of course Zombie Jamboree too, because who might just be a future Rockapella convert. =) By the way now that October has arrived, we can expect the mag to be made available soon. Which means I should put it up in due time. Grinning Goat at 10/02/2004 11:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, October 01, 2004 Don't make my hair stand on end We were sitting there when Usa asked us something about things that technology can't give us. The class was silent for a while. Then someone said "A piece of mind" That can be easily argued against but nothing so stupid you'd feel like crying. Then the class was silent for a while. Then this guy blurted out "Love". Ahhhh come on, I know it's probably true but the moment someone said it I'd go WTF. It's so overated and probably the very epitome of a cliche. Shut your mouth. Love...geez and he didn't stop there..he elaborated on it. God spare me, this isn't a bloody drama, even dramas can have better plot and better lines. Lines so overused. Lines that're so cheesy they lost their novelties. I'd prefer the class to just keep quiet. Grinning Goat at 10/01/2004 11:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Zombie Jamboree Hey, Back to back, ha ha ha ha, hey, belly to belly Yes my friends Hey, Back to back, ha ha ha ha, hey, belly to belly It was a zombie jamboree Took place in the New York cemetery Oh, it was a zombie jamboree Took place in the New York cemetery Zombies from all parts of the island Some of them are great Calypsonians Since the season was carnival They got together in bacchanal And they were singing Back to back, ghoul, belly to belly Well, I don't give a damn 'cause I'm stone dead already Back to back, oh oh oh, belly to belly It's a zombie jamboree One female zombie she wouldn't behave See how's she's dancing out of the grave In one hand she's holding a quart of rum The other hand is knocking a conga drum You know the lead singer starts to make his rhyme While the other zombie is rockin' in time One bystander, he had this to say "It was a trip to see the zombies break away" Shah! And they were singing Back to back, mon, belly to belly Well, I don't give a damn 'cause I'm stone dead already Back to back, oh, belly to belly It's a zombie jamboree This is all Shir's fault, now I can't get that song out of my head. Heh. I know what I'm going to call us, Roshirpella. Okay, so I'm not very inspired, heh. Jackie's having another fit again, with an alarming frequency hahahaha. Po was like, "Jack, control JAck, CONTROL!!!" Huahahaha. Jack: Do you want me to help carry your bag? Shir: Nah, you're skinny as you are. I don't want to be responsible having anyone getting blown by the wind... Jack: I'm not skinny, I'm the COnstipation Queen...I'm full of shit. (she said it in Indonesian "Dalem gua tai semua" - That phrase is ALWAYS taken literally in Indonesian) And then it was our turn to have a fit. Her having another fit didn't help. Jack, control Jack, CONTROL... Grinning Goat at 10/01/2004 10:22:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Moulded; Unmasked Amidst spouting his nonsense, Showie actually said something yesterday that got me thinking. He said " by the time you're a twenty something, your character is there. It's moulded in you," The implication would be that people (adults) won't change much. Won't they, really? Something I picked out from Usa's (Ms United States') class : real life events/experience shape us as a person. And as long as life goes on, the input won't stop so technically people can change (much) but how many life-altering events are there? I don't know, call me a cynic but I believe there are some innate characters we can't quite change. Like being ego-centric/egotistical. People can plod along life masking it pretty easily. It's like you may start with a certai trait but along the way you learn about the negative response you get from other people and start playing a different role in a bid to survive in the sea of social expectations. The problem with analysing other people is that you can never be completely sure of the presence/absence of a particular character trait. Analysing yourself though might be easier if you can be honest but a little too much and it might be detrimental. Not to mention the fact that a person doesn't make a statistic. But I guess like Dedel said (in the library's chat point with these people - who were practically next to us if not for the transparent glass separating the two rooms - dating. It was disturbing. Heh) Showie's not entirely right and that different trait's susceptibility to change may not be the same. Like, say temperament. It's easier to change than something as basic as an instinct. (I believe ego is an instinct - perhaps because it's almost entirely self-serving) So I don't know. It's a hard question to answer. Dedel was stumped for a while there too. I probably shouldn't be thinking about all this during a chemistry lecture - it's highly relevant. Heh. Grinning Goat at 10/01/2004 09:20:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} What it serves Mugging is never fun. Heh. It's comforting looking at those people on my msn still up and about at this time of the day. I'm not alone. I was staring at the ulcer on my lower lip. They (yes, it's a "they" not an "it") were healing nicely. Do you notice how ulcer leaves no trace once they're healed completely? It's not like a wound on your skin. 80% of the time they leave a scar- which may fade with time but would always be there. Why is our skin designed the way it is? Why can't it be like lips? Heh. That's a stupid question to ask. Because lips are more prone to injuries that's why. Just be a little bit vitamic C deficient and you get ulcers all over. Imagine if our skin's like that. It'd bring beauty to a whole new level. Heh. I'm rambling on and on about stupid things. Okay, now it's really really time to continue if I plan to ever finish the damn thing. Break's over guys. Grinning Goat at 10/01/2004 01:50:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos