Saturday, July 31, 2004 Irritate me to no end Third entry of the day. No, I am not bored (for once I'm not). In fact, I'm enjoying this last week before all the lectures start and I need to start shoving with people for the tutorial registration and all those bidding. I was playing Gunbound as usual. Gunbound is like Worm except that the worms will be people from other parts of the world playing with you. And since internet connection in some country's a bit uh...problematic, sometimes the game gets stuck. The gamers call it "lagging". The logical solution to this is obviously for the laggers to get (the hell) out. But, no some laggers will just hang around, knowing the game will remain frozen until THEY get out. Just because they don't want to pay the fine. The thing is usually we can't tell straightaway who's the lagger. (Noone'll admit. One way to tell is to see if the gamers can move their vehicles but usually people can't be arsed to move their vehicles). But in that game, out of all 6 people one by one the gamers left (the reasonable ones who want to get on with another game instead of waiting for the sake of not paying the fine) until it's just me and this Abdul guy. I can move my vehicle, that means I'm not the one lagging. And since there's nobody else in the friggin room but that guy, yet the game can't proceed, guess who's the lagger??? I would've retreated and simply get out of the room under normal circumstances ( I won't lose much gold anyway since my team mates who left paid their fine to me) except that this Abdul guy's really really annoying. Yesh, so as we speak, Featherall3y -the virtual Ross- is STILL in that room, refusing to get out because that means Abdul will win. And virtual Abdul the asshole is STILL there as well. So I thought what the hell, I'll just write this entry, surf the net, put my legs up the table, listen to my MP3 player while waiting for Abdul's connection to get screwed during which I shall win. Am I a childish prick? Well. That's alright. Abdul can wait til his head drops. Grinning Goat at 7/31/2004 06:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Whose Language Okay maybe I do remember one story. This was how one conversation went during a gunbound session. Spanishwoman: Jajajajajajaja American: Okay, what's that? Why did she keep saying that? R: He's laughing. Don't you know J is read as H in spanish? American: What a fuckin weird way to laugh R: Well, to them Hahahah probably sounds weird too. American: Why can't they just laugh in the normal way? Spanishwoman: I only laugh in my own language Then it was MY turn to laugh. Jajajajajajajaja Grinning Goat at 7/31/2004 01:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} What Hillary Clinton said Since I can't think of any interesting stories except for the fact that i think I'm getting so obssesed with Gunbound I was dreaming of playing last night which I don't think you'll find very interesting, I'm gonna share with you this. This was what Hilarry said during her opening speech. Due to its content, I think a disclaimer is necessary. DISCLAIMER: THIS CAN BE FOUND IN TODAY EDITION 30JULY2004. NO ALTERATION IS MADE TO THE CONTENT WHATSOEVER. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH WHAT SHE SAYS, BE REASONABLE AND SUE HER I.E NOT ME. "Convention delegaes, honoured guests, all you drunks in the straw hats. I stand before you with mixed emotions" "I am happy to have this opportunity. But I'm really upset that I had to beg the Kerry people like a dog to have it" "You know the girlie men who are running the show should ask themselves this question:'If Old HErman Munster loses in November, who will call the shots four years from now? And don't give me John Edwards, because pretty boy's magic hair is thinner than Bush's upper lip" ::: "It's sad that I'm not here in my own right, that I'm here to introduce Bill like some brainless, stay-at-home cookie baker...Come one, they picked Al Gore before me? Never mind watching paint dry, he is like listening to paint dry. I'm surprised they don't have Dukakis drive up in a tank and say a few words." ::: "Bill's book did better for one reason and we all know what that thong-flashing reason's name is. Just imagine my book sales if I had done the wild thing with a few interns" " And to just clear this up, I'm not at all put off by the fact that I'm the one with the power now, not Bill. I'm the US Senator. I'm the next Democratic presidential nominee. I'm the future leader of the Free World" "Allow me to introduce my husband, the former president of the United States, a man who embodies the American dream and a person, who despite (of) what he wrote in his book about us getting back together, is still sleeping on the couch." "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you- William Jefferson Rodham, er, Clinton" Grinning Goat at 7/31/2004 12:25:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, July 30, 2004 To the Do you know who makes a market so crowded? The aunties obviously. But there's also another group people. Old men. Yesh, I didn't know old men do some grocery shopping. You need skills to shop. Not so much for bargaining (you'll be rudely brushed aside if you try so much as to bargain) but for picking out the nice cashier. So you won't get a rude one that'll ruin your day. This, I just discovered this morning. My mother took FOUR cartons of milk from the shelves. R: Do we need that many?? Mom: Are you ever gonna do any grocery shopping while I'm away? R: Mom: Well, there you go. I find the whole grocery shopping business to be really troublesome. These aunties need to do it at least once a week. (or for the more enthusiastic ones, everyday). It'll be a lot more efficient if we can all photosynthesize. All we have to do is bake in the sun, take in some air, and drink. And that's all. We won't even be plagued by health problems, worry about our cholestrol level, triglyceride level, blood pressure, etc. We don't even need to consider going vegetarian. There'll be no food industry. No Mc Donalds, no KFC the chicken abuser. Shops like Guardian will still be around probably, selling some photosysthesis-enhancing pills. I'm just wondering, if we'll still need our anus. Probably not. So people won't say "Shove it up your anus". They'll say something like "I'll shove it up your stomata". Wow. Then we went to this butcher. The butcher lady cut up the meat for us. That's nice. When I was a kid and I was playing the butcher, it never even crossed my mind to cut the meat for my customers. Heh. I didn't make a very good butcher. As I was there, I kept thinking that probably being a test tube washer isn't so bad. At least I'll get to BE a test tube washer and not some insufferable aunties who hang around the market (probably eyeing the old men. Heheheh) And I actually managed to find some Dukus (I have no idea what that's called in English). I used to eat lots and lots of them when I was a kid. Then we went to this medicinal hall. My mother wanted to buy some Longan preserves for my grandma back home. I'm pretty shitty with all those chinese med. My knowledge is limited to Luo Han Guo and how it tastes horrible. If the whole chinese med knowledge business isn't lost in my mother's generation, it'll most probably be lost in mine. And my kids would ask me "what's a luohanguo" and all I can tell them is that it's just a fruit. Well at least I can tell them techniques to wash test tube in the most effiecient way. Akh. What a depressing thought. Grinning Goat at 7/30/2004 11:17:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, July 29, 2004 Jumping into the Bandwagon This overwhelmingly pessimistic but perhaps realistic professor was telling us yesterday about how graduating with a BAchelor of Science (even with honours) degree might just land us jobs like lab assistants who wash test tubes. "To go into research and not wash test tubes, you need to have at least a Master or PhD" Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh. So I'm gonna get my degree just so that I can be a test tube washer. Come to think of it I might as well be a road sweeper. They don't need a degree for that. I was agonizing over whether to go to Life Sci or Bioengin the other day. And I'm thinking that perhaps I've made the wrong decision. Everybody's freaking jumping into the bandwagon. Loads of people go to Life Sci. It's like this free food the guy yesterday craved. Prospect or no prospect. I wish I can be more like those people who can just do the things they like without thinking too much about where their education will land them. I like doing Biomed. But what's the point if I'm just gonna be some test tube washer at the end of the day? I guess I'll have to start acting like those people at the LT yesterday. Taking notes furiously, constantly, at every opportunity, get a first class honour and get my master. Akkkhhhh. Washing test tubes. Is it that bad? Grinning Goat at 7/29/2004 11:27:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} What you pay isn't always what you get PART II I don't want to write this. I really don't. Rhymes found out that the magazines in that bag's actually the MAY edition. Talk about out of date. The Lime though was the June edition. Rhymes thought that wasn't so bad, until I pointed out the labelling that said "Popular Special Offer $3.00" And inside that 70 bucks worth of goodie bag, there's also this cheapskate pen that says " Republic Polytechnic". They couldn't even give us a cheapskate pen with the name of the correct institution. Now How sad is that???? Grinning Goat at 7/29/2004 03:01:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 28, 2004 Dean's Tea (and Coffee??) I was pretty pissed having to wake up early. The lecture wasn't exactly very informative either. There's this particular lecturer who pronounced account as a cunt. The first time I heard it i was like, what? a cunt?? Wow a swearing professor in NUS! But pah, it's supposed to be account as spelled in the power point slide. And the interesting thing was, since the LT was too full (and some poor soul who came late like me had to sit on the aisle), they had this internal broadcast at the adjacent LT. So the lecturer was like, "Choose. Do you want to watch it live or the broadcast??" I watched the broadcast. There's also another uninformative lecturer who couldn't pronounce properly but surprisingly was actually the assistant dean of the faculty. OOOOOOhhhhhhh. Lecturer:...................get your beating......................... R: What? who gets a beating?? Po: Noone. It's bidding. R: Ah...... My ears must have played tricks on me since this morning. There's also the tea. Of course. Po and I were sitting at this table watch this guy eat. He took one huge lump of food in his plate. And when we thought that was embarrassing enough, he went off to take a second helping. (This one another big pile). Ahhhh the appeal free food has on people. The irritating thing about the whole thing was that there always seemed to be someone out there who always tried to sell us. What I mean is this. This guy was telling us about how some NUS graduates from the 1980s end up becoming CEOs or some MPs or some Big shot in one way or another now. I wondered what that was all about. Here we are. They've ensnared us. We're their UNDERGRADUATES NOW. What's the point in selling us this stuff? It's not like we're gonna transfer out to NTU. This whole competition crap irks me. Besides you'd expect some CEO to be some graduates right? And there was only TWO university in the whole of Singapore back in 1980. So if some CEO isn't from NTU then he's from NUS. What's there to brag about??? Really??? The next lecturer though, brought us back down to earth by saying (in a silent rebuttal of the previuos lecturer) that NOT ALL our graduates end up becoming CEOs and in fact you can't expect that to happen NOW, while it was possible in the past. Ah. Nothing like pessimistic realism. At least this guy made more sense. NOT EVERYBODY made it as a CEO. Fair enough. So now you know why I'm not some CEO in some big company smoking Cuban cigar and having my daily massage? "NOT EVERYBODY made it as a CEO. " You got it. And oh updates on the Indonesians I met today. It's amazing the number of new people I met in just two days and actually dislike. A bunch of weirdos who always wanted to sit in front during lectures. And copy everything. Nonstop. Remember the Tedjo story? They were pretty much like that guy in my class. Geez. I bet they've never heard the thing called the STUDENT HANDBOOK that contains everything an undergraduate needs to know (Well except the thing about the bidding which still confuses me) Calm down peeps, will you? The real lectures haven't even started yet. Keep your bloody notes for a while. And this Indonesian girl (the aunty-looking one) who just glanced PAST me when I smiled at her. WTF. No more attempts at being nice. I've had it. There's only ONE RIOT BATCH. There'll never be another. Dedel was telling me that perhaps I was just being cynical. Perhaps. But after today I think I deserve to rant a little and let off some steam. Introductions were tiring. Indonesian fella: What's yr name? R: Ross Indonesian fella: As in the flower? R: No, as in R. O.S.S Indonesian fella: (giving me a starnge look) Another Indonesian fella: What's your name? R: Ross Another Indonesian fella: Rose the flower? R: No. Ross as in Friends' Ross Another Indonesian fella: (giving me a strange look) So I developed a standard response. Stupid ass: What's your name? R: Ross as in Friends' Ross. Stupid ass: Just that? R: yes, just that. I skipped the orientation again today. No surprise there, is there?? To tell you the truth though, it wasn't because I wanted to avoid my neighbours but because the lectures were exhausting (mentally rather than physically) and I needed to teach in the evening. So to kill time I had dinner with this Indonesian I just met whose name rhymes with mine. Rhymes was perhaps the only Indonesian I've met who's set to similar frequency (if not the same) as me. We ate in this weird cafe at some run down building. It was frequented by teenagers mostly as evidently shown by the number of scribbles posted on some notice board on the wall. Somebody actually wrote: "Pink is my life. My life is pink" What the hell??? Stupidity knows no boundaries. And then Rhymes put up a new post. She showed it to me before pining it up. It said:" Ross from Friends was here" Check out Sneek Peek for updates Grinning Goat at 7/28/2004 11:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 27, 2004 Orientation anyone??? Okay, today's matriculation day. As I was sitting there waiting for my turn, I craned my neck trying to spot an Indonesian passport. Yesh, I was resorting to that since I couldn't really spot an Indonesian face, unlike Pony. Red. Nope, that's for people from China (couldn't be Singapore since this was the row for international students so that kind of narrowed down my option a bit). Blue. Nope, that's for malaysian. Green. I was looking fo green passport and found none. Sigh. We were ushered here and there. Guarded as well. That certainly put a lot of trust in the education system when prospective undergraduates can't even be trusted to attend the matriculation fair without escaping halfway or escaping totally. I wasn't in the best of moods this afternoon I felt like snapping at people. But I couldn't snap at Joyce since she was kind enough to help me carry the stupid bag. (I'm moving in phases and today was the second phase.) At the CCA fair, somebody from the Christian Society approached me. Asshole: Do you want to hear more about Bible studies? R: (shaking my head) ... Asshole: Why not? What's your religion? R: I'm a free thinker. Asshole: Since you're a free thinker (I don't like the direction this is going...)...why don't you... R: I'm a free thinker. Period. (Who does she think she is? If I can be converted, I'd be a devout christian a long time ago. Too bad the age where I was still an impressionable young girl is over. People will just have to live with it. I'm a free thinker Godammit. Leave me be.) Asshole: Do come to our tea session where you can... R: Thanks, but no thanks (walking away) GGGGGGRRRRRR. Like one Riri isn't enough (the other day she irritated me again by talking about nonsensical things in a private message as I was playing) Riri: Fine. I won't talk to you ever again R: good Riri: ever R: I said GOOD Riri: never again R: GREAT. Can you go now?? I totally avoided my neigbours today. Well not technically, but since I missed the whole orientation today I didn't have to smile at them and look all pleasant. My mood's bad enough as it was, there's no need to aggravate it. On my way home I overheard this conversation by two people. I just accosted them on the bus and asked straightaway if they're Indonesians (from the language they speak). Not surprisingly they were. They looked pretty shocked though that some stranger just walked up to them and asked questions. Apparently, they're second year students and according to them, there're PLENTY of Indonesians coming to NUS, amounting to about 35-40. About 7 or 8 in my halls alone. I couldn't be more pleased. But she said there might be more since some people (namely me) escaped their detection. Yes, she used that very same words. Tomorrow we're all invited to the Dean's tea. Let's hope he serves good tea. Grinning Goat at 7/27/2004 07:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Falling Leaves I used to loathe writing a book review. It always seems like I need to oversubscribe my enthusiasm for the book or what i think of the contents, language use, etc everytime. Especially when I hadn't had time to read it and was simply bluffing my way out by writing rethorics to hide the lack of content. Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah though warrants me to write a review. A proper one at that. I like the way she writes. It isn't just the content, it's the way she expresses herself that got me hooked. When I was first introduced to Yen Mah's book, it was titled "Chinese Cinderella". It just took me one look at the title to decide not to read it and settle on some other book. I guess I'm just tired of reading American novels written by American authors. There's lack of originality. Don't get me wrong, I still think Michael Crichton's a great author. But it's refreshing to read something totally out of the way. Like ordinary life. No kidnapping, gun-shooting, time travel or some evil plot to destroy the world. With historical events set as the backdrop. There's the chinese element as well. She wrote some chinese phrases. (I understand that literal translation doesn't work most of the time) I guess it's a pity my chinese is prettly limited. Our degree of appreciation of literature depends very much on our understanding of the langauge used as the medium of expression. From all 32 phrases there's only one that I understand without the need to read the translation. I've always wanted to write a book like that. About day to day life. Nothing grand. It still comes as a surprise to me how someone's life can get to look to be so interesting in a book when all they experience is nothing out of the ordinary. What separates ordinary people and writers who write about ordinary things? The difference, I believe lies in how they write. Not much of a literature talent (in fact, I can't be further) I still wonder as to why she called the book Falling Leaves. The only explanation i can find is that leaves are personification of herself. I don't quite understand why. If you do know, please tell me. It'll be an honour if I were to be able to meet her in person. Even if it's just to hear her opinions. Fat chance of that happening. Nowadays it's easier to meet crappy bands like 5566 than meet a decent author. What's to become of this world? Grinning Goat at 7/27/2004 12:16:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} What you pay isn't always what you get KR Orientation costs me 70 bucks. For a mere orientation, i find that a bit steep. They gave me this goodie bag. So let's do an inventory check and see what 70 bucks buys me. 1. Some stupid magazines. (There's this one in particular that has an article about "fake orgasm". Haven't read it yet but it's written there in the cover. Another stupid one with Britney as the cover girl. Ekkhh. Not my idea of a good magazine.) 2. Some herbal toothpaste. (No toothbrush) 3. Some Nivea firming lotion. (What the hell???) 4. Sunflower oil. I'm still surprised by this. 5. Olay facial wash. (Or I think it's a facial wash. I haven't really looked at it) 6. An orange plastic bag 7. Some cheapskate vouchers. You'll get 20%off in some spa if you spend enough of your money there. 8. Some brainwashing brochure about why you should buy a certain Motorola handphone. 9. One pathetic packet of biscuits that supposedly release carbohydrate slowly so you won't feel hungry in the morning. I failed to see how the biscuits can interfere with our digestion system and supress our appetite. So the biscuit's crap too. 10. My favourite: a small pouch that's too small for a wallet and too big for a small bag. Can someone tell me what it's supposed to be used for?? It even has a latch in it. So what do you think? 70 bucks well spent?? Grinning Goat at 7/27/2004 12:04:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 26, 2004 Love Your Neighbours I was moving in today. To KR. The nighbour next to me brought her mother AND father along - and I thought part of moving in was to do it yourself- to clean up! I saw her mother standing on a chair, scrubbing away. I thought, move your ass and clean up yourself. If you can't be arsed to clean the room yourself, why move in?? No, of course I didn't say that. You're not supposed to risk making an enemy out of prospective neighbours. The one opposite my room surprisingly, was this bitch I met some time ago while doing my attachment to the Faculty of Dentistry. Holly Crap. Out of all people, it's got to be her. WHY ME????? I was putting on this smile, when I first saw her moving in with all her bags (a lof of them). She was indifferent. So much for me smiling. And then, when avoidance became impossible, she came over, saying she thought she saw me somewhere. Intelligent guess. Very intelligent. Why would I be smiling if i didn't know her, eh? I'm not some overfriendly moron. I hate overfriendly moron by the way. And there's always one somewhere somehow around me. There's one Brunaian and two Vietnamese on my floor. Which is good. Somehow, I always feel I belong more with those bunch of people. International students tend to be less whiny and talk about more interesting stuff. One Vietnamese I befriended during lunch was this girl called Tram. (She pronounced it as "cham". I asked her how she spelled that. Yes, the name Tram exists, I am not making this up) I met one Indonesian. And her name was Siska. Imagine my shock. Siska- my Doraemon who loved to preach, at least before she finally got it into her head that I'll never become a Christian my whole life. Well, I suppose this particular Siska's pretty safe. She didn't look too religious. But I'll never know. Let's hope she's alright. The Ice Breaker Game was pretty stupid as usual. So I just sneaked out, smuggled my mother in. (She's curious as to how my room looks like). The room was small. With one bed. One wardrobe. One table. One chair. Nothing weird like a sink on the wall. Hahaha. Great scenery. No Tv. (unless i want to fight over the channels with the people in the common room) No computer (I haven't got my own laptop just yet, hopefully soon. Not being able to go online's horrible. When I asked the Tram how did she like it here, she said she was bored. Hahaha. And i thought it's just me). Love your neighbours. Easier said than done. Just look at who live across me. God. Grinning Goat at 7/26/2004 10:58:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 25, 2004 Temple Marathon. It was a bloody marathon. I've never seen my mother walk that fast. And all because they wanted to catch this show on TV. I don't know about the title but I always call it the A-Chun show. A chun is this guy in the show who seems to be perpetually plagued by bad luck. Before that, I went to see Yuke off. And went to this temple with Andri. Temple. I was pretty shocked at first. Andri going to the temple. Wow. That's a bit like me smoking, SellV being quiet or pigs flying. But I guess there's always something new to learn about someone along the way. It was crowded. I wonder if today's supposed to be an auspicious day. I guess I was pretty overwhelmed by the number of people kneeling on the floor or murmuring in silence, holding the joss sticks or simply praying in front of the some God's statue. It was kind of chaotic. I felt uneasy when I had to walk in front of someone who was praying. A bit disrespectful, don't you think? One thing about temple is that you can go whenever you like. No obligation in terms of regular visit or anything like that. And I think religion IS supposed to be like that. There's no point in coming if it's just so that you can fulfil that obligation. But of course the downside of that is that people tend to go only when they have problems they hope the God can help. If I am the God, I'd be pretty pissed if that's the case. It's a matter of personal responsibilities in the end. People have been telling me that as I grow old I'll realise the importance of having a religion. As I see it now, religion is lot about hope. Like the concept of heaven and hell. It makes people feel better to know that when someone they love die, he had somewhere to go. That he doesn't just rot underground, his existence ceases completely. That they'll be able to see him again someday. Forever is too harsh a word. How long is forever? You need that glimmer of hope, if just a little. I don't think religion is about men needing to know there's someone out there bigger and greater than them. Call me cynical but I've seen enough egocentric people to realise that most of the times men don't need- don't want- to know that. That said, I am actually not very keen on the concept of fate as well. It makes certain assholes with pea for a brain think that they're not rich because it's not their fate They're dumb because it's not their fate to be smart. They live under a bridge and not in some proper housing because it's not their fate. Not because they're too lazy to work their ass off like other people. Not because all they do is pray and stare at the television sets. Woupss they probably won't have a TV set. Not because they spend too much money on unimportant things that's not of much importance, " investment" like 4Ds and lottery tickets. I prayed as Andri prayed. Then I had my fortune told. I had this ambivalent feeling. Logic says it doesn't matter what they tell me because it may not be the truth. But what is the truth when it all comes down to it? The actual results? By the time I know the result, it'll be too late. And if it IS accurate, what are the chances that I won't think of it as a coincidence being a man( woman) of science? But then again, what makes those people keep coming to have their fortunes told? Is it that same old concept of hope? What if I don't like what I hear? Pretend I don't believe them? But it's hard to stop when you start thinking about all the bad things that can happen isn't it?? Even if you're a man of science and should know better than listen to the fortune teller. As luck has it though, I got a good slot. Slot number 68 that says " A good home where peace and happiness abound. By deeds of merits will they achieve peace. The time is right for marrying. the farm produces a good crop of silk and harvest. A remedy to cure all illness" And under interpretation, they write "INTERPRETATION: GOOD. The day is cool and fine with myriad of flowers blooming. Why do you fret when what you seek will soon be yours?" Really? REALLY??? Will it?? WILL IT??? Grinning Goat at 7/25/2004 07:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, July 24, 2004 Reflection I told Biwi this story some time ago and it cracked her up. So I'll put it in. Sitting on the table staring at my notes for hours in one hot afternoon could kill me. I knew I needed to move when the occasional glance to the TV sets became too often to be called occasional. I moved to my bedroom but then i realised I looked out the windows longer than i looked at my notes, so I moved again. To the toilet. I found Ono there sitting on the elevated platform near the window inside the toilet, opening and closing the window panes. That was something to be investigated. Our toilet's windows faced the swimming pool. What could be so interesting down at the pool? R: What are you doing? Ono: I'm reflecting the light into the maid's face. R: You what?? Ono: (grinning sneakily) See how the sun shines directly into our toilet's window? Well, all I need to do is move the window to get the reflections on the maids' face down there at the pool. R: How long have you been doing this? Ono: Long enough for them to need to put up their hands to shield their eyes. R: (look out the window) Ooooohhhh...huahahahah yea i can see that.... And then..... R: Now it's MY turn. Move over, Ono... Ono: No's my turn....... Then the maids looked up, finally realising that the reflection they got wasn't natural at all. One maid pointed out our window's direction to the other maids. All of a sudden all the maids down there gathered together, looking up our windows. R: Damn, they looked this way. Quick, DUCK As the afternoon progresses and the sun moved west, the reflection wasn't so strong anymore. It didn't produce the same glare. Awwwwwww. End of playing time. Damn it. Time to study. There's no escaping it this time. Grinning Goat at 7/24/2004 07:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Nothing beats this Last night was awesome. I was wondering if I had that sudden stomachache attack because I laughed too much. We were torn between watching I,Robot and King Arthur so we used this highly sophisticated method of choosing. I was telling Yuke to use Rp100 so it wouldn't be a pity if we lost the coin due to some technical glitches. We got head so I,Robot it was. I,Robot was alright, not too grand, not so boring I'd fall asleep. If Troy has Brad Pitt's butt, I,Robot has Will Smith's butt. So butt lovers out there, this movie might just be for you. We went for another pool session. I wasn't so generous this time with the free ball- learnt my lesson from the previous day. At night though, the songs they played were mostly techno. Crappy piece of music. This time around we just played TWO games in one hour. Are we great or what??? Sigh. Then we visited that car park turned food stalls and talked into the night. SellV tricked me into buying Carrot cake. Haha. We took some pictures. Some I took sneakily because if I needed Andri's permission, it'd be day light before I knew it. I probably shouldn't publish it but SellV said it's alright. So what the hell, I'll upload it. Orchard at night was soothing somehow. There wasn't this usual throng of people crowding the street. The air's cool. The mood light. Two of us were missing though. Ria and Widi. It'd be perfect if they were around although I wonder where would we sleep. As stupid as this place may be, it's the convenient intersection between US, Australia and Indonesia. Perhaps I should complain less. I wonder when yesterday's gonna come again, if it ever will. If we'll still be like what we are now when we do. I met Huiwen this morning. It was weird to finally see her in real life. Kind of like meeting an author of a book I've read and enjoy but never really know. Grinning Goat at 7/24/2004 02:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, July 23, 2004 Whatever happened to Once I was supposed to write a narrative with the title "Whatever happened to..." And this was what I wrote (inspired by real life events) "Whatever happened to the younger people" "You came in just in time! Hurry, the bus is about to depart," a man in his fifties with receeding hair line shouted out, urging us to run faster with our bags and heavy suitcases. He wore a name tag with the label "tour guide" printed in bold letters. I boarded the bus and was astounded to discover that all my fellow tourists were not from my generation at all. "Whatever happened to the younger people?" I heard my syster whisper under her breath which by then had returned to normal rate. My father just shrugged, oblivious to the bizzare surrounding. We came in odd numbers so I was left with no choice but sit with a complete stranger. She was about my grandmother's age and wore turtle-neck sweater with the word "Mary" emblazoned at the front. She introduced herself, rather surprisingly, as Mary but later in my sub conscious mind I dubbed her Bloody Mary for it seemed that red is her favourite colour of all time. I initiated the conversation, with the intention of making the five-hour journey less interminable, but in a matter of seconds she got the upper hand of the conversation and at the end of the journey I thought I knew anything there was to know about Mary Goeslaw I could one day be the author of her biography. The bus made a lot of stops for numerous requests kept on coming from the grandmothers and grandfathers with urgent need to use the restroom - and my sister joked privately about small bladder capacity which my father frowned upon- but it finally arrived at its final destination. It was dinner time by then. Sitting across me at the dining table was a certain Mr. Leong, his wife, Bloody Mary and a black-haired old lady with thick spectacles and pouting maroon lips that struck me as voluptuous. Later I recognised her as Miss. Tay Fung. She kept putting oysters, cabbages and what other dishes on my bowl of rice that I felt uncomfortable. The feeling, though grew more undesirably intense when my sister mentioned half-jokingly the prospect of love at first sight and then of unreciprocated love which made me cringe. The evil sister. The five day trip to MAlaysia wnt well except for a few things. I saw Mr Leong removing his dentures after lunch in the washroom and putting it under a running tap. I hardly had an appetite for dinner that day. Then, there was the long wait for the toilet and according to my sister it was worse on her side of the toilet. On her turn to use the toilet, her business would suddenly be disrupted by loud bangings on the door and by restless elderly inquiring ever so often if anybody was inside. One occasion that got everybody anxious though, was when Miss Tay Fung could not be found after a visit to a Thai Temple in Souther Penang. (Most of the tourist destinations were temples in different parts of Malaysia. This I suspected was the reason why all the participants were old people. My sister was probably too desperate for a vacation she didn't really bother looking up what tour package she was singing up for) Everybody participated in the search then. I was deeply moved by their unity at that moment. Even Bloody Mary who sufered from acute arthritis got on her feet despite other's insistence that she had some rest. The search went on until late in the afternoon, so visits to several other places in Penang had to be cancelled. My feeling was that of disbelief mixed with amazement when nobody- not even Mrs. Leong who struck me as a very irritating woman with her incessant grumbles- complained. The janitor of the temple called around nine o'clock with the shocking news that Miss. Tay Fung was locked up in the female toilet somewhere near the temple. When found, she claimed that after shouting for long, nobody heard her and that she "took a nap for a few minutes". We all shook our heads because we knew better. But still, nobody said anything about compensation. No accuses being thrown about. The elderly might give unpleasant impression at the beginning but once I got to know them, I realised that they were actually a sweet bunch of people who cared a lot for each other, looked out for one another and bore no grudges against others. They gossiped- my sister, being an avid gossiper herself was delightful to be part of what I called their gossip-circle and told me it was simply part of human nature- but the gossips were never malicious. Compared to the younger generation now, they were very much full of compassion and tolerance. Human kindness was on the verge of extinction I must say. If men were compassionate before, why the change now, I wondered. Whatever happened to the younger people? So how do you like the compo? The getting locked up in the toilet part was a lie of course, because I need to have some sort of a climax in my story. But the banging in the toilet door part, the washing of dentures part, those were real. I thought I'll just share it with you. It was one of my favourite compositions. Grinning Goat at 7/23/2004 11:25:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, July 22, 2004 Shitty place is not always brimming with shitty people Do you remember the leaf school? Yep, the one with the stupid rule that says girls can't tie their hair in pony tails for fear it might catch fire. I should probably stop grumbling about it, after all I've dedicated one long entry once for that very purpose. But damn it, the sheer stupidity of it all warrants me to complain again, doesn't it? But it's in that shitty place that I found these bunch of great people. The six of us, gathered together, are enough to bring the place down. We could be really noisy when we want to. There was this time when my english teacher noticed us in the canteen, creating a commotion in the then silent canteen and came over to our table. The moment she said hey, all of us went quiet. It was so glaring- the change in decibel levels- I felt like laughing. But no, all of us looked solemn. Face straight ahead, like nothing had happened. It's been 2 years now and everybody went their separate ways. Each in their own ways. And it's really good to have them all back (well except for one) today. It was a blast. I haven't had such a good time in a long time. If I do get a facial muscle cramp, it's from laughing too much and not because of those fake smiles you pass in the corridor when you meet someone whom you don't think to highly of but don't really want to offend. My mates, in no particular order Yuke. Was and always is the one with the clear head. Neutral to the core. Wise beyond her years. Someone I can always count on. SellV. A great friend- with a sometimes bad pick of songs; Haha. There's never even one time when I don't laugh when SellV's around. Someone whom I can cry comfortably in front of. Bapau lovers. Haha. Widi. A good advisor. Probably the first person who ever realise my one weakness and admit it out loud. My moral booster when the days are bad. Andri. RICH. Too bloody rich in gunbound. Haha. The one with the common sense. Great sense of humour. A loyal friend I'll be damned to lose. Ria. If Ria's an egg- It's the sunny side up; Haha. I wish her optimism can rub off on me if just a little. Ria can make an asshole sound like a saint when she wants to and I'll probably believe her. A true judge of character who can see beyond the surface. A great friend. In a way I was really glad today. But it got kind of sad towards the end. The five of us (except for Ria, which was a pity) together, in the same country, in the same building, breathing the same air. Okay, that's too dramatic. But the point is, it frustrates me that today will only come today. There won't be another today until God knows when. We took some pictures today. There was this particular one with polka dots as the background (it was done by accident) . Yuke was trying to salvage the situation by covering the dots with stars until I pointed out that all she's doing was make another polka dots with stars on them. Then she stopped short. And then there was this weird conversation. R: You guys are taking business. So in near future i'll have to make an appointment eh, if I want to see you guys? SellV: just call my house and my secretary will pick it up and arrange the appointment for you.... R: And what exactly is your secretary doing in your house? She stays with you??? Andri: Huahahahah, SellV you need to polish your lying skills... There's always something about us. Not just in the way that we unite against our stupid school with its stupid rules. Not just in the way that we're bonded by the same nationality. It's the way we always have a great time together, regardless of what we talk about. You can put politics on the table. Or religion. Or a particularly annoying stalker of a classmate. A weird blend that's what we are. But I like it. I still remember our ambitious plan to set up a band. (Without a drummer and a proper lead guitarist) It was the good old days. They were the very first people who listened to my song- the first song that I ever compose myself. My song, if it's any decent, it's about them. Guys, that song was for you all! We made it out of the leaf school. Stupid place. It's about time. Grinning Goat at 7/22/2004 11:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Grinning Goat at 7/22/2004 09:21:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 21, 2004 Why??? Why??? Peru spotted someone from some bus stop at Buona Vista and pointed her out to Rhui. Peru wondered aloud, who can that be- weird hairdo; looks like she's wearing a hair band, blue bag, white slip ons. Then I came and approached them R: Sorry for being usual... Peiru: Wow, so Ross it WAS you R: Huh? what about it?? Rhui: Something's different about you Ross R: Darn it, must be the whole Shu Yong KAng thing... Peiru: what?? R: ah...ah...nothing.... At the toilet, a phone was ringing... Peru: whose phone's that? R: Mine, don't worry about it Rhui: (guessing correctly) I know why you didn't pick it up. You want no repeat of what happened eh? R: Hell yes....... I was traumatised. Huahahha And then I met Andri and Widi in the afternoon to play some pool. If I'm crap at yahoo pool, I don't know what I am at the real game. It's like I have a knack for putting the white ball in, you know? After I put the white ball in, Andri would say that it was "smooth". Smooth my ass. There was this particular shot that was so easy I told myself I shall bang myself into the wall if i didn't get it in. And with my luck, you guys probably know it didn't. Akkhhhh. We played only THREE (lousy) games in one hour. Proof of how bad I was. Sorry if my writings don't seem to be very coherent today. I'm really sleepy. And I haven't played gunbound for 3 days now. And oh I am jealous at Andri too for being bloody rich at gunbound. I'll probably be as rich as Andri in...uh....I don't know.....5 years time??? Grinning Goat at 7/21/2004 11:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 20, 2004 Neighbour I used to imagine how nice it must be like to actually have nice neighbours. Neighbours who won't make a big fuss when we renovate our house ( fearing the construction work will damage their precious wall - and it's not like their wall's made of marble or granites, just plain old, yellowing concrete wall full of cracks that might just go down any minute now with the owner being too stingy to do anything about the bloody wall) Neighbours who won't give us looks and gossip behind our backs. Neighbours whom you can count on being helpful when the need arises. Neighbours who know what respect is. Neighbours who don't meddle. Then there was this one time when we DID get a neighbour like that- that was before we moved out by climbing the fence but I'll tell you about that some other day. Neighbour who send us food every now and then. Quite often in fact, my mother was at a loss as to give them something back. Neighbour who lets us in when we locked ourselves out of the house during the chinese new year (stupid luck). It's good to know people like that live next to you. My neighbour now has what we called- the noisy days. That's when they quarelled. We don't know exactly about what but it must be pretty serious if the noise gets carried to our side of the building, sometimes though not very often the sound of something breaking can be heard. We caught a glimpse of the maid cowering in fear near the rear balcony from all the shouts and plates-throwing once. (No, the maid's not being abused or anything like that). On other days though all was quiet. I think the number of noisy days has decreased since somebody moved out. And when somebody -usuall a guy- takes a shower, the window won't be completely closed. (Now, don't try to be imaginative and accuse me of being a peeping Tom because the glass was the frosted kind, meaning there's nothing to see, not that I want to in the first place) The water sometimes squirted OUT the window, into the roof of the flat below them, creating this noise. So the next time I want to tell my mother how it's about time that it rains, the weather has been pretty hot and all that, I better look out the window and make sure it is the sound of real rain I am hearing. And the maids of my neighbour. There's this particular one who shared her dream with me about her ambition to marry this old man at management so she can inherit something when he die (it won't be long now, she probably thinks). Well, good luck to that. (She said she didn't mind being the second or third wife and I really had nothing to say to that) It's interesting to see the kind of neighbours we get over the years. My neighbour now isn't so bad I guess, except that sometimes they go out to smoke in the corridor and the smoke gets carried to our house. On those days I'd be pissed. But on other days, we get along just fine. Grinning Goat at 7/20/2004 09:21:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 19, 2004 Don't drink your tea Wedy was asking me to write a letter to some principal in some school. No, my sister didn't get into trouble or anything like that. She wanted to sell some books. Anyway, it was creepy. To write to a principal. It was going to be edited by the HOD of English in Wedy's school and somehow I wanted to write to impress for some reason. And when I think like that, I'd want it to be so perfect I'd just stone, rendered incapable of writing a decent letter. And it's not even the first important letter I've ever written. The more I want my letter to be perfect, the longer I'll stone and freeze. Wedy: Hurry up R: (drink my tea) wait Wedy: Well?? write will you please R: (drink my tea) I need some inspiration you know. I can't just write. Wedy: Stop drinking your tea R: (drink my tea) Don't fuss wedy Wedy: give me your tea right now. This reminds me of the story Widi told me some timeago. Widi said that tea leaf was discovered by accident. There was this China emperor who was drinking a cup of water in some garden when a leaf fell into his cup. And the next time he took a sip, he thought it tasted good. But somehow that doesn't make sense because for one, water with tea leaf that hasn't been processed will probably taste like plain water. And second, I don't think tea plant grows that tall. But then again we're probably talking about a really short emperor or a sitting one. I guess we'll never know for sure. Grinning Goat at 7/19/2004 11:25:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Funny Bean As weird as this sounds, my mother and I went shopping for bolsters just now when the malay lady attending the uh...bolster stall (or whatever you call it) recommended this particular one made of what she called natural cotton. It's supposed to keep you cool. Free of dust mites (I highly doubt this. I mean, I think dust mites are just everywhere, there's no way to avoid it, natural cotton or no) Shop attendant: You need to sun it once in a while R: (to my mother) huh? I thought only people in the villages do that Shop attendant: (obviously understand Indonesian) You can put it in the oven... R: Huahahaha and then... Shop attendant: Do you want bolster protector as well?? R: (to my mother) Wow, they have bolster protector? Huahahaha that sounds like some scene out of the Power Rangers Shop attendant: so that when you sweat it won't smell........ R: (perplexed by this new revelation) Huahahahah. Wow. and then come the surprising part... Shop attendant: ( to my mother) She's funny eh? R: ??????????? ( What did I say???? All I did was laugh) Shop attendant: if she's here standing everyday, I'd go crazy R: ah??? huahahahahha Shop attendant: (to my mother) how old is she? 18? Mom: yep. Huahahah. Wow. So I do look younger than my age. I wonder if it's the whole Shu Yong Kang thing. But anyway, somehow I took it as a compliment, the thing she said. Maybe she's been standing there too long, any nutsy half-assed customers like me is welcomed with open arms. I was really tired today I almost cancelled the tuition. But the funny thing is I always come there feeling sleepy and out of there charged. Teaching perks me up. Note, of course that it depends on the student. (A particular one who keeps serving me lemon barley would probably not perk me up) By the way do you know that natural cotton bolster will feel harder in an air-conditioned room and softer at room temperature??? I bet you don't. Shopping for bolster's quite an experience. Grinning Goat at 7/19/2004 09:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 18, 2004 Make the World Go Round- Bandung (23/6/2004) This is going to be my last update for my visit to Indonesia. There's no more. Yep. Enjoy. We got another gathering again tonight. It was something- except for the dressing up part and Kaka wearing one of those high heel, toe-breaking,bone-crunching slip-ons which, darn it rendered me the shortest. Talk about my pride taking the hit. Anyway. I realised my relatives can be divided into 2 categories. The first would be the what-on-earth-are-you-talking-about kind who'll talk about artificial things out of nothingness. In simple terms, assholic relatives. The everybody-look-at-me show offs who made people struggle to appear nonchalant (when all they want to do is box them on the face with their bare fist) and say nothing when it's not their place to comment, or turn their do-I-look-like-I-care looks to oh-that's-interesting looks for the sake of proper decorum. The second would be the down to earth kind who're fun to talk to because there are no pretenses. My cousin who was hospitalised was up and running today. Good to see her back up on her feet. The bitch came too. And she sang. God spare me. My dad always took pride in being a Medanese because he said Medanese takes initiatives, is generally more outgoing and tends to make things more interesting. I'm hard pressed to argue, as arrogant as that sounds, since I'm half Medanese after all. Haha. Nah, it's just that I find it not entirely false. My uncles and aunts (from Java) were never half as fun or funny as my dad. And what happened today shall testify to that. So yea, maybe there's truth in it, if only a little. Horas you all. (See Buika??? You should be proud you have the Medanese look. Huahahahah) My dad bought a roll (just one roll) of film. We took pictures and when that one roll's used up, ono asked if he could take pictures. Dad: There's no more film Ono: (getting desperate) Well then can I just press the button? Dad: Sure, in fact go round. Pretend to take pictures. That'll make a lot of people happy. So Ono did. With the flash and everything. Hell it was convincing. I couldn't stop laughing when some people held up their hands trying to cover their faces when Ono did his photographer act. I thought Ono's gonna blow his cover when he took pictures of just about everything and everyone including the waiter and waitresses . (My dad said people generally love to have their pictures taken. Just look at how hey can go from serving dishes to posing in an instant). It was overly done, don't you think? My kind aunt asked me politely if Ono's being...uh....too enthusiastic with his picture-taking. I didn't want to lie nor did I want to tell on Ono so I just smiled- hopefully stupidly and not guiltily. Finally my (kind) aunt asked my mother, seeing how Ono's getting more outrageous- taking pictures of the potted plants and the ketchup bottles on the table. My (kind) aunt: Erhhh.....Ono took pictures of the waitres. I wonder if it'll waste your films. My(kind) uncle: (to me). Maybe you should tell your brother to stop. It became this big hoax that's getting out of hands. Perhaps because it was just too convincing. Haha. My mom let the cat out of the bag eventually, to my kind uncle and aunt. Mom: I just can't lie to someone who's honest enough to believe it's not a lie. Hell yea. People like that make the world go round. Grinning Goat at 7/18/2004 01:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, July 17, 2004 When songs in your head become dangerous - Bandung What lack of sleep do to you is to make you want to do nothing but stone - which was the state I was in half the time I was in lecture theater in TJ. In that state, being dragged out of bed at 6 for the morning run just about put me in a less than jolly mood. I had hoped the vegetation caught fire, the place was flooded, closed down because the workers went on strike or there was an avalanche or that it rained or the car refused to start. But of course, the vegetation didn't catch fire, the place still opened, the workers peaceful, no avalanche, it's sunny and the car in a perfect condition. So we ran, walked. My dad, being himself, said good morning to people that passed us by, complete strangers included. At first it was weird, awkward even when I first tried it myself but hell it was liberating all right. Made the whole journey more pleasant somehow (what with the lack of sleep and sore muscles). Especially when they smiled back and said good morning in return. A little human touch was just what we needed in the morning, in a stupid mountain, with a stupid sometimes-slippery-worm-infested trails. I discovered that I had a lot of songs in my head. From when I was still a kid with a runny nose. Here's one that I still remember even until now. (Guys, ever heard of it??) Satu sepatu...Dua durian...Tiga mentega... Empat ketupat...Lima delima...Enam tanaman...Tujuh maju mundur...Delapan papan tulis...Sembilan naek bulan...Sepuluh kue bolu...Sebelas naek kelas...Dua belas menjadi patung. At this point, we're supposed to stand still and make our face as expressionless as possible and the one who laughed first will be the loser. Now that sounds stupid but what do you expect primary school kids to be like?? Perhaps I preferred singing to standing still because I kind of extended the song myself. Yea, so my version goes like this... Dua belas menjadi patung...Patungnya patung gajah...Gajahnya gajah mada...Madanya mada kopi...Kopinya kopi susu...Susunya susu ibu...Ibunya ibu guru...Gurunya guru Jojon... ...(this part below is actually a quite popular kiddy song that's totally irrelevant but fits in perfectly so I slipped it in in the middle)... Jojon pulang sekolah...celananya robek sebelah...mentang2 anak pak lurah...dipukulin sampe berdarah... Darahnya darah merah...Merahnya merah jambu...jambunya jambu aer... Aernya aer laut...Lautnya laut jawa...JAwanya jawa barat...Baratnya barat daya...Dayanya daya tarik...Tariknya tarik tambang...TAmbangnya tambang emas...Masnya mas murni... I forget the rest. But you get the idea... Anybody's welcome to continue. My dad kept attempting to put this song by Wang Jie into our head (apparently Wang Jie's his favourite singer and not Liu Jia Chang or Fei Yu Ching or Robbie Williams. Erhh, we got the wrong CD) Dad: (singing Wang Jie's song)Wo de shi jie zheng zai xi xue... R: Not that song again!!! Dad: Wo de shi jie kai shi xia xue... R: Isn't it supposed to be zheng zai and not kai shi? and why is it that I only hear that part and never anything else? Dad: I don't know how the rest goes. R: Ah. It was a brain wash of a major proportion. The fact that I remember to write it here should be proof enough. Wo de shi jie zheng xai xia xue.........
Grinning Goat at 7/17/2004 10:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} New look My new specs was ready for collection today. Taking a glance at myself on the mirror I discovered that I look like...uh.....Shu Yong Kang! No, I'm not being an arrogant prick for calling myself an artist-loook-alike, you bozos, for those of you who don't know Shu Yong Kang is an actor. A MALE. Arrrrggghhhhh I had my hair tied up into a pony tail when Wedy got home. Upon seeing me, Wedy: Ooooooooohhhhhhhh (Now I'm not so sure what that's supposed to mean. Good? or BAd?) R: Tell me, do I look like Shu Yong Kang? Wedy: Nah R: (taking off my hair band to let my hair fall) How bout now? Wedy: YES, you DO. R: Awwwww . Damn. Damn. I know who to blame. It's the stupid hairdresser. Damn. By the way, I went to the Thai embassy today. They have this open house with tents set up, and people selling Thai cuisine, costumes, and other Thai stuff. Pretty interesting. I took a couple of pictures. But I'll only put it up, probably tomorrow. Do check it out at Sneak Peek. Pictures take quite long to upload and my game can't wait. Heheheh Grinning Goat at 7/17/2004 07:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, July 16, 2004 BREAK IT UP KIDS. BREAK IT UP!!! I was playing Gunbound as usual when somebody asked if anybody has a cigarette, in Indonesian. That was how it all started. Finally I have 3 Indonesians -fellow GB player- in my buddy list. As the conversation went, I discovered this person called Marikun's actually just 12 years old. And Riri was just 11 years old. God I feel old. Lucky the other one's a bit older than me. So it IS pretty normal to play GB at this age, isn't it?? Ah anyway, kids are kids. Riri: anybody's _____( a religion) here? R: Nope, not me Riri: I'm a _____. I think ____is good and ____(another religion) is bad. Marikun: It's NOT. I think _____suck R: Let's not talk about religion. We'll just end up quarelling Xynr: (the sensible 22 year old) yea, we're here just to have fun. Riri: I think ____ is good. Why don't you like it? are you jealous?? If you're jealous then................... R: Riri DON'T START!! Xynr: We're here to play R: Yes, DON'T TALK ABOUT RELIGION Finally she shut it. Man. I hate kids. They had the nerve. To bicker in front of me. About religion. God knows I'm pretty sensitive to anything preachy. And then... Riri: What's your religion R? R: Free thinker Riri: What's your religion? R: Free thinker Riri: You religion is a free thinker? R: (to shut her up)YES :::: Riri: Featherall3y (I am Featherall3y by the way) is christian and xynr is christian R: No, I'm NOT A CHRISTIAN. I'm a free thinker. GIVE IT A REST RIRI :::: Marikun: (in a private message) wanna sex? I ignored him Marikun: Wanna sex? R: If you don't cut that out, I'm gonna remove you from my buddy list Damn. Kids below 16 must be banned from GB. Grinning Goat at 7/16/2004 08:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Fill it. Fill it up I was nagged at when I suddenly discovered this "guidebook for freshman" in the messy stack of papers in my drawers. I was too busy playing. I didn't pay enough attention to this "very important" book. Well, I guess that's true recently. But hey, I don't become a double metal axe by doing nothing. And my winning rate stands at an impressive rate of 49%. Darn that sounds low. Anyway, I hate filling up forms. And I seem to need to do a lot of that nowadays. The Matriculation forms. Med check up forms. Tuition Grant application forms. Release of liability forms. Personal particulars forms. It's endless. Buika, surprisingly enjoy filling up forms. I don't understand. What's so fun about filling up forms??? Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a secretary. I'd like to think I'm cut out to be some big shot sitting in some nice spacious, elegantly furnished office facing the sea (or the river, I guess it'll do) with my personal secretary at my beck and call. Yea. right. RIGHT. Grinning Goat at 7/16/2004 03:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I feel stupid - Bandung We used to live in this place until my dad bought the place next door and sort of pulled down the wall in between so we had more or less a continuous space. Anyway, a new wall's been built now, separating them. Just like how it used to be in the old days before my dad came up with his brilliant plan. Today I went back to my old house with Kaka by less than a mutual agreement- I was minding my own businsess one minute and being dragged there the next minute. After exploring the place and smelling the air, I discovered this window ( it resembled an air vent rather than a window) up above and excitedly pointed this out to Kaka. R: Wow, we can actually peek next door. Let's move that ladder here so we can see what's going on with our irritating neighbour. (Our neighbours are irritating bunch of people mostly) K: Heh. Yea. Let's do that. So I held the ladder against the wall while Kaka climbed up. K: Hmmmmm........ R: Well??? What's up???? K: Huahahahahhaha....we're just Since she's not telling, I was climbing up next. And saw my mother staring back at me, eyebrow raised for dramatic effect. "What do you think you're doing?" There it was, my Indiana Jones' moment was gone. Just like that. There was no neighbour. Next door was still OUR place. So, yea I was looking at our very own toilet- not that we used it much for bathing or things like that, more for washing plates and stuff, so I wasn't exactly being a peeping Tom. Man. I feel stupid. Grinning Goat at 7/16/2004 02:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, July 15, 2004 STUPID SYSTEM I was pretty surprised I made it for the language preparation programme. French! I'll be learning French. How great is that?? Ah anyway, I went to the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) today to register my lecture group. Which is pretty stupid. Think, I'm given this COMING MONDAY as the dateline to change my lecture group in the event that there's a time table clash of some sort. BUT I HAVEN'T EVEN BID FOR THE MODULES, MUCH LESS GET ANY TIME TABLE. Being a dilligent undergraduate-to-be, I actually checked out the time table for the modules that I will WANT to take and I made my choice of lecture group based on that. BUT WHAT IF I DON'T GET THOSE MODULES THAT I WANT AFTER BIDDING????? Won't it be all wasted? What if, God forbid, I don't get the modules that I want and am assigned some shitty modules and there's a clash and I can't change my lecture group?? Oh CRAP. I don't understand the system. Really. The lady at the Dean's office wasn't much help either. It's been a pretty shitty morning. BIDDING. WHy do we need to bid? That sounds suspiciously like gambling to me. Bidding points are like the money at stake. Except that MY future's THE STAKE. Shitty modules. Damn. I might just end up as a road sweeper. I realise that there are a couple ways to avoid getting lost in NUS. 1. Be thick-skinned and ask just about anybody. Pick somebody who looks smart enough to know the way and look kind enough to point you the directions 2. Figure out your way yourself using the map. Maps are everywhere. This is pretty useless for me. I don't have a good sense of direction. 3. Look like you're lost. Look really really pathetic, wandering aimlessly. Wait for some kind soul to notice and ask if they can help you. I was sticking faithfully to rule number one. I didn't get lost. In fact, this was how the conversation went Stranger: Where do you want to go again? CLS? or Language Centre for English?? R: CLS Stranger: Ah yea, just turn left then straight, just follow the arrow. R: Okay. Do you happen to be Hui Hui??? Stranger: (take a good look at me) er...yesss.......owww....Rosss...Sorry I didn't recognise you... R: No problem. Thanks for the direction. It's probably because of my hair. I didn't use to look this bad. Stupid hairdresser. God I'm pissed. Grinning Goat at 7/15/2004 05:06:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, July 14, 2004 No H I know this is my fourth entry for the day. But God, this one's funny. This is one conversation I got while playing Gunbound. Rjjuan: i R: Hey. Playing? Rjjuan: ei R: Are u in a game? Rjjuan: Damn. I lost my h. R: I'm sorry, your what?? Rjjuan: My h on the keyboard. I can't press it so I said "i" R: Huahahahahahha Grinning Goat at 7/14/2004 11:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} When pranks get out of line My friend was telling me this story about how AFI management pulled a prank on each candidate (they called it academician). Heh. If you want to know what kind of prank I think is ridiculously absurd and outrageous, this is it. 1. Somebody comes over to your house and claims that you have an affair with her father. That somebody's telling it in front of your mother. 2. Somebody comes over to your house saying you owe him some money and you better pay up fast. 3 Somebody comes over saying you bumped his car yesterday and demands a compensation. 4. When you were with your boyfriend, some lady comes saying she's pregnant with a child and is about to get married with your boyfrind in a months' time. Oooohhhhh. If I were an academician and AFI pulled that trick on me, I'd probably sue AFI, the TV station, that somebody who comes over and just about everybody else involved. Man, there's got to be a line drawn between what is fun and what's NOT. And oh I'm pissed because PINUS doesn't organise a bloody thing. Akkkhhh. The only camp I'll probably be very enthusiastic in going and there's NONE. DAMN. Grinning Goat at 7/14/2004 09:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Cold Feet I'm having cold feet. The good thing about going to the U's probably the fact that I won't be bored lazing around- which is what I'm doing right now, before I'm addicted to Gunbound, and writing this blog (note during the boring days, I put more than one entry per day). Hmmmmppphhh. What if I don't meet all the fun people? In TJ I was fortunate enough to meet this bunch of noisy, crap-spewing, like-minded people- The Riot BAtch. There was Pony, who can babble on and on (the only one who can talk faster than me), who can stare anybody down. It's creepy when she does that. And oh with Pony,there's always things to talk about, including pink nipples. God, that one still cracked me up. There was Qutu, the all innocent-sounding and innocent-looking pal of mine who, in truth is far from being innocent. Huahahahha. And she's also my all-knowing source of information. (personal bus guide in NUS???) If anybody can talk about ordinary things and made it sound funny without meaning too, it's her. Really. There was Buika the maid who's obsessed with anything remotely resembling little piggy. I still don't understand why. And she's the expert in opening bottle's cap, probably from years of wringing clothes. Heeeeeee. But hell, Buika's fun when she's not pissed. And not to forget, she has Medan blood in her. She looks it too. (grinz) There was Dedel, the one with the javanese accent. We won't make it through one day without diagreeing over one thing or another. Heh, but it was fun bickering with her. The morning break's kinda silent when she's busy scribbling on homeworks that were due, that she hadn't done and i was busy scribbling with mine. There was Po, who looked even more innocent than Qutu but in truth she's the one who actually managed to trick me into buying Turkish icecream. Damn. Man, isn't she a good plotter. Buika would never have drunk New Water if not for her brilliant improvisation. I'm impressed. Po's a great advisor too and very much paranoid, just like me. Haha. There was Biwi,who's not part of the Riot Batch but is worthy of mentioning. She saved me from all the boring lectures and tutorials. We drew PLENTY of Kiwi birds (that's how bad it was). Kiwi always scribbled my name on top of the notes, just so that my pretty name would look all big and so shiny I wouldn't lose my notes. Oh well What if I forget about all the important things/dates? That's the downside of having my personal Doraemon in TJ. She had everything I'd ever needed. Scissors. Glue. Passport-size photo. 30 cm ruler. 15 cm ruler. Foolscap. Band aid. Marker pen. Calculator. God, she had it all. My walking reminder and alarm clock. Akkhhh. I'm having cold feet. Grinning Goat at 7/14/2004 05:52:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The odds of that- Bandung (18/06/2004) Traffic was alright today except for some roads being closed off since Mrs President was in town for some talk as part of her campaign. Went back to my old house in the afternoon to pick up some stuff. (yes, the house where the chicken story took place). I missed it, I guess. As a place to see and relive memories, not so much as a place to live in anymore. It still had that smell- I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Homey smell, not chicken shit smell. If we can accumulate wealth by collecting dust and spiderwebs, I'd be filthy rich. It was kind of sad. In the evening we had dinner with my aunt and uncle. And God forbid, Timan was being mentioned at the table. Ah, we couldn't seem to escape from his clutches even here. Somebody said to me once that when my eyelashes drop, it means somebody's talking about me. At the rate we're going then, Timan would have no eyelashes left. Anyway, the toilet was weird. It had no shithole, just a small hole to drain off the water. Pretty scary shithole-less toilet there. Okay, enough digression. this is wht I want to talk about actually. Today I found shoes (that aren't sport shoes and don't look stupid) that fit. What are the odds of that? And I wasn't even looking. It was like, wow, such shoes existed. I don't have to resort to those stupid-looking Mark&Spencer shoes with big ribbons on them. I might just see the very first brief glimpse of what it's like to actually enjoy shoe-hunting. Don't get your hopes up yet though, it might not even last longer than today. In the meantime, I got shoes that fit. Wow, I'm amazed. And, no, I didn't buy the shoes. Grinning Goat at 7/14/2004 02:58:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Who says simplicity isn't bliss?? -Bandung Went on some errand with my mom and sister. I thought it wouldn't take long. And was I wrong. Kaka went into this shop selling some bags and she needed to be actually dragged out of there with balls and chains and her feet kicking. I didn't bring my watch but we were there for a good 8 or 9 songs- That's how long it took her to choose. First she picked this big black bag. Then the big orange bag. I gave up whining a long time ago so I just sat there giving my mother my most miserable look. She asked me if I want one (bag). I stuck out my arm, she put the big (stupid-looking) orange bag in. I scowled. She frowned then scowled. Nope. Wasn't for me. No orange bag, No sireeee. Which was good. Just when I thought the big orange bag was gonna be IT, my mom suddenly discovered that the big yellow bag we saw earlier on actually had a different shape from the orange one so Kaka took out the plastic stuffings out, adding on to the by-then-already-high-pile of plastic stuffings on the floor. It's like she started all over again. I groaned. (And so did the shop attendant, probably) I guess this isn't so bad compared to the last time Peru brought me shopping. She wanted to buy some hair band. See, if it's me I'd just go straight to the hair band shop but, no she had to go round, entering just about every shops other than the hair band shop. She ended up with some socks and some other things but the hair band. Ever heard of this thing called a shopping list? She should get one. People should really warn me before signing me up for some long shopping trip. Trust me on this, I have the mentality of a 7-year-old, I can whine til your ears drop. Just when I thought the big blue bag's gonna be IT, she spotted some other bags. AWWWWW. And after a couple more shocks like this, she finally (Thank God) settled on the big black bag - which was the very FIRST bag she picked. So why go through the whole cycle of trying a variety of colours and models when the first one that you pick is gonna be IT?? A waste of oxygen while you're doing it. Arrghh. And Kaka said it was no fun shopping with me. Ditto. Grinning Goat at 7/14/2004 02:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, July 13, 2004 CURSED STUPID BUS DRIVER WHO CAN'T DRIVE I know I've written a lot of things today. But what happened today deserves my ranting and complaining. I was in this bus driven by a lunatic who sped, didn't brake while turning and didn't give a shit to passengers' comfort. Okay, that part about passengers' comfort, I can understand. I mean he's probably one of those who fail to make it to International Car Racing Competition so he drives a bus instead. A pretty pathetic substitute wouldn't you think? But can he at least LOOK, CHECK THE GODDAMN MIRROR- besides what's the mirror being placed there for? For people to take a look and try to tidy up their hair, beautify themselves???- when he's about to open the door? I dropped my Ez-Link card - who wouldn't when we had a driver like that???- and was in the process of picking it up when the bus door opened and slammed me on the head. What the SHIT. The bus hadn't even stopped completely yet. See now don't say, Ross why are you so stupid to try to retrieve it? THE BUS HADN"T EVEN STOPPED YET. ISN'T IT THE GENERAL RULE THAT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO OPEN THE DOORS WHILE THE BUS IS STILL IN MOTION??? HUH?? HUH??? HUH??? Go figure that one out while I nurse my injured head. And pride. Grinning Goat at 7/13/2004 10:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Don't be a smart ass - Bandung Some background information about Dorce. She was born a male. That's right. He She is transvestite celebrity who changed sex. And there was this buzz recently about him her wanting to get married to some guy whose name the tabloid can't divulge. I thought what the shit. Which guy would be stupid enough?? Get yourself a real woman for goodness sake. Oh well, for one thing, I'm not even sure if the guy really wanted to marry her or if he she's just being big-headed and blew the whole thing out of proportion to get publicity. What I can't stand the most was the way he she said that he she's a "real" woman. Oh crap. If he's a real woman. What am I? A real man??? Anyway, I was watching this talk show when Dorce happened to be the guest speaker. An (irritating caller): Mba're awesome......(blah blah blah...)..people need to emulate you......................I have four children......I wonder if you can take them under your wings as your disciple..... Dorce: Thank you very much, bu......(blah blah blah...) sorry, right now my disciples are a lot as it is. Maybe next time??? or we'll discuss this further after the following commercials... Host:, no.....this isn't time for commercial yet......Okay..the next caller is... Don't be a smart ass Dorce, is all I have to say. The Nature Reserve - Pangandaran At the nature reserve, (you should be used to my dad's antics by now) Dad: Bu, how old are you? Old Lady: In the 1945, I was 6 years old. That's interesting. We were stoned for a while there to work out the maths...This remindsme of this passage for English class that I got in the leaf school. It was about really old nuns who can only remember their age when they associate it with events like the World War. If it's me it's probably, during the big riot, I was 14. The stream was a lot shallower this time aroubd. Heh so much for wanting to swim. There were small fishes too. And a lot of monkeys. Accident of the day: Nothing as grand as Wedy who bumped her face on a boat. Haha. I got scratched by a monkey. There were a couple of terriorial disputes. Some fights. One monkey gota scratch (not me). A red gash across its face (not me). The little buggers have strong fingers. The toes though, they looked like human's fingers. the thumb at obtuse angle with therest of the toes. There was one who carried its kid on its back. The kid was still feeding on its mother's milk. I'm not trying to be gross but the nipple was really long, probably from the kid pulling on it as the mother ran. They were dangling, practically. Oh well, maybe Timan can fix that. Haha Grinning Goat at 7/13/2004 12:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A Tease - Pangandaran Guys guys, do you remember the Timan guy? That's right, he's the fisherman friend of my uncle's. And he always looked for him when there's problem (even if this Timan guy couldn't fix things), visiting him at his house everyday, went shopping for crabs with him etc etc. Remember the story about the car that refused to start?? I think everybody had enough of my uncle's antics with this Timan guy, which led us to this conversation with the lady who rent the bicycles. Dad: Do you know this person called Timan? Bicycle LAdy: mean Timan?? Yea I know him, he's....(blah blah blah)..... Dad: Can he fix machines? I heard he can. People said. Bicycle Lady: Of course he can't. Dad: So, he's not a doctor or a professional? Bicycle Lady: Nope. (then, pointing to my dad's graze wounds from the motorcycle accident) You fell down? Dad: Yep. Fell down at Timan's house. Bicycle Lady: Who dressed the wounds? Dad: Timan did. Bicycle Lady: Why do you keep mentioning Pak Timan? You idolized him? Dad: Oh yes...very much.....They said if there's a problem in Pangandaran, we should all look for Timan.... I couldn't keep my face straight the whole time they talked. I was there laughing my ass off. God, I bet Timan must have felt something the whole time we were talking about him. Grinning Goat at 7/13/2004 12:42:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, July 12, 2004 See if you're making sense - Pangandaran AFI is a lot better than Indonesian Idol. It's original. At least, it isn't a complete rip-off of some american show. Recently there's been a lot of copying in the entertainment business. Everybody just jump on the bandwagon, leaving no room for originality. Don't tell me that's the best people here can do. Obvious example (original, followed by the rip-off): 1. Punk'd - Gotcha 2. Amazing Race - Are you game 3. The Bachelor - Eye for a guy Sad. I wonder when it's gonna be time when we come up with the original and they followed suit with the rip-off version. But anyway, I'll talk about that some other time. The reason I write this entry is to rant at some people's stupidity in AFI. AFI- Akademi Fantasi Indosiar - Not the band, not some American Film Blah blah blah..., just to set the record straight. AFI (second season) has this guy (I'm hard-pressed to call him an artist. Heh) called Tedjo who's acting as the guest judge for the evening. The shithole. Barf. Host: Your comment on Tia? Tedjo Shithole: Perempuan itu harus ada sekam, seperti api harus ada sekamnya. Itu yang kamu kurang. ( Women have to have some chaff, just like fire. It needs chaff to keep it lit up. That's what's lacking from you) R: What the f... Kaka: What's with you getting so worked up? R: Just listen to that guy. Is he even making sense. It was HUH??? for me everytime the shithole opened his mouth. It's like he's trying so hard to be eccentric he's inviting people to shove him into some drain. It's not even relevant -the things he said. I thought judges are supposed to comment on ...oh I don't know....intonation? Pitches? Rhythm? Dynamics of the song?? Style??? NOT SOME FRIGGIN SEKAM (CHAFF!!) only he and some half-assed craphead knows about. Here's another one, guys. Watch that you don't puke blood upon reading it. Tedjo Shithole: Mata kamu itu lo. Kurang Tajam. Kamu harus sering2 latian di rumah. Liatin mata anjing ato ular- yang mana aja yg kamu berani - ato jarum detiknya jam tiap malem.(It's your eyes. Not sharp enough. You need to practise often. Try to keep looking at dogs' eyes or snakes'- whichever one you dare to get close too- or the seconds hand of a clock every night.) Micky: (nod his head and probably wondering how in the hell a moron like that end up as judge) Now, seriously. I DIDN'T make that part up. If you don't think the shithole's suggestion's stupid (beyond stupid even, I don't know what to call it) you're welcome to tell me to bang my head onto a wall. Just tell me what exactly the shithole's trying to say. Because in all honesty, I think he's not making sense. More barf-inducer for you Tedjo Shithole: Nia, coba kamu bawakan puisinya Chairil Anwar " Aku berkaca bukan untuk ke pesta. Itu muka penuh luka siapa punya"(Nia, try to recite a poem by Chairil Anwar " Aku berkaca bukan untuk ke pesta. Itu muka penuh luka siapa punya") So Nia did. Tedjo Shithole: Kurang...kurang itu.... Ayo coba sekali lagi... ('s missing. Recite it again) GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR. The Shithole. It's a SINGING competition you crackhead, not some poem-reciting competition. GET ON WITH IT. JUST LET HER SING!!! Can't even get such a simple ideas into his thick skull. Tedjo Shithole: Coba kamu taruh tangan kamu di dada, terus menghadap ke depan, kepala ke kiri, nunduk sedikit. (Try to put your hands on your chest, face the front, head to your left and hold your head lower) Haikal: (he did just that, probably resigned on his fate of having a walking lunatic as his judge) Tedjo Shithole: Nah itu!!! Itu tuh yang kalian2 lakukan klo nyanyiin lagu sedih. Itu tuh ala Western, bukan Indonesia. Klo org Indonesia tuh ga pernah betul2 sedih ato seneng. Selalu ada tawa dalam duka dan sedih dalam senang. Coba kalo nyanyiin lagu sedih itu kamu senyum. ( That's IT! That's what you all did when you sang a melancholic song. That's too western, not Indonesian at all. Indonesians are never trully sad or jolly. There's always laughter in sadness and sadness in happines. Try to smile when you sang the sad song) Haikal did. And God did it freak me out. Wht a grand idea you have Tedjo you shithole. Haikal, oneof the contestant was known to piss one of the lady contestants for accidentally losing her sandals. It got stolen when he went to the mosque. Tedjo Shithole: Kamu itu terlalu sedih. Kayak nggak nyuri sandal saja. Harus senyum...(You look too sad. Like you don't loose someone's sandals..... You need to smile a bit) Okay, that got a laugh from me. Still. Doesn't make him less of a shithole. There's this one comment made by one of the judges that got me laughing as well. He said in his compliment to one of the contestants- Tia- that even her fart doesn't go out of pitch. I wonder if mine does. Haha. Grinning Goat at 7/12/2004 03:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Weird Conversations - Pangandaran When we were lazing around, staring at the sea, there's this durian-seller who came over. Old Lady: Durian, sir.... Dad: maybe some other time... The old lady murmured something then went off... Dad: See? She probably thought we're some foreign tourist. Haha. Mom: Nah, she probably went off cursing us. Dasar pedit, sialan......damn...shit....Maybe. Just maybe. After a good five minutes, the old lady came back. Old lady: durian's really good...only seven left....(translation: buy all!!) ONLY??? Dad: (lying through his teeth) We just ate a couple yesterday. (translation : we don't want no durians, lady) Old lady: (persistent to sell us something) How bout some petay then? (translation: buy something dammit) Mom: (lying through her teeth too) We don't like petay (translation: nope, we aren't buying) Dad: jackfruit. We like to eat jackfruit...(translation: don't be so desperate. Off you go!) Old lady: tomorrow...Tomorrow...I'll sell jackfruit...(translation: don't ask for weird stuff. Just buy what I have) Dad: jackfruit.....whose meat are red......... Wedy: Wait til she gets one dipped in soft drink. We'll really get it then. At the beach, Dad: Get that bubbles in your hands. See how long it'll hold out. R: Hmpphh...not good. Just 3 seconds... Ono: 5 seconds.. Dad: Hah? Are you sure they're bubbles, not your saliva?? Man. The weird conversations I got that day. Grinning Goat at 7/12/2004 02:30:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, July 11, 2004 Gunbound Fever If you're not much of a Gunbound fan or if you ask what the hell is Gunbound. You should skip this entry. Really. This is probably one conversation you won't get in real life. R: How do you become female? Cherry619: huh? R: How do you change sex? I want to be female. Cherry619: I'm afraid you can't do that...It's too late... R: But you're a female. How do you become one? Cherry619: You checked female instead of male when you sign up for your account. R: Ah. And then there's this debate over whether "chick" is actually a chick. XXX: Kill the chick. Noobs! ZZZ: Chick? Pretty lady? Where? Where? YYY: It's not a chick. Why does everybody keep saying it's a chick? It's a duck R: Does it matter? YYY: Yes, it does R: No, it doesn't. It's just this yellow oval with two dots on it. YYY: No, it's a duck. Ah. Anyway, here's a list on sucky vehicles you shouldn't use. In my opinion. Don't use Tricho. It's slow. Looks stupid. Shoot stupid weapon that's too heavy for a back shot. Don't use the turtle and the elephant too. Same reason. Don't use Nak. Unless you can get used to its second shot which curves downwards instead of upwards. Tends to confuse people. But then again, some people are too stupid.... R: Why do you shoot me? I'm your team mates. Some chick: Oh. I forgot to turn. He forgot to turn! When the arrow's practically pointing at the direction where you're supposed to shoot. Geez. Boomer's a cool vehicle. Especially if you're one of those who're good at high angle shots. But my favourite's still A.Sate. It looks stupid but it's great. A Sate works anywhere, well except at Nirvana where it's totally helpless if you happen to land on the rocks below and not above. Oh yea, I want to talk about some people who like to make snide remarks to chicks. I think they have an ego problem. They were chickadees to once. What's with the superiority complex? A senior is just that. A senior. It's not a mark that makes a great man. Being senior just means you've played longer. Doesn't mean you're any better than the chicksin terms of skills. What an irritating bunch of bozos. Spare me. I've enough with all those singaporeans abusing english in the game room. I was thinking of changing the room title to "No Singaporeans". Oh but of course that'll attract only more Singaporeans to enter. That's what men do isn't it? Flout the rule for the sake of flouting the rule. Oh well, I'm out to play. I'll write more about the Pangandaran stuff some other day. This entry's been pretty long. Especially for non-gunbound fans. Grinning Goat at 7/11/2004 01:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Extra Virgin ![]() Can you see the, extra virgin bit there? I never understand what "extra virgin" means. IS it the blah blah blah content of some blah blah blah fats? or purity is at higher percentage? What is it exactly that makes it extra virgin? When I compare the two of them, I don't see much difference in the nutritional composition. Baffles me. By the way folks, I've uploaded new pictures at Sneak Peek. I've even taken pain to resize the picture for your viewing pleasure. Do check it out. Grinning Goat at 7/11/2004 01:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos