Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Out the toilet bowl into an award-giving ceremonyI was really pissed yesterday when this lady called (her being rather rude didn't help things) to say my phone's beyond repair. That kind of screwed up my day a bit. For surviving after a visit to the toilet bowl, I think my phone deserves an award. The pictures are all intact. So yea, I'll put it up. No more finger- biting and drooling. The loudspeaker's gone for good though so I won't be pissing people off at the cinema any time soon. Darn. By the way, due to some complaints that ppl got confused over the dating system which went forward n backward, I'll simply use the title Day __ for the entry relating to my experience in Indonesia. The rest i.e the part without that heading will be my present post. Sorry about that. Just to show off a bit. Here's my fish who eats just about anything meaty. ![]() Yea, the rest'll be on Sneak Peek as usual Grinning Goat at 6/30/2004 06:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Don't know nuts(Changed from "Don't know zits" after a complaintfrom Qutu)Youngsters here don't know zits about the absolutely important and strategic place that is the post office. R: Do you know where the post office is around here? Youngster:...there's none here..... WRONG. After spending half an hour walking around, I found ONE - and it's not even far. Ask them where Mc D or KFC is and they'll give you so specific a direction you'll be dumb-founded. Ask them the one strategic place and they give you so shitty an answer, you'll be amazed. How is Mc D more important than the post office? Aunties are great (first time I ever say that, eh? surprise me too). They know things like the strategic place. Some of the aunties i asked got into all the little's as though they're dying to have someone talk to them. Must be pretty lonely then eh? to live life as an auntie....And I thought they're too busy buying totos or watching soap operas....(one of those never-ending Days of Our Lives...)...whatever So youngsters out there, learn something from those aunties will ya? Don't embarass yourselves by not knowing where the strategic place is. Learn those things. Don't learn to perm your hair-it's not good for you...n for other people's eyes (who'll be unfortunate enough to see it). 8 June 2004 (Tuesday)They have flavour for everything Went shopping today. (Don't be shocked now). I was browsing through the shelves when I saw this green-tea flavoured sanitary pads. Wow. The next thing I know, they're gonna come up with strawberry-flavoured ones, or mint or chocolate or -God Almighty- durian... That'll be something. Tuti-fruti pads. Dead End (Title suggested by Wedy after I rejected her suggestion "My Prince Charming") I have nothing against Atu, really...(who am I kidding) except that he looks (and acts??) like a sissy. So if you're a fan of Atu, skip this entry and save me the grief. R: I wouldn't pick Atu if he's the last man on earth Wedy: (sensing an opportunity in my exaggeration) Okay. If you have to pick among (a) Atu (b) jojon (c) Ateng, who would it be? Hold on here. That's not much of a choice right? R: Good God. I'm not picking any. Wedy: But you have to pick one! R:....erh.....okay....okay.....I'll pick atu then...I mean, Ateng?? Tai ai le ba (Too short surely) Wedy: tai ai (fourth tone)???? (with a look of fake disbelief and a stupid grin) R: GRRRRR. I meant too short. Wedy: Tai ai (third tone) R: Yea, that's the one. Now, stop snickering! By the way, tomorrow I'll set off to Pangandaran for 5 days. A great place. 9 june 2004 (Wednesday)Stupid Rain At one petrol station, Ono: iihhh...ada kamar mati! There was some sort of a warehouse and somebody scrawled "Dead Room" in it. Dad: lebih seru lagi kalo dibilang kamar mayat (It'll be more exciting to call it "mortuary" instead, won't it?) Okay. So maybe that's not an auspicious way to start the day. Not unlike my aunt who stepped on dog shit. Haha. The road on the way there was kind of small and winding. A stupid car (with an undoubtedly stupider driver) hit our car's side mirror. Hah. Luckily, ours was kind of flexible so it just bent a bit and snapped back in. The noise was loud enough to cause alarm though. The other car (the lousy car) probably had its side mirrors flung out (I doubted his side mirror's as flexible as ours). Serve the guy right. Like Indonesians like to say, it's not his dad's road he's driving on. My aunt's car was right behind (dad sort of led the way) so we were shame-faced when lost for a while. (after visiting this place so many times in the past). Dad: errrh.....bilang ii papanya lagi mabok aja... (tell your aunts I'm drunk today) R: Haha, jen diu lian My Uncle's friend, Timan came over today. (This fact would be important later on so I decide to include it in) There's one thing about renting a bike in this place. One bike is for one person. Strictly. Nomatter how many seats they provide. (Except maybe, for tandem). The last time we violated that rule, the uh....tyre...kind of came apart. But it wasn't such a grand bike to begin with, to tell you the truth. During dinner, Dad: (jokingly) who do you like more, your mom (my aunt) or dad (my uncle)? Cousin: Like them equally Dad: But surely you prefer one than the other, even if it's by a slight margin of 0.1%? (This is probably where Ono gets his habit of asking weird questions from). Just like our fingers, One's always slightly longer or shorter than the other (????? This is probably where I get my habit of giving bad analogy from) Cousin: Nah, I like them equally. (Politically correct eh? Since his mom sat on his right and his dad on his left) Dad:(to ono) How bout you? Ono: I'll like whoever like me more Woohoo. Everybody clapped. The answer to all questions that one is. There you go. Learn from the China Ambassador. Ah. Anyway,this is probably the first time I'm not so happy the day's cloudy. It rained tonight too. Heavily. Well it could rain all it wanted today, just not tomorrow. Grinning Goat at 6/29/2004 05:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, June 28, 2004 Multi-Level Marketing...What the shit... I had this long lecture just now about... Multi-Level Marketing.I almost fell asleep. Ergghh. Tell me being paranoid n skeptical to the bone isn't good. Because I certainly think that MLM( after all that sleep-inducing talk) is just basically telling me to sell stuff n tell others to sell stuff (or, better still, buy stuff) for me. Simple as a pie. I don't know about whether there's a binding contract or things like that because I certainly didn't stay long enough to find out. I bailed at the first opportunity. (and knocked a chair in my haste. What the...)Maybe I'm just too pissed when people try to sell me stuff I don't need (or stuff I need but should probably buy elsewhere, or stuff I can do without but can be persuaded to buy with enough persuasion) So I'm just downright reluctant to be the very person I loathe. That just sounds horribly wrong. Ross gone wrong. BrrrRRRRrrrRRRrr This unfortunate guy was given the job of explaining things to the skeptical me. He was trying to tell me how their product - a certain facial wash- was better than the one found in the market. Guy: If we conduct an experiment...I don't have the materials now so i can't show you......but if we were to put a salt together with Shokubutshu in a bowl and leave them, they'll form a lump but not so with our facial wash. Do you want a lump of dirt and soap on your face?? R: As long as the lump is soluble, it doesn't matter...we can always wash it off... Guy:....ah....erh...let me show you another experiment... And so it went... This guy's been giving me stupid-primary-school question ever since he started, which pissed me off so I just put on my best expressionless face, shut the hell up, tried not to snap at every opportunity. Guy: Selling $50 worth of products to somebody in a week. Do you think it can be done?? R:... Guy:(getting desperate) you think??... R:... Guy: (last minute ditch).....say yes...... please ?? SHITTY TRENDI noticed this trend (perhaps belatedly) that in Friendster , there's this bunch of people who did TOTALLY UTTERLY DISGUSTING poses in skimpy clothing for their pictures to attract guys to add them to their list. Man. It's not that I'm oblivious to these things, I mean I'm sure there are websites out there with shitty pictures (or worse,nudities) made by ppl who can't write. (let's just be blunt. Some people can't write) But I thought Friendster was created with "socialisation" in mind, not bitching or an arena for people to show off how many strangers they can attract. (I doubt they know each other in real life. It's more like a competition of how many ppl they can "collect". People collect people, |ady Death's right I'm sad to say.) Of course, you can argue that depends on what socialisation means. I certainly don't think bitching is one of them. And when I said shitty, I meant shitty. It's just as well that i thought posting the pictures here are somewhat unethical (also an unecessary publication), so yea do have a look at them at friendster when you came across ppl like that. Just don't barf on your keyboard. Grinning Goat at 6/28/2004 11:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, June 26, 2004 7 June 2004 (Monday) Dad: Darn it R: What's up dad? Dad: This morning, this man approached me and said I look like Hamzah HAz R: Haha Dad: He said it's my mouth. Is it, really? Why can't it be Hasyim Muzadi or...or....Lee Kwan Yew??? R: Haha Tuesda My cousin's girlfriend is called Frida. She said it's because she's born on a friday. Won't that make me a Tuesda then? Man, that's a stupid name. Anyway durng the big gathering (sponsored by our very own cheapskate bitch of an aunt), Frida was chatting with Kaka. Frida: Yang ini (gesture to me) dede (little sister) yah? Kaka: (probably thinking, darn it) oh....engga.....itu cici (older sister) Never assume anything. Stick to sibling/relative if you don't know anything. So you won't commit a faux pas. But woohoo I look young. I LOOK YOUNG. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA or Kaka looks old...................But nah, I LOOK YOUNG. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Grinning Goat at 6/26/2004 11:26:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, June 25, 2004 All the What ifs Let me just put a break on the updates (there's still more to come). Qutu was back only yesterday and today she already cracked me up. Baca d. I was "Not acting the age". =MeLz=- says: gini.gue kan ke plaza semanggi gue di anterinnya ke mega mall, dr situ naek taxi Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: di sono ada apaan tempat shopping? -=MeLz=- says: trus kan jd pulangnya gue musti ke mega mall lg. trus Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: huahahahaaa -=MeLz=- says: gue ke carrefournya Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: dodollllll -=MeLz=- says: trus gue tuh udah mau bayar Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: trus -=MeLz=- says: eh tp gue kan abis ngambil barang apa gitu trus gue nga jd mau beli jadi gue puter balik ehhh ketemu cheryl hebat ya =MeLz=- says: coba klo gue nga boong gue blg ke mm Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: cheryl di jakarta? wow -=MeLz=- says: kan gue dijemput di semanggi huehehehehe trus coba klo gue nga jadi balikkin itu barang ciee :: :: Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: eh mel tapi taksi indo tuh emang serem lo -=MeLz=- says: iya seh..jd gue klo duduk gue ngeliat2in jalannya yg dipake si sopir taxi jadi ceritanya gue tau jln gtu Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: untung loe tau jalan -=MeLz=- says: biar nga dikerjain Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: cieeeee -=MeLz=- says: pdhl gue nga tau koq.. Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: eeeeehhhhhhhhh......klo gitu mah samaaja boongatuh mel ...trus takut kerampokan juga -=MeLz=- says: iya iya..makanya klo lagi lampu merah gue nglirik kanan kiri mlulu ampe pusing.. THIS one's funny too Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: napa nga bikin KTP saja mel biar bisa ikutan pemilu -=MeLz=- says: bikin saja? saja? heuehuheheheh Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: HUHAHAHAHA -=MeLz=- says: lo sakit ross? Not acting the age \(>_<)/ says: SALAH KETIK Grinning Goat at 6/25/2004 01:25:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, June 24, 2004 6 June 2004 (Sunday) Shit We went for the morning run today. There's this mountain trail that we followed right up to the bridge by the river. We could actually go further but it'd involve a whole lot more climbing ( the slope's steep too) which meant a whole lot more whining and protesting -despite the great scenery. R: Shit. I stepped on a worm ( a fat squiggly one right in the middle of the trail) Wedy: I wonder who invented the word shit. You can use shit anywhere. Shit this. Shit that. Get lost, you shit. But not ee R: Haha. Yea. ee this ee that, get lost, you ee just sounds plain weird. Oh and I just know that a certain type oif crab lives in mountains. We found one today. It's quite a shock. The Bitch After breakfast we went to my grandma's place. Tomorrow we're supposed to have this big gathering to celebrate my grandma's birthday. My aunt said it's good because it'll give us all (my aunts and uncles, including all the bitches and bastards) a chance to meet up. Not in those exact words of course. Hmmh. If it's me, I'd expect (in 10 years time probably)I can call up Wedy/Kaka/ono anytime to say, hey let's meet up. It's not the sort of thing that you need n excuse for, right? unless of course your siblings (or their husbands or wives) are bitches and bastards (like some of my uncles and aunts. Woupps) Wedy, your kids, my kids, five o'clock tomorrow. How's that? Sounds like i'm setting up a cock fight. Anyway, late in the day, we got a call that one of my cousins was hospitalised. Let's say her mother was one of my aunts I lack respect for. She (my aunt) was telling us stories about my cousin fainting enthusiatically in the hospital (if I wasn't there I probably wouldn't believe her enthusiasm over her sick child. Oh wait, it's the bitch, of course i'd believe). Showing her sick kid around like a bloody exhibit. Can't she just zip it. Give my cousin a rest. It's not like we - at least, I- were dying to know the full detailed story. A simple explanation would do. Seriously I didn't detect an ounce of maternal love there. If she were my mother (I should probably give my offerings to God that she's not), showing filial piety would be stretching my patience to the point of elasticity. I'm relieved to say that her husband's the one from my side of the family although their marriage makes her my (I'd like to think of it as second-hand) relative. This is the part i found most outrageous. My other aunt ( I should probably emphasize that this particular aunt isn't a bitch) suggested we postpone the big gathering tomorrow seeing how my cousin's still lying in hosptial and all. The bitch said that wouldn't be necessary because my cousin'd probably be discharged in the next day or so. Besides, she'd booked the place at the restaurant. Nice excuse. She's booked the fucking restaurant. Have you even heard such a thing as cancelling the booking? or is it just me? It's not about whether my grandma's birthday's worth celebrating. It's about whether the bitch;s still in the mood for a celebration. Not to mention the fact that it was suspected that my cousin fell ill because of lack of sleep because my stupid aunt went on karaoke-ing in her house until late at night. So is she a bitch or what? Anyway my cousin looked all frail and tiny and pale. Man. Hospital is a depresing place. Mas Kaka was at a loss when she was about to call the waiter. Pak sounded too old. Pak's supposed to be for someone a lot older than you, isn't it? De sounded too young and perhaps a bit derogatory. So mas was probably the term to use. Kaka: I wanted to call mas. But wo shuo bu chu kou (couldn't say it out loud) R: Me too. Mas is just too disgusting a word to use. Which reminds me. I used to have a female history teacher who called the male students mas. Man, did my hair stand on end. BBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRR Grinning Goat at 6/24/2004 09:17:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} 5 June 2004 I've been brainwashed. It was all the campaigning. It's on Tv, radio, on the roads. It's everywhere. Brrrrrrr. I've promised never to talk about politics here but jolly God I just have to mention this or it'll be like an itch I can't quite scratch. I saw this poster this afternoon. It said "lain urang sunda mun teu milih ___" (you're not a sundanese when you don't vote for___") and "hiji-hijina urang sunda" ("the only Sundanese"). I looked at it and thought, he's a sundanese okay...okay......SO????? It's the stupidest slogan campaign I've ever heard. Ha can be from Irian Jaya for all I care. What's being a Sundanese has got to do with anything? Do personal inclinations towards a certain political figure (namely presidential candidate) define anybody as Sundanese? I thought only language or local custom or traditional wear or place of domicile does. And how does he being a Sundanese would make me want to vote for him? Anyway, enough about that. Today I went to San Gria. (yes, not Shangrila!)in Lembang. For those who go to Bandung, visiting it is a must must must. It's a kind of a resort that's carved in a mountain. Yea, so the weather's good and the scenery awesome. They have this cafe overlooking the mountains. I'll give it an 8 out of 10 for the ambience. Mom: How bout hygiene? Ono: It'll be a "z" R: It can't be that bad. Dad: It's just too bad not many customers come to eat here. Wedy: MAybe they should put "Wedy" up there together with the name of the cafe to boost business. R: Do you want them to go bankrupt?? Common when we were swimming, my dad, being the can-talk-about-anything-to-anyone dad that he is, called this boy on the pool (a complete stranger) Dad: Andi! Tono!... R: What, is that even his name? Dad: Doesn't matter. Just try a Rudy or tedi or Hartono or Anton. There's got to be one that matches. R: Haha. Really?? See? Moral of the story: never name your kid with a common name. He said when you go to China nowadays and shout out "David" in the middle of the street, five heads'll turn to you. Settle for something bizzare if you have to. Never name your kid with a common name. Talking about name. Do you know how I ended up with a stupid name? Of course you don't. Here let me tell you. I almost almost get "Betty" for my name. The fact that it's an "almost" should probably make me go down on my two knees, crying my eyes out, out of relief. How can they even CONTEMPLATE it as a choice? Betty's so......oh God I can't even begin to describe. No offense to anybody namd Betty. My condolences too. Clara. Angela. Can you imagine me with that name? That's so...UN-Ross (that's assuming I've come to terms with my name). Common too. It's a bit too lady-in-pink-skirts, isn't it? Which doesn't even (could perhaps never) begin to describe me. Yea, so I guess I'm glad I don't end up being a Clara or an Angela. My problem with my name is that idiots tend to asociate it with a certain flower -makes me choke on my own barf. It's also kind of long so people tend to either 1. Spell it wrong. (I didn't know I had a letter missing in the spelling until I was 12) 2. Pronounce it wrong (even my Gp tutor pronounced it wrong, which is unforgivable but I couldn't be bothered to correct the mistake) 3.Read it totally as a different name. Idiot: what's your name? R:...(read it out for the idiot to hear) Idiot: what?? Novita? (in place of Novita, you can also put similarly disturbing and stupid name like Juwita. Errrghhhhh) THAT ladies and gentlemen is when I feel like biting someone's head off. So yea, just stick to Ross or my chinese name. Please. Grinning Goat at 6/24/2004 08:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} 2 June 2004 (Wednesday) No balls Spring cleaning time'son again. We are cleaning the sixth floor. Basically, the sixth floor's been converted to a badminton court. What's lacking's probably the lines (so we use somebody's shoes to mark the court usually) and the ceiling which is kind of low causing the shuttle cock to bounce off the ceiling and sometimes bounce off over to the opponent's court igniting a squabble over whether that should count in the score) Simplicity is bliss. Yea, so we just pour water over the whole area to wash off dirt and dry it. Wedy and I got stuck to the job of drying the floor (using your basic drying tool- towels and an empty bucket) using your basic cleaning techniques- down on our hands n knees. Wedy: Ci, don't you feel like Cinderella? R: Haha. Yea. Without the ball and fairy Godmother. I used this dark grey New Balance towel and ono's using this dark grey brandless towel or so until Ono said to me. Ono: Ci, do you remember that towel used to be white? R: Wow. Yea ... R: well, yours used to be pink Ono: Really?? Wow. I am proud to present a bucket full of filthy water. The floor isn't all that big. But big enough to make me feel like knocking somebody's teeth out if the bucket topples. (i.e. undo whatever I've done for the past hours). Gosh. Cinderella has no TV. That's why you always found her singing -a source of free entertainment (She does, right? in the cartoon?) We got no tv on that floor too. Wedy: Gu niang ya gu niang... R: Shi ni shi wo.........what's the next line? ..... Too tired to give shit about cleanliness of her pants, Wedy lay sprawled on the floor. Man it feels good to just sit. Wedy: Mah, liat ada mei ren yu (mermaid) R: Haha. Mermaid my ass. Hopefully we can play badminton by the end of the day. By the way, I saw this on CNA today: "China welcomes Britney Spears for concert but demands decent behaviour" Grinning Goat at 6/24/2004 04:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} 1 June 2004 (Tuesday) Idle R: (trying one sunglasses) Do I look better in this (trying another one) or this? Wedy: Hmmm... the first one R: Why? Wedy: With the second one, your eyes can be seen. R: Uhuh. So? Wedy: Your eyes are small. GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR R: Wedy, I'm gonna do another drawing of Papa. See how I've improved since 1997 Wedy:................. then R: Wedy, I'm gonna compose a rock song. (since the last string just snapped so a rock song's probably a good choice since it requires mostly bass) Wedy: thought you said you want to draw?? GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR At Carre Four Wedy held the carrot in her hand. "Pah, let's buy this for my hamsters" (they're not here) Dad suddenly told Wedy to hold one end of the carrot with her hand and the other with her other hand. Confused, Wedy just followed suit. dad suddenly executed his Papa Chop and the carrot was broken into two. Mom showed us her look of diapproval. Dad went on, unfazed, "So, anyone care to try that?" I did. And Ono did. So we got 6 pieces of broken up carrots altogether. Dad:Well? Weigh them, and put them in our trolley. Wedy: I seriously don't know what we're gonna do with the carrots. R: Haha Diplomacy. Are you up for it? Dad: Do I look older or my wife look older? Cousin: (jokingly) I look older. Ah. See. That was a tricky question. Either of the answers would offend somebody (He couldn't have known who is older in any case). So that was a good answer. My dad said anyone who'd travelled and seen the world ("merantau" was his exact word) is trained to give politically correct answer like that-which is admirable. A skill I need to learn. There was this ambassador from China who was invited to a ball in France. At the end of the dance, frenchman asked him whether he liked Chinese dancers or french dancers better. The ambassador calmly replied he'd like any dancer who liked him. Treading a thin line. Not easy to do but can't afoord to offend anybody so yea, diplomacy's important. It'll save you a lot of pain. Anyway, dad was testing us one evening after dinner. Dad: like mom's cooking better or the restaurants's? Wedy: (sensing the opportunity)I'll like the food anyone cook for me. Dad: Hahaha. Nah, Wedy it should've been "mom's cooking's healthier. No preservatives, etc" Wedy: But that's like saying the restaurants' cooking taste better... Dad:... R: hahahah. Mei hua shuo. Wedy's turning into a diplomat queen. Haha. The bastard Let's agree on one thing before i start. The bastard I'm gonna mention here really really IS a pain in the neck ARSEHOLE. Even my mother who usually don't bear grudges agree on this account. We were in the midst of badmouthing the bastard. Mom: The kuprit R: huh?? Mom: itu yg kudu disalaiin Wedy: culprit you mean? R: kuprit. Haha. I thought that was some funky new indonesian word I don't know about. Mom: yea, the culprit R: the bastard New shoes anyone?? My dad has itchy hands. He just can't leave anything dangling alone. He just has to cut them. Once he cut our (koala) bear's claw. Our hair band cuz it's too "furry" (not mine). His own handphne cover's flap. You get the idea... Now, he cut his shoes. Yea, you didn;t hear wrong. Here's how the weird story went. Dad: It was raining heavily and I accidentally stepped on the back of my shoes along the way. When i goit back I couldn't seem to pull it back out. Even the pliers didn't help. Yea, so I did the next best thing. R: The next best thing?? Dad: yea. I cut the part of the shoes tha didn't get back out. The amazing thing is, that it looked pretty good actually. you wouldn't hve guessed it was my dad's creation. Pengamen One thing that probably distinguishes Singapore from my country is absence of pengamen. Bet you haven't heard of the term. In developed english-speaking countries, pengamen doesn't exist so there's no english word for that. I think. But I shall be kind and explain. BAsically pengamen is this person (male usually) who goes round carrying a guitar, singing to customers in eating places or peddlers or in road juctions when the traffic light turns red. To earn money obviously. It's probably sad but it becomes kind of customary to give them spare change when hey came over while you're having your meal. Anyway, we got four of them coming during dinner (yea, that's a lot so Wedy and I were trying to judge who's the better singer/guitar player out of the four). The last one particularly was memorable. No, not because of the voice that chills the bone or that he looked good (you wish!) but because of one incidence involving another customer at the next table. This customer at the next table gave him a Rp 50 coin. (That's like the second lowest denomination so it's probably something like a 5 cents coin in Singapore. Don't look at the exchnge rate though, I was speaking metaphorically). The pengamen took the coin, nodded slightly, placed it on our table and went on singing to another table. OUCH. That was like saying if you can't even bear to part with a Rp 100 (more would be welcomed) coin (to give me), you might as well don't give me any. OUCH.OUCH.OUCH. Grinning Goat at 6/24/2004 03:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} UPDATES 31 May 2004 (monday) I was reminded of a lot of things. How big my uncle's paunch is. How dirty the house is ( we actually had to change the ater twice. Yes, I got to mop the floor, not before threatening everybody to stay out of the not-yest-dry floor or they're welcome to re-mop the whole area. See if they'd like that). On a more positive note: How cooling the weather is. Don't drool now. Average temp: 25 degrees C. 2.30 A.M and we're still up (That's 3.30 A.M Singapore time). What, Ross are you out partying? If you call mopping and changing the bed sheets partying. The music's blaring though. To chase away drowsines. No rock songs that'd put my mom in a bad mood. It'd cost us. I can get away with one or two rock songs maybe. Definitely not whole CD. Something struck me today during the interminable 4 hour ride home. (okay, maybe not that interminable but I'll tell you about that later). Questions that I'd been asked in the past that you actually shouldn't (should never)ask becuase it'll creep me out. 1. "Do you miss me?" (in any language) You guys know thw answer to that. Besides it's too dramatic so let's reserve that for Taiwan shows n dramas, shall we? 2. "Am I pretty?" Don't ever ask me that. Don't freak me out okay?? I'll never be diplomatic or honest enough. So leave it. On to the not so interminable journey. The chaffeur. Our driver was this really really really short, really really really dark, balding old man called Waluyo. My uncle and aunts were at the airport on the right side(as the reception contingent. Hahahah) and our driver was there too, on the left side. Dad: Tadi supirnya bilang dia uda liat "ibu" tapi ibunya malah jalan ke kanan. Mom: Hah? Mama nga keliatan si supirnya... Dad: (to the driver later on) Pak...pak...kata ibu, bapak nga keliatan.... Mom: (grrrrrr) iiihhh nga jiang yi qi. Chu mai wo. Dad: Huahaha. Perlu beli sepatu hak, pak!! Waluyo: (probably) grrrrrrr!!! Okay, okay, there's this funny joke i have to share with you about this Waluyo guy. Dad: Pak....Pak WAH..ko..LOYO. Waluyo: (probably) grrrrr!!! Get it? Get it? Ah. Never mind. Grinning Goat at 6/24/2004 02:58:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} it's BAD BAD BAD Okay I'm back. Yesterday actually but I was too tired after all the mopping (yes, I needed to mop at midnight, my mother doesn't feed me for nothing. Haha) For the moment I can't receive sms or calls in my handphone because ladies and gentlemen my phone fell down the toilet bowl yesterday. AKhhhh. Udah jatoh kenanya aer kubangan lagi. And it's not even mine (the water inside) I hadn't even done my business yet, so imagine my horror, having to pick it up n living with the memory that my phone once got into contact with ppl's erh..stuff. Not to mention the fact that my phone's being put out of action. It went dead on me. And I didn't even talk on the phone inside the toilet. And aLL MY PICTURES ARE GONE. What the shit. But no, just because i can't put up the pictures here, doesn't mean I'm not gonna whine about them. I got one picture of someone's brief falling down the roof and the desperate attempt to retrieve it. The picture of my fish back home- the big eater who ate just about anything, lizards, cockroaches (serve them right for being pests), other fishes..., of the drawing I did of my dad when I was 13, of the drawing I did of my dad just recently (and trust me, some things I can only do once. My recent drawing was horrible, doesn't even look like my dad so I drew Doraemon as consolation. Doraemon, I can manage), of my pictures when i was just a kid with a runny nose (might as well you don't see it), of my sisters and brother when they were just kids with runnier nose (now that'd be something to see). I was wondering if it' s retribution because the last time somebody's handphone went down the toilet bowl I actually laughed. It just sounded like a stupid thing to do. Welcome to the world of stupidity, Ross. So yea, they're all gone now, so just drool people, bite your fingers. Grinning Goat at 6/24/2004 02:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos