Monday, May 31, 2004 Strangers United We were playing Gunbound yesterday. It was interesting to see how strangers united against an irriitating player. HollaJ. Heh. They have no shortage of stupid nick. PowernLove. IceCutie (Ewwwww!!!). dragonfly....Huahahahha Dragonfly my ass, more like a flea. Ok anyway, HollaJ's an asshole. He/She kept spouting nonsense, telling us his/her e-mail address. WHO CARES? like somebody told him/her. HollaJ being an asshole that he/she is, paid us no heed. Somebody reasonably finally got hold of the key (i.e became an daministrator) and kicked him out. Good riddance. And everybody's cheering. I loveeeeeee having the key. I love kicking asholes out of the room too. Once there's this guy who looked for trouble saying if I lag I might as well leave the room. As luck had it, I GOT the key by some random event. Yea so that was the end of him. I kicked him out. He never knew what hit him. Hhahahahaha (evil laugh). Then there's the sense of camaraderie between members of a team. Gosh, it was like the army or something XLoeria: Koftra180 hide! so we hid. and we won . Woohooo. There was exception of course. That would be people like Killerliz (who's still a chick. Hah!) and killassassin who kept shooting fellow teamates. (by accident I supposed). What are they blind?? "I keep killing teamates no wonder my hitting score's so low". Well, glad you figure hat one out killerliz. Killerliz was then kicked out of the room because of some connection error. R: Ah? Killerliz's out. Ono: Nevermind.....She kept killing teamates R: Huahahahahah. Poor Killerliz. Anyway, Killassassin was a singaporean. It was pretty obvious I'm telling you, just look or somebody who said things like heng ah or kill him lah. There you have it. It's character-istically embarrassing, this degradation of the english language. Heh. Well all in all it was a good game. We're on our way to get the stonehammer. ( should've been what? silver dragon...yea that's it) Ok folks, gonna catch my planes now. updates will probably (no actually, for sure) be pretty sporadic cuz I'll be too busy having fun. Huahahahah. Nah, I got no internet connection back home. Besides, it'll be very slow anyway, yeah? Grinning Goat at 5/31/2004 10:37:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 30, 2004 Lupus I was reading Lupus last night. Kaka was asking me why was I reading it again. But actually, I didn't realise thaT It was the second time I was reading it. God, Lupus was GOOD. It's hillarious in a very Indonesian way. I don't think I'll ever achieve that level of hilarity. It's refreshing to read something Indonesian that's original. Think Mira.W. Her novels mostly have typical plot. It's tiring reading about tragedies. Novels should be a break from life, not an exaggerated reflection of it. At least that's what I'm in the mood for nowadays. The sad thing is, its adaptation on TV wasn't half as good, or as funny. Not to mention the less than mediocre acting skills by the actors. What a spolier. Ah yea, The Great Singapore Sale's on now. I shall lock myself in the house. No, not because I'll shop till I drop dead, because I have queued enough yesterday to last me for this whole month. No more queuing for me. Grinning Goat at 5/30/2004 01:39:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 29, 2004 Whose idea was it again?? I went CD hunting today. It was quite a struggle since I was basically hunting CHINESE oldies records whose songs I didn't know about and whose characters I can't read anyway even if I happen to know. Some guy with a scratchy voice came to our rescue, so I managed to get something. More or less. Okay anyway, we went to Expo, supposedly to see the food fair. Then I remembered that the Changi Naval Base Open House was today (and tomorrow). I didn't know what I did exactly but we ended up queuing for the shuttle bus. While queuing we saw this lady selling tissue, singing. Yes, singing something like "one dollar one dollar uncle auntie one dollar". Wedy suddenly asked me to hum (any) rythm for her. R: What's up Wedy? Wedy: To put that song out of my head. The visit was, in short disastrous. It was very much like one of those visits to theme park where you queue for an hour just for a 3 minute ride. Only with a great deal more queuing, jostling and sweat-smelling. God, and I can't even ask "Whose stupid idea was this???" Yea, so my advice is, DON'T GO tomorrow. Seriously. I've taken some pictures so go ahead and see them, just don't go there. Not worth all the trouble. Besides, I don't think they show us the good stuff. That's probably classified isn't it?? A lot of queue-jumpers too. And there's this man in a cap shouting may tu may tu. THAt may mean "Three for One Buck" for all I know. Apparently that's supposed to mean "Don't push". Learn something new everyday. Oh yea, today I was reminded again at how sickening it is to see a hen-pecked husband and to realize that darn, I actually KNOW the guy. It was the way he kept checking his wife's reaction every step of the way. A reminder that wimps do exist. Heh. "Makanya, jgn ngatur2 suami" (Never control your husband) "___" "Kecuali suaminya nga bener" (unless your husband's a wimp) "___" "On second thought, if he's such a wimp, divorce him" "Huahahahah" Grinning Goat at 5/29/2004 10:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Making a mountain out of a molehill Nah, I won't be writing about anything serious today, don't be fooled by the title. In fact, when I said molehill, I meant it literally. A friend of mine just had her mole(s?) removed in a procedure (I have no idea if it involves surgical procedure). She said there's now a (gaping) hole on her face because of it. This is how I come to the decision to not have any of my moles removed. Or even Mark Lee would loose out to me in the Pock-Mark Department. Besides, I'm unlike Enrique who's ashamed of his big mole and always showed the side of his face without the mole for photo-taking. (By the way, his father is a whole lot of a better singer than him). Have you ever heard that if you talk too much you tend to have moles near your mouth? Yea, I got plenty all right?? all right?? so stop talking about my moles now. Well as it turns out that may be true. See, my bro didn't use to talk so much and the moment he reached an age where he DID, he had this mole near his mouth. Tell me that's a coincidence. My mother said she was worried because when other kids have started walking but can't talk just yet, I've been singing but I can't walk. That should say something eh? I'm a talker not a walker. Haha. Grinning Goat at 5/29/2004 11:23:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, May 28, 2004 Not half a bottle but TWO bottles! I was the "4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow" and Buika was the other one with the stupid nick huahahahah 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: aloalo bu says: yahahahhaha says: diana is sooooo sadddd 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: huahahahahahahhah seneng amattttttt says: dia sedih bgt kan? says: huahauha says: wooohh says: did u hear what they say pas ryan ada di make up roomnya si fantasia? says: they need 2 bootles siaaa 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: 2 bottles? says: yep 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: what did they say? 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: I think I miss that part says: kan ryan masuk ke make up roomnya.. trus he asked... what r u doing... she said... oh they r touchin up my lips.. if im nt wrong lah says: yep says: she said... i need 2 bootles... kalo ga salah says: hehehe 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: Huahahahahha really yah? says: gila ya 4 Years Old Olive Oil Makes Me Slow \(>_<)/ says: berati prediksi loe kemaran yg ttg setengah botol itu salah donk says: he eh Well, anyway, I loveeeeeeee Fantasia. She's Whitney Houston, Mary J Blige and Macy Gray all blended together. It's all about the texture of voice. (Especially the Macy Gray part. Makes her sund less whiny) And style. Always about quality and style. Grinning Goat at 5/28/2004 12:16:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 27, 2004 Temasek Idol!!! I had no idea if it was disastrous really. I missed the whole thing but the announcement of the winner and some guest performance. (Well, I did say I missed the whole thing...) The audi was in full capacity, which reminds me of the last time we sneaked in to watch the talent time the cheapskate way. The guest performer was a certain Mr Daniel Chung (Ddl's Gp tutor with the almost spiky hair). It wasn't out of pitch but shaky and a bit whiny. The MC tried to do the Ryan Seacrest thing at the end of the show but "___(a chinese name) Out" didn't seem to have the same effect. Peru said some of the contestants was the out-of-tune kind. She even offered to let me listen to the recording she made as proof of how horrible some of the singers were. No, thanks Peru I'll skip. And I got myself some tatoo too. In support of the E-club member. (By the way our dearest el Cafe's converted to Subway now. Heh) ![]() It's too glittery for my liking though. Peru: Why didn't you do the flower Ross? R: That'll be the day pigs fly, Peru. How some ppl want a PINK flower for a tatoo still baffles me. Peru: Woooh Ross you're losing hair (refering to the hairs that get plucked off when they peel the plaster off my skin) R: Haha. Yes. Darn it. Peru: Free wax.. :: :: Peru: Should I get one too? where? R: Somewhere hairless If you want people (strangers even) to comment/stare at you, go get yourself a tatoo. Even the fake ones'll do the trick. If a cobra isn't outragous enough, go with the spider or skull. Not dragon though, I thought it was some abstract sketch. I can't believe I got invited for the Science Fair BUT NOT the Idol thing. Obviously teachers don't think the same way students do. The room that was once for LAN gaming was converted to Bio-IT Centre. One room was called Watson and the opposite called, surprise surprise...Crick. Peru:Watson? Some kid: Yeah, you know the DNA guy? Watson and Crick?? Peru: Oh...... Somebody: Surely you don't think it's the selling pads and tissue's Watson?? Anyway, TRC (teacher resource centre) was converted to Temasek Research Centre. Heh. They just had to go and find a cooler name for that room. Pictures have been uploaded. Do check it out at Sneak Peek. Ah yea, I just want to comment a bit on offers by NUS. They're so highly inefficient. People have been whining to me that NUS gave them crappy offer. (Science Fac) Excuse me??? What's wrong with Science Fac??? It's only crappy if that's not what you really want. So stop saying Science Fac is a crappy offer for goodness sake. Medicine can be pretty crappy too if all you want to do is mass com. Geez. Be a loser, but don't be a sore loser. Grinning Goat at 5/27/2004 06:34:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 26, 2004 My problem with them all My problem with George Huff: What's with the big blinking watery eyes? Okay, he can't help having big eyes. But BLINKING EYES? I thought that only worked in cartoons... My problem with John Peter Lewis: He has curly hair. Isn't that reason enough? Guys with curly hairs should never be THE idol. Anywhere. Oh yea, he can't sing too. My problem with Amy Adams: I ain't got any. I like her. Okay, for the sake of fairness, there are just certain songs she can't sing. Not very versatile I must say. My problem with John Stevens: Not the red hair. He can't sing fast songs, just like how Josh Groban or Michael Bubble can never sing a rock song. My problem with Jasmine Trias: Good God. Why is she even in the top 10???? Have anybody figured that out yet?? My problem with Latoya London: SHE SHOULD BE IN THE TOP TWO. De Garmo can't even measure up to her. My only problem with Latoya is that she's too Whitney Houston. I don't see "Latoya" being stamped on her forehead. But man can she sing. My problem with Diana DeGarmo: When people talk about her. I'll be like "Diana WHO???" Fantasia's got her "My lips are big but my talent is bigger". But Diana, do you even remember a single line she ever said?? Do you?? Do you?? Do you???Any line at all?? at all?? My problem with Fantasia Barrino: NONE. Haha. Okay, it's probably her ego. But I was thinking if it's what makes her different. She exudes confidence. I'll never find myself asking "Fantasia WHO???". Besides I don't see her insulting anybody. What's wrong with being a little smug. You can afford to be a little smug if you've got what it takes. If people don't like that it's their freaking problem. What, you're pissed because she can be 20 something and make a name for herself and you're 20 something and nobody knows you but your neighbours and your boyfriend...uh...what'shisname again?? R:God, Fantasia just messed up her first song. Wedy: Traitor. Go and watch it in the gymn! R: Huahahaha. Well I'm just being honest. Diana was better just now. :: :: :: Wedy: (looking at Fantasia sprawling on the floor on her second song) What'd she do that for?? She's not even pretty... R: Traitor. Go and watch it in the gymn! Wedy: Huahahaha. R: Looks very 1970 to me. Wedy: Gosh her lips are huge... R: Wedy, will you stop staring at her lips??? It's probably clear without me spelling it out who I'm betting my money on. Buika: Fantasia's lips ARE huge. R: Hell yea. Buika: Two mics will probably make it in there. R: Huahahahhahaha Buika: bbibirnya tuh ya... can expand sampe kliatan gigi blakang gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa Buika: amazing u know R: Gile loe bener2 observe yah?? Buika: trus bu... itu lipstick ya.. i think everywk... half a bottle is gone!!!!!!!!! R: (laughing my ass off) HUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Grinning Goat at 5/26/2004 11:24:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Huh?? (Melon Syndrome) R: No school tomorrow?? Junior: unfortunately there will be. The carnival's gonna be in the afternoon. R: So are you coming? Junior: Aren't you? what events do you participate in? R: Nothing. I thought it's for students only?? Junior: huh??? R: I've graduated?? Wouppsyyyyyyyyy Grinning Goat at 5/26/2004 05:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Smarty pants Yesterday I tried standing still. The smarty pant of a bird circled the balcony three times and decided that I wasn't a statue after all and didn't land. So much for straining my arms holding the camera. Dad: Oh come on, you got to be smarter than the bird. Stand still. R: Oh well the bird must have been pretty smart if he knows I'm not exactly the wall... That failing, I decided to take the picture behind the glass window, so the picture might be dark a a bit and small, but hey at least I managed to take a snap. For two years now, everyday the two of them will come to the balcony of my house sometime in the afternoon, chirping. Erhh I'm not exactly sure what species they are. Are they even hummingbird? I've always thought they were. And about a year ago, they built a nest and actually lay an egg there. We took a peek at night to see the female inside. The egg was there. The evil plan my brother had to steal the egg was foiled because the bird migrated soon after. It seems like they're starting to build another nest in this potted plant that my mother bought that came with an exotic name. AH. No, I promise you I won't steal the egg. This is the plant with the exotic name ![]() The half-built nest on the exotic plant ![]() The bouganville. One of their favourite perch. I'm not sure why. ![]() My feeble attempt to take their picture. I hope you can see the bird, forget the plant, look for the bird, okay?? ![]() ![]() Grinning Goat at 5/26/2004 02:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A slip of the tongue I went to the market today. Yes, the wet market with real fishes, real smell, jostling aunties and gradmas, not the highly convenient air-conditioned selling not-so-fresh-fishes supermarket. My Dad was buying char siew. Dad: mai char shiew sekilo Butcher:(hadn't heard properly)yao se ma? Mom: (stared at my dad)????? (on her mind: SEkilo???) Dad: (looked at my mother's bewildered face) huh?? Mom: (whispering) sekilo??? Dad: (looked abashed)...erh.....yi kong jin (one kg in chinese) Mom: (laughing her ass off)Huahahahahhaha. Ntar dikasi empat kilo baru tau...You'll get the shock of your life if he gave you FOUR (sekilo) kgDad: Huahhahahaha Here's another one in a lift. Those in dots were in chinese. Dad:.....................trus......................makanya................................ (Singaporean) Neighbour: (unaffected)............................................. Mom and Wedy: (sniffling a laugh) Wedy said that sometimes she did that too in school. And when that happened her classmates just went on listening as though nothing happened. She said her skill in articulating things must have been superb. AH.... Grinning Goat at 5/26/2004 01:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 25, 2004 Shooting Stars I was watching this Hongkong show tonight. In today's episode, there is supposedly this shooting star called Hongluan star. And when couples happen to see it together, then they're fated to be together. In the story, the female lead and male lead happen to watch it together, accidentally. Dad: Did you see that (the Hongluan Star)?? Mom: Uhuh Dad: Good. I saw it too. R: Huahhhahahah Dad: Klo chao jia ntar gimana?? R: HUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Grinning Goat at 5/25/2004 10:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Selera Supir Taksi I heard this conversation while I was waiting for my bus this afternoon. Guy: You know, I realize that everytime there's a taxi passing by, the driver'll look at you Lady: Oh really? Guy: Yea. It's like taxi drivers find your face appealing. Here comes one (taxi) let's see.... So I did see. Nah the driver didn't even look her way. Guy: That's probably because he's busy doing something else Lady: (giving a sceptical face) No, drivers just DON'T find me appealing. Stop it will you? Guy: Here comes another one..... Nah, this second guy didn't look at her too. And so it went... Guy: Did you see that? The Bus driver just checked you out... Ah. if he did, I must have missed it because of the glare. Besides I was supposed to pay attention to taxi drivers not bus drivers! Anyway, it went on until finally, one taxi driver looked her way. I almost toppled from my chair. Guy: SEE??? I told you they find you appealing... Jolly God, it was entertaining. I was laughing myself. I was actually ALMOST ALMOST disappointed that my bus came. Grinning Goat at 5/25/2004 10:02:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 24, 2004 A matter of being pessimistic or optimistic Qutu: Eh masa yah temen gua yg cewe dibotakin palanya R: Wow gila nekat amat? Qutu: Ia apa nga bakalan masuk angin tuh?? R: Loh emang kata sapa angin masuknya dari pala?? Qutu: Soalnya klo gua berdiri di bawah Ac di bus tuh g suka pusing R: Oh loe juga yah? kirain gua yg a bit weak, soalnya gua juga suka pusing berdiri di bawah ac Qutu: brati gua weak juga donk?? R: eh nga....berati pusing pas berdiri di bawah ac tuh normal...... Qutu: Loh...loh.... Grinning Goat at 5/24/2004 11:53:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} My pathetic attempt My Dad usually got his messages in chinese. So here's how it went when I tried to read the sms for him: R: Something cuo le! Can something something something shi. Yi something something hou bu yao yong someting something hei bai something something..... Dad: Just give me the phone. Grinning Goat at 5/24/2004 07:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The LAST straw Holly shit. The bell rang. M: (shouting at me from the kitchen) Can you open the door please?? So I did. It was Wedy n her friend who came over. The (must have been half-blind) friend: Hello aunty R:(trying to hopefully look nonchalant n smiling a hopefully not-strained smile)Please come in GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. What the hell. What is she blind?? The (must have been half-blind) friend: (realizing her mistake, looked all sheepish n apologetic) woupps, sorry R: (trying to hopefully look nonchalant n smiling a hopefully not-strained smile) Do come in OUCH!! Look how my pride's taking the damage... Ok seriously folks, do I look aunty-ish AT ALL??? It's incident like this that triggers high blood pressure. Maybe I should shave my head bald. See if she still will call me aunty. Hello uncle. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Who locked the damn door anyway??? Grinning Goat at 5/24/2004 05:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Life in the Leaf School No school probably ever comes up with a stupider rule with a stupider rationale. 1. No sports shoes, only canvas. Rationale: equality for the poor n rich. Okay I'll buy this, although wearing canvas shoes for PE kills your feet. But okay, I'll submit to this rule because the rationale is reasonable. 2. No pony tail. If you want to keep it long, braid it or tie into two bundles. Rationale: Danger of the pony tail catching fire in the lab. No, I am NOT joking, seriously. I asked my teacher what's with the stupid rule and that's what she told me. Now, if your hair wants to catch fire, it'll just catch fire right? Tying it in a braid won't make it less flammable. But a braid is neater than a pony tail. Bah that's such a lie. If you messed up your braid, you'll have to ask someone else do the braiding for you. Not efficient and probably before anybody can tidy it up, the hair will catch fire first. Right? Now if it's pony tail, you can practically do it up yourself. Lag time before your hair catches fire will be shorter so safer... I have the leaf school to thank for my short hair. Braiding took too much effort. Tying it into two bundles will make just about everyone looks stupid. So I went to some hairdresser. A stupid hairdresser who thought short bangs were in. It was disastrous. 3. Keep the uniform starch white, even when you're in Sec 4. Rationale: it's beyond me. You figure it out. I got caught one day at the canteen. VP: Tuck the shirt in please, why are you so sloppy?.........(nag nag nag) Some irritating teacher: Your shirt's not really white anymore, you should bleach it......(then she's telling me about all sort of bleach brand I should try using...) Now wait a minute, I DID bleach it but bleach didn't exactly work magic!!! R: I DID, Miss___ VP: Oh well maybe you should buy a new uniform then R: But I'll graduate this year, it won't be very cost-eficient to but a new one... VP: You still have...what 6 more months to go?? SIX MONTHS is HARDLY A YEAR. I was not about to waste money buying stupid U with a stupid leaf on it just so it'll please her for 6 months. You know what's the best part of winning that debate stuff? That taught her something. That hey this fella with the SLOPPY look and the shirt hanging out n the hair in a horribly-styled messy state and the shirt NOT starch white manage to actually win the debate. So does having a starch white shirt matter at all in the end?? Huh, Miss___??? 4. No handphones. The rationale is the same as the first one so yea I did submit to this rule. There's this one asshole in the school who had the guts to try to trip me on my foot and failing totally (all because I suggested {note I don't even use the word TOLD here that was how polite I was }that she moved to the rear of the buss so ppl in front could board) but didn't have the guts to do it again after I threathened to report it. So would she please use her brain before she did anything stupid like that. She waited outside my class after school, can you believe the moron? The troublemaker. But had no patience to wait for long (I was serving my detention the other day) The weasel. I was actually ENJOYING the detention, taking my own sweet time writing since I knew the moron's outside waiting. The little creep. Anyway, no I didn't fight or anything like that. I had a lot more sense than I did when I was 12. She's not even worth an argument. I sidetracked again. But the point is, that the leaf school suck. With its sucky ppl too, not everybody of course. If it's not for my fellas I would have gone mad. So is TJ a whole lot of a better place?? Hell yea, need you even ask? Grinning Goat at 5/24/2004 01:13:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 23, 2004 Why I suck at chess If it's chinese chess I can always say that well it's the chinese characters that confuse me. That's partially true. True because if I were to mention the name of each piece I'd be speechless. Partly true, because I am not confused, I pretty much get things straight, as in who's king who's bishop and what each pieces can do. I think the hardest part in chess is the beginning, where you still have many pieces on your hands, so there's different kinds of combinations of movements that you can execute. And this is where good players differ from the bad. I obviously fall under the second category. If it's towards the end, there's only so much you can do. (especially if your opponent has stripped you bare). So why do I suck at chess? 1.I always think of ways to take down the opponent's piece, often at the expense of my own king. So I guess I won't make a good PM or politicians huh? 2.Seeing how I can't stand PnC even in school, I am often unable to anticipate opponent's trap. Darn it. 3.My desire for revenge after one of my piece is down often overweighs concern for my king, again. 4.I often has this perceptions that others will do what I'll do if I'm in their position which of course is a highly flawed argument because others tend to be better than me at chess. That's NOT the making of a great player.Arrrghhhh I just hate losing. Ah, yea Ono finally manage to beat papa. It was a pretty interesting game I must say. Pictures have been uploaded at sneak peek. Feel free to browse. Grinning Goat at 5/23/2004 05:06:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} THE olive oil Po: Wow that olive oil has expired eh??? R: Hell yea. For FOUR years. Po: CkCkckck Lucky I didn't get any diarrhoea Qutu: Kok tau seh?? (how did you know?) G kan blon sms loe soalnya loe di indo. R: It's in my blog Po: Menurut Qutu mah olive oil tuh kayak wine....(To melly, olive oil's like wine) R: Huahahahahhaha Grinning Goat at 5/23/2004 12:12:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 22, 2004 Nicely dressed Ross is a pissed off Ross M: Hmmmm let's see.....let's go with this one.... R: But...but... M: It looked a bit weird...What do you think, ka?? K: Hmmm I'll say go with this one... R: but... but.... M: Okay, Go with this one. And that's the end of the argument. Okay maybe it was a slight exageration. I did have a say in it. At least a little. So nicely dressed Ross went to it some function hall?? No, she had to go to Mc Donald (of all places) to look stupid. Peru wanted to have breakfast before we go so yea there I was. Peru:..............(some comment about how I looked I'd rather you not hear)............... RHui:..............(more of those comments)................... R: Peru, if you don't shut up now, you'll pay! RHui: So Ross what shoes are you wearing?? (trying to look down....) R: Shoes half a size too small I almost break my toe on my way here. Peru: Wow we're all wearing pink today. RHui: Hell yea... R: Can you not remind me?? Okay perhaps I should explain a little, we were going for college day today. There's this stupid dress code. No jeans, no short sleeve blah blah blah...... no snickers.... Sneakers and sport shoes are two different things right? Yea so i found a loophole there so maybe I could escape unnoticed with a sport shoe but NO I had to be stupid and ask Mrs Beetsma if sports shoes are all right. "No, Ross you must get court shoes". There. I just dug my own graves. Land myself with a sore foot, blisters and hopefully still-straight toe bones. It went all right I guess. It was awfully boring though. Waiting and waiting and more waiting. And watching some propaganda video about how TJC's a conducive learning environment, the school's motto....etc etc etc. This one takes the cake though. There's this shot showing a group of teachers on the staircase near the auditorium looking straight ahead with determined looks and oh the shot was taken from the bottom of the stairs because that shot looks as though it should go with "leaders with vision for tomorrow" as its caption. It doesn't really work for me, because I've seen them in school for 2 years n there's no way they're "leaders with vision for tomorrow". I sniffled a laugh. Ah and Peru, she was actually laughing I could hear her at the back. For once the college wasn't being a cheapskate. They spend some money borrowing some lighting system so the dance performance actually looked good, entertaining. Which reminds me how my leaf secondary school's being such an irritating low-budget cheappo. Anyway, this is for fellow IndoTjcians: Loe org tau kan di depan TRC ada this advance and sophisticated-looking but can't really do much piece of a mechanical clock with some ball we can start off?? Well we were trying to start off the ball. And when my mother was trying it...... R: loh mah ko bolanya nga keluar?? Dad:????? So I checked n the ball actually got stuck in the middle n I couldn't push it off. It's like it's wedged between the two metal strip. R: Wow mah, what did you do?? Mum: Errhh................... Dad: Menghanyutkan........... R: Wow Dad: Diam diam menghanyutkan........ I can't translate all. It'll just loose its authenticity, right?? Right??? Grinning Goat at 5/22/2004 09:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Good Bye to UNWHINY DJ-ing Jean's leaving pErfect 10. MAn. Out of all the three female Djs she's probably the least bitchy, the least whiny, the least irritating, the most productive, and the most mature. That's it. This is gonna be the end of unwhiny Dj-ing as far as I'm concerned. Personally, Jamie's supposed to be the one to go. Not that I'm assuming Jean getting the sack. Her last show's gonna be next thursday, yea so go n catch it before Perfect 10 becomes completely whiny. Good Grief. Biwi suspected that's the reason behind that hunt the other day. Come to think of it she didn't look all that happy then. Or maybe she just look normal compared to the grinning JAmie Yeo n Carrie Chong. MAn. I can't believe guys fall for it. The bitchy whiny act, I mean. ( We got guys actually calling just to say, hey remember me?? I was at the DJ Hunt the other day?? Seriously, Who'll remember him?? unless he did something totally embarasing in which case he probably wouldn't even call unless of course his skin's so thick he just couldn't help it) Oh and there's this one time too a caller (an irritating secondary school female student) was telling us a gossip during the late night show. Geez Give me a break. For one thing, her gossip can't be heard all that clearly with her mumbling the way she did. For another, it's not like we gave a damn about the story of her life. Even if I am interested in other ppl's life story I'll just go n borrow some biography. How intersting can her life be anyway??? That's what crappy magazines n biographies are for, NOT RADIO!!!!! Carrie Chong acted (as a proper Dj should I guess) all interested in her stories. Argghhh GIVE ME A SONG!!! I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO STORIES..................God must have heard my plea because Carrie cut off her whiny voice with a song. Thank God. No more whiny callers please. We got enough whiny Djs on our hands... Things people do just to attract attention. What's with ppl telling their life stories on the radio?? Do the listerners care?? No. Does it solve the problem?? No. Do anybody ask them to tell those stories?? No. All it does is irritate people like me who turn on the radio to find some peace from nosey buggers. And what do we get? another version of nosey whiny buggers on the radio. I just break up with my boyfriend, I'm so sad......awwww.....Well OKAY NOW THAT WE KNOW YOUR SITUATION, MOVE ON PLEASE, MOVE ON WITH LIFE PAL, START BY HANGING UP THE PHONE AND GIVE US SOME PEACE. BAck to whiny DJ-ing, that's gonna be the downfall of Perfect 10. Sigh. I can't stand Jamie Yeo. The Squeaky voice with a tinge ( did I say a tinge? make that a large dollop of) of fake nicesities and phoney accent. MAn. I shall clap the day JAmie Yeo's career in radio ends. Grinning Goat at 5/22/2004 01:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 20, 2004 Irrelevant ScRiBbLeS ::::: > U guys ever see this droplets of red along Orchard Road? From the front of Hyatt Hotel right up to the front of C.K. Tang?? Somebody must have bled all over the place. It's gone now though. Swept clean not by some underpaid cleaner but by the rain. >> Wedy was so fascinated by the hamsters eating, she's starting to think that myabe the nuts'll taste good. R: Wedy, you're NOT gonna eat THAT! W: How do you know what I'm gonna do??? R: Look at you drooling W: A friend of mine tasted those nuts. R: ??????????? M: ihhh ada orang B.O.D.O gitu (that translates as S.T.U.P.I.D) >>> Rupert won the second Million dollar. Well at least America voted right for once. Somebody said to me he voted over and over for Rupert, so maybe Rupert winning wasn't all fair. But hey the fact that somebody's willing to vote over n over for him should mean something right?? >>>>Kick Jasmine out for goodness sake. The only good thing if she ever makes it is that she's half Asian. Her staying has cost us Latoya. Bloody hell. Whatever happen to fairness? It should've been LAtoya anf Fantasia as the top two all along. >>>>>Kemaren ini g ketetesan aer nga jelas juga, just like Qutu....huahahahhaha the only difference was that I wasn't on my way to finding out about tour packages to malaysia.....huahahahahah Okay that's about it for today's scribbles Peace. Grinning Goat at 5/20/2004 02:25:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 19, 2004 The Stall Experience I overlept again. After deliberating the plausible lies I could I came up with I decided to come clean. The funny thing was that i actually anticipated being late today, I was just too powerless to resist the temptation that was my bed. Obviously I missed the badminton session again. To Peru's dismay. Peru's mum opened this stall in some primary school. She sneaked us into the school today. That was like being a primary school student all over again, only from an adult perspective. The canteen stall's table was set so low we could sit on it. We came early so we didn't get to witness the lunch period with kids screaming all over the place. Apparently vendors there squabble with one another. There's this big invisible line of divide separating different cliques. My God ,like presence of cliques in school isn't bad enough. Anyway, we had a good time there what with all the jellies n black stuff (they called it bubur item or bubur ketan....arrghh let's just stick to black stuff) and sushi (no vegetables, since they said they're selling these things in a primary school and kids don't eat vegetables...Those with constipation problem must then consist of middle-age men and kids....) I've uploaded the pictures for our trip to the stall in Sneak Peek. Grinning Goat at 5/19/2004 10:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 18, 2004 The sad sad state of our country I know there are a lot of sad things about my country. But I'm not going to talk about the upcoming election today. It's the THOMAS CUP. We bloody lost. Not that i don't expect that really. Those players from China have 6 hours of practice everyday. They're sleek, fast, flexible and have really good stamina. As much as I hate to say this, Taufik Hidayat is supposed to be Indonesia's one hope. Can you believe that?? He's such an asshole. For your information he reportedly hit somebody at some carpark before the tournament. That DID our country a lot of proud indeed. Anyway, my dad said the rest of the players were all dark n muscular (kaya tukang beca. Note that THAT was in his own words) but not flexible enough to tackle the hit near the net. Depressing. This is really sad. None of the double players are any good. The Ricky Subagja and Rexy Mainaky pair used to be one of my favourites. They're really good together.But they've called it quits. Darn. Just like how there'll be no Tiger Wood the second, they'll never be Susy Susanty or Rudi Hartono the second. Sigh. (By the way my dad thinks Icuk Sugiarto wasn't so good since he didn't last long, despite the fact that he was featured in our Bahasa Indonesia TextBook when we were in primary school). I still remember that the one time I felt proud of my country (such that the national anthem actually meant something), it was during one of the years when we won the Thomas Cup a couple of years back. That was probably one of those times when I can actually said "Hell yea I'm an INDONESIAN," should somebody accosts me to ask about my nationality. Now? When somebody asks me that, they'll get a "i'm an indonesian (in a whisper)" and should they not take the hint and ask again, they'll get something along this line " No, you hear wrong pal. Now what has my nationality got to do with anything? Leave me be. Before i said I'm a Hongkonger although I can't speak Cantonese and be a traitor" Okay a teacher asked me this during a CME period once, "What do you feel about your country??" Ashamed. Disgusted. Betrayed. How bout that, huh? No of course, I didn't want to risk detention and a long stare so I stayed with, "proud???" She asked me what's with the question mark at the back. Well, that's because I was trying to stay honest,Mrs___ so I left myself some loopholes in case ppl ask for my reassurance on that claim later on. No, I didn't say that. The other thing is this, do you notice how ppl in the class suddenly stare at us (indonesians) when the subject of our country came up in class? Say, during Geography when they did a case study of poverty in Indonesia. All eyes would just turn on me. So I stared back. What the hell. It's NOT MY FAULT, my country was poor. That it's corrupted. That the riot happened in 1997. That we got a blind man as president (meaning no disrespect). I'm JUST AN ORDINARY CITIZEN for goodness sake just like how you're all ordinary citizens in this fortunate country so QUIT staring before you lost your eyeball to my mechanical pencil. Anyway, back to Thomas Cup, I bet we'll lose the Uber Cup as well. There's no suspense there is there? Not like before. Grinning Goat at 5/18/2004 11:17:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 17, 2004
![]() This was drawn by Biwi. I used to critisize the bird. The thing with Biwi's bird is that it always faces the left n never the right. Trust me, there's no sophisticated reason for that. ![]() Now THIS is THE REAL Kiwi....okay so it looks like it may suffer from polio n the feather's a bit umm...sparse...but at least it got a straight leg. Errh I shall just let Biwi did the drawing next time. Grinning Goat at 5/17/2004 11:06:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Spoiled kids are itching for a smack I don't have problems with spoiled kids. They just have to be really really far from me and prevent themselves from showing their faces around, if they want to avoid serious injurIES. The father of some kid I know was begging his kid the other day to please please eat the food cuz he'd paid for it. His rationale: (It was a buffet) Whether you eat krupuk or some decent meal, he'd still pay the same amount. That's NOT what I was about to tell my kids. You don't want to eat eh? Ok well then STARVE. Telling them how some African kids don't have enough food's no good - they probably don't even know where Africa is n thought you're cooking up some stories. You have to show them. "THAT's how it felt like to starve, son." First rule as a parent: DON'T EVER BEG your kid for ANYTHING. It'll just turn them into irritating bastards with heads too big for their bodies. It makes ppl want to smack them for no other reason than to get some sense of satisfaction n wipe that smug look off their faces. Good Grief. Some sibling rivalry might just do them a lot of good. So they know that at least some things don't come easy. You want that toy? well FIGHT IT OUT WITH YOUR SISTER. Just don't come begging for more toys, or food- the bloody buffet was your LUNCH, not your SNACK. Do you ever read Congo by Michael Chrichton? There was this gorilla and when she misbehaved she's supposed to face the wall for God knows how long. THAT's my kind of punishment. Locking them up in their room with all the TV and computer and hi-fis inside is far from being a punishment. Now, FACING A WALL....that's a test of patience. What are they gonna see really ??? Ants crawling? Cracks in the wall?? Admire the paint??? Grinning Goat at 5/17/2004 09:05:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} uSuAl uPdAtE part IX To emphasize my irritation, let me just point out that I actually write this in my student's house. Today's probably the worst day. I came to...oh I don't TEACH??? How I ended up watching TV and writing the blog's still beyond me. It's not part of the job description, is it??? Ri: Ci, tau tukang pijet di sini nga? (Do you know any masseur I can go to??) R :Loe pura2 mo beli osim chair aja. (Just pretend you want to buy Osim chair)They'll let you sit there. Ri:Woooooooohhhhhhhhhh What the hell. This is becoming more and more like tea (no, strike that, lemon barley) session. Do I look like I'm some kind of a charity case????? R: If you were sick why didn't you cancel today's session. Shift it to another day then?? I'm not unreasonable Ri: That's not good. You didn't seem to be in a good mood. ???????????????????????? How in the world can he know anything about my mood when all I asked him was: You want tuition today?? Nothing decent to write now (maybe this has something to do with my guilty conscience for writing this where I'm not supposed to be). Later maybe when my dad gets back. Usually he has loads and loads of stories to tell. Grinning Goat at 5/17/2004 07:27:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 16, 2004 THE olive oil Before I start I should probably give you background information. The other day we were meeting up together at a house of my friend to uhh cook. Supposedly. And since that was like the first time we ever arranged such a thing (some of them obviously never cooked - fixing up instant noodle's not counted, so isn't fried rice or fried egg), Qutu actually brought with her this thick cook book, on what supposedly was Italian food. Yea well after we had our squabble on whether to buy Dori fish or some other I-forget-the-name fish, we decided to go with the nameless one. It was a struggle to skin n scale the fish. In the end though we managed to serve something, you just need to overlook the fact that we're supposed to come up with a fish fillet. Since it's Italian n I supposed anything Italian just had to have olive oil in them, we used the olive oil that Qutu brought (I need to give her the credit for preparing things from home like that beforehand) Yea so we ate it in peace. It didn't taste too bad. All was good and dandy. Until today, when Qutu suddenly smsed me: "You know the olive oil we used the other day? I just discover that the expiry date was sometime in 2000. You guys didn't have diarrhoea or anything like that right??" Even if we did, although thank God I don't think I did, it'll be too late by now won't it?? Too late like by what? FOUR YEARS??? Heh. I don't blame her. Really. That's just one of the syndrome you know. Melon Syndrome. We're all plagued by the slowness syndrome at some point in our life. Qutu's happened to cost us a bit. Grinning Goat at 5/16/2004 10:24:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Why chickens and mothers don't make a good pair I haven't got around to writing this story about me raising chickens. Okay so you may ask what's so bloody interesting about that? Well, maybe nothing. I just feel like writing it today cuz my sister just got a pair of hamsters for her birthday present that drove my mum nuts. (it's one male n one female. The person who gave them said hamsters are uh...loyal to their spouse so you can't just buy the husband another wife if she died, which makes me wonder about the high divorce rate all over the world. What's the problem? Is it because we have brains??) Anyway, the story goes like this. We started out pet-less. No reason for us to be otherwise what with my mum complaining about weird smells in the house. On one fine day (the day we got ourselves pets without too much begging has got to be a fine day) as we were having dimsum, we saw a rooster passing by on the road. Now, what are the chances of that happening when you're having your breakfast right? So when I told ppl this story they'll either: 1.Stare at me with disbelief, thinking I was making this up. Geez. I have nothing (this was not true THEN) to do all day so I just make up stories like that to amuse ppl who'll think there isn't an ounce of truth in it. 2.Laugh, because like me, they think what are the chances of that happening? 3.Bored, because they barely listened to me. In which case, I'd try to slip an insult or two until their head snapped around n asked "excuse me" after which I'd look all innocent n said "nothing" My dad saw the chicken as we did. My brother, thank heavens, made a big fuss out of it. My dad pondered if it was a good idea to asked the owner of the restaurant (he happened to know the owner, who was this balding irritating guy who kept asking my dad to buy his key-chains) if my dad could buy the chicken. Of course, my mum showed us her look of diapproval (probably thinking, what the hell were we doing buying chicken from a restaurant, buy one from a pet shop or something. Not that she approved us buying pets in the first place). Before we knew it, we got a pair of chickens in our house. At this point, I need to mention something. By now you all must think that I lived in some remote village since if I was honest I'd ask myself, who raise chickens nowadays anyway?? Well, I was not. I lived in this shop house, right at the centre of the city. (Yes, so stop imagining me living in some hut. Start imagine this instead: my friends complaining when I asked them over to play because it's always so crowded where I lived n most parents couldn't stand the traffic jam) That established, I also need to point out that eggs from chickens that we raised ourselves tasted the same as ordinary eggs, it's just more exciting because we actually got to see the process (the egg coming out from the you-know-what) and of couse seeing that, we'd get all health-conscious n started washing the egg before cooking. Of course my mum didn't know this. Why, she refused to touch that egg, despite our (false) claim that it tasted different. Opposite my primary school, there was this guy who sold chicks (in the literal sense of the word) and ducklings. Thinking that I'd gotten away with having a rooster and a hen and I'd get away with chicks, I bought 4 of them. (If i were to drop a bomb I might as well made it a big one, right? So FOUR chicks was like a nuclear bomb, as opposed to what, a kitchen knife??) And I DID get away with it. Yea, so I was minding my own business raising the little twerps. (They smelled, made noises n were a handful bunch to handle, not that I minded then) And one by one they started to die. (No, not because I abused them or anything. I think they caught some kind of contagious disease) See I guess I was lucky it happened in Indonesia and it happened before the whole world freaked out about the whole chicken flu business or they'd put my family under quarantine, making me feel guilty since I was one of those who insisted we have chickens as pets. Anyway, I didn't catch any chicken disease. I was driven to desperation. (It was my pocket money I was spending to buy them. They couldn't just die on me!) So I thought, what the hell, let's invest some more money on books about chicken diseases (hoping it'd work out before I went bankrupt). using the book as a guide, I started diagnosing my chicks. See, it was hard to do. For one thing, they're all in the same cage/chicken pen, so there was no way I could decide which particular dropping belonged to who. For another, how was I supposed to know what is the colour of healthy chicken droppings. Was it brown? Green? White? There was a whole array of colours and if Coca Cola were to come up with such colours for their coke, they'd make it big. At least before Pepsi or Qibla follows suit. Yea well I'm proud to say that one of the four made it alive (although he became a cripple) and the second batch of 4 chicks that I bought were all healthy. I didn't know how long they live. It was in 1997 and i was forced to come to Singapore so those chicks had to go. My dad gave them to one of his employees, discouraging him to cull them n made them dinner. I didn't think I trusted that guy. I was praying he'd have a diarrhoea if he did end up eating my pets. In case you're wondering, I did actually name my chicks. I forgot their names now. I remembered only one. The crippled one. He's called Prix. (okay, no brilliant ideas there. i was basically looking at this card board when I read the word "Grand Prix" written there) Luckily or unluckily, he died before my dad gave my chicks away, so at least there's one chick less to abuse by that guy. There's also this one in particular who got so fat, he couldn't get through the gate. So everytime he attempted to go out n I wasn't in the mood to watch him squiggled, I'd push him along. Even then, it still took him sometime to get out. I also bought a duckling. He's a nasty little fellow because he seemed to be obsessed with chicken feathers n kept trying to pluck on out of my chicks. Heh. The fat one must've been real slow, beacuse his whole butt was exposed. Errghh, not a pretty sight. Yea that's all about it. Laterz Grinning Goat at 5/16/2004 08:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 15, 2004 Some people just need beating up It's hard to justify punching someone on the nose. In fact, I don't want to justify it at all because given a second chance, I would still do it again. No, I did not just punch somebody recently. I did though a long time ago. There's this scene in "How To Be Good" by Nick Hornby that I thought would illustrate what happened when I punched that (deserving) somebody and how it felt like, In the book, Tom's 6/7 year old kid whose father had just undergone something unlike religious transformation. He gave away his toys for the less fortunate, asked Tom what he did that he regretted and tried to compensate for/"reverse" it. In this case, by inviting Christopher (Tom's classmate) for tea. "So do you like it there (the place where Christopher lives)?" "All right. Better than here. (Tom's house). Here's a dump." It's Tom's timing that is so revealing. He counts to ten, maybe even twenty or thirty, and while he is counting he examines Christopher as if he were a chess problem, or a particularly complicated complicated patient history. Then he stands up and punches Christopher squarely and calmnly on the boil which, on closer examination turns out to have burst and spilled its dayglo yellow contents all over its former owner's cheek. "I'm sorry, Mum" he says sadly as he walks out, anticipating the first stage of his punishment before it has even be delivered. "But you must understand a bit." Apparently, the thing Tom regretted doing was thumping Christopher at school which he just did, again. :: :: :: .........that life without hatred is no life at all, that all my children should be allowed to despise who they like. Now, there's a right worth fighting for. David, Tom's father was planning on doing the same "reverse" thing. So he planned to invite Nigel, his former schoolmate whom he bullied once. This is how the conversation went during te invitation. "Did she? well, I'm sure Rod must be heartbroken. he probably doen't want to talk about it, ha ha...Anyway, I just wanted to catch up. And now I have. Bye, Nigel!" And he hangs up. I look at him, and for a moment I see a flash of the man I used to know: angry, comtemptuous, eaten up with envy and discontent. "You didn't invite him to dinner." "No. I'm not sure it's much of a thing for him anymore, the bullying," :: :: "And he's a pig. I'd have ended up thumping him again if he came around here." "Like I thumped Christopher?" says Tom cheerfully. "Exactly" "There are some ppl you just have to hit, aren't there?" says Tom, "You just can't help it." I know that this whole thing is of course fictional. But that's besides the point. The point is some ppl just need some beating up. Out of all the people that u meet in life, there's just got to be some who deserve it (regardless of whether u eventually smashed his face or not). It's like they're itching for a fight. Besides, it's not like we'll hit them unprovoked. No, I'm not proud for hitting the asshole, deserving as that person might be. I don't like it when ppl asked about that one incident because I'll just end up telling them that I'll still do the same thing again if I could go back to be the 12-year-old me, (even if I'm not proud of my action) and get that look from ppl, the look that judges and condemns. Oh well I may not give a shit but it doesn't mean I can't not like it. And I will never try to "reverse" the situation the way David/Tom did. The incidence happened for a reason. It felt good. So let's not try to do anything about it. Grinning Goat at 5/15/2004 08:00:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 13, 2004 From one hell hole to another Dizzy. I was dizzy for the whole day. It didn't help that when I got back from teaching n boarded the bus I sat beside this middle-age man who's practically a walking perfume shop. You think women are vain? Well, try men. Yea, you could've said why don't I move. Well, I know enough about diffusion to deduce that the whole bus's gonna smell in no time anyway(it's even aided by the aircon). Besides, I wasn't about to give up this seat with a nice leg space, not when I was dizzy. SBS bus must've been designed for the previous generation who's generally shorter. Or maybe they know ppl nowadays are taller but since passengers' comfort's secondary to profit-making... The thing about overpowering smell is that it numbs our sense of smell. Let's say somebody farts in a room, everybody may complain at first but soon they won't even be able to tell that they're breathing less than fresh air. So I thought, there's no point moving if that's going to happen to me. True enough, when I alighted, I thought the night air smelled weird. (Weirdly) normal. And fresh. On my second bus, I was standing in between these two men who're holding their arms high up in the air. (Let's be fair, they're basically holding on for dear life since the driver was one of those who're less than qualified) Seriously, if I were to get a flu then, I wouldn't mind. Not in the slightest. I can't say BO in public cuz it'll be rude to the people who actually have it. I can't say it in Indonesian, not with the burgeoning population of Indonesians here. So we use the word hamke to refer to BO. My dad invented it. Don't ask me how he came out with that one. Let's just say it's a combination of ingenuity n a weird situation. Somebody hamke was in front of me the other day at ICA when I was queuing. The trick to survive, ladies n gentlemen, is to smell something more overpowering close to our nose. Like menthol or medicated oil. Oh well that's about it. One more thing, I think I have some problem with my ear (Yes, my ear, NOT my hearing. You know how Nokia headset has the right n left ear piece marked. Well unless I wore it the wrong way i.e left on the right n right on the left, it always slips from my ear. But it doesn't stop me from wearing it the correct way though. You don't change the lock to fit the key, you change the key to fit the lock. Bad analogy? Erhh maybe I should just givve up on the whole analogy thing. Grinning Goat at 5/13/2004 09:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, May 12, 2004 How can they do it according to mood???? No, I'm not here today to retract what I said yesterday. As a matter of fact, I wanted to air Qutu's grievances (probably she doesn't have any, qutu's just too peaceful for her own good but I still think it's unfair). Do you agree that in a level playing field, everybody's to be treated the same way? (Let's forget about the whole meritocracy crap for a while.) Anybody care to tell me why does Qutu get only 1 month while I get two months visit pass, all things being equal?? This is what I meant yesterday with the lack of stringent policy. To tell you the truth, I felt like it all depends on the staff's mood. But hell, it isn't supposed to be like that is it? Even if a teacher's in a bad mood, he's not supposed to fail his students if they don't deserve it. (Sorry if this is a bad analogy, but right now I don't really give two shits about it) Of course the tricky thing is I'm actually thankful they give me two months. I just can't quite swallow the idea that some assholes' mood's going to be the deciding factor of the length of time foreigners can stay here. I don't get how they do things. I really don't. Anyway, THOMAS CUP's on now. It's not as exciting as it used to be. Hell, even for Uber Cup, I'm not so hopeful, not after Susy Susanty left the game. It all comes down to ppl like Taufik. Heh. So much for Indonesia being the long-standing champion. Sad. Grinning Goat at 5/12/2004 10:16:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Geraldine o geraldine Heh, you think the name Amy is common? Think "Geraldine"...... I was asking my friend for her email address the other day. The place was kind of noisy so either She spelled it wrong or I heard it wrong. Anyway when I put the email address for my msn messenger, it got through. So when I saw her today I thought, well well well what's up with geraldine today. (she barely went online) R: Hello G: Hello R: Seldom see you online G: Hola R: Wow purple font eh? That's so Mrs-Wee_like. Distrubing . Disturbing... G: No te ediendo R: Okayyyyyyyyyy R: Who are you??? G: puedes escribir en espanol R: GERALDINE IS THAT YOU?? Stop bluffing me!!! G: Si. Yes. who are you R: Holly shit. Are you Geraldine Tham?? Me yammo Ross G: ok R: buenos dias (that's supposed to be good morning, now I don't know if it's even morning in venezuela, but I couldn't care less, I'm in a fix here) G: geraldine. nice to meet you. No se mucho R: Nice to meet you. Are you really from Spain?? G: no, from Venezuela R:Do you speak english? G: No R: can you teach me Spanish? G: yes (I thought, that was great....) R: okay what's how are you? G: De donde eres R: Okay what's the answer to that? In a separate conversation.....(I was telling Biwi about this bizzare incident) B: Ask her what's "I love you". i want to increse my "I love you" language range R: huahahahhaha you moron B: she's still not replying? R: she got confused. Like I said, she doesn't speak english. B: oh yea R: I had to say "I (the love emoticon) you". Wow useful smiley B: U think she speaks french?? (Biwi speaks french so if this Geraldine does too, it'll be great) R: Holly shit. She thought I love her. She said "thanks" B: hahahahahaha R: oh mannnnnnnn how am i supposed to explain this misunderstanding?? B: Anglais is english in french, try that R: How bout French in Spanish? B Errmm, I seriuosly don't know... R: Sabes algo des castellano. Any idea what it might be? B: ermm, no?? R: Shit B: hahahahaha R: How am I supposed to reply?? B: Just do this "????" R: Hahahahahah good idea B: Hahaha yea R: sabes algo des espanol. Not much of an explanation huh? R: That's whjat she said in reply to my "????" B: ciao in Spanish? R: oh, "de donde eres"'s where you're from. Cool. No, ciao's Italian B: How do you know that it means where are you from? R: Because when i used that on her, she said "de Venezuela eres" B: So she's from Venezuela? R: Yeah B: I'm pretty sure the Geraldine we know isn't from Venezuela R: Very funny Biwi. What's 'a pleasure to meet you"? B: erm, you think I will know? R: I'll never know. What's "friend" in French? who knows it's similar to Spanish. B: Ross, I learnt French, not Spanish R: Ypu know, I learnt some spanish the other day. I'm obviously such a failure B: Hahaha R: What's "sorry" in French? B: je suis desole R: shit. That can't be Spanish. B: Haha. Yea R: you know Biwi, I remember "vever" means drink, so I was like "vever tequilla?" Pathetic huh? B: Haha. You suck. R: Hey she answered. So that must have made sense somehow. R: queda en Mexico. Do you think that means "I live in Mexico"?? But she lives in venezuela..... B: hahaha R: So Biwi, this is one bizzare day R: Que edad tiene usted? G: 16 y tu? R: 21. Me Yammo Ross y tu? (By the way I was touched that she used y tu instead of usted. Usted n Tu means you but "tu" is on a more personal level. Yes, I wasn't lying when I said I learnt some Spanish once) G: Geraldine. Bonito nombre Ross R: Bonito nombre Geraldine. G: gracias R: Teach me Spanish G: como conseguistes mi mail R: I don't understand G: quieres seguir Okayyyyyy what does "entiendo" and " me tengo que ir" means?? or "vives en Mexico" or " a mi tambien" or "eres de alli" or "el gusto fue mio" or "hasta otra oportunidad" or "que lindo fue un plcer". I vow that one day I'll understand all that. So what exactly's Geraldine's email address? I'm not about to risk another strange encounter. Grinning Goat at 5/11/2004 11:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Bitter Bitter Bitter The sole purpose of this entry if for me to vent my frustration. So if you think it's too crude/vulgar/unpleasant-sounding/irritatingly emotional/stupid, feel free to skip it. Please. Can I see that? No, it's company policy. Can I know which room he's in? No, it's hotel's policy. Policy seems to be this HUGE SHIELD to fend of ppl. But now that I think that maybe policy does have its uses, where the hell does it go??? How can the rules be different for different ppl? They could've warned me yesterday so I didn't have to keep going back and forth like some moron with nothing better to do. (Yes, I AM unemployed but it doesn't mean I enjoy dragging my ass there all the time) The only one who profit from all this's probably SBS which is probably why they're deliberately being inefficient. Hell, how much foreigners must SBS ferry each day so that it'll actually have an impact on the friggin economic growth?? No, I didn't get counter 43 with the pot-faced guy, I got the fucking counter 44 (next door) which was no better How can they ask for A level result slip from one person n ask for letter of admission from somebody else?? What's the freaking problem?? Shouldn't there be a guideline so that it'll be fair to everybody? For your attention, my dad encountered the same problem a couple of years ago, but he sort of boot-licked his way through. Darn, don't expect me to do that. I'm totally incapable of bootlicking ppl, boot-beating ppl to comma maybe (not death, let her live to pay the mounting hospital bill. Medisave'll only last for so long). Besides,why couldn't they tell me the requirements yesterday? Like before I dragged my ass there today?? Maybe it's what they mean by "viewing it on a case by case basis". Well, I'm telling you it's pretty fucking random. How can they employ somebody so stupid?? Hell, if they sack all those stupid ppl, the rate of unemployment here will sky-rocket, not that it isn't high already. And it's clearly written there that my highest qualification is the 'A' Level n I'm waiting for U admission. What's with asking me "Can I see your poly diploma??" No, I don't have anything against ppl in poly or that I think lowly of poly students, it's more like, "HELLO???? it's there for you to see, why can't you friggin read yourself? That's what u went to school for isn't it? So you'll be able to do a simple thing like READING" I bet it's moments like this that make all those ppl write nasty things in testimonials of IndoSG. You know, what they wrote may just be closer to the truth than I realise. What the fuck. Grinning Goat at 5/11/2004 10:03:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Qutu and her stamp in ICA Buset d si kutu itu..................nih yah kan pertama2nya dia tuh sms gua bilangin, klo staffnya (the pot guy, soalnya dia tuh di counter 43 yg deket pot bunga, n probably he has the face of a pot bunga....jelek seh kata si kutu)...tuh rese, suru2 kita bawa2 hasil a level sgala.....bla bla trus kutu sms gua lgi, "ternyata g dikasi cap" "Buat brapa lama kut?" "sebulan" trus yah I get another sms....."eh gile ternyata cap yg tadi gua liatin tuh cap yg waktu dulu" "AH????masa?? jadi begimana donk?? "eh eh ros ternyata ada ko capnya yg kecil di bawah..." "Buset d loe kut..." " kan gua slo o w...." Nah bearti mellon syndrome itu tuh emang ada kan??? n it's highly contagious... Grinning Goat at 5/11/2004 01:38:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Analogy's not for me I was sitting there for 4hours straight. And my student actually survived. No, she didn't have red bull or chicken essence (I'm highly doubtful of its efficacy anyway) or anything like that. She just had some sleep before I came, so that says a lot about sleeping as a good cure. I came to realize that one of her biggest problem was identifying what the question wants. She can actually the do the calculations,she just needs an intrepreter. That was quite a major yet superficial problem, like a person who can actually afford a bus fee but can't get on the bus cuz he doesn't know how to tap his EZ-Link Card. Then there was this one time she kept asking me, " that all that's gonna come out for this topic??" I told her that's kind of like a kid asking if a certain character in a movie is a bad guy or a good guy. It leaves no room for ambiguity. Nobody's completely good or bad ( at least not in a Korean TV Shows ). Yea so I wasn't so brilliant in coming out with analogies. By the way, Rupert deserved to win. And if you think he did, do vote for him (CBS's gonna come out with the second million dollar for the person who gets the most vote in case you didn't know) at Grinning Goat at 5/11/2004 12:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, May 10, 2004 Opera I was channel-surfing when I came upon this Pavarotti (& friends) concert for the UNHCR. I didn't expect this, but I was really entertained. It was different from the usual brouhaha of a music I listen too. Well that was expected, Pavarotti came a long way. Perhaps Pavarotti alone is too heavy for me but when he duets with somebody else, he sounds really good. Soothing. Pavarotti was singing with Andrea Bocelli and some guy whose name I forgot. They kind of complement each other, it didn't actually bother me that they sang in some foreign languange (Italian I suppose. Italian is a sexy language so maybe that helps). The texture of their voices were different, n I almost always was surprised when Pavarotti suddenly joined in. His voice's kind of deep n rich. Hmmm to think that I've always thought opera wasn't for me. I didn't miss the irony. Heh, one thing I noted though was that Pavarotti always looked tired, like it took him a great deal of an effort just to breathe. And yet when he sang, it seemed as though he got one hell of a big lung. Looks are deceiving. It wasn't so much of an opera, more like a concert with mixed genre. Sting was there , and some kids from Angola (well it was for the UNHCR) Oh and some lady who walked in with her eyes covered, unassisted. So it's either the veil had some secret peeping holes I didn't know about or she'd practised a dozen times. Somehow I didn't think the organiser'd risked her stumbling on the stage though, so it's probably the holes. That's the thing about keeping an open mind n not be a fanatic. It allows for a greater exposure to the unfamiliar, so we wouldn't miss the good things. Sometimes listening to what others say's not enough, we gotta hear it for ourselves. Opera isn't so bad. Not at all. Grinning Goat at 5/10/2004 01:45:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, May 09, 2004 Ah yeah I forgot to mention that guys in (bright) PINK, Body-hugging, nipple-showing Polo shirt (not the office kind that goes with a tie) is just a big turn-off. Yuck. Grinning Goat at 5/09/2004 08:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} A new breed that is a new age guy I can never understand the rationale of guys wearing tight shirt. Does it make them look sexy? No. Does it attract girls? Now that depends on what kind of girls they're attracting......(who went gaga over guys in tight clothes anyway??).......Does it make them look more masculine? Certainly not. So why??? Don't tell me it's for the sake of comfort cuz anybody can tell you loose shirt's always more comfortable. It has something to do with being constantly exposed to hot weather. Some ventilation wouldn't hurt. For one thing, average guys don't have that much muscles in them, (yes, there are some muscles of course, so don't say what I'm spewing out has no basis scientifically) so I don't see what wearing tight clothes can achieve. It's not like it can emphasize the almost non-existent muscles. This reminded me of this incidence in TJ. Biwi was telling me how the guy next door left his first five (not one or two mind you......) buttons open deliberately cuz he thought his chest's so spectacular it'll attract a lot of attention.(he worked out in a gym regularly apparently although I wouldn't notice it if Biwi didn't tell me...heh so it didn't really achieve the desired effect...).....That was one of those good days when we're not required to wear our uniform........All I felt was repulsion. It was just as well, what's there to flaunt??Truth be told, I've seen better-looking chest. Was it a certain fashion statement then?? But it doesn't even look good and I thought to make it as a fashion statement it'll have to at least look decent. Now of course it might just look good on somebody with real, solid muscle in him. But it just doesn't work out for your average guys....... Maybe I'm just being conservative......but it's not like I don't appreciate guys who dress up nicely............just nothing too tight....... Grinning Goat at 5/09/2004 07:42:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, May 08, 2004 Driven to desperation The only thing I'm looking forward too nowadays is probably this (never happening) Malaysia plan. (Now don't you all start staring at me!! I WILL ask, rest assured) And if that doesn't materialise, the June Holiday then. Okay so Wedy was threatening the existence of the June holiday cuz she wanted to attend some camp. Arrrggghhhhhh. Wedy: Mah but that camp's going to be fun. Mama: If we've got only two weeks there, we might as well don't go back. R: AHHHHHHH?????????? R: Okay then, if you have that stupid camp, can I tag along?? Wedy: Heh, don't start d ci..............Oh ia mah, in December there's also going to be this trip to Kota Tinggi.......... R: Wedy, why is your school so fun?? Zhonghua never organised a bloody thing, except that one time to the Kranji memorial. But that hardly counts.... Wedy:Ia donk.....makanya....... R: Can I tag along?? Wedy then started raising her eyebrows which is equal to an eye-roll of a major proportion. Eh but apparently I can actually tag along to Kota Tinggi. Heh Heh Heh. Whining does have its advantages..... Grinning Goat at 5/08/2004 11:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, May 07, 2004 I was curious as to why mama2/tante2 like to read Femina. Yea so yesterday, instead of ploughing my way through Time (I've read all the interesting part about how Simon Cowell's in Time's list of "100 ppl who change the world" and not some guy who does charity work in some hospital in Haiti) I actually picked up the magazine and started reading. The recipes and advertisements skipped, I came across this little article on wine. Whole my life I thought our country never produces any wine. (Krupuk seh banyak....) Wrong. Bali actually has its own wineyard and the wine's called Hatten wines. Not a bad name, although it sounds a bit Dutch but then again maybe that's why it sounds exotic (surely you've noticed by now that wine comes in an array of unpronounciable names). Imagine if the name is "Arak Bali" or "Anggur ala indonesia". Heh, it wouldn't produce the same effect on you would it? I found this intersting little fact about wine. Okay so maybe I'm just slow, but I thought white wine's the transparent kind all along. Heh it turns out it's supposed to be yellow and the transparent kind is actually called sparkling wine or champagne. This is what I found most intriguing, the fact that sparkling wine can only be called champagne if and only if it's produced in Champagne, France. So the next time u purchase a wine, don't ask "where is this champagne made in?". They'll tell you "Champagne" n you'll still be like "excuse me??" Oh and there's also this part in the article where they ask some sommelier/assistant director of some hotel about the technique of matching yr wine with yr food. In that order, cuz apparently matching yr food with wine is a no-no. Chinese food's supposed to go with wine that's less sweet (hmm......they must've assumed chinese food's sweet then since they claimed that wine n food can't "dominate" one another, heh how bout malay food then, wouldn't it be sweeter??) like frontignac. Peking duck has a different match, cabernet, merlot or pinot noir. They rattled on n on about different food too. Apparently for seafood lover, the wine's sauvignon blanc. (Heh tapi di Pangandaran mana ada??) Besides that there's also this story about a girl who suffers from Progeria- a disease that's inherited because of some random mutation on some gene n causes a kid to grow 7 times faster than normal, physically. So basically you'll get a kid with the organs of a 70-year-old. Now this is probably the question that we'll pose in a war of the sexes, does the problem lie with the mother of father? Unlike haemophilia, it lies with the father cuz the mutation occurs in the sperm. In the "rupa-rupa" column (whatever the hell that means), they present readers with candidates for the DPR (alias calon anggota DPR) They actually put this as the opening line "Sekali dalam lima tahun, janji-janji politik diumbar. Ironisnya, sepanjang lima tahun kemudian, janji-janji itu menguap begitu saja. Apakah karena keinginan kita terlalu muluk untuk diwujudkan? Atau janji para caleg terlalu bombastis?" "Once every five years, political promises are made. Ironically, in the course of the five-year period, they disappear. Was it because we demanded too much or was it because they made promises they couldn't keep?" Since it's a woman magazine, they only featured female candidates. You'll be surprised at how many of them actually said that they'll fight for women's right. forgive me if I'm wrong but I think that's the least of our problems. (there's this one in particular who said she's gonna fight for women's right in a marriage between two nationalities.) How bout we tackle things like poverty before we go out screaming give women their rights. Fighting unemployment and incrteasing literacy rate might be a good start. Although that kind of makes me go back to my first point, maybe fighting for women's right is one promise they can actually keep. But that remains to be seen. Who said fighting for women's right is going to be any easier than fighting corruption or poverty?? There's this one time during GP class when the teacher asked us, "So, kids, do you think it easier to govern a rich country or a poor country?" Some idiots actually said it's easier to govern a rich country. Rich people have too much at stake, they keep mum. It's the poor who'll complain. Sure, beggars can't be choosers but they can certainly whine all the way. When there's no food on the table, it gives parading down the road with some banner that says "Stop corruption" some appeal. Heh, I promise myself never to discuss politics here. Like them, I guess sometimes I can't keep my promises. Grinning Goat at 5/07/2004 11:46:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, May 06, 2004 I'm back from hell folks. Eh gila itu kemaren g tuh reformat ampe tiga kali siaaaaaaa.......klo itu ampe nga cukup tau d g mo ngapain...............masa yah abis g reformat kan trus g online masa uda kena lagi. Darn sasser. Bt. Bt. untung sekarang uda di fix. Btw ternyata nge-refomat tuh gampang. n ternyata g tuh nga perlu any cd. The system recovery can be done internally for my comp. Heh mana g ampe pusing2 minjem cd org lagi. Oh well I wanted to write something that happened a couple of days ago when my comp was still down. My brother was filling up this bottle with green beans the other day. You know one of those things they did to help make noise during sports day? Ah well after sports day's over, instead of throwing it away, he filled the bottle up with water. No doubt it looked gross. but that's not the end of it. Ono: (opning the bottle) Ci, try to smell this R: Ewwwwwww......what's that ono?? Ono: decaying green beans R: Duh ngapain lagi yg begituan ditaro Ono: (stealthily sneaking nehind wedy n opened the wretched bottle again) R:Wedy gila tuh si ono kentut.............. Wedy: (innocently and calmly) mana nga bau ko R: Sini belah sini............. And since there's such a thing called diffusion..................... Wedy: Akkkkhhhh.................ONO GILA SIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......................BAUUUUUUUUUUUUU............ And after our highly convicing act, it took some time to assure wedy that ono actually didn't fart. Ono: Wanna smell it again?? R/Wedy: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO That's the thing with boys. They had a thing for smelly stuff. Heh or maybe it's just my brother. I mean this isn't the first time our house's flooded with smells. There's this one incident when we got a bursting fart bag in our living room. Man the smell stayed there for the whole day I thought I was living in a drain somewhere under some bridge. Mama: Dapet dari mana (the fart bag) tuh?? Ono: Oh dari temen....ta bu yao le....... Mama: Ihhh org laen uda nga mau koko ko mau............ Btw my brother was called koko because he's not convinced that he's tall for his age. Talking about smell, that didn't even include the pickle smell. Time to buy some air freshener. Grinning Goat at 5/06/2004 11:40:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos