Friday, April 30, 2004 Human interaction. I think I need some human interaction. I was making this call just now. I got a stupid answering machine with the usual monotonous press 1 if......press2 if.............. That was irritating, so I opted to press 7, which was to speak to some helpdesk officers. R:.........................(I asked my questions) Officer: Hmm....maybe you can call the office of admission R: Do you know what's the number? (I hate being kicked from one department to the next) Officer:I thought it's in the website? (If I were to get kicked, I deserve at least the phone number) R:You don't know the number?? (I do have a right to be slightly derogatory, after all he is the HELPDESK officer) Grinning Goat at 4/30/2004 02:49:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, April 29, 2004 I was talking to Biwi the other about a waste of memory space. We actually spent quite a space on unimportant, nonsensical things. There's this one in particular I just can't help but remember. 2 years ago, my class got a physics teacher named Lim Foo Keong. He wasn't your average teacher, not just in term of size (grinz) but in terms of his teaching methods too which was highly unconventional. Oh well okay so his size did bother me a bit cuz even my little brother was taller than him, n it's disturbing to actually look down rather than look up to a teacher when we're both standing. Oh n he always carried this small backpack too so he can actually pass as a primary school kid if you ignore the white hair n all the wrinkles, and saw him from BEHIND. Even his voice is interesting. I remember he came the day before Wendy's funeral, eating peanuts, n offering us some. The peanut was pretty good so maybe that's why he ate quite a lot of em. n it provided a necessary distraction so we didn't really think much, even with the smell of the flowers n formaldehyde (the smell of death). Anyway I was quite surprised that he came cuz most of the teachers came the day after. Must be weird being the only teacher around in a sad place, which was probably why he kept offering us the peanuts. What I remember most about Lim Foo Keong was this one lesson in lab 5 (that was the good lab, the only lab with air-con in it). The topic was um....gravitation. On that day he was explaining to us how geosynchronous satellite works. It was supposed to be this satellite that follows the earth's rotation exactly which means that every time we looked up we'll be able to see the satellite hovering above as though it's stationary. Oh well when we all had that dazed -i-have-no-idea-what-you-re-saying look on our faces, he started explaining again. " It follows the earth's at any time we can just take a telescope, take a peek n see the letter L.F.K being written there," Usually I was the slow person in the class but that day my mind was really clear n I started snickering when everybody else was asking "what the hell is L.F.K" I don't know who blurted it all out but soon the whole class was laughing. L.F.K. Lim Foo Keong. Oh n on the very same day too, he was explaining something about relative movement of objects. I didn't really remember much about what he taught us that day. The only thing I remember was how he walked from one end of the white board to the other end, holding a marker. He held it such that when he walked, he was drawing a line across the board. "See, I make a straight line like that," Everybody stared at the white board, um to be more precise at the squiggly line. I swear, if that wasn't squiggly, amy from 1202 wasn't/isn't an aunty in the making and the yakking lady was being quiet. (Now THAT never happened right?) He was pretty good actually, at least when he didn't do a single MCQ question for the WHOLE period. We were left to stare blankly at the board while he struggled to solve the question himself. So, like I said, I don't remember much about the lesson n the satellitte n the relative movement of objects. ALL I remember was the L.F.K and the squiggly lines. Grinning Goat at 4/29/2004 05:29:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} The ICA has this really weird numbering system. I was there today minding my own business. Queue number :1467. Okayyyyyyy it seemed like I could doze off for a while cuz they were still serving te 1300 ppl. The number doesn't run in ascending order, as some of you already know. It's pretty random if you ask me. I'm sure they have a good reason but I was just thinking if its purpose is to stop ppl like me from dozing off (I couldn't even listen to the radio there. No, not because of the disturbing bing bing sound emitted when the number jumped but because there was no clear reception). It kind of kept the suspense. I'd never know when I was gonna be called or by who. I was hoping for somebody with more sense than the lady I got yesterday. Yep, the one who ripped my passport cover. At first I was reading this book to kill time. This book caused quite a touble. I got on the wrong train because of it.....oh well at least I only went as far as Bishan n not like some ppl who went to Boonlay (was it?) when all they wanted to do was go to Bugis......heheheheheheh...actually though it was lucky there's a very obvious difference between Bishan and Newton Mrt station. I was practically staring at the sun shining outside. huahahahahah. I just want to point something out. Sometimes what I write is amusing but it can't be amusing all the time. If I can do that, I might as well write a joke book and earn myself some money. Singapore does need better writers for their joke books. =D Grinning Goat at 4/29/2004 12:41:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Rude ppl may be everywhere. Apparently violent ppl are everywhere too. I went to ICA today. The lady at the counter was practically trying to rip off my passport's cover with me gawking in front of her. Nope, she didn't get the hint. Luckily though she thought better of it n gave me the passport before it crumbled to pieces in her hands. Not before she tore the edge though. Sigh. Po n I went to Clarke Quay today. That's after our rash plan to go to Jurong. We were actually discussing to go to a place that we hardly visit. (meaning Orchard Road, Bugis n Suntec is off the list) Come to think of it, it's a good thing we didn't go to Jurong. What's there to see, really? If I were to recommend places to tourists, I'd recommend Clarke Quay n Chinatown. Especially to tourists from developed countries. They've seen high-rise buildings, they've seen huge shopping centres. I think what they've got to see instead is places which reflect Singapore's culture. Something unique. HDB flats maybe something to see at first but honestly, who wants to see it the second time? For all the time i've lived here I've seen enough. I'm trying to learn from my dad, in terms of diplomatic skills. I really admire how he can just talk to anybody about anything. Oh well, anyway today I waved to these tourists taking the boat ride in Clarke Quay. Po ummm.....was trying to pretend she didn't know me. =D "I'm trying to boost Singapore's tourism industry" "Yeah, right" The ironic thing is I'm not even a Singaporean. I just hope they'd think something like "How nice of that stranger" instead of "Who's the idiot standing on the bridge there waving n smiling away" I noticed that Malays, Indians and Caucasians in general are more friendly. They tend to be those people who wave n smile back. As a chinese I think it's a shame. Maybe it's their culture- it "grooms" them to be more perceptive of the ppl around them. The chinese needs to learn a lot in that department. And no, I'm not being racist. I am a chinese, remember?? I can be pardoned for critizising fellow chinese. Grinning Goat at 4/27/2004 08:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 26, 2004 uSuAl uPdAtE VII You know I'm starting to dread the day when it's "usual update" part 50 or something (if it lasts that long) cuz I totally forget the latin numbering. Anyway, today was one of those horrible days. He didn't study much again. He wanted to take a shower in the middle of the lesson again. He did offer me food again. There's this one time though when I was busy marking the maths paper that he did (the one where he amazingly bothered to actually do n was about 70% empty, not surprisingly at all) and he suddenly suspiciously moved to one corner. R: Ricky, sini g mo nerangin something. Ri: Tunggu ci......there's a reason napa g pindah ke sini R: Oh really??....and what's that???? Ri: g kentut Sigh.Sigh. See, this is the kind of student that I get. Well, okay so he's honest at least. Ri: Nga bakal bau ko ci Yeah right. RIGHT. R: Uda blon?? cepetan Ri: Bole ke sana? ntar bau lo ci....... R: Well, u smell it yourself and decide And he counted to God knows what number, i wasn't paying attention. but he was COUNTING. Yeah, like what you do when playing hide and seek. I was trying, no strike that, STRUGGLING, to explain to him the substitution and elimination method to solve simultaneous equation. R: Pay attention atuhhhhhhh...cepetan........ g lagi sakit perut neh.............sigh Ri:Lagi sakit perut yah ci? ke toilet dulu atuh. Org sakit perut tuh paling galak sedunia....apalagi cewe........ And after that I was struggling to look serene, to no avail cuz I really really felt like laughing. Darn. Why did he have to fart n be so honest about it. As usual he was making lame jokes throughout. Ri: garink yah ci? R: bagus lo tau Ri:Sok atuh ci ajarin gimana biar nga garink ??????????????????????????????? R: I don't come here to teach you how to make jokes Oh n he was telling me stories (he's forever telling me stories, whether I asked him to or not) Ri: Ci ricky ada temen yah yg slalu dateng ke rumah. Nga bilang2. Hari ini jg mo datang padahal kan Ricky ada less. R: Nga tau diri amat Ri: Ialah....bisa dibilang begitu................ When he's practising for his oral, and I ran out of conversation topics that didn't confuse him n at the same time wouldn't be so easy, I allowed him to talk about anything. I thought to hell with content, I just wanted to correct his sentence structures, grammar n all that. It's just like him to say something like "Sissy is like..........." "Homo-homoan" R: Really??? temen loe yg suka mo dateng ke rumah itu????? " I have a tuition teacher. She often critize me on her blog........................" "CRITIZISES" " She often critisizes me on her blog in a......................." Sigh. Grinning Goat at 4/26/2004 08:42:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I cook again today. If I don't do it too often, I kind of like it. I think. It's done in 45 minutes too (which is quite fast looking at my past records, in case you're wondering). Maybe the dishes were simple, but I'd like to think it's because my skill has improved. The kitchen wasn't such a mess too, I left it in a quite proper order. As opposed to contrary belief. The last time I cooked, somebody ate instant noodle instead, so I'll never cook again unless there's some guarantee that somebody's going to eat it. No point wasting food. Kind of like a threat, or rather an excuse for me to not cook. Since Wedy asked me to cook yesterday (which means she's going to eat it, n my brother too) I'm more than happy to oblige. Cooking I discover, is an art. (yeah, said like a true chef) Really, especially in the cutting the garlic or chili arena. I never get how my mom did it, without getting the smell on my hands for a week or so. As for the chili, the last time I did it, I got a burning sensation on my hands for the whole day. Some technique refinement is needed I guess. Oh well that's all for now. I'm gonna go check my mail box for the stupid letter I'm waiting for. Grinning Goat at 4/26/2004 01:01:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 25, 2004 My brother smells like pickles, I think. Not that I went around smelling him. It's sort of like when he walked past the wind blew my way. I think it's because he sweats a lot. Oh well, at least he's doing something (I don't know how playing beyblade n stuff like that can make anybody sweats).................Doing anything beats doing nothing. Sigh. Nothing much happened today. Oh my sister forced me to sit through this hongkong show (it's supposd to be the last episode). Never thought I'll say this but I was bored through n through. Some Hongkong serials are starting to resemble Taiwan shows. This is not good. This is not good at all. Grinning Goat at 4/25/2004 10:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, April 24, 2004 Everytime I went to Simlim, nothing good ever happened. I found Funan a better place to shop. I know that people can get cheated practically anywhere, but I always think that shopping in Simlim kinds of increases our chances of getting duped. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe like my father said "Simlim tuh jual barang kodian". Not to mention the rude ppl there. My principle in life is that, I won't cheat anyone n I sure as hell won't take it kindly if someone attempts to cheat me, which sounds fair enough. I was asking around for something that's apparently called "signal cable" or "tv aerial". God knows which one is it, cuz when I asked, different ppl gave different answers. There's this one shop in particular whose attendant looked like the world owes her something. Ahh....the chinese would call that chou mei ku lian. Somebody then directed us to the part of the shop where this signal cable /tv aerial/tv card was supposed to be found. It wasn't cheap so I was asking him R:What exactly is this used for? M (for moron):to watch TV lah R:How are we supposed to use this? M: Tv card. (shrugging) R: Yes, but um how do we attach it to our computer if we're to use it? M: Like a Tv card. Now how in the world 3 totally different questions have similar answers?? I thought the only exceptions are perhaps "I don't know" or "I'm not sure". Did the moron even pay attention to what I was asking? I'm trough with that shop. What an excellent service, I'm sure their business is booming, since they don't need customer like me, who's actually willing to spend money if somebody treated me decent enough (with respect may be a good start) and sell me goods that's up to standard. I didn't even need to look at the price to decide to NOT buy the darn thing. Pardon the language. Oh well, the trip to PS was pretty uneventful. Thank God for that. You wouldn't believe the extent ppl would go just to attract attention. For a start, there's this one contestant who go up on stage just to say "Happy birthday" to his friend. Sure it's nice n all that but i'm sure the friend would still appreciate it if she just said it in private. There's also another one who went on stage just to say "I love you, mom". I don't know about you guys, but I'm never the kind who said that kind of thing. It's just something I'd rather show than say. Like that wasn't bad enough, somebody actually went on stage n said this, "I'm here just to make the queue longer. Can I go now?" Oh wow, that's just so considerate. Let's waste everybody's time n attract unecessary attention. Don't they read the sign that says "Perfect 10 DJ HUNT". They're looking for future DJs, not morons. Here's another one, "I'm actually here for the goodie bag," followed by the next person who said, "I'm actually here accompanying her, to get the goodie bag too," Brilliant, I'm sure the audience appreciated that. One of my favourites is this, Bernard Lim: Go on , u get 30 seconds to convince us Contestant :The option I have right now is either to become a DJ or a teacher. I'd rather be a DJ than condemn myself to an eternal life of civil service, so please..... save me from government payroll. Jessica :Just for saying that, you're in. One of the contestant actually dig his own grave Bernard Lim: Can you backsell a song for us? Contestant : You just hear Britney Spears' Toxic, right here on Power 98-point 7 Audience :WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO Huahahahahahaah, what can be better than naming competitor's radio station? Bernard Lim was all like "You even got the radio station wrong". I guess after this people became more wary cuz I observed several contestants who actually cocked their head to the side to read the name of the radio station that's printed on the poster on the wall. I guess people just sort of try things, without really knowing why they're there. Sad. One thing I learnt, if u ever want to impress somebody, don't say what most people would say. Things like "I love music" n "I've grown up listening to perfect 10" become cliched after a while. Like one of the judges said, "listening to radio doesn't make you a good DJ" Oh n there's this contestant i just have to mention. Not only did she have guts, she was also shamelessly critical of other ppl. For maximum effect, I suggest u guys just read for yourselves. Contestant: I'm a person who likes to critic people. I also critic myself and I think I'm very suitable to become a DJ. Oh wow, that totally blowed my mind. I almost wanted to shout out loud, how bout you get your grammar straight first, before coming here. It's painful listening to you. Bernard Lim: I think you're not being totally honest with yourself when you said you're being critical, even with your own performance. Jessica : Because being a radio Dj, you do get calls from the listerners who're complaining. Oh and I'm proud to say that there's one Indonesian who did make it for the recording, no doubt the judges said he needed to work on his accent a bit. The part I hated the most though is the part where contestants starting to bootlick the judges. "I've had a crush for Glenn Ong ever since I was in Primary 5" "Glenn Ong turns me on" "Glenn Ong is one of the best Djs around n it's Perfect 10's loss now that he moves on to Class 95" For one thing, Glenn Ong is nowhere near handsome. He has his charms maybe but he's definitely not that good looking (it's quite a preposterous exaggeration that she had a crush for him at the tender age of what 10? 11? For another, it puts people off to bootlick the judges like that, not to mention that (I hope) it won't really affect their judgement. How bout preserving some dignity, even if u don't make it? One of my favourites as well, somebody actually said " I haven't BEEN eaten" Oh wow what a revelation, the fact that she's satnding there says she has not been eaten indeed. Grinning Goat at 4/24/2004 09:01:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, April 23, 2004 Rumah gua mengerikan. Nobody dared to move closer. Those who were forced to pass though the living room dashed like they never dashed before. R: There's no man in the house. Wedy: There is one (pointing to my little brother) R: There's no man in the house. Kof: Ci, itu yg item2nya terbang2....... R: mana......mana.........??? Kof: ON MY TABLE........ R: Ono, you're doomed. Kof: arghhhhhhhhhh..............(pushing me towards his table) R: Don't stick too close to me, I might need to run!!!!!!!!! Kof: okay okayyyyyyyyyy R: Weapon?????? We need weapon!!!!!! Kof: nih......(handing me a broom, himself holding an insect repellent) Oh well now that my living room is out of bounds, sort of..............I'm stuck to my comp. But then again, I'm ALWAYS stuck to my comp. Sigh. I better find things to do and FAST. I just want to comment on this report on Today. U guys know there's this DJ competition at PS tomorrow? Oh well there's this wise guy who advised future contestant to avoid making pronounciation mistakes n sort of list out words most ppl pronounce wrong Here's one example: So you want to be on radio? Master the DJ speak first ( The title is irritating in itself) 1. memorable: MEM-orable, NOT meh-MORE-able 2.liaise: lee-aze, NOT lai-uhs 3.renumeration: re-NU-meration, NOT re-NEW-meration (no, I didn't misspell that) 4.evanescence:eVA-neh-senz, NOT eFFEr-neh-senz : : : 6.Siobhan: she-von, NOT show-bun : : 8.Mediacorp: media-korp, NOT media-corr 9.Bedok: buh-dock, NOT bee-dock(like some angmoh newsreaders pronounce it) 10.Tampenis: tem-peh-niece, NOT tam-penis (as in you know what) Finally, somebody took offense to that irritatingly cocky column Cuz the next day, one angmoh writes: Recommendations on pronounciation of English words not quite right was quite a sloppy job........ Evanescence is not pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable but on the third- eva-NE-scence .....................(this is the best part folks, as some of u might have noticed earlier)................ There is no such word as renumeration. If you mean, as I assume you do, payment for work, then the word is remuneration. And it IS pronounced re-MEW-neration, both in United Kingdom and United States. I also find it a bit odd of you to pick on angmoh newsreaders for their pronounciation of Bedok. If all locals pronounce it correctly, why do you even have to include it in your list? Your list is not only misleading but also offensive....................................................................... by: Alison Lester oh and this takes the cake, I'm telling you: Editor's response: The Plus editor apologises for the misspelling of remuneration. He wanted to blame an angmoh sub-editor who works with the newspaper but thought the better of it. He has also been slapped on the wrist and will be in the stocks somewhere near Bedok market-in case you want to pursue the matter further. Well well how's that for embarassing yourself by being all cocky and self-righteous? For those who've read this in Today, just bear with it again cuz today's one of those days when I'm not inspired (grinz) n I decided to bring this up instead writing an original story. Grinning Goat at 4/23/2004 10:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, April 22, 2004 I realise this is my second entry for the day, but oh well, inspiration comes n goes. I can't believe myself that my inspiration actually comes from a bus-full of noisy, shouting, shoving teenagers from Australian International School who smells suspiciously sweet. I gave up on my radio with all their chattering -don't wanna damage my ear. Anywayz there's this particularly annoying guy standing beside me. He kept shoving his friends laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. See if he'll find his friend lying on the bus floor with a broken bone, bleeding funny. Well anyway, there's this other guy behind him who shoved him. " Stop touching me, u gay" the guy beside me shouted, not at all softly. I was just thinking, who was being a gay here?? Looks to me he did a helluva lot more touching than this other guy. Grinning Goat at 4/22/2004 10:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} uSuAl uPdAtE VI If you realise, the usual update for this week is on a thursday. Well, in case you're wondering, my student doesn't believe in the concept of sports day n thought it would benefit him more if he got more sleep, caught a football match on TV with friends who slept over (probably displeased the aunty a bit) n had tuition in the morning, BEFORE he got his breakfast. And oh, yes he did eat his breakfast during tuition time. Ri: Ci, mo makan mie nga? I just stared at him. Ri: eh, ci beneran mau nga? R: ngga. Auntie: Ricky do u want the beef? auntie make a lot Ri: Tuh ci mau makan daging sapi nga? I stared at him again Ri: oh ngga yah. Ga perlu tawarin nanti ricky dimaraiin lagi. Huahahahahahaha. Finally he got it drilled in his head that tuition time isn't supposed to be eating time.He ate anyway. Ri: Ci, ko ari ini galak? Lagi bad mood yah? Well, if he just took a closer look. He'd see two zits on my face. That's the thing. Must be the bloody biscuits -that's what my mom said, although judging from the way mothers always blame weather for illnesses I'm not so sure if her judgement is accurate. A mental warning doesn't work for me, darn. I think I need to take a picture of myself with the zits n take a look at it the next time I consider eating Digestive. Anyway, sorry for the digression, in any case, I wasn't in such a bad mood, despite his claim. I think it's more the combiantion of zits n vectors that irritate me. (He wanted to learn vector today). I hate vectors, never mind ppl say that it's easy. Of course there's no excuse for me. The student gets to pick what he wants to learn. Ri: Ci, minum dulu d. Tenang2in diri.......... Apa lagi......dasar sialann...................To add insult to injury, dia tuh nawarin minumannya dua lagi (lemon barley as usual, I just discovered they got tons of them in the kitchen). Ngeliat g stress kali ye.....huahahahahaha....... After, we're done with vectors, Ri: Ci, udah ci....sekarang kita do oral aja R: Emang oral loe kapan Ri: Udah kelewat Ri: Ci, udah kita do oral malay aja............... alias ngobrol???????????????????????? R: Klo bawel kaya loe mah pasti dapet 'a' lah nga perlu latian2 segala..................... Ri: ia ci.......kata gurunya juga..................... dasarrrrrrrrrrrrr........... Eh but I need to point out something though, he did learn the last time I taught him the angle properties in a circle. Today he managed to solve the question. I'm so proud. Huahahahahahaha That's all for now folks. Grinning Goat at 4/22/2004 01:35:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, April 21, 2004 Friendster is a joke. Testimonials are owed. It's like an obligation. Coercion at its best. Your friends are the commodity. Asking people to write yr testimonial ( sure, it comes both ways they claim), that's almost like asking ppl to bootlick you, usually after u bootlick them. If that's not considered an ego problem, I don't know what is. Sure Friendster has its uses. I met quite a lot of my old classmates or friends I otherwise would've lost all contact with. That's of course if u ignore the occasional technical glitches n the fact that ppl do make enemies in Friendster which kinds of defeat the whole purpose. I was just saying, save yourself some dignity n don't ask ppl to write testimonials for you. It's like begging ppl to slap you. Ppl who're supposed to b your friends. I know my friends. My friends know me. Claims like that are easy to make. Do u have anything to back it up? Jeez don't tell me to look in your testimonial, they could've been reciting poems and writing essays for all I care. The tricky business is, you don't really know who your friends are until u run into trouble. The testimonial says I'm a nice peson n likeable? Gee, give me a break. I'm just saying don't get backstabbed by your friends n be the last person to know. That won't just be sad, it'd be ironic. Grinning Goat at 4/21/2004 02:50:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wowwwwwwww, ppl take offense at the slightest thing. For a start, I don't make personal attack on a whim. I only do when somebody start it off. U guys can check out the latest entry by this individual who was pissed. When I wrote that LAST statement in friendster testimonial, I didn't point my finger to anybody. Of course, yes I do admit, it was written with a particular person in mind. Well, it's good to know somebody got pissed, it's akin to admitting somebody is emotional , unintelligent n let me add, unreasonable. Those who got offended by my testimonial are those ppl I talked aboutin the testimonial. It's not worth an argument really, for a start how do u argue with an unreasonable person?? We can all have a good laugh instead. Grinning Goat at 4/21/2004 01:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, April 20, 2004 I was tutoring this student of mine on A.C generator. How the current goes back n forth. Something along that line. As I was explaining how the current flows in the generator, she suddenly asked me, S: Why must you start from that point? R: Actually, the current doesn't start at a particular point. S: ah?? then... R: I picked that point because if I were to explain things to you, I need to start somewhere S: oh...hahhahahahahaha Man, I love enthusiasm in my student. It feels good too when they nod their head n say "ohhhhhhhhhhh" The longer the better. She was in a jolly mood today cuz she just passed her maths test. This is why I become a teacher. Not because somebody offers me Koko Crunch.......huahahahahahahah Grinning Goat at 4/20/2004 10:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 19, 2004 Apparently, student giving away food to his tuition teacher's a pretty common occurence. Biwi's student for one, gave her Koko Crunch........huahahahahhaa....yep, of all the cereal in the world he got to pick that one. Actually I didn't want to talk about that today. (besides, there's no usual update soalnya si ricky yg males mo tidur n lesnya ganti ari). My dad has this amazing ability. He can talk to just about anyone (n I mean strangers too) about anything. Today on a cramped 105 bus, as we were trying not to get shoved by anyone, there's this old lady who asked in Hokkien. OL: ......................(let's just put dots cuz I really didn't understand a single thing) Dad:......................?? R: Knapa sih pah? Dad: Tau..........(shrugging).. Suddenly when the bus stopped at the next bus stop, the old lady stuck her head out the door, checking out the bus number, then went back in. I thought, isn't it kind of too late,she should've checked when she went on board just now. Dad: 105. This is 105 (in Hokkien) OL:.........(nodding her head).................. Dad:...................................(saying something now that he finally understood what she's saying) Mum: Kayanya nene2 ini tinggal di deket rumah kita d, soalnya mama pernah liat dia sering lewatin Lido (toko roti in the neighbourhood) Dad:..................................... OL:.............Hougang..........................(yes, it's that pathetic. Hougang is probably the only word I recognised) Dad: oh........dia tuh dulu tinggal ma anak cewenya sekarang ma anak cowonya. Pindah dari toapayoh trus ke Bishan trus ke Hougang........ After thinking for a while, Dad: Ngga ngerti da, org singapur tuh sering pindah rumah. Sukaaaa..... pisan. Then my dad walked to the back of the bus while I was stuck with the old lady. Then she started talking to I just gave her a smile that hopefully said "U can tell me stories n i'll listen but don't expect me to answer cuz I had no idea what u were saying" I just discover an interesting fact though. There are 2 types of Hokkien. (as in the language). Dad: yg satu tuh hokian kota, yg satunya lagi hokian kampung.Nene2 yg tadi ngomong hokien kampung lagi. R:????????????????????????(I mean that doesn't explain much) Dad:Hokian kota tuh lebi mirip mandarin, jadi bisa dibikin lagu gituan....Hokian kampung tuh lebih aneh2... R: owwwwwwwwwwww Like Hokian isn't enough, we got 2 different kinds of Hokkien. That was interesting though. There's also this incident in an aeroplane. My dad was talking to this auntie2 (fellow Indonesian). I wasn't there but I kind of know the story so this is probably how things went. A: ia.....anak saya skola di luar semua..... Dad: wah di luar semua yah bu......... A: ...ia........saya juga sering keluar negri....bolak balik................ketemu org2 penting...... Dad: wah....hebat dong bu......... A: ah...biasa aja..........mijitin org....... ........................(looks sheepish)............................................. "You need never unsay things u didn't say in the first place.."............This is what I called the danger of being a blabbermouth.........huahahahahah A: Saya tuh pernah mijitin org2 penting lo......Presiden Habibi dulu juga pernah......... She's not helping things. A: Saya tuh nga mijit sembarangan org lo.... Why didn't she just shut up. I mean ,she made things worse, telling us all those stuff........... Bokap gua pikir, siapa lagi yg mo dipijit ama loe..... Huahahahahahahhaha......... Grinning Goat at 4/19/2004 07:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 18, 2004 Things ppl do in an MRT Usually when I'm riding in an MRT n has nothing to do (I stopped reading cuz they say it destroys my eyes) I let my mind wanders n as I do that I tend to stare into empty space. Sometimes though, the space isn't empty at all. Unfortunately I wouldn't realise it until I find a pair of eyes staring back at me. I feel like smacking my forehead then. Day-dreaming in an MRT isn't good, especially if u can't control your eye. Yesterday, as I was having this really long, interminable trip to Jurong in an MRT there's this teenage boy who stood in front of me, picking his nose. I was never really good at physics but I thought such distance was way too short to be called a safe zone should he decided to execute projectile motion with his God-knows-what. So I just stared ahead, hoping he picked up the hint. Well it turned out he didn't. I was out of there in a millisecond. I was pissed. It's either because he picked his nose n didn't bother to watch where he was doing it (does the MRT looks like a toilet to you?), or because he looked like this classmate I had in primary school. The table-grabber who sat beside me n acted like he owned the whole table. Anywayz, I went to this seminar last time. The professor was a kind soul who understood what boredom can do to listeners, so he started his talk by giving statistics on what finger ppl use to pick their nose. You wouldn't believe that there are ppl out there who actually use their thumb. The nostril must've been the size of a wallnut. That just left me wondering if in future, plastic surgery will include nostril reduction, the way people ran things like that. Grinning Goat at 4/18/2004 02:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, April 17, 2004 I was talking to Kiwi yesterday. About many things, but we also talked about certain member of our (former) class. There's this one in particular who liked to babble on n on about stuff we didn't want to know about. One example,during one test one day in the LT, this person just got back from the toilet, as soon as she was seated, the first thing she mumbled was "Fiuhh, I'm not pregnant" What was that? I so don't need to know that. That line carried a LOT of implication which I don't want to know about. Oh n I heard cuz she was seating beside me. Not my fault really. Well, sometimes ppl agree on one thing but dare not voice it out loud for fear of what others might think. anywayz, that's not the end of it apparently cuz this person told biwi once "Lucky I don't have AIDS" Now what was THAT??? oh well, we were also lamenting our fate of being unemployed n hence being bored to death. R: I'm bored man. K: Me too R: we're in the same boat K: yea R:n it's not a good boat K: hahaha Grinning Goat at 4/17/2004 12:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, April 16, 2004 Men abuse almost anything. They develop their land at the expense of the environment. Trees get felled faster than they are replanted, which brings me to again point out that fusing fliers as advertising tools are highly wasteful, ineffective n often unecessary.(not that I'm some kind of an environmentalist freak. It' just that I believe in the principle "conserve if and while we can") They abuse technology. Development of nuclear weapons would be one example. They abuse their body organs. Alcoholics abuse their liver (this is of course until one day they discover they get cirrhosis. It's too late by then usually, so don't drink. If u need to, drink moderately). Smokers abuse their lungs as well as other ppl's lungs. (yes, u get it right, I'm saying basically "don't smoke if u can help it" u don't want to destroy yr lung n let tobacco companies profit at the same time). They abuse their eyes, watching TV with yr nose inches away. (Not to mention being online for hours, for the unemployed) I did point out more abuse but since there were complaints (erhmm...erhmm...) that they were boring...........let me get to the point. This is actually what inspired me to write about this abuse thing. Friendster. There's this gathering of Indonesians who are or have lived in Singapore in Frindster, they're called IndoSingapore (pretty obvious from the name). Well, as usual there's this column for ppl to write testimonials. At the beginning, ppl voiced out their opinions about this country. Some happy, some not-so-happy.(the mildest way I can put it). There's this point in time though where a bunch of ppl started to fight. Obscenities were hurled, personal attacks were made. That's just wayyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyy childish. I mean, there are 2 sides to a coin, n if u can't see the other side of the coin, it's not other ppl's fault. Besides, how in the world would u convince other ppl to see your side of the coin if all u do is hurl obscenities? How in the world can ppl trust your judgement when you are so biased u won't even consider the other side? Well, as it turned out, I was caught in the middle of the squabble due to my impulsive nature. Just what is the problem with this people? Reason all you like, but please please, present your facts when you make your argument because baseless arguments are about as good as saying shits don't smell. And please please avoid making personal attacks. You want ppl to see your point, not piss them off. Unless of course if u take pleasure in irritating the hell out of people which come to think of it says a lot about your character. Yes well, I wrote what was to be my last word in that testimonial. Yes, the buck stops there. What disturbs me was that ppl have doubts about it being my last, like I'm some kind of a crazy must-have-the-last-word moron. Well, I'm not. Although I do enjoy having intelligent squabble from time to time. Grinning Goat at 4/16/2004 06:41:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, April 15, 2004 The thing with reading strangers's blog is that I get this ambivalent feeling, like I know them (Their perceptions in life, opinions, temperament, even what they look like) but I don't really know them. Mysterious. Kind of like chatting with a stranger but better. Amusing too. Hmmmmm.......... I think my student's (name of the guilty shall be withheld) corniness n his knack of telling stories during study sessions has rubbed off on me. I didn't realise I was entertained until I get a proper student who actually do want to study. The thing with teaching yr friend's friend is that professionalism often gets the back seat. It's easier to sack a teacher that is a stranger than a teacher that is your friend to say the least, which is not good cuz honestly if they think I suck at teaching they're free to sack me. I'd rather keep my pride n get sacked than live off somebody's pity n be employed. I do enjoy teaching though despite it being boring sometimes- when the student get that enlightened look on his face after a lenghty explanations especially. Grinning Goat at 4/15/2004 04:23:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, April 14, 2004 Keladry of Mindelan is also (I promise to add more attributes when I think of it) loyal, disciplined, n has a lot of self restraint. The last one is probably what I need to learn to adopt. But that's really hard to do isn't it? I mean boiling inside n putting on a smile at the same time. Hell, I can't do that. Just look at how I get pissed over some clerk's manner. N it doesn't help that I look like I scowl all the time. It seems to work well in deterring certain annoying individual from talking to me though which is just good n dandy. How can anybody smile for no particular reason?? hmm..........I'd have facial muscle cramp before the day ends. Not that i don't like to laugh. Self-restraint. Easy to spell, hard to practise. Grinning Goat at 4/14/2004 11:12:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Yang namanya pengangguran is very deadly. After a while yr brain will get all numb. Primary symptoms: ur online most of the time, writing nonsensical blogs, hogging the TV (but then again the TV is hogged even when I was employed).......arhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............the dullness of it all Grinning Goat at 4/14/2004 12:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, April 13, 2004 uSuAl uPdAtE V Eh dasar yah kan sekarang tu anak tuh tau his way here to this page, klo mo ngomong kudu a bit more tapi maybe not juga soalnya kesannya tuh dia bangga namanya dimention...............(erhmm...erhmm.....) Ri: Ci ngobrolnya lamaan R: AH?? Ri: Kan biar ceritanya jadi lebih panjang...... ???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kayanya tiap kali g tuh kudu bikin kaya semacem menu gitu d soalnya today dia nawarin Dorayaki............huahahahah......itu lo yg di komik..Doraemon ...........warnanya a bit ijo2 ko nga merah2 kaya di komiknya......huahahahha ato different flavour kali yah Anyway, I'm ashamed to admit g tuh stay back for a while gara2 g mo nonton "A Step into the PAst"...............Trus dibikinin mi instant lagi ama bu kosnya (pake bayem n jamur bo) kan ng enak mo nolak jadi g makan.....trus dibikinin luohanguo lage. Eh trus yah pas g cerita ke Buika Buika: itu tuh ikan yah........ R: ikan apanya...................oh...............huahahahahahhahahah Buika: ah, g nga tau R: bukan IKAN Luohan bu, tapi Luohanguo...........minuman item2 yg rasanya nga enak yg ceritanya bisa nyembuhin panas dalem..................huahahahahahahahah Buika: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Huahahahahahahahahha Eh kan g nga suka Luohanguo yah tadinya pengen g buang pas auntienya di dapur......huahahahaha Ri:Ci, pura2 aja telpon trus buang diluar R: Gitu yah Ri: Ia, kaga ada yg tau ko R: Klo besok tanemannya mati begimana?? Eh trus pernah yah pas waktu itu juga Ri: Ci, napa nga diminum? takut diracunin yah?? R: Ia Ri: Eh cinga bakal diracunin ko, minum dong....klo nga tuh namanya nga sopan............. R: ok..ok.. Ri: ia ci kan............ R: g minum g minum g MINUM Just to shut him up =D Grinning Goat at 4/13/2004 11:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I went to my old school just now. No, not to suck-up to some teachers (suck-up days are over the moment u graduate n step out of the school) but to see if they need a relief teacher. I was greeted by the annoying rude Indian clerk. (ARIC) (it's the rude indian clerk cuz she was there when I was in ZHSS. Wonder how she lasted that long with her being rude n all) R: Can I see the principal? ARIC: She is on leave today you know R: well, then can I see the VP?? (I was tempted to say NO, how the hell would I, I just came here) ARIC:What is it about? U must tell us first. (This is said with that annoying look on her face) R:I want to apply for a position as a relief teacher (there u go Bigshot) ARIC: U need to register with us first. No need to see the principal. If everybody was to see the principal......trouble..........yak yak yak yak yak (her eyes rolling) How would I know? This is my first time,lady. Of course I didn't say that -it'll just give her more reason to snub me. Finally somebody reasonable took over n saved me a lot of grief. The next time u want to employ a clerk, u may want to check n see if she's rude. I thought being polite was a major requirement if u want to be a clerk/secretary? I mean the job requires u too interact with people everyday.If ur such a snob, go n work in the Himalayas. I just hate rude ppl. There's never an excuse for rudeness. I'm a staunch believer of that. Grouchyness maybe, but not rudeness. (they're not the same thing by the way, u can be grouchy but polite at the same time. It has something to do with respect n not looking down on some poor relief-teacher to be) When people do that (make stupid sarcastic or derogatory remarks), it usually takes me sometime to digest. I would stand still for a while, waiting for the words to sink in. Sometimes it's just kind of hard to believe anybody can do that when all I did was practically ask her a damn question. Maybe I still believe the goodness in people. You know like how the environment corrupts you. Like you started out a good decent and diligent student then became class-skipper,sleeper, forget-to-bring-the-bag-home kind of student (erhmm....erhmmm......Ricky if u read this) Yep well it didn't dampen my mood in the slightest. I wonder why. That's the thing with zeal, when u have it, nobody can kill it, not even rude annoying indian clerk. I went to Peicai Sec School next and I was surprised to find that the clerk was a lot more pleasant n polite. I wasn't asked for my ID number though which surprised me. I mean wouldn't they need to do a background check before they employ anybody ( I was not employed yet by the way)? Well, I suppose u could lie even when u do give yr ID no. But maybe the fact that MOE has approved my application means MOE has done the background check for them. Hmmmmm................such trust in the government body.........well that's besides the point. The thing is, sometimes better schools do not mean better students or teachers or clerks for that matter. Grinning Goat at 4/13/2004 09:55:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Yesterday's episode of The Practice was really good. Eugene Young had this client (a pregnant woman) who's being charged for murder(she shot her husband six times). She insisted that they went through the trial before she gave birth, saying she wouldn't want to give birth in jail and be separated from her baby. Okay so the judge did grant them the (rather speedy) trial. She claimed that she did it to defend her baby since the husband apparently wanted nothing to do wth the unborn child. The sole witness was the african american neighbour who testified that he heard the husband said one night "I don't want it (supposedly the baby)" Okay so Eugene being the great lawyer that he was, won the case. After the jury read the verdict he went to the hospital to visit his client.(while the jury was deliberating, she was in full labour) He was about to enter the room when he saw through the slightly ajar door his client holding the baby who had a dark complexion. When he leaned in to getter a wider view, he saw the African-American neighbour there, smiling at the baby. Eugene was like "No wonder she wanted the trial before the baby was born" His associate said unconvincingly "It might not mean anything" to which Eugene replied "Yes, it might not" I just lovvvvvvvveeeeeeeee endings like this. For the record, Taiwan show never has endings like this. Associate: I know u probably wouldn't go out with me in a million years but can we set the clock a million years late n go grab a coffee? Eugene:I don't think that's a very good idea .............................(brief pause)........................................ Associate: Do u want to discuss the merit of the idea over dinner? That's lawyers to you. And yes I wrote this entry for the sole purpose of telling u how "The Practice" was last night. Grinning Goat at 4/13/2004 09:36:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 12, 2004 I was looking at |ady Death's blog recently n there's this big fight over whether NKF show matters. I agree on one thing. That if u want to donate, make it so that it's because u WANT to donate n not because u want the grand prize from the lucky draw. The sad thing is that the show's supposed to draw ppl who otherwise aren't willing to donate. Sure it may work but I think it's just sad that the purpose is reduced to that. One other point they mention is that instead of using the money (those artists don't come free I bet my ass on it) to conduct such stupid show, use the money for charity instead. Saves a lot of trouble. Personally what's so interesting in watching artists showing their bravado on stage, knowing clearly that the performance is designed so that it'll look dangerous but harm noone.( After all this is the country which emphasizes safety, passes strict laws n bans chewing gum) Forgive me but I'm honestly NOT impressed. The thing with charity nowadays is that it's so commercialised. Theoritically, it's morally wrong but in reality it works well. This is just way sad, I mean charity becoming some kind of bussiness just doesn't sit well with me. It comes down to resorting to commercialisation for the sake of getting ppl to donate. That just undermines the fundamental principle of charity doesn't it?? Not to mention (let's assume that there's this idiot who believes that Jack Neo was really really in danger inside that glass with all the bees/wasps) the fact that the show relies on the prospect of somebody jeopardizing his life (yeah right) to attract would-be-donator. That just looks horibly wrong to me. I, for one is one of those who wished so bad that Jack Neo WOULD get stung. The bootlicker. Charity isn't about looking good because u donated money ( n everybody sees u). I think before we even donate, we gotta think first how to fend for ourselves. Don't donate to look good n starve the next day n complain the tax is too high or the unemployment rate is too high or yr boss's stupid for not recognising the talent that is you. Call me uncharitable, at least I'm honest with myself. Grinning Goat at 4/12/2004 10:21:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} U know I DON'T want to sound like some stupid advertisement who try to brainwash the public, but I just have to say that I kind of enjoy reading Tamora Pierce's novel...oh heck all right I LIKE reading it, despite the fact that it's designed for teenagers (shake head shake head) But then again Harry Potter started out as Children/teen novels........rite??? (please say I'm right) Anywayz I'm obsessed with one of the character in the book. KELADRY OF MINDELAN. cool. level-headed. diplomatic.intelligent.street-wise.tough.fair. fun. owner of a temperamental horse ( I just Loooveeeee temperamental horses don't ask me why or how come since I never live in a ranch or some remote village - bandung for one IS NOT remote). modest. awesome awesome and awesome. I'll add on later if I can think of other attributes. I shall now strive to be like her. Darn I'm like some overgrown teenager, but hey according to the UN I still fall under the "teenagers" category. Man I hope this madness will pass soon. It always does. I still can't believe I used to like the condor hero. But I can assure u ladies n gentlemen that Keladry of Mindelan is a whole lot better that that condor fella what with him being one-armed and keep pining for the "aunt" which come to think of it, kinda makes him look like a loser. ARRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH Grinning Goat at 4/12/2004 01:59:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 11, 2004 IKEA is probably the only place where I actually enjoy going shopping to.......huahahahahahaha.....I know it sounds so grandmother-like, but hey they got chairs and BEDS all over the place. Once yr feet give way u cAn practically rest ANYWHere........yep yep IKEA's a good place to be. Lying in bed, imagining all I see is stars is hard cuz all I see is a bloody price tag. There's this one chair in particular that's just all inviting n once u sat on it u just don't want to move......Ahhh....,must we really really move on to the next place????? IKEA has plenty of weird looking gadgets n the notes accompanying em are sometimes not helpful, leaving me wondering what on earth is it used for (or is it just me??).....there's this device that looks like a big spoon with jagged edge that makes it look like it can't decide whether to be a spoon or a fork....anywayz my mom said it's used for cooking n my dad says it's for scratching yr back......hmmm......I don't know to side with who cuz looks to me it can do both......... eyy, talking about a scratching yrself, have u ever noticed ppl's expression when they scratch themseves.....sometimes it's not a pretty sight, different from the way cats look when u pet them. Cats look all ecstatic but decent u know.....but sometimes ppl just have this perverted expression with eyes half closed, jaw dropping slightly.....................disgusting.............. I was also reminded how the cafetaria in IKEA smells like the inside of an aeroplane what with the free-flowing coffee. (Qutu klo loe mo tau loe tuh get airsickness gara2 bau pesawat ato bukan bole tuh cobain ke cafetarianya IKEA .....huahahahahah) Well I'm sure u guys know the owner of IKEA is now the richest man n not Bill Gates. So I suppose producing weird looking gadgets has its catch....(grinz) All in all IKEA's probably the one place I won't complain if u want to shop with me..... =D Oh n did I mention it's a good place......makes u think twice before hiring an overpaid interior designer who'll charge u exorbitant price n give u junk anyway. So it's a lot better if we GET to pick our own junk than let em do the job n get the money at the same time. Grinning Goat at 4/11/2004 11:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Bokap g ari ini MASAK huahahahahah......masak telor seh........keliatannya amburadul n unpalatable n a bit tapi rasanya lumayan lo....not to dry n not too raw.......huahahahahahahahahah......... Today's easter folks.........THAT must have something to do with my dad cooking EGGS. Grinning Goat at 4/11/2004 01:10:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, April 10, 2004 Ddl get this absolutely horrendous, extremely idiotic, short-minded,immature,unscientific,stupid and unbelievably misleading pamphlet containing absolutely FALSE information. (if u can call THAT information, I think the correct term would be trash) And oh did I say it was STUPID??? Fingers A person's fingers determine her karma from previous life. If she has long nail-bed it means her life depends on karma and if she did not help people she will live up to 65 years. If she could not find work after 55 and sickly and has no grandchildren to look after she must do housework, at least 2 hours everydAy or lese she will live up to 60 years........................................................................................................................ If this is true, all the tai tai (wives of rich conglomerates who did nothing but shopping n groom themselves) in the world would've died. If this is true, we can eat all he unhealthy stuff in the world cuz we'd be guaranteed life until the 60s (in REAL life, u'd probably died first from either heart attack or stroke or God knows what) all that karma shits are just there to prove the existence of some morons with brain no bigger than a pea hoping to change the world with his little pamphlet anybody smart enuff knows contain the biggest hoax of the century. In-Vitro Fertilisation People who got pregnant this way owe karma and they are not giving the baby the extra chi they owe him by having intimate relation and they take chi from God this way thy must help ppl or else they will lose chi after giving birth. The fther will also lose chi through the phlegm and that is bloood. For a start it's "will LOOSE" and NOT "will LOSE". How credible is a person who can't even handle such simple grammar?? They're practically saying that all fathers whose wives gave birth by IV fertilisation will suffer from TBC???!!!!!! that's as true as saying jumping will make u tall. Geez the nerve of this ppl who're obviously uneducated. If ur against IVF say it outright, don't hide behind the facade of the chi bullshit. Chi my ass. Soap I gotta warn u guys, this takes the cake.... It (soap) is corrosive and try not to use it everyday as it will be absorbed and mixed with the mucous beneath the kin and irritate the skin and form fine wrinkles. We only need to soap areas for hygienic purpose and for other areas only once in 10 days.......................... Holly cow. U know even the first line is so blatantly untrue. Soap is made from a sodium salt and a salt is neutral most of the time. What little acidity or alkalinity that it may have is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to b corrosive. Jeez this guy's practically embracing the pre-historic way of life. If he's got something against soap companies, sue em if he's got the guts. But he probably didn't finish high school and have enuff technical knowledge or money to hire a lawyer for that matter, to sue anybody. The next one is on television. It's worse. A very irresponsible writing that's highly misleading n doesn't have an ounce of truth in it. As a TV kind of person, I must say I'm furious. Bodies for research This is OUTRAGEOUS. .................................For cutting up the dead for research he will incur karma and if he did that to 20 of them he will lose chi (note the stupid grammar mistake again)through urine and that is blood. If he has already done that he must say sorry 500 times and donate $20000 and God will clear his karma. Please thank God for this information and teaching. U know, the excessive use of the word karma is probably from lack of a better word due to his extremely limited vocab in his unfortunate miniscule brain. And what's with 500 and 20000 being the magic number??? that looks suspiciously random to me. And thank God I will for giving me brain big enough to slam this moron's writing in the most thorough, reasonable, and scientific way possible. Amen The next time somebody gave u this kind of shit, please please please crush it n oh don't forget to give yr deadliest stare to the person distributing the flier too. After all, he is guilty of promoting such crap to the public who deserve better. Really. Grinning Goat at 4/10/2004 08:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Eh tadi berdiri berjem2........uda get shunned by ppl lage.......nih ya anak2......klo loe org ditawarin flier DIAMBIL....ok........... mo diliat ke mo dibuang ke....pokonya ambil.....kesian yg bagi2in flier, uda panas2 begitu, kaki pegel2.....tangan encok2.....(bkn g yah....huahahaha)....meagre pay, dijauin org2......, dianggep invisible, dicuekin, eh some tuh mala BALIKIN lage fliernya........nak kesian kan......yg bagi2in flier...... Pokonya today I finally understand why God created butt. Apparently the design of yr legs is such that klo kelamaan berdiri bisa encok....... On a more serious note, the flier system is highly wasteful, ineffective, and environmentally UNfriendly..... Besides it's not like we'll recycle ALL papers that are thrown in the future I suggest we just stick to modern method of advertising involving the mass media n avoid torturing some poor, underpaid students who don't know better P.S. Ternyata fliernya Carre Four tuh lebi in demand, so next time yah pick yg begituan , avoid at all cost flier yg tipe2...universitas ato sekolah swasta..... Grinning Goat at 4/10/2004 08:19:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, April 09, 2004 I used to hate easters. The eggs are hard to find. Darn the last time I remember, I got none when ppl had basketful of them. Looks suspiciously to me, that the teachers colluded with my fellow kindergartaen friends or maybe the budget's such that they couldn't buy that many eggs cuz I just couldn't find one. Besides it's not good practice making children running around looking for eggs in secret places nobody knows about. Grinning Goat at 4/09/2004 05:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Why a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy; 1. When giving personal opinion when doing oral where there's a picture of an old folks home: G: I think these old folks are very happy that the students go and visit them. B: I've been to an old folks home and I think they're smelly......??????????!!!!!! 2. When writing a composition G: Amy was elated that her father bought her a violin. it had been her dream ever since... B: We heard the explotion from where we stood. It was an ambush. I called Lieutenant.... 3. In a shopping centre G:Look at that pink dress!!! let's try it on... B: why am I here?? when am I gonna get my chicken rice?? 4. In a struggle to get the remote control G: Winter sonata!!!Winter Sonata!!!! B: WWE!!!!WWE!!!! 5. On their favourite fairy tales G: Beauty and the Beast B:mmm.....Cinderella?? Grinning Goat at 4/09/2004 04:46:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Oral. I used to hate it, with my tendency to speak before I think. It's such a struggle to decribe pictures. Once i got this weird looking mahine. Okay well it turns out to be tele whatever machine u found in a void deck -the kind cheryl use to pay her bills- well how in the world would I know? So I was like huh??? and decided on the spot that it's a tele-conference machine which unfortunately at that time I didn't know it was even called THAT. So I did the only thing I could do which is basically like describing how apple is round and red and sweet without saying that it's an apple really. Stupid ,stupid me. Yah well if the teacher wasn't impressed she didn't show it....huahahahah......they're trained to have that stony face, practically invulnerable to the weird2 comments we students are making. Well, serves them right for coming up with pictures like that. Grinning Goat at 4/09/2004 03:52:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sorry, I forgot to mention. The credit must go to my sister's frind Shuming. Yep so she's the first person that I link to my page. U can check her blog. Grinning Goat at 4/09/2004 03:48:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Guys guys guys, today's quite historical.....huahahahahaha....I got my guest book (sort of) so u can blabber all u want, CRITIZE my writing as I can see some of u are dying to do, well basically air yr views. So from this day on, my readers are no longer mute, say hoorahh to the day my reader come forward n spite me....huahahahaha Grinning Goat at 4/09/2004 03:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Grinning Goat at 4/09/2004 02:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, April 08, 2004 Kata temen g I should air my criticism ttg Miss Singapore Universe (MSP) di sini......yah g nurut aja....lagian emang g uda gatel seh what with the press coverage all over n all. Oh n did I tell u how stupid it is to say miss singapore UNIVERSE??? if it's singapore how can it be universe at the same time n with the kind of quality that we get, it's far from being universal. One heading of a press release says "Don't call me bimbo". Itu tuh emang inappropriate. How can we call them bimbo, I thought to qualify as one, u must at least be pretty? Looks aside, I can't believe we get this kind of answer: Q: What would u do if ur lost in a jungle? A: I'll use my handphone to send radiation signals out so I can be rescued. Hello? You're in a jungle. What are the chances hpnya bakalan ada sinyal?? Not to mention, siapa bilang ur provided with a handphone in the first place. Ur lost for goodness sake which means ur not supposed to be prepared. Klo ada Hp mah sekalian aja ada fire crackers it'd be a hell of a lot more obvious n help can come faster. That by the way is not in this year's MSP. Still it proves my point. Seriously, anybody can tell that in terms of look, their look isn't even above average. I , for one have seen more good looking singaporean females. ehrmm....and to quote my friend : " gua bilang ini juri udah merasa hopeless jadi yg paling tinggi di crown aja" huahahahahahahhaha Yah emang klo kontestannya kaya begitu mana bisa menang in international level....... Somebody says in the commentary page, why don't we raise the prize money to up the ante a little. In response to that somebody says, that will improve quality, not quantity. Like hell it won't. The problem is not lack of good looking sexy female. They're there for all to see, they just have better things to do than shashaying down the stage in a bloody swim suit. I say to attract those ppl, all we need is an improvement in the image of the pageant. Change the bloody name for goodness sake, we can all make do without the word universe. ( to tell u the truth it's a bit like wearing t-shirt saying you're the champion during a football match n lost the match) n have a more stringent criteria for entry purposes, not just in terms of height. No more auntie2 looks please. I don't want to be judgemental of ppl's looks but hey it's a BEAUTY pageant, shouldn't they at least BE beautiful to enter? And if that results in lack of contestant/participant then maybe wait for next year, don't "make do" with what is available for the sake of having a Miss Singapore ( Note I omit the word Universe) All in all, it's frustrating to hear the winner whine about what the press writes. How bout "start to face reality" sounds? And don't try to win sympathy by sounding disappointed "how can they be that mean" Well for a start they're not being mean at all, just straightforward. Is that so hard to comprehend? Grinning Goat at 4/08/2004 04:22:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I just discover, even in MSN u can show ppl a different kind of laugh. No, I don't mean the smiley. Huahahahah: that's my kind of laugh....tipe2 yg menggelegar.....hauhahaha Hehehehehe: Ini seh tricky laugh like ur up to something but other ppl just doesn't realise it yet Hihihihihihih: Ini seh kaya ketawa anak kecil gitu d....hehehehehe......yg rada2 high-pitched Mmhuahahah: Ini seh ketawa yg pertamanya rada2 ditahan gitu...tapi blakangan bocor..... Hohohohoho: Ini seh jarang yah probably selaen Santa Claus, yg pake guys below baritone Grinning Goat at 4/08/2004 03:59:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I just realise something. When ppl ask me what the hell is a blog, I was at a loss for words because basically a blog is like someone's diary kan....nah for a start I'm not one to write diaries....I think it's more for ppl who weep n wear pink skirts n stuff u know. Ok here's one example. I just talked to a friend of mine who was like " ahahahah....loe tulis diari???" there it goes. Doen't exactly instill confidence klo g tuh cut out for this thing kan...... Anywayz just to avoid any misundersatnding. I'm trying out this thing cuz I want to try writing, as a carreer option maybe for later on. Besides, (mo bela diri neh......) what u read sometimes isn't exactly what I did for the day or u guys would be bored to death what with me being unemployed n all. ey talking about common perception yah, it can be very misleading. g tuh lagi ngomong2in ma temen gua kita tuh dulu les apaan aja. Then in the middle of it I was like " g seh dulu macem2.....mulai dari les organ yg cuman sehari doang ampe les tenis, balet, inggris......." Trus I was surprised ko dia tenang2 aja n went on talking about les organ. Yah automatically g tanya aja " loh ko loe nga meledak?" Then I re-addressed my point yg ttg les balet itu trus bewildered, dia tanya " Ahhh??? LOE les balet???" Now that's what I call appropriate response. huahahahaha I write this just to prove the point klo what u guys know of me is SKIn deep....huahahahahah.....nga ding....beneran I DID NOT enjoy the ballet lesson. I quit after a while. Can't stand the split thing. Man Besides some ppl say klo tenis ama balet tuh doesn't exactly come hand in hand. The point is though, I'm not cut out for both, although I'd like to think the fact that I lost the ball so often has more to do with the fence not being high enough Grinning Goat at 4/08/2004 02:55:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, April 06, 2004 Yesterday (5th April 2004) was election day. So being the responsible (all rite you folks stop snickering) citizen that I am, I went to the polling be brushed off because I didn't register two weeks earlier. What the Yep so all I did, besides marvelling over the number of the domestic workers coming to the polling station and observing how it started to resemble a bloody vacation ground (you wouldn't believe the place wasn't a zoo what with the number of people carrying cameras n taking pictures..I mean what is this. a picnic?), registered for the 5th of july election. Apparently guys, for those who don't know, there'll be three election day. Don't ask me why. The first one is to vote for the parties. The second will be the presidential election, so will be the third. The difference? In the third round, there'll only be 2 shortlisted candidates based on the result of the second election. Any inaccurate information reflected here is solely my responsibility. Well that's all for now folks laterz Grinning Goat at 4/06/2004 01:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, April 05, 2004 uSuAl uPdAtE part IV At first my guilty conscience was bugging me. After all I'm gonna be, basically gossiping about a person on the net. But hey u know what I think it's fine now. Wanna know why? If u guys have friendster check out my page, there's a link to Ricky's page (this is also to satisfy some ppl's curiosity on how my student looks like exactly) and there's one testimonial there that I wrote. Well he seemed to take pride in it the last time I talked to him so I guess there should be no problem, considering almost all the embarrassing thing he did is written there already. I thought things couldn't get more interesting. But of course if anybody ever think that ,the oppsite'll happen. It's the law. So, after all that has happened before, he offered me food again today (no surprise there, the bloody house is turning into a bloody restaurant) His hands must itch if he didn't offer me anything ( but today I was spared the lemon barley - he always served me lemon barley) And in the middle of the session he was making a phone call ( no suprise there too). The speaker was on. so like it or not I'm tuned into the conversation. Well first of all he was talking to this girl and -making a cross sign- they were flirting. You know what, for the details I'll send it thru mails. I'm just not comfortable doing this online. Jeez. I thought I was spposed to give tuition, not listening to stuff I wasn't supposed to listen to. Oh and he offered to lend me this book on "Sexual maturity". I was like????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Is that yours?" "Nga ko, temen pinjemin gua" I skimmed thru the pages yah trus ckckck, I think u should be able to imagine. I read this part (when he was writing compo on the spot n I was bored) where I become slightly enriched on the statistics of masturbating people. Female to male ratio, whether it leads to shrinking of the brain, whether it's sinful........JEEZ. And oh u guys must be surprised that he DID write a compo on the spot. See the story goes like this: "Eh coba d loe nulis a short compo (soalnya tinggal 30 menit lagi waktu lesnya n he always claimed dia nga mo ngerugiin gua, ceh like I didn't know better) g mo liat your standard. Problems you have....etc..etc..." then he started writing nonsense (pokonya somewhere along the line ada monkey n donkey....nah kan ga mungking quality work yg begituan....) "Eh ci maen kartu yu..." ???????????!!!!!!!!!! "NGA" "Ci, sok kita maen blackjack klo loe out of 5 loe menang 2 kali aja, ricky bikinin compo 150 kata....(actually apaan tuh 150 kata doang emangnya mase di TK????? ) " Klo g kalah?" " Ricky continue with this compo (the sucky one with donkey in it)" Oklah, no harm kan? I mean either way he WILL be writing the compo, even if it's not exactly very brilliant. (I mean how brilliant can it be klo ada monkey ma donkeynya? I mean even with fantasy story. Harry Potter has its Doby, Tamora Pierce has its stormwings n mages, The Lord of the rings has its own elfs.....etc...etc...) First round, g kalah Second round, g kalah lagi (Duh masa seh ni anak na me hao yun n g na me tao mei) {to Dedel: dia ko so lucky n g ko so sial...} after that yah si ricky yg cari masalah itu pake bilang2 segala " Ci, menang dong , biar seru" Third round, g menang .....huahahahahha.........almost g bilangin "makanya...." Eh trus fourth round g menang juga.......sukurrrrrrrrrrrrrinnnnnnnnnnn.................nah bikin tu compo, pake ngajak maen kartu sgala......... heaven help me yah, emang dia tuh kekurangan PR.........................huahahhhaha Oh trus g lupa bilang jg, last week pas dia ngeles....kan kita lg ngobrol ttg oral.....trus pokonya dia suru g speak english lah klo lagi nerangin........... Nah the thing yah klo ngomong ma cinpur pake inggris kan nga aneh n klo ma sesama org indo kan aneh.....apalagi dia kan tumben2nya mo g ngomong inggris...........yah pokonya somewhere along the way gua tuh keceplosan "yang"............nah langsung d.................. " Ci, i don't understand what is 'yang' "..................idihhhhhhhhhhhhh cheapskate.....sia........................ Tobat gua. Oh ia ada satu lage neh, last week juga. " Ci, jgn galak2 dong ma yg lebi muda" " Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............emang loe umur brapa seh.........." "16" "Ah cuman beda 4 taon........big deal amat" "Oh jadi cici umur 20 yah........berati 4 taon lagi kawin dong trus....blah blah blah..." ???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now he wants to do the planning for me. Nah for a start yah, siapa bilang g mo kawin umur 24??????????????????? But that's besides the point. Tu anak tuh suka macem2. Yah ok segitu dulu ah, stressssssss gua Grinning Goat at 4/05/2004 08:57:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Sunday, April 04, 2004 I might get sued writing this. For a start let's just say that some people can sing while some can't. Just like how some people can act while some can't. And if you're one of those who can't, don't be a singer or an actor. Don't be so Goddamn stubborn. Like the Chinese says he bi mian qiang ne. Get another profession for goodness sake. Let's talk about something (TV Shows) close to home. Say, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore, and indonesia. Now, personally if I have to rank this I'll say Hongkong first, Taiwan thirtieth, Singapore fiftieth, Indonesia, somewhere in the thousandth region. Now pardon me for skipping like that but I honestly think those three countries just can't be up there with Hongkong yet, I'm limiting my judgement to Tv shows of course, not movies. For one thing, in terms of acting skills, Taiwanese and Singaporean actors in general (let's not bring up top notch actor who's gone to Hollywood like Chow Yun Fat { Fann Wong is NOT an example, her acting in shanghai night is not even worth mentioning -eye rolling- DUH!} ) See, I think good acting skills comprise of body language as much as expression. Now for the Taiwan part, I think a lot of its script rely too much on dialogue, there's very little body language involved. Say, in a scene where the the girlfriend is disappointed with the boyfriend (by the way u wouldn't believe the number of scenes there are which is very similar to this scene), In Taiwan movie, most of the time it'll involve some shouting and dialogue like " why do u do this to me....";"wo hen nan guo";"Tian ah....wei se ma?" ("Why God....WHY?") Hongkong movie however, the use of bady language is more prominent. The girlfriend would just stare with (watery) eyes that reflect all the hurt and hatred. Think about it. I mean "I'm so sad"????????????? You SHOW these things, NOT SAY it, even in real life how often do u tell people u're sad? Especially to your boyfriend or girlfriend. I thought most of the time pride would've stopped u short. And they say it like it's the most dramatic and interesting thing in the world. -intense frown- In terms of plot, Hongkong still emerges top. They have this knack for putting in small little details that makes things interesting in a funny way. ( there IS a difference between funny and lame -DUH-) Okay you may argue that some ppl just lovvvvveeeee lame stuff n so film makers put lame stuff in to attract audiences. Fine. Me? I prefer funny stuff. The important thing is these little details remain LITTLE details. It's not exaggerated and blown out of proportion like in some TV series. Sometimes I just wonder how in the world boyband like F() EVER make it big? Just what do the fans see? When I look at them I just see a bunch of pretty boys cramming the stage. No acting skills, no singing skills (Major pre-requisite like singing IN tune is not even fulfilled) just pretty face good for decoration. pah I think it's a crime to even compare em to divas who can SING. Not just sing but SING. Out of the final 10 contestants in American Idol, F.W is sooooooooo far outttttttt. Let's just say if John Stevens or Fantasia produces an album I'd rather buy theirs than that F.W's ( Now don't wonder too much on who this fella is. Really. It's THAT bad n pretty obvious too if u just see beyond the apperance) It is so PAINFUL to listen to ppl who can't sing. I mean if they sing in the toilet or karaoke lounge it's their business really but if they come up with a record? Sheesh don't shame the music industry. Of course there's this issue on personal choice. If the singer can't sing but looks good and attracts a lot of fans, ther's no harm in producing the album. Needless to say such sucky performance will die out very FAST. Just look at what happened to F() and some other bands I shall not name. Not to mention that AUNTIES are part of this so-called fans. FIUUHHH -wipe a sweat- Anywayz it's all down to taste I guess. -shrug- Buy their records, whatever. Just don't wonder "how in the world I ever like it" when u're all grown up later on. And hide it from your grandchildren. P.S Due to complaints from some reader, I try to put more paragraphs , that is putting more space in between my writing. I hope this helps. Grinning Goat at 4/04/2004 04:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Saturday, April 03, 2004 For those who know me, they'll be able to tell that I'm not particularly fond of fanatics. What is it with some people that when they believe in something, they think it would be in our best interest to follow their faith. I thought religion is a matter of personal choice. The pilgrims don't leave Europe for America for nothing. I mean what happens to freedom of choice? If they believe their God is the one and only true God, need they go n drag some poor fella who did nothing but minding their business? If their God is THE God, why don't they just let us, ordinary folks be (give us a rest, cut us some slack for goodness sake) after all, we'll realise it later on ( as they always claimed they did) if we ever realise it at all. The way some organisations ( I honestly like to think of these ppl as an organisation rather than a religious group, let's not tarnish the word religious) try to pull people is scary. I'm frightened. I really am. A bystander who doesn't know better might just think that they're afraid of experiencing a shortage of members, the way they ran things like that. Besides, you can't expect me to believe somebody can become so saintly, a cut above the rest (us , ordinary folks) after they went for one or a few sessions. I thought the point all religions trying to send across is to live a life as a good person. For the sake of this argument let's just say, for a start that being a good person means not doing things u don't want others do to you. As cliched as it may sound, it's bloody hard to stick to this maxim. We, humans are prone to mistakes after all. And I can honestly say from experience that sometimes I don't see this in those people. Sure, I do make mistakes (commit sins as some may put it) but at least I can admit it out loud that Yes, I did those things. I don't go around telling (lecturing) people they shouldn't do things, make myself look all holly and unblemished just because I'm a member of a certain organisation. And don't give me all that crap about you worrying over my soul. As you put it it's MY soul, so leave it to me to do the worrying, you do your own thing. If some sick suckers who have done all sorts of evil things don't get a place in hell and I do, I don't think I'll be very keen to be a member of your organisation anyway. I don't know about the rest of you but I think when I AM adopting a religion, I want it to be MY choice - the choice that's based solely on my faith, experience, whatever. And not because some sucker says I should follow their religion cuz their God is a cut above other Gods or whatever. And when that time ever arrives, I'm gonna commit myself fully. Leaving halfway is as good as not having a religion. God is God whether you're a Christian, Moslems, Buddhist, or Catholic. I'm not an atheist. I believe in God. Well maybe not YOUR God, but does it really matter? I am personally proud to say that I'm a free thinker. I don't get caught up with things. I just live my life, try to be a good person. I appreciate those ppl who did try me to pull me then leave me be when they realised that I wasn't really up for it. Thank you for your understanding guys. Just for the record, I think religion is sacred. it should be kept separate with other things. Politics for example. Now I'm not gonna say much on this topic. I mean there is a reason I don't want to be a politician. For now let's just live in peace. Let religion be a matter of personal faith. And when I said personal, I mean PERSONAL. No interfering PLEASEEE. Ross out Grinning Goat at 4/03/2004 12:17:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, April 02, 2004 There are two types of people in this world. The first would be those who think that putting things in order is but a hindrance. Why bother to put, say, your socks in the drawer if you need to take it out again the next dae. This way of thinking really undermines the concept of having a drawer in the first place. But then doesn't it also mean that we need not take a bath because after all we'e gonna get dirty again in no time? well these people'll say it's different because hygiene and tidiness are two different things. Hmmmmmmmm.......... The second type, needless to say would be those who insist that all things have a place of their own. To put it simply, they just can't rest until all books are on the shelves, socks (paired , no black n white please) on the drawer, pens inside a pensilcase, files in alphabetical order (or chronological if it suits their purpose), plates and glasses in the cupboard, floors scrubbed to perfection, driving mirror manufacturer to bankrupcy, beds made, and whatever else they did. It is a disease. The primary symptoms would be itchiness of the hands. Not that these type 2 ppl wants to work out a sweat or two but rather, a state of indifference would bother them a lot, driving them insane. Stage two of the disease would involve partial breakdown of the vocal chords due to excessive shouting (directed undoubtedly to type one ppl), a marked increase in the blood pressure, clenching of teeth, tightening of the jaw muscle, a scowl and the scariest of all- the absolute sign of impending trouble- the narrowing of the eyes. Of course for those not blessed with a big eye, like me things would get even scarier cuz u start to wonder where does the eye disappear to but don't let that fool u one bit because like it or not danger still looms if you're not careful. This disease attacks a significant part of our population. It plagues mothers. And -hold your breath - there is NO cure. Type one ppl, for the time being, would just have to comply. A nod of the head and an occasional show of initiative in putting the socks in the drawer would be greatly appreciated if not rewarded with a smile, if the circumstances allow ( no spilling of milk on the table, dishes washed n dried.........etc etc) of course. ....................................................(a shout in the background)........................................................ .................................................................................................................................................... Owwwwwwwwww, D@*$&%* it.................... "COMING........................." Well, gotta go clean my room Laterz all Grinning Goat at 4/02/2004 10:41:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, April 01, 2004 oyoyoyoyoyoyoy............April Fools Dae................Klo ampe kelupaan aja..yah................uda d nunggu ampe taon depan........ada bagusnya jg klo kena tipu kan loe jd inget trus bisa bales dendam...even if it's to a different person......huahahaha............... Anywayz the trick that works best so far is this: " eh ko di muka loe ada item2 seh...apaan tuh...." whoa..........langsung aja pegang2 muka...."mana...mana...." apalagi klo cewe....huahahahah......yah tp itu kan kaga seru yah. Tapi klo dipikir2 lagi g jg dulu pernah gila ko kan pas g plg skola ma dede.....trus g suru dd gua jalannya pelanan dikit, g plg duluan trus dd g nyusul like 1 or 2 minutes after me. trus pas ampe ruma " MAh, kaka ketabrak mobil..." Trus nyokap gua was like "AHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????????" yah trus yah g dimarain.....huahahahahhaha.............. Trus dulu g jg ampir aja kena trick.....disuru masuk kantor kepala skola .siaaaaaaaa..............gila kan..................tsk tsk tsk.............yah klo loe org ada crita2 lucu n want to publish it in this page just mail it to me at Ngomong2 ttg april mop yah ( g mase heran napa org indo bilangnya april mop......siapa coba yg ;lagi ngepel....)......heran kan knapa tiba2 di dunia ini ada yg namanya april mop......cie................itu tuh menurut gua seh tanda klo ppl just HAVE to lie at some point in their life............A sign klo lying can be amusing...........even for the most honest of ppl...........creating an excuse to lie, knowing that lying is wrong,'s assumed klo we lie on april fools dae tuh nga papa.....nah aturan dari mana itu coba....... Ok sekarang g mo ngomong ttg nyontek neh.......while we're in subject of dishonesty..... CARA CARA MENYONTEK 1. Yg paling sering dipake se kayanya ini d. Contekannya ditulis di tisyu trus pura2 pileg..........nah kan kudu bersin2 mulu......yah pokonya intinya mah klo lagi nga bisa tiba2 kita get the flu attack n bersin..bersin......n bagi yg tulisannya segede kacang mede n kaya cakar ayam bersinnya kudu lebi lamaan abis nga kebaca.....huahahahah 2. Ato bagi cewe seh ditulis di paha. Ni cara mah emang ga higienis........lagian kayanya....kurang efektif...... 3. Ato pake kaleng pensil item trus contekannya ditulis pake pensil......nah klo pas lagi tes....tiba2 the student has this urgent desire mo miring2in kaleng pensilnya........nah knapa tuh...........tapi....klo mendung n langitnya gelap tiba2 kaleng pensilnya jadi diem doubt there'll be a lot of ppl sighing klo lagi mendung..... 4. Ini sih only work klo soalnya pilihan ganda...........the traditional one click:A two click :B one cough: C two cough :D.....yah cmn we better hope aja klo jawabannya nga banyak C ama D nya klo nga gurunya jd curiga...... 5.Cara nyontek paling seru: tukeran kertas.......eheheheh.......of course ini sih kudu pas pelajaran yg gurunya uda tuaaaaaaaaa banget ato blurrrrrrrrr banget....but hey it can be done...... 6. KS alias kerja sama nah ini sih a matter of choosing mo ks ma siapa...........klo bisa cari partnernya yg tipe2...information giver....n not information vacuum cleaner......hehehehehe.......... 7. Planning. Taro contekan di toilet. Pas tess duh tiba2 bladder jd penuh...padahal minumnya segelas jg kaga ada...........(ato bagi yg kaga bisa acting......bener2 minum aer bergalon2.......biar gayanya bisa lebi dramatis...).........wah balik dari toilet...rasanya kepala jadi ringan.......trus...loh...loh....soal yg tadi nga bisa dibikin ko jadi bisa yah...... 8. Ditaro di kaos kaki.....................nah klo pas nyontek ada bau2 yg unpleasant.....yah apa bole buat yah........ 9. Ditulis di kulit di bawah jam tangan.........nah bagi mereka2 yg ALWAYS cara is not recommended.........for obvious reasons.......trus bagi yg kaga belajar ama sekali......yr watch better be big as hell................. 10. Nah klo dibawah kaki ibu ada surga....di bawah kaki anak ada contekan..........u get the idea..... Yep that's all for now. Klo ada cara2 yg lebi efektif ato kreatif. Do drop me a note. Ross's out Grinning Goat at 4/01/2004 03:07:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos