Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Grinning Goat at 3/31/2004 02:58:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} I was just watching Amazing Asia in CNA. It's a pretty good show so if u happen to tune in to CNA n catch it don't miss it. It's less than half an hour in any case. There's one thing in particular that snatched my attention. They were talking about Inul....(yes, u didn't hear wrong folks.....our very own INUL DARATISTA....).......apparently the show was quite a success ( I had no idea at first that she even held a performance here in Marine Parade).....n some ppl (non-indonesians surprisingly) interviewed actually sang her praises. wohoooooo how's that for a local artist? tickets ranged from 25 to 100 bucks for those who r interested. (me? I think I'll skip it thank u very much) Anywayz, one person said -I quote- "She's fantastic. Nobody can shake like her," well in a cartoon, this is the part where the fox will go all whistling n eye-popping.... and one caucasian actually saId " I love Dangdut.." Huahahahahahahah.well well seems like the dangdut bug has been catching up on some of us. Since we're in the topic of music, we might as well go aLL the way..... Project Pop. They weren't huge or anything but I think in some way they are revolutionising the way we think about music. Of course some ppl would argue that their music can hardly be called "revolutionary" what with its funny, almost nonsensical yet realistic lyrics. Crude n unrefined some might call it but hey if it reflects some part of our society (it certainly did in my opinion), is very much in touch with the locals n day to day life, I don't see why their music shouldn't thrive. Here's one example: One song called Bau Bau Bau (translation will be in italics) Bau Bau Bau Male: Kekasihku kau memang cantik, dan kau sexy, dan kau lincah. Dan kau lucu, kadang2 kucinta kau,walau dirimu............................(chorus)Bau bau bau. Loe bau ketek bau bau loe bau ketek bau bau loe bau ketek bau bau loe bau ketek............ Male: Oh my darling you maybe pretty n you're sexy, n yo're funny. Sometimes I love you even though you..........smell smell smell........your armpit smell...smell smell your armpit smell smell smell your armpit smell........(u got the idea...) Female: kekasihku kau pun tampan, kau juga baik dan kau kaya ( i was like huh? in this part, so much for being kaga matre...) Rajin menjemput, rajin menjahit...(huahahha I think THIS takes the cake.....menjahit bo....) kucinta kau...walau dirimu.............bau bau bau loe bau kaki bau bau loe bau kaki bau bau loe bau kaki.................. Female: Oh my darling you're handsome, n you're nice, n you're rich. Never fail to pick me up, likes to sew (??????!!!!!!!!!) I love you even though you.................smell smell smell ...your feet smell...smell smell smell your feet smell...smell smell................ And if this isn't bad enuff, it goes on like this.,...... bau bau bau lu bau jigong bau bau loe bau jigong 2x bau bau bau lu bau tanah bau bau loe bau tanah 2x (Huahahaha this gets me rolling on the floor laughing too..........gila bo bau tanah berati kawinnya ma yg tua abis .........huahah) bau bau bau loe bau menyan bau bau loe bau menyan...2x bau bau loe bau jempol bau bau loe bau jempol 2x (??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) bau bau bau loe bau terasi bau bau loe bau terasi...2x ( this is just getting weirder n weirder...) bau bau bau loe bau bawang bau bau loe bau bawang ...2x bu bau bau loe bau sapi bau bau loe bau sapi....2x When my sister was telling her friends about the existence of this song, they said that it';s going to be the collapse of our music industry.......huahahhaah....I couldn't agree more ..............but then again music is for entertainment so if such music entertains us....................what else can I say......... There's also another song. You gotta hear this: MACET (traffic jam) Lagu ini buat yg lagi macet. Buat yg mobilnya lagi kegencet. pengennnya lancar tapi ga bisa cepet padahal waktu janjinya uda mepet! This song is for those trappd in a trafiic jam......for those whose cars are stuck. Wants to travel fast but are prevented to when the meeting time is almost up. chorus: pengennya marah2...cari2 gara2.........kalo di jalan semua orang salah.......gua yg bener.....2x All we want to do is vent our frustrations.....on the roads.....everybody is wrong.....I am right......2x Dasar pelit loe, gua kagak dikasi jalan. Ini pasti cewek, bawanya pelan-pelan! Emangnya jalannan punya bapak loe. Namanya jalan tol tapi kok bisa macet??!! sabarlah, tenanglah, amarahmu redakanlah. Tiada guna kau memaki, dinginkan hatimu (This part just creeps me out cuz all of a sudden the song becomes all slow n peaceful like those church songs........bbbrrrrrr) isi semua kebun binatang diucapkan. caci maki sumpah serapah diteriakkan...Kalo ada yg (tin!tin!) gua jawab, "apa loe liat -liat?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!" (This is hillarious......but true undoubtedly...) kalo ada yg mepet, " heh! pake mata loe!!!!!!!!!" Yepz so that is just about how bad our music has become........(or how creative...depending on your take on this mater) That's all for now then. Ross's out. Grinning Goat at 3/31/2004 01:56:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, March 30, 2004 CANTONESSE SONG's AWESOME...................................... Here's the phonetics for the lyrics of this song by Gallen Lo n Flora Chan (OT: When I need you) If it's not absolutely right then it's close to it. Jess n Cheryl u guys have the song so here it is if u want to sing along (pas tetangga lagi pada kluar semua of course....) tapi some of the words aren't very clear so I kind of skip some...huahahah...but hey 98% of it is there those in italics are those I'm not very sure about When I need you Han loi tok ngo pat wan Mong yi sou ching man cin ti Yi faw chou yat chon cam Yi chong yan sam feng loi min ce min ping pat hon thong choy Chao yi ting yi sei sam kok ci kok pat hoi yat choi chom ku yi ya choi mo nam Cheng fan cho toy Chorus: Ying yi fan Wai ho ping hem Wai ho si choy chan tou ping tek yam Cheng yi yi thong sam si son ce hai thing cham Wan si ngoy chong yau loi yam Ho si fong ho pat wan Mung toy nga ching man cin ti (background: ching hon soy ka.....) Ying ni choy nga mei cham cen choy yin yam (background: cho.......) Fong to yok ho ye ngo pat ho thong soy Nga ke fat ko pui yit tou yit tin fan soy Yat choi choi si yit ya cou ya loi Ngoi cham chon toy Chorus Bridge: Mun ngin ko hou kuo ngou fan tei ngo Saw cok yat mun fung yi kaw ka Ho sek sa yat ko ngan saw pei ngo Yong tapyat yam yong pat tat ying fan Chorus Ying yi fan wai ho ping hem Yang put ngim yang soi ping tek yam Ngoi tak tam thong sam si son ce hai thing cham Wan si ngoy chong yau loi yam end Corrections are welcomed. Send it over to Allrightie that's it for now Grinning Goat at 3/30/2004 04:42:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} ni ari mulainya seh rada2 ngebetein soalnya thank's to jess' brilliant plan mo peginya jem 9........adooooooooooo............itu tuh kan masih subuh menurut internal clock gua....huahahah.........yah..anywae.kita tuh visit cheryl ma dedenya yg by some stroke of luck ( or maybe more technology n less luck soalnya klo emang operasi caesar itu kan bisa milih tangal)...ultahnya sama.............oh ngomong2 ttg ultah...I have a confession neh...........G tuh bener2 lupa......padahal yah pas sundae g tuh telpon cheryl ampe 2 kali ( yg kedua kalinya tuh abt the absolutely important neopets stuff....huahahahah.....) {To jess: eh.......I caught u snickering....berenti cepetan..........} So bagi mereka2 yg guilty of the same thing mendingan follow my footsteps n buy some toblerone buat mi bu mi bu..............huahahahaha..........this is the part where dedel will look I need to backtrack a little ...........mi bu mi bu= bu chang bu chang.......huahahahahah...........btw yah ini jg g sengaja nanya dd gua (" eh wedi what's the synonym of bu chang bu chang yg rada susah dimengerti..." huahahahahah) Oh ia klo ngomong tentang filosofi yah.........(I'm in one of those philosophical mood after staring at sleeping baby for too long.....heheheeh)............gila juga d life is a miracle....cie......( bagi yg merinding...itu normal ko soalnya g sendiri jg merinding pas nulis itu....)..........kan mulai dari oocyte then egg..........n sperm...........then a ball-like mass of cells.......then zygote then embryo....( whichever one is fist g lupa) trus lama2 jd infant.......... ah uda ah..........I just can't write things when I'm all philosophical....not to mention my writing jd suck when I'm in one of those moods.......... Oh ia ni ari juga ada funny stories contributed by melly. Nih yah kan pas kita2 tuh lg discuss abt how ddnya cheryl tuh very hairy........n g blg baguslah kan cowo klo nga hairy rada aneh....somehow....kaya ada yg kurang.....e trus melly blg dia tuh ada temen cowo yg go to a doctor karena kekurangan bulu.......huahahahahaha.......I just wonder how did he approach the subject in the consultation room " Dok, ko saya kurang berbulu...nah ini obatnya apa?" ....???????????!!!!!!!!!!.huahahahaa............ Btw ttg update on my student I'll do it via mail..........but no worries for dedel yg most probably will miss it cuz in yesterdae's session not much is happening............. ok more stories coming up tomorrow laterz all Grinning Goat at 3/30/2004 03:04:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, March 29, 2004 ay ay ay......I'm gonna let u guys in on the latest development......on the episode yesterday........hehehehe.bagi yg kaga tao it involves jess n me playing detecive kaya pialang saham aja...transfer2 funds........huahahaha but hey we're talking about 1.9 K here no doubt not in real currency (klo nga gua mana bisa ngomong2 begini, The IRS will be all over)......... G tuh pikir2 yah gile jg masa mo call the parents. What am I gonna tell em? ur son's gonna rip off my bro? ?!!!!!!!!!!!! not to mention the issues of parents siding with their child even if he's not very bright. The little creep. G suru dd g suru dia log off n klo nga then I'll talk to the parent. (let's keep parents out of this. I mean it's the kid who did this so he's the one who's got to face me) Eh dasar tuh anak he said he'll log out if we give him all of the underwater map piece -the cost of which is enough to make me reject the offer right out. Bukan masalah harga aja neh. I don't, for one appreciate being blackmailed. The little creep. I won't be surprised if he'll grow up to be a criminal. I mean what kind of person learn to blackmail at the tender age of 12? Yah anywae I paid him a visit today. Nah loe org pasti uda imagine klo g bakal go bergalak2 ria n screamed "gimme my money back u brat.." yah but no actually g seh plan to be all nice n polite (gritting my teeth while I'm at it no doubt) n ask him if whatever my bro told me abt the account problem is true (of course it's true u moron n u damn well own up now) I know it sounds ridiculous yah me messing around like some overgrown kid. But hey if he messes with my bro he messes with me too (to my embarassment, I've put in some sweat n blood too in that account huaahahahah). yah well so much for that plan cuz the moment we showed up at his house he's all "I've logged out" Apparently I'm saved the need to be all nice (which takes a great deal of effort. It's supposed to work better too so I guess there is some benefit in curbing the temper). u know that just sounds bloody suspicious after his attempt at blackmail but I'll tell u that later. It's pretty useful yah sometimes to have a face yg looks as if it's perpetually scowling at ppl.....huahahahah.I mean practically all I need to do was show up, raised my eyebrow for some dramatic effect...check his comp n off we go. Piece of cake. yah abt why he did logged out. I just have to say one word. It's ironic. TERNYATA.........ALL I need to do all along was change the stupid password n the creep will have to enter the new password when he opens the explorer (of course I didn't know this back then....if I did, Jess n Cheryl'd have killed me for all that trouble...)...... HA.HA.HA u darn well crack yr brain u creep cuz I just came up with password that God knows how many letters long n that's excluding the number. ok enuff steam has been let out now. Peaceful mode on. laterz all Update on my student will be delivered soon. So sit tight n take some panadol for the headache. Grinning Goat at 3/29/2004 03:18:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos