Tuesday, January 03, 2012
WisdomWisdom is not a function of age. "Young padwan, you will learn" I was told that today. Not being much of a star wars fan, I had to google 'padwan', but I got the gist. Grinning Goat at 1/03/2012 02:33:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
My new (or not so new) colleagueKiwi: Y U NO Ross? R: Y U NO like the abnormal Ross? Kiwi: Too many questions about the world and humans :: R: If you notice kiwi, our chat is only during office hours, we are slacking buddies Kiwi: We are like virtual colleagues. Only talk during office hours R: Lol I like how you put it, it's a lot less criminal put that way Grinning Goat at 1/03/2012 02:31:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, December 29, 2011
ShadesWhich is easier, trying to search for a grey in a black and white world or trying to search for a black and white in a grey world? Or both an impossibility? Grinning Goat at 12/29/2011 10:11:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Value'Value becomes dependent on emotions and situation' Value is a perception, not an absolute. I guess it is one of those things you subconsciously know but it exists in a cloud of a semi-haze until somebody points it out to you. And say it in words you can understand. At which point it materializes into the conscious. A lot of things depends on a whole lot of other things which depend on even more things. Scientifically, life is a function of a function of a function of a function...to which there probably is almost no end. Ironically, I think people who understand this equation the best are those who don't approach it with a scientific perspective. Grinning Goat at 12/29/2011 09:59:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out}
SuperpowerInvisibility is only a superpower if you are invisible to everyone, if you are invisible only to one person, you are still very much a mortal. Grinning Goat at 12/29/2011 09:56:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, December 07, 2011
AUHC 2011No fear. My captain said. Courage doesn't grow on apple trees and just miraculously appear but somehow, something about that was oddly comforting. Somehow, something about that inspired confidence. And that, that was enough. I love my captain. Grinning Goat at 12/07/2011 05:45:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Nothing but a different shade of blackP: Still black? let me color it for you R: Lol if you color it, it will only be a different shade of black P: I use neon pink R: Neon pink + black will be black lol P: the black is dried R: you would need a hell of a lot of white just to make it grey P: coloring neon pink will cover it. Dried paint won't fade R: Lol always the optimist huh, dried blank ink hahah P: haha R: Yes I suppose if it's dry you can paint over it Grinning Goat at 11/15/2011 11:00:00 AM pontificated | {buzzz out} Tuesday, October 25, 2011
:DI love writing! I guess I just forgot how cathartic it can be. Grinning Goat at 10/25/2011 03:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
FascinatingI remember back in secondary school right after the morning assembly, the vice principal (she is a lot more vocal and long winded than the principal) talked about how we should see things in life, both good and bad but especially the bad as something 'fascinating'. And we all had sniggered at that. Not so much because we were in that rebellious phase of youth but more like everyone was sleepy and it was early in the morning and it's hot and we were not in the mood to listen to someone pondering about her life philosophy. The odd thing is I'm right here right now writing exactly about that. I guess we may refuse to listen but the words all made their way into our heads, in the end. It is a matter of timing, much in the same manner you can't expect the protein to get digested in your mouth and that you simply have to wait until it made its way into your stomach where the appropriate enzymes are available (too geeky an example for you? haha). She is right, I suppose. My former vice principal. More right than I am willing to admit hahaha. 'Fascinating'. That's just such an optimistic word and perhaps the pessimist in me was rather unfairly penalizing it for its very nature. I was just thinking, how funny it is that the concept of 'now' is so blinding. And how you almost always do much better on hindsight. But we will never have that hindsight until the event is over, but by that time you would've done whatever it was you do at 'now', right when you were still blind. It is ironic. And sad in a way. Fascinating? maybe it is. If you were asked to contemplate about fate. Whether it exists. You will never really know, will you? How would you know if anything is pre-destined unless you have seen how events unfold? You won't know how the movie is going to end until the credit is about to roll (well let's not talk about poorly made movies...) and by the time you know how the movie ends and you can see everything from beginning to end, from A to Z in perfect clarity, the movie has ended. That's why some people watch a movie twice. So they get to enjoy the process in the middle but with the benefit of that hindsight. And you really do see a lot more things the second time around. But there is no rewind button in life, is there? You can't fast-forward (you can only take out the tape, but that's another matter altogether) but you can't rewind either. Grinning Goat at 10/25/2011 03:11:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, March 07, 2011
Black and white and the not so blackObviously things aren't always in black and white. I hate it when people put gray (no matter how dark the shade) in the same category as black. ARE YOU COLOR-CHALLENGED?? Sigh. Grinning Goat at 3/07/2011 06:53:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, March 03, 2011
Blurbs of the dayR: stop trying to spot loopholes Goonshee: but you're so full of holes you're practically polka dots ...... LOLLL :: R: Lensman segala lol del you make us sound like monsters R: Pemakan segala Adel: Huehuehe how does pemakan become lensman R:it's the stupid autocorrect Adel: why do you on it when you're typing in indonesian R: But i need it, it makes me type faster and I type in english quite often Adel: so if I wanna make your life difficult I speak indo eh R: LOLL pantat Adel: huahaha so what does it suggest when you type pantat? R: what do you mean? Adel: the autocorrect R: Hahaha oh. I said it often enough it gets incorporated into the dictionary :: Kiwi: I refuse to buy that lol R: but but whyyyy don't be such a whatsapp hater kiwi Kiwi: Cos whatsapp and yak are enemies haha it's like MBS and RWS R: Lol well then JUMP SHIP Kiwi: Hahaha R: So is the stupid yak free? And how does it work? =,= Kiwi: it was when I first downloaded it. Now it's not R: You stupid whatsapp hater Kiwi: See it's popular too lol R: Ewww then I'm not downloading the stupid thing *Yak hater* LOLLL Kiwi: Ahhh eh ross how long haven't I been talking to you ah R: And who wants to download an app called Yak. It's like for annoying talkative people cuz they YAK Bahahahahah quite long kiwi Kiwi: How did whatsapp come about what kind of name man R: lol it's teenager trying to sound cool thinking people will start calling it 'what's up' but it never quite took off Kiwi: LOL Really??? Did you come up with that?? R: Well not really I dunno but it sounds suspiciously like that doesn't it? Grinning Goat at 3/03/2011 01:54:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Wednesday, January 05, 2011 Consolation prize Me: Liha can I borrow yr liquid correction pen? Liha: go take :: Me: This liquid correction pen is so ancient Liha: Just like the owner Me: Yeaahhh hahaha I thought you were gonna say ancient just like you, meaning me. If I'm ancient, you must be a fossil Liha: At least people will pay to see me Me: Is that your consolation prize? Grinning Goat at 1/05/2011 04:08:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Monday, December 13, 2010
In the dark roomFrom the title you must have thought this entry is gonna be scandalous but no it's really nothing like that. Fortunately for me. I was going to the dark room and there was this guy right outside. He was waiting for his film and as I was entering through the revolving door I glared at him a little since he was looking my way. Not really glaring, it's more like I'm having a natural black face which I wasn't consciously suppressing right there and then because I was just being annoying and pissy. And when I was inside, this guy came back into the room and asked me how long am I going to take. So in the spirit of being annoying and pissy I answered 'depends on the film' - which you know was an honest answer although it wasn't the friendliest answer for such a harmless question (although at that point I thought so kaypo =,= lol) AND THEN. He said that the red light is his (which, in case you're not paying attention, actually explains why he was asking me how long I was gonna be there for and that if I wasn't gonna be long he was probably gonna wait for me so I could use his lamp before he brought it back to his lab since the stupid red light bulb in the dark room blew) AND THEN. He said it's ok I'll leave the lamp here I'll go and get it back later. Letting me use his lamp after I black-faced-ly 'depends on the film'-ing him. I felt very well chastised. =,= But on a totally irrelevant note, I am PMSING now. And it really doesn't help that people are asking me questions they probably already know the answers to, questions they probably KNOW I won't know the answer to. It's like they're whining at me for having to do THEIR JOB. Imagine this. GRR: Where did you get this form? Me: From L GRR: I don't want to use this form leh. I want to change form. Can you get the other form? Me: Huh? What form? GRR: Never mind I think i know where IF YOU KNOW WHERE WHY ASK ME IN THE FIRST PLACE. YOU PROBABLY KNOW DAMN WELL I DON'T KNOW WHAT FORM YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT AND THAT'S WHY I AM USING THE 'WRONG' FORM IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHY? WHY FEEL THE COMPULSION TO ASK ME? TO MAKE SMALL TALK? I DON'T DO SMALL TALK I'M AFRAID. NOT WHEN I'm IN THIS MOOD. AND ON A TOTALLY RELEVANT NOTE: STFU APPLE YOU ARE TURNING MY PMS INTO A FULL BLOWN HORMONAL IMBALANCE Grinning Goat at 12/07/2010 03:15:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Friday, November 26, 2010
My paranoia'I am NOT gonna die from holding my breath'. And so I breathe. Because it's stupid to die because you hold your breath. But ironically, you ARE not going to die from holding your breath. Essentially, because physiologically you just can't. Part of the respiratory control is not under the conscious mind. Even if you will yourself not to breathe to commit suicide, you WILL breathe eventually -against your will- because your body simply just kicked breathing back into gear.That's why NOBODY ever dies from holding their breath. It's not a matter of want. I knew this. And I thought like that anyway and breathe. Ah. It is like reflex fear. Like when a finger got too close to your eye too fast, even if you know with 100% certainty that he is not going to poke your eye with his finger (even if say, he signed this contract that if he poked your eyes he will give you a million dollar), you just BLINK. Against all logic and rational thought. Grinning Goat at 11/26/2010 12:43:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} Thursday, November 25, 2010
=,=Read this http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_606842.html for background info (I forgot the html for a hyperlink LOL) Look at this idiotic comment "We wish them well and hope that they will do Singapore proud tomorrow. Our national flag is rectangular shape while the trunk is not, btw our country didn't copyright the cresent and the five stars, did we?" THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT EH ANY IDIOT WOULD KNOW THAT'S THE FLAG REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT'S ON A SQUARE OR NOT Stupid is as stupid does. Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 06:36:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
LIESPlant vs Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 05:47:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Original colorL: (referring to me) eh your original skin color is paler than PC's huh R: tsk LIESSSSSSSS L: yeahhh reallyyy reallyyy.... R: you know why? PC's blouse is always so translucent light can pass through so her original color isn't so original anymore L: hahahahaa But it's trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee even if you don't want to know the color of her bra you can ALMOST ALWAYS TELL =,= LOL Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 04:09:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
Unsuitably apt and aptly unsuitable LOLI was trying to write a paper. And when I first started out I thought damn how lame and amateurish it sounded so I labelled my word document 'Let's try not to be such a NOOB' and the subsequent version 'Let's try not to be such a NOOB2' and so on. LOL That reminded me. Back in my undergraduate years, we had this homework which the lot of us didn't really get. So the lot of us who were lost arranged to meet a teaching assistant (TA) to seek well, some assistance. The TA happened to stand nearer to me during the consultation so my laptop was the closest to him. So then naturally everyone gathered near my laptop. And I opened this document -to the consternation of the TA- called 'TROUBLESOME SHIT' (and yes, in capitals just like that =,=) right in front of him. LOLLLL Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 03:44:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out}
All the nonsenseThey can really bring what should have been a simple short conversation into an entirely new level with emphasis on irrelavance, distorting things completely out of proportion =,= LOL not to mention it is very not in touch with reality LOLLL PC: eh so Ross you're not gonna have your wedding in Indo, you're gonna have it here right? R: (caught off guard by the totally out of nowhere question) huhh? PC: I don't wanna travel so far lahh L: so when is it gonna be? is it 5 years from now? if it's any longer my kebaya won't fit already lahhh PC: yeahhh my cheongsam alsooo and maybe our figure won't be so nice anymore R: are you self-inviting yourselves to my wedding? NOT THAT THERE'S GONNA BE ONE IN THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. AND THEY KNEW IT. LOL They're really hilarious Grinning Goat at 11/25/2010 03:28:00 PM pontificated | {buzzz out} |
![]() "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump
Archieves for the-nothing to dos